Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1)

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Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1) Page 11

by D. A. Young

  Noelle gave her friend a warning look to hopefully stop what she suspected was coming next, but Sidra was off and running. “I sincerely doubt that, Jack. Don’t get me wrong; Darby is cool as hell, but that other one? I like dealing with him as much as I like dealing with the stomach flu. I know he’s your family and all, but he walks around like he’s got one of my Louboutin’s stuck up his ass.”

  At that, the bigger of the two men threw his head back and gave a booming laugh, causing Sidra to jump and turn around. The other one’s eyes were shards of ice as he stared at her with disdain. To her credit, Sidra didn’t flinch; she just smiled sweetly at him before turning back to Jack. “Add sneaky to my list.”

  “Oh Ms. Sidra, it’s always a pleasure to see you. Gimme some sugar, darlin’.” The laughing giant got himself under control and opened his huge arms which Sidra went into with a genuine smile; completely ignoring the other man whose death glare remained trained on her. Finally, he spoke to the back of Sidra’s head as she remained cuddled in Darby’s embrace.

  “Sidra, don’t you look like the epitome of class? Pity the illusion is ruined when you open your mouth,” he said disparagingly in a low southern drawl.

  Noelle gasped, and Jack stepped forward with a frown on his face. The other man holding Sidra gave him a dirty look. “I think your mama raised you to have better manners than that, Casey.”

  Casey replied, “You’re right, man.” Then he turned a dazzling smile on Noelle. “Ms. Noelle, I’m Casey Sullivan; and I’m absolutely delighted to meet you. Please forgive me for pointing out that your friend has no class.”

  Before Jack and Darby could jump on him further, Sidra stepped out of Darby’s arms to look up and meet Casey’s glare, dead in the eye. “Casey, what an unpleasant surprise. I wasn’t expecting to see you tonight. Love your suit. It complements the blackness of your soul.” She turned her back to him again. “I’ll catch up with you guys later. Darby, we have to kick it before you leave okay? Ciao.”

  Sidra walked away, leaving them to watch her fierce strut as she disappeared into the crowd. Casey’s jaw was clenched and his cheeks were stained red. He looked like a beautiful avenging angel about to smite the path that Sidra was walking.

  Darby continued to look amused as Noelle and Jack looked at each other in bemusement. They both knew Sidra never backed down from a confrontation, and Jack was amused because Casey never had problems with the opposite sex. This was a first for both of them.

  Clearing her throat, Noelle addressed both gentlemen. “Hi, I’m Noelle Kramer. It’s very nice to meet you both.” Jack squeezed her waist and gave her a raised eyebrow when she looked at him. “I’m also your brother’s fiancée.” Jack winked at her, and she felt heat creep up her face as the brothers smirked knowingly at them.

  “Damn, you’ve got it bad, Jackie! Well Ms. Noelle, I’m Darby Sullivan, and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Don’t just stand there; let me give you a hug to welcome you nice and proper-like to the family.” Darby opened his arms again with a friendly smile. But when Noelle moved to hug him, she found herself bound to Jack’s side, his arm a steel band around her waist.

  She gave him a look that said really? But he was too busy glaring at Darby. “Piece by piece,” he promised his brother who smiled back innocently at him.

  “Christ, Darby; you know you’re bad when your own brother won’t trust you with his woman. Ms. Noelle, welcome to the family,” Casey finished smoothly, giving her a warm smile. Unlike his brother, he didn’t attempt to touch her.

  “Thank you both very much. What do you say we go mingle and enjoy ourselves?” Noelle suggested. She muttered to Jack under her breath, “I know I could really use a stiff drink.” It was going to be a really loooong weekend if the drama between Sidra and Casey escalated.

  Before they could leave, Avery rushed up to them, a vision in a coral colored maxi dress that skimmed her voluptuous curves. Her hair was piled atop her head in a chic topknot; and around her neck, complementing her generous cleavage, was a gold multi-layered necklace with tiny gemstones weaved throughout.

  “Hey guys. What’s wrong with Sidra?” she asked concernedly, reaching up to kiss both Jack’s and Noelle’s cheeks. “I said hi to her, and she walked right passed me. One of her exes didn’t show up did they? I triple-checked that list myself; and if that’s the case, keep her away from the utensils and anything flammable.” Suddenly Avery became aware of the two men standing there; two very attractive men. Smiling brightly at them she said, “Oh my, sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

  Casey gave her a slow smile that caused her to blink owlishly at him, while Darby nodded his head at her politely. Jack raised an eyebrow as he caught his loud-mouthed, shit-stirring, smooth-talking brother’s eye. There wasn’t enough money in the world to pay Darby to be quiet about anything. That he was strangely silent in the presence of a woman was unheard of. Darby never missed an opportunity to flirt with a woman. Short, tall, fat, skinny, young, old, pretty or ugly, he simply didn’t discriminate.

  “Avery, I’d like you to meet my brothers, Casey and Darby Sullivan,” Jack said. Noelle grinned at her friend as her head swung back and forth like a pendulum between the brothers before she turned a wide-eyed gaze to Noelle.

  “All of this hotness in one family? Is that even legal?” Avery shook her head dazedly as Casey and Jack laughed. Darby just continued to stare at her intently, causing her to blush profusely.

  “The pleasure is all mine, Ms. Avery,” Darby murmured and Noelle thought Avery would have an orgasm on the spot. She certainly wouldn’t blame her. The Sullivan brothers with their good looks and southern charm were detrimental to a girl’s libido.

  “Jack Sullivan, you are so forgiven for stealing our girl away; but not for hiding your good-looking brothers,” Avery said flirtatiously as she gave a melodramatic sigh and pressed a hand to her bosom. Noelle noticed how Darby’s eyes followed her hand. She caught Jack’s smirk; and before he could tease Darby, Noelle grabbed his hand. “Come on guys, let’s mingle,” she said leading him away.

  Chapter Eleven

  The rest of the evening progressed smoothly, especially with Casey and Sidra studiously avoiding each other. The group dined on a variety of wonderful dishes Noelle had selected such pork vindaloo, curried duck fritters, steamed mussels in lemongrass, and assorted grilled meats in Thai spices. Next was a performance by traditionally-dressed dancers performing in Lakhon, the graceful, sensual, and fluid dance that portrayed different emotions. Noelle, who was wrapped in Jack’s arms, noticed that Darby’s eyes followed Avery as she swayed along with the music. She also noticed Sidra glaring at Casey, who was ignoring a group of women who were attempting to get his attention as he watched the dancers.

  “I think one brother likes my friend and the other one isn’t safe around my other friend. What do you think?” Noelle said wryly, twisting her head back to look up at Jack. He smiled looking down into her large gray eyes. I could stare at her for the rest of my life, he thought, tightening his arms around her and looking at his brothers and her friends.

  “I think that I’m having the best time that I’ve had in a long time, so I won’t worry about them and neither should you. I know it’s short notice, but after we get married, I’d like for us to go away for a week. Can you spare a little time off from work? I want to take you to my hometown if you can, okay?” he asked in a low undertone before giving her a kiss on the side of her forehead. Jack pretended not to notice the way his brothers smirked at him and wondered if Noelle thought he was a creeper because he couldn’t stop touching her. Although she always looked great to him, tonight she was glowing, and the men in attendance were definitely taking notice. Several times tonight he’d stared down every man attempting to catch her gaze, ready to beat the shit out of them on a moment’s notice. Subconsciously he pulled her impossibly closer.

  Noelle smiled and nodded her head in agreement to his suggestion. Being in Jack’s arms, enclosed by his strength and th
e masculine scent of his cologne, was nothing short of heaven to her and she would have agreed to anything. Not to mention, that he recognized that she was a business owner and as such respected that enough to be considerate enough to ask, not demand, anything of her. At the end of the night everyone received a lantern to write a message on. Noelle quickly wrote her message and noticed Jack appeared to be deep in thought before finally writing on his lantern. Then hand in hand, they went to stand with everyone else and released their lanterns into the sky.


  Saturday morning Jack was in his master bath contemplating shaving. Last night when they walked the ladies to their cars, he’d pulled Noelle close, nuzzling her neck and breathing her scent in. She’d laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck, at first complaining that his shadow was scratchy. She then sighed and ran her fingers through the longer hair at his nape causing bolts of desire to run up and down his spine.

  “You don’t like it? It’ll be gone tomorrow,” he promised, dropping a kiss on her nose. Noelle’s eyes were filled with lust, as her fingers lightly scratched his scalp. Jack looked down her top to see her amazing breasts cupped by some frilly bra that was the same color as her skin tone. His hands itched to pull the front of her top down and bury his face in her cleavage. “I don’t believe I mentioned how beautiful you look.” He leaned close to her ear, licking her lobe sensuously and whispered huskily, “You’re wearing the hell out of this outfit.”

  “Well thank you; and on the contrary, I find this look to be quite sexy on you,” she said breathless at the hungry look in his eyes that was making her nipples ache to be suckled by his warm, wet mouth. Noelle licked her lips as his heavy-lidded gaze fell to her chest.

  “I aim to please, ma’am,” he growled, leaning forward to trail soft kisses along her jaw, causing her fingers to grip his hair more aggressively. Jack felt his eyes roll back in his head with pleasure. Christ, she had him so whipped; it was scary and didn’t his brothers just know it…

  “Shit Jackie, did you just purr like a cat?” Casey asked incredulously before he and Darby started cracking up.

  “Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit! Our big bro’s got it bad, huh, Case?” Darby teased mercilessly, laughing even harder as Jack turned red and gave him the finger.

  Noelle tried to stifle a pleased smirk at the slow flush creeping up his cheeks. “I think I’ll say goodnight now.” He watched as she walked to the car her hips swinging enticingly, silently calling his name. Jack shoved his fists in his pocket and willed himself not to follow her home.

  Casey came in and sat down on his bed, and Jack shook his head at his brother’s perfect appearance. Even as a child Casey, could never look rumpled. He always looked as if he were airbrushed. Only Jack and Darby knew the turmoil his looks caused him. He was bullied first by their prick father who did it in public which kids picked up on. No one dared do it while his brothers were around; but when he was by himself, the other kids teased him cruelly.

  It wasn’t until Casey was in the seventh grade and shattered a senior named Grady Calhoun’s jaw that people stopped fucking with him. Jack could stop conversation with a look. Darby’s size was his weapon. But Casey had a rage that few people could comprehend. It was born from feeling helpless against a parent that loathed him and abandoned by the other that he loved more than life itself.

  “You’re up early. Somethin’, or should I say someone, on your mind?” Jack asked with a small smile meeting his brother’s stormy eyes in the mirror as he plugged in his electric razor.

  Casey snorted. “Hell no. I’m just a light sleeper.” He paused and looked down at his clenched hands.

  Wait for it... Jack said to himself. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five…

  “What’s her deal anyway? I’ve only had two conversations with her, and most of it was just helpful advice on how she could improve her job performance,” Casey burst out with a scowl. Although he didn’t like the attention his looks brought him, the fact that someone from the opposite sex had been immune enough that she’d told him in no uncertain terms how he could exactly kiss her ass was baffling to him. From the minute he’d laid eyes on the dark-skinned beauty, he knew she was trouble. Her lips were just a little too pouty; eyes sparkling a little too brightly.

  Casey’s meeting was just getting underway when she’d strutted, not walked into the conference room like she owned the damn place. His dick sprung to life so fast at the sight of her that he’d had to place the presentation papers he was holding in front of his pants. With a deep scowl on his face, he noticed how every man, young and old, in the conference room followed the high roundness of her ass that was covered in a form-fitting black pencil skirt.

  She settled into a chair closest to where he was standing and pulled out a notebook. Casey continued to talk, but was acutely aware of the beautiful woman whose crisp, short-sleeved, white button-down shirt strained a little against her breasts. And although her hair was pulled back into a sleek ponytail, nothing detracted from the subtle blue and purple streaks running through it, which seemed to bring out the richness of her chocolate complexion. He watched from the corner of his eye as she appeared to be looking for something.

  Then Dante Johnson, the firm’s resident player, leaned in and handed her a pen; and she smiled gorgeously, murmuring thank you in a seductive voice that shot straight to Casey’s balls. No woman had ever caused a reaction so visceral in him; and the fact that Johnson had a smile on his face like he was going to get a piece of her as he winked and mouthed “no problem” shot the usually cool and collected lawyer straight off the deep end.

  “Could the two of you flirt on your own time? There are others in here that are taking this meeting seriously and would appreciate not being distracted by idle chitchat. Miss, I suggest you come prepared to my meetings or don’t come at all.”

  The minute he finished his rant, Casey regretted the harsh words. You could hear a pin drop in the conference room. Johnson flushed deeply and quickly mumbled an apology, backing away from her as if she were now contagious. Casey watched the beautiful, young mystery woman push her chair back and slowly stand to her feet and gather her things, her gaze never leaving his. Although her outward expression was serene, her eyes promised him a fiery death. All eyes were on her again as she strutted back towards the door. He opened his mouth to say he was sorry, but the words wouldn’t come.

  “It’s not your place to tell her how to do her job. She doesn’t work for you, she works for the firm and was there to take important notes for Vivienne. If Vivi knew how you’d spoken to Sidra, she’d rip you a new one. She fucking adores her witty personality.” Jack taunted him knowing how badly it would get under Casey’s skin. Although she was his business partner, Vivienne Romankov was also a mother figure to the brothers, stepping in immediately to help raise them alongside Ian when their dear friend Moira was murdered.

  “Vivienne adores Sidra? You’re fucking kidding me right? What’s there to adore about her? Pit bulls with menstrual cramps are nicer than she is!” Casey stated derisively.

  Jack frowned as he finished lining his jaw. “That’s enough, Case. Not only is Sidra an excellent employee, she also happens to be Noelle’s very good friend. Just keep your distance if you can’t get along. The last thing I need is for Noelle to think that any group events we have will be stress-filled and get cold feet about marrying me,” he said warningly to his brother.

  There was a short silence before Casey changed the subject. “I was thinking about going to see Dr. Klaus when I get back to D.C.”

  Their parent’s tumultuous marriage, the pain of losing their mother, and rage towards Patrick Sullivan had left the boys barely able to function. It was Vivienne that introduced them to Dr. Laura Klaus. She explained that after their mother died, she had so many unresolved feelings bottled up inside, that she thought she’d go mad if she didn’t work them out. Since they were feeling the same way, they agreed to go with her. The first five sessions were brutal and heart-wr
enching; but after that, each visit got just a little bit easier.

  Dr. Klaus was patient, firm, and blunt as hell. She knew that Jack blamed himself for being the eldest and not being able to take care of their mother; that Darby harbored resentment because Jack hadn’t allowed him to back into the house to protect their mother; and how helpless Casey felt being the smallest and the target of their father’s abuse.

  Dr. Klaus knew all of that; but she also told them that in the end, they were kids who’d been severely let down by parents who failed them. Darby, blinded with fury, had punched a hole in the wall and needed to be sedated when she said that Moira Sullivan should have left Patrick a long time ago, especially for their safety. She had friends who would’ve helped her; but all Jack could think was that he’d let all of them down, which pushed him to try harder to make everything perfect for his loved ones.

  “Something wrong, lil bro? You can tell me,” Jack said, watching his brother closely. Already he was thinking of how he could rearrange his schedule to support his brother. Casey shrugged his shoulders while he struggled with his words. Finally, he spoke. “There’s this case I’m working on…it feels too much like our childhood. I feel like I should excuse myself from it because it’s getting too personal for me. But if I don’t do everything in my power to put him away, he will kill her, Jack. It’s only a matter of when, if he doesn’t go to jail. The signs are all there.”


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