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One True Mate (Westin Pack Book 1)

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by Julie Trettel

  “Um, no, I'm just stepping out for a bit of fresh air.” Even knowing I was trying to run away from her, I couldn't stop the words from tumbling from my mouth. “Would you like to join me, Ms. Adams?”

  She fidgeted, looking nervous for a moment.

  “Sure, let me grab a pen and notebook just in case.”

  Walking with her pen and notebook, she followed me out into the hallway and down the hall to the back door. I opened it and allowed her to step out ahead of me. That had been twice, and I wasn't sure why aside from knowing she was my mate. I couldn't stop staring at her tight butt and the way it made her skirt swish when she walked. Everything about her was mesmerizing and I noticed it all.

  She looked around in awe at the back gardens. Everything about the Westin Foundation headquarters was designed to make wolves feel comfortable and confident. It was well known that we weren't exactly fond of being cooped up indoors, so as much of a feeling of the outdoors as possible was brought inside to help lift the burden for those of us stuck in an office much of the week.

  From the smell of pine in the air fresheners, to the potted trees, even the chosen warm colors of various shades of browns, greens, and blues throughout the building was designed specifically to help put our wolves at ease while we worked. The back gardens were no different. There were several of these oasis around the property with tables to work from on days where one just couldn't remain cooped up any longer.

  I watched Kelsey as she took it all in. I saw her blush, but it didn't even register until she cleared her throat and shifted from foot to foot nervously. Oops, she had busted me checking her out. I didn't even bother to hide it or apologize.

  She asked me a little about the company and my family, just making small talk, but her genuine interest soothed me, and her obvious affection already for both of my sisters filled me with warmth I didn't really understand. Just wanting to keep her talking, I divulged her of stories of me and my siblings growing up and loved the way she easily laughed along. If only every moment with Kelsey could be so enjoyable.

  The second we set foot back into the office it was like flipping a switch. The small glimpse into this woman I had seen in the gardens was gone, replaced by the ever so professional ready to get back to work. I wondered if she had even realized she had dropped her guard for just a minute with me.

  Shaking my head, I knew it was time to get back to work and carrying out Operation Get Her To Quit. I knew it would be best for the both of us. I didn't want this professional business front; I wanted to see her face light up and more of the carefree laugh she couldn't hold back as I told her stories, like the time Lily had climbed a tree so high she got scared and stuck. Of course, the story is much funnier knowing that wolves do not climb trees. It had taken the entire fire department half a day to coax her down low enough for them to reach her.

  Yes, I wanted Kelsey Adams. She was my mate, and I could never turn my back on her or cause her harm, but I didn't need Kelsey Adams as my assistant. I needed her as my mate and something told me that as long as she worked for me, she wouldn't allow that to happen, but I couldn’t fire her knowing it would upset her. Neither my wolf nor I could handle that, so the plan to work her till she gave up was on.

  I couldn't help but be impressed. I tried to throw everything possible at her to push her away and she pushed back even harder every step of the way. Over her first week of work, no matter what I gave her, she was up to the task and exceeded my expectations. At some point, I stopped throwing useless work at her and started fully utilizing her skills and we quickly settled into a strong working routine.

  I shouldn't have been so surprised the moment I realized that I couldn't live without Kelsey at the office. She was my mate after all, so finding her a perfect match, even if it was just work, should not have thrown me off, but it wasn't the plan, and I still worried she'd never see me as anything but her boss. The sting of her constant personal rejections continued but I seemed to have resigned myself to them already. I think if she didn't reject me, I'd be too shocked to deal with it.

  "Hey big brother, you're coming tonight, right? Dad was not happy you skipped out on family dinner last week. You can't miss again tonight. You know Tuesday nights are Mom's nights, and Daddy doesn't take too kindly to a disappointed mate," Elise lectured me, walking into the office unannounced and dragging me from my thoughts.

  "Hey E, have you forgotten how to knock?"

  She snorted. "Since when do you expect anyone to knock?" She just stared at me then grinned. "Oh, except Kelsey. She spoiling you already giving you your privacy?" She laughed. "Well, don't get used to it. Rest of us have to keep that big head of yours from getting too carried away with your self-importance."

  "What are you talking about? Just knock next time. Is that really so difficult?"

  "Uh, yeah, it is. So, about dinner, you're going to be there, right?"

  I had been so screwed up over Kelsey's first day of work last week that I had skipped out on Mom's mandatory Tuesday night dinner. I knew I couldn't get away with that again. Plus, I really needed to talk to my dad. I had heard some grumblings around the office about Kelsey's new position and how disgraceful it was to have her working for me. I knew there were plenty in the pack put off by her disrespect of territory lines and wanted her gone immediately. I couldn't allow that to happen.

  I still didn't know why she continued to deny her wolf. Why she still hadn't come to the Alpha House to present herself. And I needed the answers to these questions.

  Elise cleared her throat. "Earth to Kyle. Have you heard a single word I've said?"

  "Yeah, sorry, just a lot on my mind." I tried so hard not to look at the door, knowing she was just on the other side, and I knew the second Elise noticed it too. I sighed, "Yeah, I'll be at dinner tonight. Don't worry."

  My sister backed off then. That never happened. I thought for sure she would grill me on Kelsey by now. Since Sara Winters, a lovely old lady who had worked for my dad my entire life and agreed to stay on for me when I transitioned into his former position as CEO of Westin Foundation, had decided to retire and spend her days watching over her grandpups instead, I had gone quickly through every assistant Elise had thrown my way. I knew she was curious and surprised to find the little lone-wolf who had strolled unannounced into our territory was actually working out. To be certain, I was just as surprised about it myself.

  She gave me a kiss on my cheek before turning to leave. I should have known she wouldn't make it out without caving to her curiosity. With her hand on the door she turned back to me.

  "Everything's working out with Kelsey?"

  "Yeah, she's great." I tried to steel my voice to sound neutral.

  She smiled genuinely. "I'm really glad to hear it, Kyle. I know there are a lot in the pack who think she should be run out of town, but Lily and I have really taken a liking to her and I truly do not believe she is a threat to us. I'm not sure why she insists on denying her wolf or not following pack protocol, but Kyle, I really think something happened to her. Something bad."

  My wolf snarled and I had to bite my lip hard to keep it from escaping from me.

  "What do you mean?"

  She shrugged and came back to sit across from me.

  "I don't know. She's opened up to Lily a little this week. Did you know her parents died when she was twelve? She wouldn't tell her how or what happened, but apparently, it was really bad, Kyle. Like majorly traumatic. I can feel her fear and stress heighten anytime it's brought up. And from the sounds of it, it was just her and her parents. She lost everything and lived in foster homes until she aged out of the system. Where was her pack, Kyle? How could they abandon a child like that? How could a wolf shifter survive all these years on her own? In foster care."

  There were tears of true concern in her eyes and my wolf and I struggled between the need to comfort her and the need to run to our mate to shelter her from her past. I knew I couldn't go to Kelsey. She clearly wasn't ready, so I instead walked around my desk
and pulled Elise into my arms.

  "I won't let anything happen to her and she's not going anywhere. I promise. I'll discuss it with Dad tonight after dinner."

  She nodded with damp eyes, and kissed my cheek again and turned to leave, for real this time. Before she closed the door behind her, I heard the concern in Kelsey's voice and knew she was trying to console my sister. That was just the type of person Kelsey Adams was. And clearly, she was a fighter and survivor too. My heart ached knowing she had been through something so terrible she couldn't even talk about it.

  Dinner at Mom's was always entertaining. Just me, my dad, my mom, and my siblings. Aside from Elise and Lily there were our two brothers, Liam, Lily's twin, and Chase the baby of the family. It was the one night a week we set aside for just the seven of us. Every other night was devoted to the pack as was our responsibility.

  After dinner, I didn't have to ask Dad if we could talk privately because he pulled me into his office before I could.

  "So, I'm going to get right to the point because I know your mother whines when we spend too much time on family night discussing pack business, but son, you've put me in a bit of a bind here."

  "What?" I was confused about what he was talking about. "What have I done?"

  "Tell me about the little lone wolf you have apparently employed."

  I know my face flushed. I couldn't help it. Even though I was planning to discuss the same with him, I was taken back that he brought it up.

  "I understand she is quite beautiful." He smirked and a small growl escaped me before I could stop it.

  I didn't like other men noticing or commenting on how beautiful my mate was, even though the reality was you'd have to be dead or swinging for the other team not to notice Kelsey Adams.

  Dad stayed quiet and watched me with open curiosity after my little slip up, waiting for me to compose myself enough to speak.

  "It wasn't my idea to hire her, Dad. I think Elise and Lily were too curious about her not to reach out. But honestly, she's the best admin I could ever hope for. I tried to push her away last week as I've done every other new hire they've thrown my way," I grinned sheepishly at the admission, even knowing my dad knew me well enough to know that had been the case, "and she just doesn't back down. Ever. She's strong and capable and super smart. I'm not sure I could possibly get by without her after only one week, so I'm really hoping you aren't suggesting running her out of town."

  I watched my dad sigh heavily and lean back in his chair and pinch the bridge of his nose.

  "Your sisters have made it clear they've already befriended the little wolf and now she's gotten to you too. You three are putting me in a very uncomfortable position. I cannot appear weak in front of the pack by allowing the blatant disrespect of a lone wolf strolling into town, settling in our territory and not even having the common courtesy to come to me."

  "I know this puts you in a difficult position, Dad, but Elise and I have discussed and we really think something traumatic happened to her. She never recognizes her wolf in our presence. I mean not at all, Dad. I've even tried to push alpha command over her and nothing. If it wasn't for her smell, no one would ever suspect she was even a shifter. I've never seen anything like it, but there's more to her story than we know. I can feel it."

  I knew that wasn't going to be enough to allow him to keep her here, so I pressed on. "She has shown no signs of aggression to anyone. She mostly keeps to herself, only ever venturing out for work or necessities like grocery shopping. From what little bit we do know about her, she is truly a lone wolf, an only child whose parents died when she was young. As far as we can tell, she has no one, Dad."

  He looked surprised to hear that, and then a little angry about it. "What about her pack? She has to have a pack. Where are they and why weren't they protecting an innocent child?"

  "I don't know, but I suspect she doesn't know or understand our ways. From working closely, with her I can tell you she is one of the most respectful people I know, insisting on calling me Mr. Westin at all times." I tried not to grumble out that last bit but I could see the questions it formed in my Dad's eyes.

  "I'm not exactly sure what to do here, son. We are not in the business of showing weakness and allowing strange wolves to just waltz into our territory unannounced. I've let it go for weeks now but the pack is demanding something be done."

  "Meet her. Meet her for yourself and then make the determination and I will try to accept whatever you decide is best for the pack."

  "Try? Son, you've never questioned my decisions for the pack. What's going on? I feel as though there is something here you're not telling me. It really isn't like you to take to a stranger this way. What is it about this Kelsey Adams that has you even asking me to consider letting her stay in our territory?"

  I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. I knew I had to tell him, but I hadn't admitted it to anyone except myself, and it was proving harder than a thought.

  "Dad, I, uh, she, Jesus, I don't even know how to say it."

  "Whatever it is son, just tell me."

  I looked him in the eyes and held his gaze, even when my wolf wanted us to submit and lower ourselves to our alpha, I couldn't, he had to know the truth and the full importance of this.

  "Kelsey Adams is my one true mate, Dad. She may not recognize it or even understand it yet. I can be patient and teach her our ways. I have to try, because I cannot lose her."

  Nothing I had ever said or done in my entire life shocked him more than my revelation about Kelsey. As he tried to compose himself he started laughing, a full, deep, belly laugh that made me irritated.

  "I'm glad this entertains you so," I scowled at him.

  "Oh Kyle, you do understand the predicament you've put me and everyone else in here, right? And from the sounds of it you've got your hands full with this one without adding the mating craze." He shook his head and laughed again, "Every she-wolf within six packs has been sniffing around you for years, and a little lone she-wolf strolls into my territory and ends up being your one true mate. Priceless. The pack wants me to turn her out, but in light of this, you know I could never do that. The council will have to be told something at least. I assume you are okay with that?"

  I hadn't really thought about it. "Um, yeah, if that's what has to happen. But please, Dad, explain to them the need to be discreet. Kelsey doesn't seem to know anything about our bond, or at least hasn't acted on it in any way. Heck, she's even turned down my human advances. I don't want to scare her away by her finding out too soon. Something tells me I'm gonna be tested to the max on patience with her."

  "And lots and lots of cold showers in your future." He bellowed out another laugh. "But seriously, son, if she is your one true mate, you need to talk to her. If she truly doesn't understand our ways and customs, you need to explain them."

  "I will," I assured him, "but please let me do this in my own way, in my own time. She's not like the other wolves we know."


  Chapter 5

  I sat on my back porch looking out at the woods and wondering where he was these last two nights. Ever since my very first day at Westin Foundation, each night when I arrived home the wolf had been standing watch and calling to my wolf. At first it had scared me half to death. I've always feared wolves, even before the attack, but there was something different about this one. He called to my wolf in a primal way. She begged to reach out to him and run with him, but I could never risk it.

  Seeing him each night brought us comfort and a sense of security. It made me feel safe, even if my wolf was a little sad each time we saw him. The wolf was large, much larger than me in wolf form. He was a deep rich color of brown with startling hazel green eyes. There wasn't really anything scary about him and he never approached me, always just sat at the edge of the woods as if he were waiting for me to join him.

  Sometimes I liked to imagine he was a werewolf like me. How awesome would that be? Then I remembered the monsters that created me and knew I could never even wish for
that. So, then I'd think, would the wolves accept me as a wolf? Could I live full time in wolf form and find a home amongst them? I was not sure I could do that either, but I've always longed to be a part of something, have a family of my own, a real family. But then I would miss the Westin's so much. I've grown so close to them these last few years and I can't imagine my life without them in it. And I'm not talking just Lily and Elise.

  I couldn't help myself from thinking of him. Kyle Westin. I couldn't believe I actually got to work with him side by side every day. There was something so dynamic about the man. He just drew me to him and made me want to do things entirely inappropriate for the office. I had a tough time even thinking straight when he was close by. His smell drove me wild, and more than once a week I was rushing home for a long cold shower. My body's reaction to him was unreal, like something you'd read about in an erotica book.

  I sometimes caught him staring at me, and I had this feeling he felt the same, but then at other times I thought he barely noticed my existence. I've never had a boyfriend. Never even been kissed. Anything I've learned about that kind of stuff has come from books and I'm not sure how accurate those things really are.

  My mind wandered to his family. I've been working for the Westin Foundation for nearly two years now. It's gone by fast, and yet it also felt like I'd been there forever, like life before I moved to San Marco was nothing more than a dream. I've never been happier and a lot of that was due to the Westins. I loved Lily and Elise like sisters. We ate lunch most days together, occasionally Kyle even invited himself along. We've gone out several times, but I'm not much for partying and hanging out in bars. I preferred my quiet life.

  I remember once, shortly after I started working for Kyle, he took me to meet his father. Kyle's dad was quite intimidating, even more so than Kyle himself, yet he had the same carefree spirit of his daughters. I liked him immensely. He had asked me a lot of questions about my past that I hadn't been prepared for, but something about him set me at ease and I was able to answer them honestly. He was surprised and a little disgusted to hear I was an orphan with no family to care for me. But like I told him that day, that's just how life rolls sometimes and all you can do is pick yourself up and move on the best you can.


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