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One True Mate (Westin Pack Book 1)

Page 17

by Julie Trettel

  “I love you,” I told him for the first time meaning every word.


  Chapter 22

  Two weeks ago, my life aligned to perfection as far as I was concerned. Kelsey was officially made pack. Our mating was announced and she told me she loved me. I'm not sure how I got so damn lucky. Finding your true mate is difficult enough, but it isn't always the smoothest transition. Yes, as shifters we strive to find our one true mate, but one of the reasons people settle for compatible mates is because the clashing of true mates occurs far too often.

  It's not easy when fate intervenes. True mates are often extremely passionate, but not always for each other. Many rebel against their fate. Passion can be negative as much as positive. Fighting and resentment has been known to occur with true mates. I have never questioned Kelsey as my true mate. My initial resentments only occurred against her constant rejections. Even then I never resented her. If I were being honest I have loved Kelsey Adams since the moment I laid eyes on her. To have her love reciprocated is beyond all expectations. I felt like the luckiest man alive.

  Kelsey and I fell into an easy routine. It wasn't that we always agreed, but after working closely for two years we already knew how to communicate and resolve differences without arguing or causing hurt feelings. So, as she slowly moved into my house and began turning it into a true home, everything just fell into place naturally. My only fear was that everything was going too smoothly. I was waiting for this nearly perfect life we were creating to crumble and crash and burn.

  For two weeks, no one had issued a challenge. We'd had a few visitors from other packs and I knew a large group of people from three different packs would be coming in over the weekend. I didn't want to be nervous, but I knew getting through the entire month without one or both of us being challenged would truly be a miracle and too much to ask for.

  Kelsey's position as future Pack Mother of the Westin Pack made her an easy target for challenges. I was more than a little shocked that someone hadn't already stepped up and issued her a challenge. I wasn't as surprised that no one from within my pack had challenged me, though I thought the chances of someone from outside the pack was highly likely. The Westin Pack was one of the biggest and strongest in existence and anyone who challenged and defeated me would stand to take over as next in line as Pack Alpha. It was a unique position that put me in potentially grave danger.

  Earlier in the day I had a meeting with Cole Anderson. It had not gone unnoticed by me that he had not given his consent to my mating of Kelsey and I confronted him on it. After much discussion, I was both relieved and pissed by his thinking. He had told me that he would not challenge me directly, but that he would not consent on the chance that I was challenged and defeated. He made it very clear that he would challenge my victor for Kelsey to keep the Westin Alpha in pack. I couldn't argue his thinking, but the thought of him and Kelsey together was driving me nuts and making it hard to focus on anything.

  A knock at the door jolted me out of my thoughts.

  “Mr. Westin?” Kelsey peeked her head in. I grinned and shook my head at her determination to keep everything normal and professional at work. “Your father is here to see you.”

  Dad? A feeling of dread immediately settled into my gut. We didn't have plans that I could think of, which meant he had to be there for pack business, or worse to give me a heads up on an upcoming challenge.

  “It's okay, send him back.” I told her trying to keep my thoughts to myself and not share my feelings through the bond, but the second I thought that she started laughing and walked in and closed the door behind her.

  “Kyle Alexander Westin, you've been ranting and stressing since Cole Anderson left here, and now you try to hide your thoughts and worries? Silly boy, don't you realize you can't keep anything from me? This sound proof office of yours isn't sound proof enough for our bond.”

  “Shit,” I said under my breath. “Babe, I didn't want to worry you...”

  “No, save it, mister. We're in this together. I'm just as worried about challenges as you are and I know exactly what's at stake. Stop trying to protect me. You can't protect me from this anymore than I can protect you. It sucks, but come on.”

  I rose and went to her immediately pulling her tightly against my chest and breathing in her scent.

  “I'm sorry. I know this is stressful enough. I just didn't want to worry you further.”

  It dawned on me that we were alone in my office and she was letting me hold her. Kelsey was quite strict about what was and was not appropriate during business hours. My thoughts immediately flashed to a fantasy I'd had of taking her over my desk pretty much since she walked into my life and my wolf howled in my head in approval.

  I knew I had broadcast the image loud and clear when she pulled away and smacked me.

  “What?” I tried to suppress a grin on my face.

  “Your father is in the next room!”

  I shrugged and tried to pull her back into my arms, but she brushed me off, back to her utmost professional exterior, even though I knew damn well she liked the idea as much as I did. That thought had me grinning like a love-sick fool as she ran from the room and my father entered.

  He put up a hand immediately, “I don't care to know what put that stupid look on your face.”

  I burst out laughing feeling better than I had in days.

  “What can I do for you, Dad?”

  “I wish I were coming with news that would keep you this happy, son, I truly do.”

  I sobered immediately.

  “What's happened?”

  “I did get word that no-one from the Longhorn or Collier Packs that visited over the weekend will be challenging. But, this coming weekend we have visitors arriving from Maxwell, Kyton, and the Alaskan Packs.”

  “Well, that's good news on Longhorn and Collier, two down three to go. I fully expected the other three packs would be sending potential challengers this weekend, so that's not much of a shock.”

  “I'm afraid there's more.”

  “What? Who?”

  “As word has spread that you are up for challenge, Kyle, the Virginian Pack, Central Pack of New York City, the Irish Clan, and the Bulgarians have all sent formal requests. They were quite put off to hear of the shortened challenge period, but assured me each of their challengers would arrive within the week. I'm sorry.”

  I took a deep breath and held it for a second before exhaling.

  “Okay, well we knew the possibility was there and there's hope that like the Longhorn and Collier Packs, no challenges will come from it.”

  He didn't look too optimistic about it, but I needed to hold on to the hope of something.

  “Is Kelsey ready?”

  I shrugged. “Mom seems to think so. Elise and Lily are singing her praise and she's started working out with Vanessa some too, but I just don't know. I haven't been able to bring myself to watch her fight. I hate that I've put her in this position.”

  “She's strong, Kyle, with her own advantages, but we need to be especially cautious that she does not let her little secret out, especially with the Bulgarians coming into town.”

  “I understand, and I'll talk to her.”

  He sighed, “There's one last thing, Kyle. It has been noted just how close the two of you are becoming and it has been requested that you not live together for the remainder of the challenge period.”

  My hands balled in fists and I held back a growl, “Is that a request or a command, Sir?”

  “I'm sorry, Son. It's a command.”

  “You know we can't do that.”

  “You'll see her everyday here in the office. We will not request she be reassigned. But at night, she needs to sleep at the cottage or you need to move into the main house for now. I'm sorry, it's not negotiable. Your combined scent has upset several potential challengers and it grows stronger every day. I know we initially dismissed this, but Kyle, I'm worried.”

  “But Dad, you know, I can't do that. I need her.” />
  “I know, Son, that's what worries me. What would happen if your bond somehow completed before the month's end? What then? What happens if Kelsey doesn't survive a challenge? I can't risk losing you to that because I sat back and let the bond grow too far. No, the Council discussed thoroughly last night and it is a unanimous decision. I will speak to Kelsey on my way out. This is how it must be. No further physical contact between the two of you. Is that understood?”

  He let his alpha powers flow over me as I gritted my teeth and tried to fight it. “Understood, Sir,” I snapped.

  He nodded resolutely and left me to my own thoughts, fears, and worries.

  Two weeks, it's only for two weeks. I can do this. I chanted those words to myself over and over trying to make them true, but how was I going to survive without my mate for two whole weeks? I hadn't dared tell father that I suspected his concerns were already a reality. The only sign of a full bonded pair I hadn't yet seen was feeling each other’s physical pain, but I could feel her emotional pain loud and clear, and I knew when my dad told her the news. It was like a punch straight to my heart.

  I wanted to run to her. I wanted to comfort her, but that was exactly what I wasn't supposed to do. So instead I paced my office feeling like I was trapped in a cage. My wolf wasn't taking too kindly to the feeling either. I needed to leave. I needed to run.

  When I felt the absence of Kelsey's presence, I left the office and headed for the woods at the rear of the building. I undressed and changed quickly, taking off at a full sprint, my wolf caught a scent and headed west towards the river. I slowed in approach, crouching low, and wondering what he was hunting. Then I finally smelled it too. It was so strong, and my wolf sat back and howled, demanding attention.

  Kelsey. Her small blonde wolf sat staring out into the water and turned at our howl. I'm so used to being consumed by her scent, that until I was practically on top of her, I had no idea what my wolf was hunting, or that he was hunting our mate.

  She approached hesitantly with her head lowered to me. I hated to see her like that. She was every bit the alpha I was, but right then she just looked broken.

  We had never successfully communicated through our bond in wolf form, but I reached out and tried anyway feeling the connection had grown over the last few days. I was right.

  “Kelsey, are you okay?” I asked her, and watched as her head shot up, and her eyes bugged out in shock. My wolf did a little dance of joy at the recognition.

  “Kyle? How is this possible? I thought we couldn't communicate in wolf form.”

  “Only fully bonded mates can as far as I know.”

  Her wolf shook its head in horror, looking far too human.

  “No, don't say that. Please don't say that. Your dad told me what that could mean. We can't be fully bonded.”

  “I don't know, babe. If not fully, it's close. I've felt every sign I've ever heard but one so far.”

  “That's good then, right? One means there's still hope.”

  “Hope for what, babe?”

  “Hope that if I don't survive this challenge that I'm not killing you too in the process!”

  I knew if she were in human form she'd be crying right now. My wolf went to her and rubbed against her soft fur, trying to comfort our mate.

  “Has it not even occurred to you that I wouldn't want to live without you? That I'd prefer to die with you?”

  “Don't say that!”

  “Kelsey, wolves mate for life. This tradition of challenges is ridiculous, because you are my mate, and even if I were forced to take another, my wolf and I would never fully accept her. No one could ever replace you. We're too far gone and I wouldn't want it any other way.”

  She sat back and with her nose to the sky howled a sad, mournful song. My wolf joined in immediately to create a haunting sound I had never heard before, but felt it straight through my core.

  When she turned, without a thought, and walked back to the office complex, I simply followed, knowing I'd follow her anywhere. For a brief moment, I thought maybe we should just leave. She was used to being alone and as long as she was by my side I felt like I could survive anything.

  I watched as she shifted and stood before me in naked beauty, but with a scowl on her face.

  “Don't even think like that, Kyle! This is our pack. It's our home. We aren't leaving.”

  She dressed quickly and ran back into the office, nearly knocking Elise over in the process. I hadn't even heard my sister's presence I was so consumed with Kelsey. I knew from the surprise on her face that she had seen enough to know.

  I shifted back to human form. “Do you mind?” I spat out at her as she turned and gave me time to change. It wasn't like she hadn't seen me naked before. Nudity was normal in a wolf pack and modesty was practically unheard of, but seeing the look on her face made me feel naked in an entirely different way.

  She wasn't leaving. I had hoped snapping at her would cause her to stomp off, but not this time.

  “How long?” She asked softly.

  I sighed, knowing what she was asking, but determined to play dumb. “How long what, E?”

  She looked at me, shooting daggers right into my eyes. “How long has it been since the bond started?”

  I shrugged. I honestly didn't know.

  “She was talking to you when she shifted like you were in the middle of a conversation, but Kyle, that's not possible.”

  I just stared at her as tears welled up in her eyes.

  “Kyle, swear to me that's not possible!”

  “I don't know what to tell you Elise, but you have to keep your theories to yourself. Are we clear?”

  “No, no, no. I'm not keeping this quiet, everyone needs to know. If you are communicating through a bond in wolf form, Kyle, then there's a very real possibility that your bond is fully formed. You could both die! I can't just let that happen.”

  “It's fine E.” I hugged her, feeling my sister on the verge of a complete meltdown. “Everything's going to be fine. You'll see. Maybe no one will even challenge us.”

  “She didn't tell you?”

  I stiffened with my sister in my arms. “Tell me what?”

  “Christine gave her a formal challenge this morning. The challenge is to take place tonight.”

  “WHAT?!??!” I growled out, trying to get control on my emotions, and trying to keep my surging wolf from changing and going after Christine Canine for threatening our mate.


  Chapter 23

  I knew the second Kyle found out about my challenge. I was thankful to be back at my desk because the intensity of his emotions nearly knocked me over, and I had to sit down or fall over. I knew he wouldn't be happy, but I wasn't prepared for the sheer anger, nor the fear that swept us both.

  I had known for weeks, basically since the start of my training, that Christine would likely be my biggest challenger from within Westin Pack and as such had been drilled and prepped not just in offensive fighting skills, but also in her weaknesses. Mary had discussed several other potential challengers she was aware of from outside our pack as well. I was ready for this, or at least as ready as I'd ever be. My biggest fear was that my alpha powers would escape.

  Jason had initially said that we would need to work hard on controlling my power, but so far focus had been on me learning how to actually fight. I had controlled it from escaping at the pack meeting when Christine had tried to bait me, but there was a lot of distraction, support, and nerves that day. I hadn't truly been tested since I had nearly knocked out Jason and Kyle testing my powers. It terrified me.

  I was so consumed with thinking about it that I didn't even hear Kyle enter the office.

  “Ms. Adams, can I speak with you in my office, please?”

  “Ms. Adams?” I thought and heard him chuckle.

  “Infuriating, isn't it?” he said evilly through our bond.

  I glared at him as I entered, and as soon as the door was shut, he wrapped me in his arms and held me close. I was shaking all ov
er as I let the threat of the challenge and everything that could go wrong sink in, fueled by his own thoughts, concerns, and fears he was loudly projecting.

  “Why didn't you tell me?”

  I shrugged against him.

  “I had no idea you were so worried about your powers. You've been doing so good.”

  I looked back at him at first confused, and then realized I hadn't locked down my thoughts earlier. I had been getting good at shutting him out of my thoughts. I left enough that I didn't think he fully realized. It felt so wrong to do it, and I was constantly biting back the guilt, but I didn't want him to know how weak I really was. Now knowing that I could kill him with one screw up had me so scared I couldn't keep that wall up between us.

  “It's going to be okay. You're going to be fine. You can do this. I know you can. You are not weak. You are the strongest woman I know. Not to mention the fastest.”

  He pulled me back, forcing me to look up at him as he smiled down with love shining through his eyes.

  “I meant it when I told you I never want to live without you. We don't know for sure that our bond is strong enough to kill the other if anything happens to one of us, but I know for me, I would want to die regardless, because I couldn't stand living in a world where you didn't exist.”

  “Stop saying things like that. It's not helping, Kyle. I don't want you to die. I certainly don't want to be responsible for that. And I don't want to die, but I don't want to kill anyone either, not even Christine Canine, as obnoxious as she is and as much as she annoys me. I hate being put in this position, but I promise you I won't give up. I know she will fight to the death and I will be forced to do the same. I just hate it. All of it.”

  He soothed me, stroking my back and kissing me all over. As he made his way to my mouth I remembered what his dad had said.

  “Kyle, we can't. You promised him. And if there's any chance at all that the bond isn't fully sealed, then it needs to stay that way until these challenges are over.”


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