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Fate Mountain - Complete

Page 104

by Scarlett Grove

“If you were a shifter, you’d be as ready to mate as I am. That’s the God’s honest truth, Ms. Harper. I’m not going to lie to you.”

  “If I were a shifter I would be ready to mate right now, on our first date?” she asked.

  The heat running through her human veins and pooling in the sensitive spot between her legs was definitely an indication of what it might be like if she were a shifter. Still, her human sense of propriety would never allow her to just jump into sex or a commitment like that. His suggestion that they should continue dating seemed like the most logical way to proceed.

  “Most likely. But shifters never expect human mates to act the way shifter mates do. It’s common knowledge.”

  Harper lifted her napkin and wiped her mouth, clearing her throat. “That’s good to know,” she said, relieved but also a little disappointed.

  Maybe somewhere at the back of her mind she wanted to lose control like an animal. To feel the primal rush of connection and desire that she obviously shared with this man she’d just met. But if she gave into that, she’d never forgive herself. Her human mind would rebel against it, and she would be left feeling like…

  “I think dating is a good idea,” she said.

  “I’m sure glad you think so,” Knox said. “Sometimes human mates don’t even want to do that.”


  “Everybody’s got their own issues,” he said, throwing the last french fry into his mouth.

  He chewed for a moment and then said, “I’ve no right to judge. I’m just glad you want to date me after everything you’ve been through recently. I could understand if you didn’t.”

  “To be honest, I am a bit confused. But I am willing to see where this leads. If we can take things slowly that is.”

  They finished their meals and Knox insisted on paying on the way out. Lily winked and congratulated him before they left the diner, which gave Knox a notable flush in his cheeks. They walked through the parking lot to where they had left their cars and he stood beside her as she opened her front door.

  “When can I see you again?” he asked.

  “I’m not sure,” she said. “I’m starting my new job tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow’s Friday night, do you want to go out to the brewery for a few drinks after work?”

  “That would be lovely, Knox,” she said softly. “As long as I don’t stay out too late. I don’t want to be hungover on my second day.” She giggled.

  They stood there for a moment looking into each other’s eyes. Harper’s heart pounded so hard that her body felt electric with the desire for him. She wanted him to lean in and kiss her. It was a need stronger than anything she’d experienced before. As if in slow motion, Knox bent forward, looking into her eyes the whole time. She didn’t pull away as his lips aimed toward their targets.

  As his big, full lips brushed over hers, she was washed away in the sea of desire so huge, it melted her and all of the snow around her. At least that’s what she felt in the darkness behind her eyelids. She threw her arms around his neck and he pulled her toward him. She was crushed against his big, solid chest, his strong arms wrapped around her waist. She felt herself gush wet, and the hot lust as his tongue slipped between her lips, meeting hers in a rush of pleasure.

  She groaned, almost unable to control herself. And then he pulled away. It felt as if he was pulling away a magnetic force that didn’t want to let go. But finally they were standing, separated, no longer embracing. They looked into each other’s eyes and he tilted his head toward her as a sign of respect.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow night, darlin’,” he said in a husky voice that melted her heart one more time.

  He turned away and walked to his patrol car, climbing inside and driving out of the parking lot. Harper watched him go. The growing primal need inside her wished that somehow it could come to life and make the buttoned-down, left-brained woman act like the animal trapped inside. Didn’t she deserve to let go and live for once?

  Chapter 4

  Harper woke the next day to a cold cabin. The little space heater in her room was barely keeping it above freezing, and the fire had gone out in the front of the house. She walked through the cabin, shivering so hard that her teeth chattered in her head.

  She knelt beside the fireplace and threw more logs into the hearth. Working as quickly as possible, she started a new fire and basked in the heat of its radiant glow for a long time. When she’d finally heated up the house enough to thaw out her limbs, she stood and made her way to the bathroom.

  Luckily, the pipes weren’t frozen and the hot water spurted out of the shower head without any problems. She let the steam heat up the bathroom before peeling out of her clothes and stepping into the shower. She washed quickly and then got out, wrapping herself in a towel. She dried off and dressed in the warm steam of the bathroom. Then she did her hair and her makeup.

  When she was dressed and ready, she walked out of the bathroom and went into the kitchen to make herself some breakfast. She brewed a cup of tea and made herself an egg. She ate quickly and then hurried out to her car.

  During her short trip to town, all she could think about was her date with Knox after work tonight. It was crazy. She was starting a brand-new job in a brand-new town and all she could think about was a man she’d met yesterday. But their kiss had knocked her off her feet. It was like nothing she’d never experienced. So passionate. So wet with desire. It called out to her and she wanted nothing more than to have him kiss her again and again with his big strong arms around her. She giggled and shivered just thinking about it.

  Harper pulled her car up in front of Fate Mountain Credit Union and parked. Hurrying out into the street that was clear of ice, thanks to Knox, she walked through the front door of the credit union and greeted Mr. Black.

  “Good morning, Ms. Brown,” he said. “You’re just on time.”

  “Good morning,” she said professionally.

  For the next hour, Mr. Black went about showing Harper the ropes around the bank. He introduced her to the other tellers, a woman name Stephanie Small who was nine months pregnant with twins. Stephanie was the reason they were hiring because she was going to take maternity leave as soon as the babies were born. The other teller was named Michael McDonald. He was a tall blond man with ice blue eyes and a slender build.

  She greeted her new coworkers with her practiced amiable charm and continued the tour of the credit union with Mr. Black. He showed her the safes and gave her the codes and combinations she would need to perform her job. When he was done with his tour, he finally showed her to her window and went back to his office.

  Mr. Black was in charge of business banking and loans. Michael and Stephanie were both regular tellers like she was. She soon learned that Stephanie had some authority to broker loans, while Michael did not.

  The first half of the day went quickly. She did the usual deposits and withdrawals that she was accustomed to on a regular day in a bank. The majority of the customers were shopping for the upcoming Christmas season and there was a festive sense in the bank. Stephanie had already decorated the bank with Christmas decorations and it created a warm glow that banks didn’t tend to have.

  Even though it was the first day at her new job, Harper had the feeling that she was going to sincerely like it here at Fate Mountain Credit Union. It was a good job and she liked her new coworkers.

  After lunch, Mr. Black’s wife came into the bank looking frustrated. Harper only knew it was Mr. Black’s wife because Stephanie whispered across to her from her own window.

  “Mrs. Black’s on a rampage again,” she said with a snicker.

  Mr. Black followed Mrs. Black into the back of the credit union, but Harper could hear the woman yelling. Mr. Black tried to encourage her to keep her voice down.

  “Does this happen often?” Harper asked. “It can’t be good for business.”

  “Those two have been at it for years,” Michael said in a disgruntled tone.

  “What’s the problem?”r />
  “Well, I don’t like to spread gossip,” Stephanie started, leaning toward Harper, her big belly pressing against the counter that lay between them. “I hear that Mr. Black cut off Mrs. Black’s credit cards because of all the debt she’s racked up.”

  “I didn’t know you could do that.”

  “Everything’s in his name,” Michael said.

  “That’s strange,” Harper said.

  The other two tellers seemed intent on spreading gossip, but it was Harper’s first day, and she wasn’t comfortable with learning about her new boss’s marital problems. She tried to brush it aside and continue with her work. The bank was empty when Mrs. Black finally stormed out and slammed the front door, shaking the glass pane inside the frame.

  Mr. Black came out from the back room of the bank and sat at his desk in his office looking flustered and upset. Harper felt for him but didn’t think it was appropriate for her to try to comfort him or to even say anything about it at all. She put her head down and tried to work through the rest of the day without bringing it up again.

  As she was clocking out at five, Stephanie walked up to her and gave her a goofy, meaningful look. The pregnant woman reached out and tapped Harper’s wrist with her fingers before she started speaking.

  “I heard you were mated with Deputy Knox,” Stephanie said.

  “Word travels fast,” Harper said uncomfortably.

  She didn’t really know how she even felt about being matched with a shifter. She definitely didn’t want her brand-new coworkers gossiping about it.

  “Is it true?” Stephanie asked.

  “Leave her alone,” Michael said, grabbing his coat from the rack in the back room.

  “Oh hush, Michael, you’re no fun.”

  “Yes, we were matched on,” Harper said, wanting to put an end to it.

  “Oh girl, Knox is the most eligible bachelor on Fate Mountain right now. I know more than one human woman who has been all up in that.”

  “Does he date a lot of human women around here?” Harper asked.

  “They wish. But no. He’s been waiting for the one. I guess that’s you, lucky girl.”

  “I think I’m going to be sick,” Michael said, pulling his coat on.

  “You’re such a fuddy-duddy, Michael.”

  Michael left the back room without another word and Harper could hear the bell over the front door of the credit union tinkle as he left.

  “We have another date tonight,” Harper confided.

  “You know what they say about shifters, right?”

  “I don’t know. What do they say?”

  “That a shifter man will make a human woman run wild… Have fun tonight!” Stephanie said, pulling her jacket over her round belly.

  The pregnant woman gave her a sly smile and waddled out of the break room and out of sight. Harper sighed and pulled on her own coat before grabbing her purse. Mr. Black came around the corner and caught her eye.

  “Ms. Brown,” he started. “I apologize about earlier. I understand it was highly unprofessional, and I wish you had not seen that on your first day on the job.”

  “Don’t mention it, Mr. Black. Really, there’s no need to apologize.”

  “Have a good evening, Ms. Brown,” he said with an exhausted tone.

  Harper left the bank feeling confused and excited at the same time. As soon as she stepped out onto the sidewalk in the cool evening air, she saw Knox leaning against his patrol car on the sidewalk. He was so big and gorgeous with the Christmas lights twinkling down on him from the street lamps. Her heart fluttered as he pushed away from the car and approached her.

  “Hey, darlin’,” he said.

  “Hey yourself,” she replied.

  “The brewery’s right down the street. We can walk from here.”

  “All right,” she said.

  He offered her his arm for her to hold onto as they walked down the winter streets. They stepped over a curb and there was a slushy puddle of water underneath it. Without a word, Knox wrapped his arm around her waist and lifted her up so that she didn’t touch the ground as he stepped over the puddle.

  He set her gently back on her feet and they continued on. Harper marveled at this strength. It activated something deep inside her gut, not to mention all of her quivering lady bits. He was so strong, so masculine.

  The deprived primal need inside her burst forth and exposed itself in its multicolored glory. Harper gasped at the awakening of self-knowledge. She really did have an animal inside her. Maybe it wasn’t a grizzly bear like Knox had. But there was a primal human deep within that wanted the same things as Knox’s grizzly.

  After what Stephanie had said in the break room after work, Harper didn’t know what would happen tonight. The possibilities were endless. As they approached the brewery, she heard the sound of classic rock music pouring out of the doors and into the parking lot. Laughter mixed with the music and it made her heart beat faster in anticipation of a rollicking good time.

  They stepped through the doors and she was met with the smell of beer and the sight of happy faces all around her. A young couple danced a two-step on a cleared off spot on the floor. A group of yuppie tourists in expensive ski gear stood around the pool table at the back of the room. Along the bar, locals in flannel shirts and long beards drank pints of foaming beer.

  Behind the bar stood a man with gleaming brown eyes, a long brown beard, and sleeves of tattoos on his arms that she could see under the folded back flannel shirt he wore.

  “Drew!” Knox said enthusiastically.

  The two men bumped fists as Knox slid onto a bar stool and invited Harper to sit beside him. The bright-eyed man behind the bar looked from Knox to Harper and smiled so broadly, Harper felt she knew exactly what he was thinking.

  “You dog,” Drew said. “You finally found your mate!”

  “Harper, this is my clan mate, Drew Bock. We have different alphas but we’re both in the Fate Mountain Bear Clan.”

  “Pleased to meet you, Harper,” Drew said, reaching out to shake her hand.

  She shook it back, somewhat weakly. She felt embarrassed and overwhelmed from all the sights and sounds around her.

  “How are you liking Fate Mountain?” Drew asked.

  “It’s lovely. I came here often as a child,” Harper replied.

  “So how long have you known that you’re mates with Knox here?”

  “About two days,” she said.

  “And you haven’t run off yet?” Drew asked.

  “I’m afraid not,” Harper said. “I live on Fate Mountain now so I don’t have anywhere else to go.”

  Drew threw back his head and let out a burst of laughter. When he was finished chuckling, he asked them what they wanted to drink.

  “We’ll have a pitcher of Fate Mountain lager,” Knox said.

  “Coming right up,” Drew said, slapping the bar with a smile.

  “What was that all about?” Harper asked Knox.

  “He’s just fooling around. His mate was one of those humans who was a bit confused when she found out she was mated with a shifter. We all joke about it, but Drew and Quinn are a cautionary tale that we all have to remember. Keeps us from moving too fast with our mates.”

  “What happened?”

  “He marked her in a drunken haze and then she ran off with his baby in her belly,” he said nonchalantly.

  “Wow. That’s terrible. But they’re together now?”

  “Sure are. Their baby’s what…three? Four? Something like that. Cute little kid. Want one of my own someday,” he said wistfully.

  Harper looked at him, not quite sure how to read what he was saying. The shifters were obviously family men who wanted nothing more than to find that one special woman to settle down and make a family with. So far, that hadn’t been Harper’s life plan. She hadn’t even known she wanted it until this very moment. Suddenly it sounded like the best idea on the world.

  It may have had something to do with the fact that she was living in a f
reezing cold cabin in the middle of winter. But that wasn’t all. Something about Knox, something about his kiss and the way that he held her, it all made her want what he wanted. It made her want what all the shifters wanted. She could feel it her bones. She wanted it, too.

  Chapter 5

  Knox wasn’t one to exaggerate, but being at the brewery with Harper was probably one of the best nights of his life. After they finished their first pints of Fate Mountain lager, he looked over at her and asked if she wanted to dance. There was a slow song on the jukebox. It made him tingle all over just thinking about holding her petite little body close to his as he guided her across the dance floor.

  “I’d love to dance,” she said in her soft voice.

  Every time he heard her talk, it did something to him deep in his soul. It was like hearing the voice of an angel that had come down to Earth and granted him every desire deep in his heart. He reached out to her and she placed her slender fingers on his palm. He grasped her hand and they slid from their barstools. They moved out into the open space in the middle of the brewery where other couples were dancing to a classic rock slow song.

  She looked up at him with those big brown eyes, her expression trusting and receptive. He wrapped his arm around her waist and held her hand in his as he pulled her close. As he started to lead her in a simple, smooth rhythm, his heart started to pound with excitement. He could hear it beating in his brain.

  Knox looked up at the ceiling and took in the open beams of the warehouse that housed the brewery. He then looked back down at Harper. Her head was tilted and leaning against his chest. Her eyes were closed. Knox let out a deep breath and rested his cheek against the top of her head.

  They moved slowly to the rhythm of the music, swaying in each other’s arms, their bodies pressed to each other.

  She looked up at him and whispered, “This feels so good.”

  She giggled a little and rested her head back against his chest. He ran his arm up her back, caressing her as he held her tight to him.

  It was probably the best feeling he’d ever experienced in his life. His bear rumbled inside his mind, sending him visions of something that would feel even better than dancing.


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