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One True Mate (Westin Pack Book 1)

Page 22

by Julie Trettel

  “Come home with me.”

  “You know I can't. Your dad said it was okay to see you and allow our wolves to settle with the knowledge that you are ok, but that was it.”

  I grinned and stalked closer to her. She blushed and backed up until her back hit the wall.

  “Kyle, there are people still out there waiting for you. We can't.”

  “I guess you better keep quiet for once then,” I challenged as my lips met hers with all the frustrations and fears of the week. The last night we had been together she had been injured and I had spent it caring for her. It had been far too long since we had last really been together. The Council had planned it that way, I knew, and I knew their reasons, but I didn't care.

  I didn't think she was going to submit to me, but when she did, I couldn't have stopped myself if I had wanted to. And I did not want to. I needed my mate in every sense of the word. I slowed only long enough to be careful with her clothing, even though I wanted to just rip it from her body. This wasn't the careful caressing we were used to, this was all pent up want and desire mingled with fear pouring through us and I felt like she was the air I needed to breathe and I couldn't get close enough to her. It was fast and furious as I pressed her body against the wall and we both took and gave with equal urgency. I felt sated for the first time in far too many days, even if it was over much too quickly.

  Breathless and panting, I softened my grip on her and when her legs unwrapped from around my waist, I lowered her to the ground. I kissed her softer this time and pulled her to me, just holding her a minute, basking in the afterglow.

  She shook her head against my chest. “There's still a lot of people out there waiting for you.” And I'm probably going to die of embarrassment when you open that door, so you won't have to worry about your other challenges anyway, she half teased.

  I laughed and reached down to gather her clothes, tossing them back to her, but I watched and didn't move to dress myself until she was fully clothed.

  Worth a million challenges, babe!

  She let me exit first and held back a few minutes as the crowd erupted and congratulations began. Then she tried to sneak out and melt into the crowd. Fat chance of that. I grabbed her hand and pulled her arm around my waist. This was our pack and this was my mate, their future Pack Mother and we would not hide our love. Though she was stiff, and a tad uncomfortable, she humored me.

  Cole Anderson shot me a knowing look and shook his head laughing. “One down, two to go. And because of the number of challenges you've been issued, and the shortened challenge period, word has gone out that challenges will only be accepted for another seventy-two hours. After that it's closed to allow time to schedule before your challenge period ends. There's some alphas not real happy about it, but you two have the Pack Council so worried that they want this over as quickly as possible. We'll know in the next few days exactly what you two are facing.”

  Kelsey brightened next to me. “Really? No more challenges can be made after that?”

  “That's right.”

  I felt her relief flood me. It made me happy to see my mate so happy.

  We headed over the Crate, a public place we could spend time together and celebrate, though I still didn't feel there was much to celebrate. Kelsey and I stayed for quite awhile before we said our goodbyes. The Council was watching us closely and I was told in no uncertain terms that we were to have no further physical contact. Yeah, I'd heard that one before too. But I did try to behave and my wolf only growled slightly when Cole escorted Kelsey home instead of me. I didn't like going home alone. It felt too empty without her, so I instead went to Mom and Dad's and crashed in my old room for the night.

  I slept in late, though I had planned to get to the office early to see Kelsey as soon as possible. When I finally did wake, there was a flurry of excitement through the house. Not the good kind of excitement. Several skirmishes had broken out through the night between the Westin Pack and several of the visiting packs, particularly the New York Central Pack though Morris was already busy disciplining his wolves and preparing for departure, the Irish Clan which had just arrived with Patrick O'Connell, and of course the Bulgarians.

  I was told before my second cup of coffee that I would be battling O'Connell that night. I had questioned the decision as it was unheard of to have back to back challenges like that, but in light of the lack of injury from the previous challenge, the Westin Council was certain I would be up to it and the sooner the challenges were over, the better, as far as they were concerned.

  I didn't have time to properly stress over the day's challenge before duty called and I was off to discipline and understand exactly what was happening.

  Amidst a day of excuses and stories of he said, she said, that were enough to give anyone a headache, I was able to sneak off for a whole ten minutes to catch Kelsey on the tail end of her lunch. It was long enough for me to at least see her, kiss her, and have her wish me well before I was off and running again. Dad was equally busy as there had been so many problems uprising through the night. The day was gone in a flash with little resolved aside from a few slaps on the wrist and some extra security details issued.

  Patrick had asked to meet with me prior to the night's challenge, but with everything going on, I was unable to meet his demand. Now I sat, once again, in the room I was coming to think of as a cage awaiting my second challenge. Unlike Matt Snyder, who I was sorry to hear did not survive the night, Patrick O'Connell was a worthy challenger. Not just that, but I had always known him to be a good man. I did not look forward to this battle, yet I knew I would do anything to keep Kelsey. Because of his position and power in his own right, I also could not afford to spare Patrick's life and that weighed heavily on me.

  The rallying noise in the arena had grown so loud that although I could feel Kelsey's arrival, I was unable to even hear past the noise to reach out to her through our bond. In fact, it was so loud that someone had to come and motion for me to enter when the time for challenge finally came.

  As I entered the arena, a roar rose up surrounding me. I saw O'Connell enter as well and nodded my acknowledgment to him. He looked upset and off. I could smell worry wafting off him and knew that would play well to my advantage. I couldn't think of him as my once childhood friend, only as my enemy and I would be victorious over him.

  Don't get cocky there, hairball. I need you to stay focused. O'Connell is quick and well skilled. Elise and I watched him prepare earlier today. Your sister left visibly shaken, but even I could tell he is a solid fighter. Not as good as you, of course, but please keep your head straight and stay focused. My mate encouraged me through our bond. My eyes met her and the noise seemed to disappear. I smiled, gave her a wink and nodded.

  I got this, babe, I assured her watching her nod back.

  Once again only she and my father sat in the upper deck area. Should her powers try to escape he was ready to help her reign it in. She had done well during my battle with Matt, but he was hardly a real threat to me. This would be a true test to her as well as me.

  O'Connell made his way to meet me in the center of the arena as my father began the slow process of quieting the crowd.

  “I told you we needed to talk before this battle,” he said quickly.

  “I'm sorry, there were a few uprisings in the pack that had to be addressed. And honestly Patrick, what does it matter now?”

  “It matters to me!” He said, looking upset. “I have to know, Kyle, is it true?”

  “Is what true?”

  “Kelsey, is she your one true mate.”

  I stopped and stared at him, curious of his sudden questions. “Yes, of course she is. You know me. Would I ever willingly battle for anyone less?”

  He sighed and slammed his fist into his thigh in frustrations. “You're certain?”

  “Two hundred percent.”

  “I know this is an unorthodox request, and I truly wish you had made time before now, but may I approach your mate? I just have to know?”
br />   “Now?”

  “Yes of course now, when else could it possibly be?”

  “What do you want?”

  “I need her close enough to smell her.”

  “Have you lost your mind?”

  “Look, I only arrived this morning. I haven't had time to even properly meet her and I do not wish to risk my life without knowing for sure.”

  “Knowing what for sure, you're not making any sense.”

  “If she could ever possibly be my mate!” He screamed just as the crowd began to die down. Dad had begun to speak, and I knew we were running out of time.

  “Father,” I yelled up at him. “a momentary delay, please.”

  Kels, I need you to come down to the arena door. I told her trying to stay calm. I had no clue what was going on in Patrick's head.

  Now? She demanded.

  Yes, now. It's apparently important. Just come.

  I watched as she whispered something to my father and made her way down. All eyes were on her. Patrick turned to stare at me after she had disappeared from our view.


  “How what, now?”

  “Kyle, are you bonded to her? You only asked your father for a moment's delay, yet she's on her way down here, isn't she?”

  “Yes, as you requested.” I said, trying curb my irritation with him. What was he up to?

  “But you didn't actually ask her to come down here.”

  “Yes. I did.” I said before realizing what he was talking about.

  His eyes widened as I made my silent confession unknowingly and I cursed under my breath.

  “You're already bonded? How? How long?”

  “It doesn't matter.”

  “Of course it matters, Kyle. It matters to me.”

  “Why? I mean let's be real here. It's not my mate you want, it's my pack position.”

  He shook his head, “No, that's what my father wants.”

  I felt the truth in his words and bit back my anger.

  Kelsey opened the door and walked out. I politely introduced them.

  “Hello Kelsey. May I, smell you?” He hesitated slightly, and even blushed a little.

  She looked at me seeking permission first. I nodded and she stepped closer to him. He stared at my mark on her neck before leaning in and taking a deep whiff. She was supposed to keep it covered during the challenge period, but I knew she wore that shirt on purpose today to show it off. He stood back looking almost sad.

  “This morning, you came to watch me fight.”

  She nodded. “Yes I did.”

  “You cannot be her though. My apologies. I knew, I just had to be certain.” He smiled sweetly at her. “You may return now.” He told her, pointing up to where my dad still stood looking sullen and confused.

  “Okay,” she said, slowly dragging out the words, but turning to make her way back.

  He watched her leave before turning back to me. My wolf was ready to rip him into shreds. If he was making an attempt at a distraction to throw me off his game, he was about to realize his plan was backfiring badly. I had never been so pumped to fight in my life. I could already smell the stench of his death in the air.

  He clapped a hand onto the back of my shoulder in a too friendly gesture as we made our way back to the center of the arena.

  “She's a beautiful woman. Any wolf would be lucky to have her.” By this point I was only seeing red and could barely hear Kelsey's small voice in my head trying to soothe and calm me before this battle. “You are a very lucky man, Kyle.”

  I looked at him like he had gone mad, but he just continued to ramble.

  “Earlier when your mate came to watch me, I felt her,” he said in almost a whisper. My fists balled at my sides and he shook his head, “Not Kelsey, HER, my one true mate. She's here, Kyle, and now that I have her scent I'll stop at nothing to find her. I believe she arrived with Kelsey, or around the same time, but I can't be certain as there were so many in attendance. I think she's definitely from your pack though. Will you allow me to stay and track her? Let's face it my da's not going to let me come home after this.”

  “What are you talking about? You're not making any sense.”

  He actually held up one finger my way before turning towards my father again. Did he have a death wish? I was already pissed enough with his outrageous request. Kelsey was back by my dad's side, and all eyes were on us when he spoke again.

  “Alpha of the Westin Pack,” he formally said, loud enough for all to hear, “my apologies for the delay. As you know I only arrived this morning with the challenge blindly bid on my behalf. I only wished to meet your lovely future Pack Mother in person.” I let out a growl, but he continued on like it was nothing. “Upon doing so, I regrettably must request your approval to renege my challenge at this time. It is clear to me that Kelsey is Kyle's one true mate, and I will not come between them.”

  The roar of loud whispers and a few cries of outrage were deafening. It took my father some time to get them settled, and I nearly doubled over as bile rose up in my mouth at the suddenness of his words. He was reneging. I wouldn't have to fight him. I would not have to kill my friend to keep my mate.

  “You're serious?” I asked him. “This isn't some sort of sick prank of yours to throw me off my game going into challenge?”

  “Kyle, we've known each other a long time. We've had our differences certainly, but I've always considered you a friend. My request stands. May I stay in Westin territory in search of my own true mate?”

  I stood tall and grasped his forearm as he did mine in the formal manner of which his pack greeted respect. “Aye, you may.” I told him as the biggest smile lit my face. He closed his other arm around me in a brutal hug that I returned. “Thank you.”

  My father was still waving for quiet.

  “You are certain of this, Patrick O'Connell of the Irish Clan?”

  Without a word, Patrick dropped to one knee, bowed his head then exposed his neck to me. When I nodded he jumped up.

  “I've never been more certain of anything, sir.”

  “Then so shall it be.”

  With that the noise grew again and it didn’t take long before the door to the arena cracked open and Kelsey ran across to us, launching herself into my arms. I caught her midair and her legs easily wrapped around my waist as she kissed me for all to see. I knew we'd catch some hell for it, but I didn't care and it certainly didn't seem to bother Patrick who was grinning almost as widely as I was. Setting her back on her feet she hugged close to me fitting perfectly into my side and we both turned to the man who had given such grace to us.

  “Patrick, you are welcome in Westin territory anytime, and for as long as you would like. In fact, if I'm honest, Kelsey has very little left at her place. We'll move out her remaining things and she can stay with Mom and Dad until the challenge period has ended and you are welcome to her house for the duration of your stay.” She nudged me and quirked an eyebrow up at me. I just winked at her.

  Not like you need the place anymore anyway. I reminded her.

  “Don't get cocky, Kyle. Andon is not going to be so gracious and you know it.”

  “I have two days left to prepare, it will all work out.”

  “And really, it's fine,” Kelsey rambled. “I so rarely use it anyway, might as well give it up.” She blushed all over realizing her admittance.

  Patrick laughed, a genuine full belly laugh. “Fear not, your secret is safe with me.”

  “This place it going to be insane tonight. How about we all lie low. Drinks back at our place?” Kelsey elbowed me at the insinuation regardless of the truth in it. It was our home.

  “Yes, I think that would be wise.”

  “I'll see if the girls want to join us and we'll meet you at home,” she caught herself that time and blushed deeper. “I mean at your house.


  Chapter 29

  I swung by the Alpha's house to see if Lily and Elise wanted to join us as they had already left the arena. Lily
was game for it, but Elise still seemed off. She said she wasn't feeling well and would just stay in, but something told me there was more to it than that. I was worried about my friend.

  Still, there was much to celebrate, so I pushed my concerns aside and Lily and I sped off to Kyle's house to meet the boys. The entire way she was babbling about how cute Patrick was and how sweet it was for him to drop the challenge. That girl had more crushes than I would ever keep up with.

  It was fun getting to know Patrick O'Connell. He had an easy nature and was quite animated when he talked and that accent of his just drew me in. Okay, not just me, I noticed, seeing the dreamy eyed glaze on Lily's face. I'm pretty sure that boy could have been reciting the phone book and the look wouldn't have changed.

  Snuggled up to Kyle on the couch with my feet propped up on the coffee table and a few drinks to the wind, life was really great for that brief moment. We all eventually crashed right there in the living room and waking up in his arms just felt righter than anything in the last week had.

  But, all good things must come to a crashing halt. With the 72 hour warning having been issued, we all knew it was only a matter of time. And I knew when the phone rang, stirring the others back to life that it wasn't going to be good.

  “Hey,” I heard Kyle say. “What?” He ran his hand through his already ruffled morning hair. “Jesus, Dad. Are you kidding me?” There was a pause and I tried to listen in and gain some knowledge both with my ears and through the bond, but nothing. “Yeah, okay. Yes,” he said a little louder and full of frustration. “I understand, Dad.” He sighed, “It is what it is. We'll do what we have to.... okay, bye.”

  “It's bad isn't it?” I asked softly.

  He looked around at the audience before us and I knew he didn't want to talk in front of them, but I had to know.

  “Spill it, Kyle. I'm a big girl. I can handle it.”

  He played with my hand almost absentmindedly and couldn't look me in the eyes. “First,” he began slowly, “since I didn’t fight last night, Andon's challenge was moved up to tonight.” He paused and let that sink in. “You have three potential challengers, Kels. And I have a potential for another five. All of them put in their request for consideration and extension, meaning they haven't formally issued the challenges, but have been granted the right to do so for the remaining challenge period despite the 72 hour warning issued.”


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