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One True Mate (Westin Pack Book 1)

Page 19

by Julie Trettel

  “What?” She asked in a voice of pure sugar.

  I shook my head, “What do you want Christine?”

  “I wanted to come by and say hi and check out my mate's office.” She looked at me waiting for a reaction, but I bit back the growl at her insinuation and just glared at her. “Besides,” she continued, seeing she wasn't getting a rise out of me, “I think it's only fair that we spend a little time together. We haven't really done that in years, Kyle. Sure, I know we'll have plenty of time later, but I wanted to make sure this challenge is worth it and looking around this place, I'd say it definitely is.”

  “I assure you, it is not.”

  “Kyle, come on. I'm about to fight to the death for you.” I saw her soften and a glimpse of the Christine I had grown up with, before she turned complete bitch, seemed to shine through. She shrugged, looking young and not so fearless suddenly. “There was a time you would have expected and even wanted this from me, Kyle. What happened?”

  “You changed, Chris. I changed. We grew up. We grew apart. It happens.”

  “When we were kids we were so certain we would be true mates. Do you remember?”

  I smiled. “I do. I remember how disappointed we both were when you turned eighteen and there were still no mating signs.”

  “Yeah, me too. I was devastated, yet I still always knew we were meant to be together.”

  “Chris, we've barely spoken in years. You've moved on. I've moved on. Why bring all this up now?”

  “I know I've been a bitch to you. I was so hurt that there were no mating signs and even more so that you didn't fight for us, Kyle. We were still compatible mates. You know that.”

  “Christine, you know I could never settle for a compatible mate. You of all people know that.”

  “But how can you be so sure Kelsey is your true mate? I mean, come on, she's a trespassing little bitch who should have been run off our land the second she tried to settle here.”

  “And if it had been anyone else I would have done just that, but Chris, she IS my one true mate.”

  “I just can't believe that. She's been squatting on our land for over two years and suddenly you have this grand epiphany?”

  “She's been squatting on our land for two years because she's my true mate. I wasn't going to let her get away, Chris. I'm begging you, don't do this tonight.”

  I knew the second the words were out of my mouth that they were a giant mistake. If I could kick my own ass for saying them, I would. I watched helplessly as I spurred her hurt and determination to have me. I had inadvertently solidified the challenge for her.

  “This is happening, Kyle, and you're going to have to just get used to having me around. Kelsey hasn't been properly trained. She's still learning our ways and probably doesn't even have a clue what to expect from tonight. I'm the stronger, more knowledgeable and better trained wolf here. I'm the better mate for you and I don't care what mother nature has to say about it. You'll see. I'll be a good wife and mate for you.”

  She slinked over and kissed me before I knew what was happening. My wolf wanted to attack at the intrusion and it took every effort to hold back from doing just that.

  “I'll be seeing you tonight,” she said as she moved away as quickly as she had attacked. At the door, she turned back to me. “Don't worry Kyle. I'm not heartless. I won't toy with her and she'll suffer as little as possible. I promise.”

  The sound of the door closing hit me like a ton of bricks with the reality of my situation. I could lose Kelsey tonight. I knew a part of me would be sad to watch Christine die, but I could stomach that loss far better than the alternative.

  I closed up my office unable to spend another second cooped up indoors. Lily, who had promised Kelsey she'd fill in for her while she was out for the afternoon, didn't question me or make a single snarky sister comment I would have expected. Somehow her silence made the sincerity of the situation even more real.

  Shifting into my wolf form, I spent the remainder of the evening running through the woods. I knew we were seeking our mate, but I purposefully steered us clear of her house. Kelsey and I had our moment earlier to say our goodbyes. I had left demanding she not say the word despite knowing that's what it was. To hear her say goodbye would have felt like she was giving up, that she didn't think she could win, and I needed her desperately to fight with all she had.

  “I'm not giving up. I'll never give up on you, Kyle, even if it means fighting to the death.”

  My wolf howled in the air hearing our mate's words. I knew Kelsey had shifted back to human form and as her thoughts became muffled, still there, just unreadable, but this sudden knowledge that I could feel her while she was in human form and me in my fur made me happier than I knew possible. If anything happened to her, I knew I could not carry on in life. Even if the bond didn't kill me, I'd find a way to join her in death. Resolute in my decision I shifted back realizing I was at my own front porch. I showered and changed and headed off on foot to the outdoor pack circle.

  Dad was waiting for me below the council pavilion. We shook hands and he led me up the stairs. I had never stood on the council pavilion. Only the Council, and during challenges, the mate of the challenged wolf stood on the pavilion. I would have been happy to never set foot up here if it meant keeping Kelsey alive, but I couldn't think like that and I fought against our bond to keep my thoughts to myself. Dad had been true to his word and only he and I were in the pavilion. I looked out across the great circle as the surrounding seats filled.

  I knew Kelsey was close, and I desperately needed to see her.


  Chapter 25

  We were expected to walk out in human form. There would be some formal ceremony or at least words spoken. I'd have to shake hands with Christine, something about humanizing the process more. Then I'd have to shift in front of everyone. I wasn't about to stand there naked in front of the entire pack, so I decided to wear an old outfit that I didn't mind shredding to pieces. I gathered that wasn't entirely normal, but it would have to do. My shifts had strengthened and were now instantaneous. Maybe it would shock her enough for a small advantage.

  I had been a nervous wreck all day, but more so since Kyle and I said our goodbyes. I couldn't let myself believe it might be the last time I got to touch him. Sadness washed over me as I gave myself a pep talk, trying to just get through it all.

  I was as ready as I was going to be. Mary had stayed with me through the afternoon up until the point she delivered me to the small wooden room at the back of what I knew was the pack circle. Basically, it was an outdoor arena where they held pack meetings sometimes and where formal ceremonies, including challenges were held. This room was like the waiting room and I knew it would open directly into the floor of the arena.

  I didn't like the little room. It felt like a cage and made my wolf stir.

  “It won't be long, Kels. Deep breaths and try to relax. No need to get worked up right now. Save your frustrations for the challenge.”

  I sighed relaxing just a bit at my mate's words. Kyle always knew exactly what I needed to hear and I was so thankful that he was not blocked from me as I knew he would be during the actual fight. A fight to the death seemed ridiculous and barbaric to me, especially in this day and age, but that's what I'd have to do if I wanted to live and wanted to protect my mate. And I would do absolutely anything necessary to keep Kyle.

  I heard the chuckle through the bond before he spoke to me again. “You keep that thought with you, babe, and you're going to do just fine.”

  I was laughing when the door in front of me opened at last. I stood still allowing my eyes to adjust to the bright light outside the dark waiting room. Then I stepped forward feeling lighter and not as scared as I should be. I ignored the presence of another wolf to my right as I stepped forward to the middle of the arena as Mary had taught me. I remembered to hold my head high and as my eyes scanned the stands for Kyle, I couldn't stop the beaming smile on my face when I finally saw him. He winked at me and
I momentarily forgot where I was.

  When Jason's voice boomed out across the circle, reality set back in. I was Kelsey Adams. I was a born alpha she-wolf. My mate was Kyle Westin. I would do whatever it took to protect myself and my mate. Nothing else mattered. I took a deep breath and I smelled her. Christine Canine. My challenger. A threat to my bond. A threat to me and a threat to my mate. I smelled a slight fear mixed with her scent. It was enough to energize my wolf. I didn't hold back the guttural growl that escaped me and rejoiced in her heightened scent of fear.

  “Christine, do you on this day challenge Kelsey in the mating challenge rights for the mating of Kyle Westin?”

  I saw Kyle shake his head no, then from my peripheral vision saw and even felt the determination and hurt as her chin raised a little higher solidifying her resolve.

  “I do.” She said loudly.

  I felt an excitement grow in the air.

  “So it shall be. Kelsey. Christine. Please face each other.” We did as he asked. “Shake hands in acknowledgment and acceptance of the challenge.” We did, then turned back to face Jason as I refused to meet her eyes, not yet at least. “You will not shift until I tell you to, do you understand?” We both nodded as he addressed the crowd. “Mating is a sacred event amongst our kind. And strong mates make strong packs. Kyle and Kelsey have chosen to mate and as it is written, any single she-wolf may challenge her for her mate and her place in the pack. Christine has done just that. This is a fight to the death. There are no rules and there is to be absolutely no assistance or disruptions to the challenge fight. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, Pack Alpha,” a booming, unified voice responded from the pack.

  “Kelsey and Christine please move to the designated circles.” I followed his order and moved to a circle on my far left and she moved to the far right. It put some distance between us to allow time for the change. “Prepare to shift.” Christine stripped leaving her clothes in a pile at her feet and standing naked before the crowd. I chose to remain in my clothes daring them to make me remove them. I saw Jason Westin raise an eye at me and I nodded slightly. “Okay, well, face each other please.” We did so and this time I looked right at her with just enough authority to make her shake as she fought to maintain eye contact. “Let the battle begin.” There was a chorus of howls surrounding us.

  I didn't hesitate and shifted in midair like an explosion of fur as I lunged towards her. I caught the panic in her eye as she shifted much slower, but managed to fully shift before I was upon her. She crouched low and we began circling each other. I lunged forward and tried to gauge her reaction and speed. I knew I was faster than her, but distance speed was not the same as combat speed in close proximity.

  I felt the shift in her as she gave herself over to her wolf and I suddenly understood what Mary had meant when she told me she had trained me differently from the others. I felt no human presence before me, only animal, and my wolf wanted nothing more than to follow her lead and take full control, but I was stronger and knew we'd be better off together.

  I watched Christine's black wolf circle me as easy prey. She was quite large next to my small blonde wolf. I knew my size made me look like easy prey. Let her believe that for now. She lunged at me and I easily side stepped away from her. We did this for quite awhile, just circling and testing each other. She'd lunge, I'd move. I'd lunge, she'd move.

  I watched and waited for the time to make my move. She lunged to the left and so did I slamming right into her. I heard the gasp from the crowd and tried to push it out of my mind. Her wolf was pinned and snarling and snapping at me. I growled and she settled slightly, but my mistake came as I took that as a sign of submission. It wasn't. She pushed up and forward, knocking me off my guard. I stumbled backwards and she continued with her momentum and in seconds had me pinned on my back. I flailed my paws, kicking out at her, to no avail. She clamped down on my shoulder, missing my neck by mere inches. I howled out in pain.

  She continued, relentlessly attacking and I was on the defense just trying to protect my neck and block her bites. I had been so certain of this battle. So, confident in my ability to fight and here I was letting her get the upper hand. I considered giving fully into my wolf, but I knew I couldn't. I was as good as dead if that happened, even if I did win. I had to think. I had to remember what Mary and the girls had taught me. Focus on my training and most importantly I had to get away from Christine and clear my head for an attack.

  I let my body go slack. I felt Kyle's fear and stress rise at the same time Christine's dwindled. Cocky little thing she was. But I used that to my benefit as she began an early celebration instead of using the advantage to go in for the kill. It didn't take much to knock her off guard and get back to my feet then. She growled at me, but I was already off and sprinting at full speed. There really wasn't anywhere to run, but I had some energy I needed to burn off or my alpha powers were going to explode, so I ran along the side of the arena as fast as I could, just running in circles. At first, she made attempts to snap at me as I passed her, but eventually she retreated to the middle of the arena and just watched and waited.

  When I felt a little more in control of myself I turned and ran right at her, full force. She didn't know what was coming. I leapt on her back and she managed to throw me off. Teeth were bared, jaws snapping, as we equally attacked each other. I was getting good at reading her moves, but she switched it up and went low when I thought she'd go high. She bit down on my right upper leg. The same spot that was thin and balding in wolf form and covered in skin grafts in human form. She locked her jaws and I felt the blood gushing from me.

  My wolf howled in fury and turned even while she was still locked onto my leg and bit down on her exposed neck. I clamped down hard and when she didn't ease up on my leg I bit even harder. I felt the skin beneath her fur break and tasted her blood as it trickled into my mouth. I snarled and snorted but I never let go. I felt her grip ease up on my leg and eventually release. I continued to hold on, shaking my head back and forth and growling. Blood was coating the back of my throat and suddenly, without the personal threat to me, I couldn't do it. I eased my teeth back slowly and tried to look into her eyes. I could feel her life slipping away and I sobbed.

  I let go and sat back on my hind legs and howled. It wasn't a howl of victory, it was a howl of sorrow and not a single other sound could be heard. I knew I didn't have much time. I quickly shifted back to human form, no longer caring that I was naked before the pack.

  “Medic!” I yelled, spitting out fur and blood that did not belong to me. “Medic!” I called again and saw the doors open and a team rush in. They ran right to me, immediately assessing the injury to my leg. “Not me! Her! You have to help her.”

  They stared at me for only a moment before rushing to her side. I knew everyone thought she was dead, but I knew there was still life in her. A life worth saving.

  I stood trying to ignore the pain searing through me. “Alpha,” I called out to the pavilion above as the surrounding murmurs came to a screeching halt. “I understand this was to be a fight to the death, but Christine is not my enemy. She is pack. She is family. And she deserves to live. I have seen too much evil and violence in the world to end her life unnecessarily. Do not mistake this for weakness as it was fully within my grasp to kill her. But every pack member is precious and necessary and a life should not so easily be extinguished, but cherished.” I bowed my head and bared my throat to him.

  “I do not believe anyone will contest the victor of this challenge. The restraint you have shown is unheard of and the grace and mercy you've bestowed on her is a sign of true leadership. We will do all we can to save her life.”

  “Thank you.”

  The roar of the crowd and applause that followed was startling, and I was suddenly very aware of my nakedness as I turned and limped quickly to the little room off the arena that I had started the evening in. Once behind closed doors, I collapsed against the wall and slid to the floor sobbing. I had almost taken a l
ife and I would have to live with that knowledge.


  Chapter 26

  Lily was rushing to the door of the waiting room where I knew Kelsey was crying. I cut her off before she could make it there.

  “Hey! Give me that back,” she complained, as I grabbed Kelsey's duffle from her.

  “Give her some space, Lil. I'll take it to her.” I didn't leave room for argument as I closed the space between me and the woman I loved, shutting out the world behind us with the slam of the door. I saw Kelsey jump at the noise and met watery brown eyes. I dropped to my knees and scooped her up into my arms.

  “I-I-I almost killed her out there.”

  I couldn't help the chuckle. “That's my girl!” She punched me in the arm, but nuzzled her head against my chest. I sighed. “You had me scared for a minute there, baby. I wasn't sure I'd ever get to hold you like this again.”

  “Not a chance,” she said, sounding more assured than ever.

  We sat like that in silence for a long while, just holding each other. I could sense that most of the pack had retreated for the night, no longer waiting around to issue congratulations. There were only a few stragglers still waiting when we finally ventured out.

  Kelsey's eyes were a little red and puffy. It looked obvious she had been crying. Not one person commented or made a sound, but as one the group dropped to one knee and bared their necks to my mate. The sight nearly made my chest explode in pride, and for the first time in my life I felt Alpha power freely flowing from me, and not just me, but from us, and not in the forceful way to push my will on others as I had used in the past, but a different kind of power, the kind necessary for respect and strength as a leader of a pack. The kind I had only ever seen come from my father and mother.

  As she motioned for them to rise and they followed her command, there was some commotion at the back of the small group that had gathered and I strained to take a closer look. I knew visitors from other packs were already arriving and had come in to see Kelsey's first challenge. I knew they could make trouble even though they were given strict warnings against it on their arrival. My instincts screamed to protect my mate, but as the crowd parted, a small slight woman broke from the pack practically tackling Kelsey. My hackles stood up and I was in mid growl when I realized who it was.


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