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Masters of Temptation [Temptation, Wyoming 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 19

by Zoey Marcel

  “What?” Ben released his wrists and stepped back in shock. “No, I’m not erect, you perverted troll. Come near me again and you’ll wish you hadn’t.”

  “I’m beginning to see that.”

  “Stay away from Jill, too.” Ben turned and walked out.

  Not gonna happen, dickhead.

  Judah wrapped the towel around his waist, waiting a minute or so before heading out. Ben was gone and he saw Jill walking away just as Logan closed the door.

  “Some friend you are. ‘He’s in the bathroom.’” Judah grumbled. “The fuck is his problem? Did you get a good look at his dick on the way out?”

  Logan looked at him calmly, the humor and confusion running silent. “What makes you think I saw Ben’s penis as he walked out?”

  “I didn’t mean he whipped his pecker out. I was just wondering if he was erect.”

  “Judah, you’re a decent-looking man, but I highly doubt you’re going to change anyone’s orientation.”

  Judah rolled his eyes. “Ben was just acting strange. He came here to arrest me and then just left. The fuck is that all about?”

  “It might have had something to do with the fact that you claimed him.”

  “Nah, that can’t be it. I probably just felt his keys or his wallet in his pocket. Some big-ass keys, though.” Judah plopped down into a chair before growing cold. “How’s that now?”

  Logan leaned up against a wall and folded his arms, wearing a smile that was crooked in more ways than one. “Tell me where you bit him.”

  “What difference does it make where I bit him?”

  Logan smirked, glancing down at the floor before bringing his attention back. “Oh, believe me, it makes all the difference. When I bit you a while back to save your life, I bit your arm so you’d become a leopard shifter, but we wouldn’t be mated. You bit him on the shoulder, didn’t you?”

  Judah frowned, feeling disturbed. “So what if I did? I didn’t do it so he’d ram his cock up my ass. I just wanted to destroy the animosity between us so we could be friends and he’d share Jill with me. I didn’t think it would bind me to him.”

  “Why did you bite his shoulder?”

  “I was going for his neck. I wanted it to hurt.” Judah pounded his fist on the arm of the chair. “Shit! You’re wrong. I didn’t claim him. We hate each other. I just want to sleep with his wife and put a ring on her finger. What’s wrong with that?”

  Logan smirked. “I assume that was a rhetorical question.”

  “Unbelievable.” Judah leaned forward in the chair, threading his fingers through his hair. “You’re flat-out wrong. If anything changes between us it’ll be that we hate each other less.”

  “I don’t doubt that.”

  Judah glared at Logan. The amused bastard, laughing at his mishap. “I’m not sucking dick.”

  Logan cleared his throat and started to leave the room. “Maybe not, but when it happens I’m sure you’ll be very good at it. Karma’s a bitch, ain’t she?”

  Judah growled at the irritating way Logan patted his shoulder as he passed. “Smug son of a bitch.”

  Chapter Thirteen:


  Logan Weston sat in the booth anxiously. He figured he probably appeared calm to anyone who might happen to glance over at him, but inside he was a nervous wreck. His pupil, The Lucky One, A.K.A. Ben Easton, the sheriff of Temptation, wanted to meet him in person to talk about something. It sounded serious in the e-mail.

  Logan was fine with meeting his protégé. The only problem was Ben didn’t know who he really was. The sheriff probably figured his mentor was someone in town he’d never met. Well, he was in for a major surprise.

  Logan sat in the booth he’d told the lawman he’d be waiting in and kept stealing glances at the door nervously. Ben respected him. Surely the fact that Logan was Jill’s closest friend wouldn’t ruin Ben’s good opinion of him, would it? Would the sheriff still look up to him and respect his advice as a mentor?

  Logan hoped so. He might not get to be involved with Jill’s training directly, but in some small way through talking to Ben Logan felt like he was a part of her training, and he treasured every moment of it.

  He calmly gulped his water, telling himself not to fret when he saw Ben walk into the bar. The sheriff froze when he caught sight of Logan sitting in the booth, but then Ben resumed walking toward him.


  Logan stood and offered his hand. “You must be The Lucky One.”

  Ben shook his hand, seeming a bit dumbfounded. “You’re CowboyMaster76?”

  Logan nodded once. “I am.”

  They sat together and Ben still appeared taken aback by the whole scenario. “Well, this is unexpected.”

  “Are you disappointed?” Logan asked. Frankly, he wasn’t. Ben had shared very intimate details of Jill’s training with him, and Logan savored every delicious morsel that came his way.

  “No, not disappointed, just surprised. You and Jill are good friends. That must be awkward for you now to have heard such personal information about her.”

  Logan refrained from letting the dirty smile have dominion over his face. “Not at all. I’m happy to help. I hope my identity isn’t a problem for you. I would like to continue to be your mentor if that’s all right by you.”

  Ben paused for a moment. “I’ll have a beer please. Thanks.”

  “One for me, too, please,” Logan chimed in.

  The waitress, Amber Donovan, went to get them their drinks. He remembered she also worked part-time at a spa. She seemed like a nice girl, though a bit reserved and possibly repressed to a level that was almost unhealthy.

  Logan had seen three newcomers in town. Shape-shifters. Two of them were opening a restaurant together and the third man had just been hired as a mechanic at Dawson Taylor’s auto shop. It probably wouldn’t be too long before the three shifters claimed Amber as theirs. Logan didn’t know if they’d even officially met, but there were glances and second glances when they passed in town.

  He turned his attention back to the sheriff.

  Ben shook his head, looking like the wheels were turning. “No, it’s fine. I still value your opinion and advice, but I’m not sure if I should bring up what I came here for. I don’t want to ruin your friendship with my wife.”

  Logan was all ears. “Nothing could ruin our friendship. Ask away.”

  Ben was quiet for a moment. “I actually came here to ask you to help train my wife.”

  Logan stared back at the sheriff calmly, trying not to stand up and cheer. To be involved with Jill’s training, to see her on her knees, to help her understand and embrace the lifestyle was more than a dream come true. Even if there was no sex involved it would still thrill the hell out of him. Of course it was his preference that sex be involved, but he doubted the lawman would want that.

  “What kind of training are we talking about?” Logan asked in as laid-back a tone as he could muster.

  Ben still seemed uncertain, but his inhibitions were gradually melting away. “Well, a lot of it actually. Some of it would be more about training me than her. I’m learning through all of this, too, but I know you have experience with it. I would really appreciate an older man’s help.”

  Logan’s lips twitched in humor. “I’m only five years older than you, Ben.”

  In human years anyway. He was only the equivalent of forty and he’d never get any older now, though he’d been alive for much longer than forty years.

  Ben smiled. “You’re still older. I don’t want it to ruin your friendship with her or have you view each other differently.”

  “We won’t.” Well, it wasn’t a lie since he and Jill were already in love and had been for years. Training her certainly wouldn’t ruin or alter that, and it would only enhance their close camaraderie all the more.

  “I know she has a tremendous amount of respect for you,” Ben told him. “There aren’t too many men I respect, but you’re one of them. That and I trust you. But if I allow yo
u to help me with Jill’s training, it goes without saying that you can’t repeat a word of it to Judah. I know you live with him, but what happens between you, me, and Jill stays between the three of us.”

  Logan nodded. “I won’t say anything.”

  “I don’t want you having sex with her,” Ben said in a stern tone.

  Although unsurprised, Logan was still disappointed, but he managed to conceal this. “You asked me to help with her training. I doubt Jill needs to be trained how to have sex.”

  Logan knew for a fact that she didn’t. He remembered the one time he’d gotten to lie with her, and it had been beyond paradise.

  A wicked gleam flickered in Ben’s eyes, and his lips curved upward suggestively. “No, she definitely doesn’t need help there.”

  Logan did his best to suppress his jealousy, though he couldn’t squash it completely. Jill should be his wife and Judah’s. “When would you like to start?”

  “How does tomorrow sound, about noon, that way the kids are at school and we’ll have the house to ourselves?”

  “That sounds fine. Is there anything in particular you want to work on with her tomorrow?” Logan asked, barely able to sit still for excitement.

  “Actually it’s more me. I wanted to try a flogger on her. I’ve researched techniques and things, but I’d really like someone experienced there just in case.”

  “Do you have a flogger?”

  “Yeah, I bought a couple from one of the stores in town. I paid good money for them.” Ben hesitated. “I’m curious about subspace, too. Jill enjoys some pain with her pleasure. She’s not a masochist or anything. More of a pain slut I guess. She doesn’t enjoy getting hurt during a punishment, but during sex she likes it. That was probably more than you wanted to know.”

  On the contrary, it was not nearly enough information about her sexual tastes. “Not at all. You can tell me anything. I’m still the same man who mentored you all this time. So I assume you want help getting her into subspace?”

  “Yeah. Feel free to bring anything you think would be fun or helpful.”

  Logan smiled. “I have a few ideas. Just be sure and either fax or e-mail me a copy of her list of hard and soft limits. I want to know ahead of time what I’m dealing with.”

  “I will. Thanks.”

  Amber set their beers in front of them, tensing when Ben turned to her.

  “So what have you been up to?” he asked.

  Amber paled. “Nothing.”


  “I’m still a virgin. I’m just friends with those girls.” Her countenance turned gloomy with guilt. “We don’t mess around, and no men have broken my hymen.”

  Logan tried not to laugh.

  Ben blinked at her, looking embarrassed and speechless. “I…Well…I just thought I’d say hi. Your guardian mentioned you before—”

  “Was he asking about me?” Her eyes widened. “I’m working hard and being good.”

  Ben’s perplexity eased into a humored smile. “Relax. Even if you were a lewd bum I wouldn’t go blabbing about it to him. I’m Ben.”

  “Amber.” She shook his hand and pulled it away quickly with an almost inaudible mewl.

  Logan got the sense that she was sexually deprived.

  “You’re really strong, sir. You both are.” Amber blushed. “It’s nice of you guys not to tell my guardian I’ve sucked cock.”

  Logan couldn’t refrain from smiling. “You sucked cock?”

  She pursed her lips and blushed. “No, I didn’t. I said ‘if I sucked cock.’”

  “No, you didn’t,” Logan contradicted.

  Amber glanced around nervously. “I didn’t?”

  Logan shook his head with a smile. “Your secret’s safe with us.”

  She put her hand to her face and mouthed “thank you” before saying loudly, “I don’t have any secrets. I tell my guardian everything like a good, wholesome girl. You can tell him that when you see him, sheriff.”

  Ben smirked, opening his mouth to speak, but closing it when she walked away. “Apparently I don’t know everyone in this town. Her guardian never mentioned her being so…eccentric.”

  Logan glanced over at Amber, who looked around nervously before mopping the bar. He’d met her guardian before. Logan didn’t trust him. “I met her when she cut my hair recently. She keeps to herself mostly, but she seems like a sweet kid.”

  He’d most definitely seen her sucking Austin Kensington’s cock while their car was parked on a rural road. Logan had been happening by right when her head popped up and she wiped her mouth after Austin made some very happy facial expressions and boisterous noises of bliss. Logan hoped for both their sakes that Earl Kensington, Austin’s snobby-as-shit, rich father didn’t find out about their tryst.

  Logan wondered why Amber was so freaked out about her guardian finding out she was a human being with a healthy sex drive.

  Ben brought him back from his train of thought. “I want to talk it over with Jill first.”

  Logan didn’t say anything, but he knew himself well enough to know that he hadn’t bothered to hide the opposing expression on his face.

  “What’s wrong?” Ben asked.

  “Do you want a sub or a slave?”

  “A slave I think.”

  Logan picked up his stein. “Asking about her opinion is considerate and you should still do that sometimes, but if you want her to view you as her Master, you’re going to have to assert more control over her.”

  “You don’t think I should tell her I’m having someone come in to help with her training?”

  Logan put his beer down after taking a swig. “I didn’t say that. By all means tell her, but let her know it’s your call, and if you want to have her completely on edge, don’t tell her who’s coming. It’s your choice of course, but that’s just my opinion.”

  Ben sighed. “I definitely want to have more control over her, but I worry sometimes that she might grow to resent me for wanting this so much.”

  Logan took another gulp and set his beer down. “Then it’s not for her. A person who views a Master as a dictator and slavery as prison isn’t truly a slave. They’re merely a stifled rebel. The true slave is the one who willingly worships her Master and understands the true freedom that comes with being owned completely by another human being. A true slave views enslavement as paradise and freedom as a burden.”

  “More than anything I wish I could give her that.” Ben stared down into his glass, seeming to look past it. “You know in some ways I envy you. You have a tranquil, commanding presence about you that makes everyone respect you without so much as a word.”

  Logan thought about what Ben had that he didn’t and might never have. “You’re the one I envy, Ben. You really are the lucky one.”

  * * * *

  Jill felt her heart racing when she saw that it was noon. Ben had instructed her to wait by the front door naked with the blinds open. All she was permitted to wear was her red leather training collar, her ruby-red, open-toed stripper heels, and a pair of scarlet satin, elbow-length gloves.

  He’d been very specific that she was to wear her hair down and have it curled. She’d followed his instructions to the letter, pleased by his good taste.

  He’d mentioned having his mentor help with her training, but would CowboyMaster76, whoever he was, stop by today? Or did Ben merely wish to have sex with her when he got home?

  Her heart pounded faster when she heard the key turning in the lock. The door swung slowly open and her pulse fluttered beyond her control. Her eyes bugged out and her jaw dropped when she saw Ben walk in with her best friend, Logan.

  “There you are waiting for me just like I told you to,” Ben praised. “What a good little wife.”

  His compliment sent a pool of heat to the pit of her stomach. Her obedience had pleased him and it was obvious that her appearance did as well judging by the way his fly bulged forward.

  Logan’s pants tented as well when he saw her kneeling there, nude and collar
ed. His deep brown eyes darkened considerably and he looked like he wanted to eat her alive. “Jill.”

  “Logan?” she breathed, hoping her shock masked her affection.

  “Call him Sir,” Ben instructed as he closed and locked the door. “And show us respect, sub.”

  Moisture streamed from her cunt at his dominance, at their obvious signs of arousal, and the fact that Logan saw her in this exposed, vulnerable position—naked, collared, and taking orders from her husband.

  “Did you give yourself an enema like I told you to?” Ben asked.

  Her cheeks grew warm. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good wife.”

  She bowed her head and let her eyes drop to show them deference. This was merely a scene. She could do this, but deep down she had a feeling this overwhelming session just might end up being more than she could handle.

  She peeked up and saw Ben closing the blinds. The naughty prelude made her pussy tingle with readiness. The way the blinds swallowed up the streams of sunlight, vowing to conceal their illicit actions made her breath catch. Being in the same room and completely under Ben’s and Logan’s control was bound to be intense.

  Ben wore a simple white T-shirt, nice jeans, and tennis shoes, but damn, he looked hot.

  Logan wore black leather pants, a black T-shirt, and dark, heavy boots that made her hot and weak. He knelt in front of her and angled her chin with a finger so she looked up at him. “I’m sure you figured out by now that I’m CowboyMaster76. I’ve been your husband’s mentor for quite a while now. He’s shared intimate details about you with me, sub. Accounts of your behavior, the different forms of punishment he’s tried on you, and some of the things that give you pleasure.”

  Jill’s pussy dampened and her cheeks flushed with heat. Having him know such personal information about her was embarrassing and unbelievably titillating. She tried to look away, but he wouldn’t let her.

  “I’m going to help train you. Together Ben and I are going to make you the perfect slave for your Master, and the good, obedient wife he deserves,” Logan told her seriously.

  She barely refrained from gasping. This was bedroom talk, wasn’t it? Ben had talked about having a 24/7 lifestyle with her, but it didn’t necessarily mean that she would have to call him Master. Sir was fine, but Master implied that he had absolute power over her, and that couldn’t happen.


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