Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1)

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Sweet Obsession (Men of Whiskey Row Book 1) Page 12

by D. A. Young

  “Christ! Case, you’re a damn good attorney. If anyone can put the bastard away, it’s you. But I don’t want you going all vigilante on me by taking matters into your own hands. Let’s put a detail on her. I’m sure Darby wouldn’t mind,” Jack suggested.

  “Darby wouldn’t mind what?” their middle brother asked suspiciously from the bedroom doorway before stumbling in and flopping on Jack’s bed. “Please tell me what you’re setting me up for now? You boys must think I sit around all day just scratchin’ my ass waitin’ by the phone for your calls.”

  “I don’t think you just scratch your ass all day, D. I’m sure you’re a little more productive and manage to get your balls too,” Casey deadpanned as Jack laughed.

  Darby gave them the finger and said slyly, “I’ll tell you who’s got a set of balls— the beautiful Ms. Barton, that’s who,” he smirked. “I could listen to that woman rip you a new one all day, and look fine as hell doing it.”

  Casey narrowed his eyes at him. “You done? If not, maybe I should just call Ms. Avery over here to shut you up. Good lord, did you get a look at them curves though…” he said giving a long wolf whistle. “Now that’s an hour glass with more than a few extra minutes!”

  Darby sat up and punched Casey’s arm twice, causing Casey to wince before punching him back. Before they could take it further, Jack intervened.

  “Y’all are too much for me on an empty stomach. Let’s go get some breakfast. We’ve been invited out again tonight. Avery said they’re going to some club tonight.”

  Darby looked up at Jack with speculation in his eyes. “I’ve been thinking about somethin’ since you told me you were gonna get married. How’d you propose to Noelle? Was it a grand gesture of undying love?”

  Jack stiffened, surveying his brother coolly. “As a matter of fact, it was.”

  “Yeah…bout that,” Darby drawled, watching his older brother like a hawk. “I wasn’t even aware the two of y’all were seein’ each other.” His eyes lit up at seeing the tick in Jack’s jaw, which indicated he was annoyed with the conversation. “I mean, you never even mentioned her at all like you did with Vaughn or the other chicks you were rumored to be hooking up with.”

  Jack struggled to control the giveaway tick. He knew Darby would be all over him like a shark smelling blood if he sensed anything out of the ordinary. “Since when do I ever really go into great detail about any female I’m associated with? With Vaughn, you guys asked who she was, and I told you her name. Everything else about her you found out on your own like the gossip whore you are, dickhead.”

  Darby scratched his beard, eyeing Jack. “Huh…methinks he doth protest too much.” He turned to Casey. “What say you, baby bro?”

  “I think that there is definitely a mutual admiration between them, but I am also curious as to know why her name has never been mentioned,” Casey said slowly. “Does this have anything to do with her ex?” he asked curiously. “I mean does she know what happened with him?”

  “She knows what that shithead is capable of,” Jack said in a short tone that warned his brothers to drop the subject. Tension filled the room as Darby and Jack stared at each other.

  “I hope you’re not playing some kind of game with her heart, Jackie,” Darby said carefully. “That gal looks at you with stars in her eyes. If ya don’t feel the same, you should probably say somethin’ before you fuck shit up.”

  Casey added his two cents. “She seems like a really good girl, Jack. As long as you’re marrying her for the right reasons, I’m cool with it. Does Ian know that you’re gonna be defiling his precious god-daughter on the regular?” he joked, trying to lighten the mood; but Jack needed to let them know how serious he was.

  “Noelle Kramer is going to be my wife,” Jack’s voice rang with cold finality. “Anyone who has a problem with that needs to shut the fuck up. Now let’s go get something to eat.”

  And he would destroy anyone who dared to take her from him, he vowed silently, walking out of the bedroom, leaving his brothers to look at each other with concern.

  Chapter Twelve

  Noelle parked her silver Mini Cooper by the servants’ entrance of her parents’ home. She was hoping to get in, out, and undetected by her mother’s keen radar. This morning, Chef Martin had called frantically, saying he was having no success trying to recreate her chocolate torte for Alicia’s dinner party tonight, and that he desperately needed her help.

  It was a setup, Noelle realized as soon as she walked into her parent’s kitchen and saw her mother looking immaculate in tennis whites, calmly sipping a cup of tea at the breakfast nook. She was perusing a newspaper with her reading glasses perched elegantly on her slender nose. A meal of eggs benedict, roasted asparagus, and mixed fruit lay on the table behind her. The table was set for two.

  Noelle quickly cut her eyes at the chef who turned red, offering her pleading eyes before going back to hastily chopping vegetables at the massive marble island. Quickly she contemplated backing out of the room before her mother could see her, but today was not her lucky day.

  “Oh don’t be mad at him, darling. I think he was just taking pity on an old woman for having to tell a lie to get her own daughter to come see her,” Alicia Kramer said sweetly as she folded the paper in two and met Noelle’s gaze. She smiled pleasantly at both of them. “After all, Martin is a culinary genius. Why would he need your input?”

  That last remark let the other two people in the room know that Alicia was aware of Noelle’s secretly cooking for the family and that Martin was getting paid for work he didn’t do. Shit! Noelle had a sinking feeling that Martin’s days were numbered in the Kramer household. Red-faced, he quickly excused himself from the kitchen, and Noelle hoped he was going to go work on updating his resume. If he did get terminated, she would help him find some other place to work.

  “Come sit down and eat. It isn’t every day that I get to see your pretty face. Of course, if you still lived here, then I wouldn’t be experiencing this problem now would I?” Alicia finished with a moue, tilting her cheek towards her daughter. Noelle leaned down and kissed the offered cheek before resignedly pulling out the chair across from her mother and sitting down.

  Noelle felt her mother’s eyes assessing her appearance. After the frantic call this morning, she’d only had time to put on a pair of black leggings and a short-sleeved, fitted denim shirt with black ballet flats. Her hair was pulled back in a tight bun without a curl in sight, and diamond studs were her only accessories.

  “Don’t you think it’s a shame when a mother who spends seventy-two hours in labor with a baby that turns out to be colicky, prone to eczema, and refuses to sleep, hopes to spend time with that child as an adult, only to find that said child has abandoned her?” Alicia murmured mournfully, continuing the guilt trip as she fixed them both plates. “At least now I know who will be the one to sign off on my room at the nursing home in my old age.”

  “Please stop exaggerating, Mother. I’m really sorry that I haven’t been by; it’s just that I‘ve been really busy with work. How are you and Dad doing?” Noelle asked politely as she accepted the plate of food from her mother and mentally rolled her eyes. A small portion of eggs benedict, cut asparagus, and a piece of fruit; four ounces exactly she was willing to bet. Gaaaah. Under her mother’s watchful gaze, she picked up her fork and began to cut into her asparagus.

  “Oh we’re fine, dear. He’s actually back in Washington working on some committee, and I’ll be joining him next week. You know that town is just crawling with eligible young men. You really should come with me, and I can introduce you to some of them. Perhaps you’ll find someone you share the same interests with. That way, you can quit your hostess job and focus on being a wife,” Alicia suggested in a sickeningly sweet voice.

  Noelle set her fork down with a thud and met her mother’s cool gaze. “I’m not interested in being some kept woman, Mother. I like my life the way it is. As for my career, I happen to enjoy it very much. I’m sorry it’s not mentio
n-worthy at your soirees, but it suits me perfectly,” she said firmly, picking her fork back up to spear the cantaloupe viciously and take a bite. Relax; don’t let her get to you.

  As she chewed, Noelle watched her mother shuffle through a pile of papers next to her plate, and the name of Jack’s firm caught her eye. “What are you working on?” Noelle asked casually, not wanting to appear too interested in anything pertaining to Jack. Not much got past Alicia; and if she even suspected there was something going on between her daughter and Jack, she would do everything in her power to sabotage it.

  “Oh, nothing; just reviewing our contract with Ian’s firm. Lately I’ve been unsatisfied with the limited coverage our family has been getting. I think it’s time to possibly look elsewhere. I’m finding Jack to be underqualified in anticipating our needs. Good help is so very hard to find,” Alicia sighed heavily before continuing. “Then again, what can you expect from someone with a background such as his…?”

  Noelle’s hackles rose in Jack’s defense and a warning bell went off in her head as she met her mother’s piercing stare; but she refused to take the bait and forced herself to appear unaffected. “Well, I’m sure there are plenty of PR firms that will understand your healthy affection for Michelle Obama and find a way to accommodate it,” she smiled innocently as she finished the small bite of fruit, watching as her mother stiffened slightly at the subtle dig.

  “Hmmmm, I suppose you’re right darling. Well, enough about that; tell me what’s new with you? I ran into Anita Hernandez at the club this morning, and she mentioned that her aide saw you cozied up with some handsome man at an event last night. I told her that such news was rubbish. I would certainly know if my daughter was dating anyone worthy of her time and name,” Alicia said pointedly, looking at her daughter over her glasses.

  Noelle bristled at the insinuation that Jack wasn’t good enough for their family. “It was a work event; I didn’t bring a date,” she said evenly; which was technically true, as Jack had met her there. “Besides, even if there was someone, do you really think I’d bring them around to get the Kramer Inquisition?”

  “Is it so wrong to want the best for you? We can’t help but worry. Don’t take this personally darling, but it just seems like you constantly struggle in all aspects of life. All of us are very concerned about you. You don’t date; you’re not interested in obtaining a time-worthy degree; and you shy away from all family social functions. We’ve all been wondering…are you a lesbian?” Alicia asked with more than a little concern. “I’ve heard homosexuality could be hereditary; and while it’s not something that we’d be thrilled about, we could certainly turn it into a positive and use it to our advantage in your father’s career.”

  Noelle stared at her mother incredulously. “Are you hearing yourself? Why would you think that? Because I don’t bring anyone around you guys? Why, so you and Dad can interrogate them to death? No, I’m not a lesbian; but even if I was, it would still be none of your business who I date. This right here…,” she gestured between them. “This orchestrated event is exactly why I left home. You try to manipulate me, and you suffocate me. It makes me absolutely crazy!” she took a deep breath before slowly releasing it. “On that note, I think I’ll head back home.” Noelle stood up and kissed her mother’s cheek.

  Alicia’s hand shot out to capture her wrist in a firm grip. Noelle looked down in surprise, meeting her mother’s steely gaze, her words a clear warning. “I’m not sure what’s going on exactly with you and Jack Sullivan, but he is not for you. His bloodline is tainted; and in the end, he will only hurt you or worse. That’s all a Sullivan man is good at. For once, you need to listen to me, little girl.”

  How did her mother know about her and Jack? And what the hell did she mean tainted blood? Noelle shook her head slowly at her mother before pulling her arm away. She wasn’t going to let anyone hold her back anymore. Not in life and especially not in love.

  “Thank you for breakfast. The next time you want to spend quality time with me, just call. Tell Daddy I said hi. Goodbye, Mother.” Without a backward glance, Noelle walked out of the house and immediately felt freer. She got in her car and picked up her phone. There were two unread text messages.

  Avery: I had a great time last night. Don’t forget we’re meeting downtown. Luxe Fit 8 p.m. sharp! Trying to convince Pierce to go. XOXO

  Sidra: You’ve been warned that I ordered a body bag in Casey Sullivan’s size if he gets out of hand. The bonus is that it also fits Pierce if he makes Avery upset. See you tonight. Mwwah!

  Noelle laughed aloud and shook her head. Where would she be without her girls? As she looked up to start the car, she noticed her mother observing her from the kitchen window. With a wave, she drove off and didn’t look back. There was no point because she wasn’t headed in that direction.


  The line outside of the club was ridiculously long. Luckily Avery had reserved a booth that the guys were already waiting at inside. As they followed their hostess to it, Noelle felt butterflies in anticipation of seeing Jack again. After leaving her parents’ home, she went to see Avery’s hairstylist for a blowout. Even though he hadn’t said he would, she kept hoping Jack would call just so she could hear his voice. It was silly because she knew with his brothers in town, they were probably out doing guy things and catching up; so she wouldn’t sweat it.

  When they arrived at the booth, the hostess got a look at the handsome trio waiting and went into man killer mode, blatantly ignoring the women as they stood behind her waiting to be seated.

  “Are you gentlemen being taken care of? If not, my name is Sophia, and I’ll be happy to see that all your needs are met,” she purred, leaning in close to the table and exposing her cleavage as all three men stood up.

  Avery rolled her eyes. Casey stared at Sophia’s cleavage with a look of interest as he sipped his drink. Jack ignored her and walked around her to stand close to Noelle. He looked dangerously handsome in all black; and her body felt overheated at the look of desire in his eyes as they leisurely looked her up and down.

  Darby grinned devilishly at Sophia and leaned in closer, his head practically resting in her surgically-enhanced bosom. “All my needs, Sophia?” His question was heavy with innuendo. “I don’t know. I’m kinda needy, darlin’.”

  Before she could answer, Sidra stepped up to the hostess. She tapped Sophia on the shoulder; and when the she turned to face her, she gave her a brilliant smile and said, “I hate to fuck your world up with some truth, but your skankiness is showing, and it’s extremely overrated. Be a good girl and tuck it back in.”

  Casey choked and spat his drink out, causing Sofia to jump back from the table. Jack, Darby, and Noelle tried to hide their smiles while Avery shook her head with a frown. “Come on, Sid. It’s not that serious.”

  Sidra flashed Avery another megawatt smile as the hostess stared at her angrily. “I disagree. I’ll be damned if I’m going to stand here waiting to be seated while she gets her prostituting on. If I wanted to wait this long, I would have stood outside in that long- ass line.”

  Then Sidra turned back to Sophia. “Close your mouth, boo. You know I’m right and just a word of warning: You can’t out bitch me; so don’t even try.”

  Jack finally spoke. “We have someone already helping us, Sophia. Besides, you’re blocking my fiancée from entering.” This last part was said with a cold look at the hostess that had her scurrying away.

  “Well damn, Ms. Sidra...there’s never dull moment with you around,” Darby said with a rakish grin, looking handsome in a purple dress shirt and well-fitting gray slacks. He took in her pouty, red lips and the black form-fitting leather dress with cut outs at the waist she wore. “Lookin’ beautiful as always. Did you have an extra shot of feisty in your coffee today?”

  Sidra shrugged prettily at him and murmured demurely, “Nope. I was just born with a big dose of hella-awesome-dopeness. What can I say?”

  While everyone else laughed, Casey rolled his eyes, caus
ing Sidra’s eyes to narrow evilly and lean in towards him her hand on her hip. Avery quickly shrugged out of her black silk blazer, revealing an oyster-colored, shimmery tube dress that accentuated every voluptuous curve. The neckline was heart shaped and she wore a simple diamond pendant nestled in her bosom. Jack noticed Darby’s jaw about hit the floor.

  “Casey, let’s dance,” Avery said hurriedly, fearing for his life as she tossed her jacket on the table before yanking him by the arm and pulling him toward the crowded dance floor. They left a scowling Sidra and Darby to glare after them as they hit the floor.

  Noelle kept Jack’s gaze, slowly removing her black wrap to reveal a bronze- colored bandaged wrap mini-dress. It was formfitting but had a modest boat neck and ¾-inch sleeves. She knew that the fabric against her skin made her look nude and laughed to herself as she watched Jack’s eyes darken even further, a flush creeping up his neck. Bet he wouldn’t NOT call her again, she thought smugly as she turned her back to him to reveal the large cutout in the back of the dress that ended at the dip above her ass.


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