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ARINA'S MATE (Shifters of the Bulgarian Bloodline Book 2)

Page 87

by Dalia Wright

  What was happening to her? She had never paid this much attention to a boy, never mind, grown men before. Maybe it was her age and lack of experience with the opposite sex that was causing these peculiar feelings. At her tender age of nineteen, she had kissed only one boy. Calvin Moore was the farm hand employed by the Abbey’s neighbor. She had been told by the

  vicar to give him a wide berth, and she dutifully followed his warnings.

  Whenever he would come to the fence she ignored him. However, he persisted. He would leave field flowers on the cottage doorstep and still she ignored him. Then much to her surprise, he walked up to her one day, took her by the shoulders and kissed her. She was too stunned to slap him. He then shook her hand and announced he was leaving to go home to Scotland, and that was the last she saw of Calvin Moore.

  ‘What am I doing’ she wondered to herself, both of these men were off limits. Jonathon was her father’s cousin, second or third cousin, yet family nonetheless. He was her benefactor, her friend. She needed to stop thinking about his crinkles and how comforting the timbre of his voice was. She had to get Charles out of her head too. He was clearly a love them and leave them kind of lad and could not be trusted.


  When Jonathon left that afternoon, she felt a sense of foreboding. There was nothing to justify what she was sensing, yet, the feeling clung to her like a wet blanket. She looked out the window of her bedroom, the sun was high and nary a cloud on the horizon. On today’s schedule was another horseback riding lesson and a visit from Mr. Ellcroft.

  He had visited thrice since she arrived at the manor. He had explained to her that in less than a year, ten months to be exact, she would be able to come into her inheritance. As he had told her many times, the once vast estate had been cut up into parcels of land and sold to the highest bidder which diminished her holdings significantly.

  She would be coming into an annual income of five thousand a year which would ensure her a comfortable living for many, many years. There was also the summer home of the Baroness, which was a Tudor style country cottage featuring a wraparound porch, an elevator, and a lush wild flower garden. They had not yet visited the property as Mr. Ellcroft hadn’t the time to make the three-hour journey to Bath.

  A knock on her door captured her attention. She turned to see Charles leaning against the door in his riding gear. “You are a little early don’t you think? I haven’t put on my riding habit.”

  “You said you wanted to ride after lunch. It’s after lunch. Get dressed and meet me at the stables. I’ll get the horses ready.”

  “Ok, I will get ready.” She tried to close the door, but he remained against it. “Charles, I have to get dressed.”

  “Yes, I know. But you’d have to get undressed first.” He flashed his devilish grin, “I’m going.”

  Chapter Nine

  Imogen met Charles at the stables as planned and they set off for the pasture. This was only her fourth outing, and she was still uncomfortable in her sidesaddle. The weight of her velveteen riding habit and lack of experience made it difficult to balance and direct her mount. She was perfectly fine with the mare’s natural walking gait and a short trot any faster than that made her very uneasy. Charles and his thoroughbred had rocketed out of the paddock and were broaching the hilltop some distance away.

  She wanted to catch up and prove to him that she was gaining confidence and learning from his teaching. She wanted to feel the wind in her hair. She didn’t want to be a delicate flower, always shrinking from a challenge. Coming to the manor took courage even though she didn’t have much say in the matter. It took a lot of fortitude to pack up what little she had and leave everything and everyone behind. She was coming into her own and beginning to embrace her strengths.

  Charles had reached the hilltop and was waving for her to catch up. ‘I can do this,’ she thought. ‘I am braver than I believe myself to be.’ With a quick jab to its side, her horse reared up and bolted into the open meadow. All she could do was hold on and scream. The reins had slipped from her kid gloves and were dangling from the mare’s neck. Her hands gripped the pommel as the wind tore off her riding helmet.

  Her terrified screams brought Charles racing to catch the runaway mare. He caught up to her as the horse jumped a fallen tree. Somehow she remained atop her mount. He came up alongside her trying to reach the reins. The wild eyed horse took a sharp turn, narrowly missing a culvert. Charles yanked on his reins and veered his horse in her direction.

  He succeeded in pulling up beside her for a second time, once again reaching for the reins. “Hang on, I’ve almost got them.” His fingers just managed to catch one of the reins. He pulled his horse hard to the left and forced her mare to follow his lead back to the stables. Once her horse was fastened to a post, she loosened her death grip on the pommel and collapsed into tears. He helped her unmount, and she fell into his arms.

  “My God Charles, you saved my life,” as she pulled him closer.

  “I don’t know about that. You’re safe now.” His arms were wrapped around her waist, “Actually, you were quite impressive.”

  “Don’t tease me.” She tried to pull away, but his arms tightened.

  “Tease you? I wouldn’t. It’s you that is a tease.”

  “Charles, please,” she was growing increasingly nervous in this position and more so with his tone. He had been her rescuer and of that she was grateful, but a growing fear was coming over her. ‘Why isn’t he letting me go?’ she thought, ‘this isn’t right.’

  “Aren’t you going to kiss your knight in shining armor? Isn’t that what damsels in distress do to thank their hero?”

  “No Charles, I am not going to kiss you.” Imogen pushed hard against his chest and broke his hold on her waist. “I want to go back.” As she took a step backwards, her heel caught on her riding skirt, and she started to topple. He grabbed her arm and stopped her fall, “Now that’s twice I’ve saved you. I deserve a kiss now.” He took her face in both hands and kissed her hard, his tongue pushing into her mouth. A swift slap broke the kiss.

  “Charles, what are you doing? Stop this.”

  “You want this.”

  He grabbed the back of her head and kissed her again. His tongue darting into her mouth as she struggled. She tried to push him away, but he pulled her tighter wrestling her arms behind her back. He pulled down on her wrists and her head and shoulders jerked backwards. Her chest heaving; her heart racing like a rabbit. Charles released one of her wrists and pulled on the front of her riding habit tearing it. His hand cupped her breast as she managed to pull her other arm free and swung at his face. The blow caught him on the bridge of his nose causing it to bleed. It was her opportunity to run.

  She snatched the reins of his horse and flung herself into the saddle as Charles, momentarily stunned by the blow, was coming for her. His hands got hold of her skirt. “Where are you going little bird?” She kicked at him with all she had. “Let me go you bastard. Let me go.”

  “I’m not the bastard here,” his words stung her. “Go…get out of here, fly away little bird.” He slapped the rump of the horse causing it to move away, she grabbed the reins and steered it towards the manor.


  Imogen pulled the horse to a stop in the drive of the manor and tied it to a railing before racing into the house.

  “My lady?” Godfrey was almost bowled over as she ran past him clutching the front of her dress as she shot up the stairs two at a time. She slammed her door and bolted it before falling into the fetal position. Her head was spinning. What just happened? What did I do? What do I tell Jonathon? Or should I not say? What will happen when Charles gets back? The tears came hard and fast.

  “My lady?” a gentle knock on the door followed. “Its Mrs. Tinsely dear, will you open the door?

  “I can’t,” she was barely able to answer through the sobs and shaking.

  There was a click of a key turning in the lock, “I’m coming in.”
/>   Mrs. Tinsely pushed on the door, but it was blocked by Imogen’s body. “Please, my lady, come away from the door. What’s happened? Another gentle push and Imogen slowly collected herself and rose to open the door.

  Mrs. Tinsely came face to face the shaken girl, her dress torn, hair wild and whiter than bone. All she could think of doing was grabbing the poor thing and hugging her. “Child, what’s happened?”

  It took some time for Mrs. Tinsely to calm her enough to get the details of the events that took place. “I always said that boy was trouble.”

  Now what to do? Jonathon was away and wouldn’t be returning until the weekend, which was two days away. “I’ve sent for Master Jonathon. He needs to come home immediately.”

  “No, please Mrs. Tinsely. He mustn’t find out. He can't.”

  “My lady, what Charles has done is…well…I haven’t the words for how filthy that boy is. You should not be alone.” She wiped away the tear soaked strands of hair from Imogen’s face, “I have no doubt Master Jonathon will be here tomorrow. Rest now child, I will bring you some tea.”

  “No, Mrs. Tinsely,” Imogen took her hand, “I’m too afraid to eat. What if Charles….”

  “Never mind about Charles, he won’t ever hurt you again.”


  “You are safe and sound. I will lock the door behind me. Try to rest.”

  Chapter Ten

  Charles arrived at the manor and was greeted at the door by Godfrey and his shotgun. “Not a step inside Master Charles.”

  “Godfrey,” he raised his hands in submission, “There’s no need for that.”

  “I’m afraid there is very much a need for this,” as he raised the barrel of the gun.

  “I’m leaving, I just need to gather a few things,” he took a step forward.

  The gun clicked has Godfrey released the safety. “We will send your items to your London flat sir. Now leave. I’m not asking a second time.”

  “You wouldn’t shoot me.”

  Godfrey fired the gun over Charles' head, the blast of the pellets exploding into the door frame. “Are you sure about that sir?”

  Realizing that Godfrey was not going to back down, he bowed and walked backwards out the door. Once Godfrey heard the rustle of Charles mounting his horse and its swift hoofs on the drive, he put down the gun and closed the massive oak door.

  Night had fallen when Jonathon arrived at the manor. He shot through the door and bounded up the steps, his coat flying behind him. Mrs. Tinsely stopped him at her door. “She’s had quite a shock today. I’ve just taken her, her tea, she’s asleep.”

  “What’s happened? I was told to come immediately, something about Lady Imogen.” His eyes wide with fear as he grasped for answers. “Tell me now, what’s happened? Is she not well?”

  Mrs. Tinsely placed her hand on Jonathon’s arm, “Please come away from her door,” as she led him down the hall. They took a seat, and she laid out all the tragic events of the day, runaway horse to a shotgun blast. “She’s ok, just shaken. That’s a brave lass we have there.”

  “Jonathon?” Imogen was standing in the hallway, ethereal in her white dressing gown. “You’re home?”


  A week had passed since the tragic events of that day. Imogen was reading in the study and beginning to feel whole again under the watchful eye of Jonathon. He had been her rock throughout the healing process. Every night that week he had slept on the chaise lounge in her room. They would talk as the candles burnt down until they fell asleep. Just knowing he was there was all she needed.

  “I’ve received word on Charles,” Jonathon entered the study and sat across from Imogen. “He’s in the custody of law enforcement. They will be sending a constable out to take your statement.”

  “Law enforcement? Have you told them what happened?”

  “Remember Miss Townshend?”

  “The woman that fancied him?

  “She didn’t fancy him. He wasn’t running from her; he was running from the constabulary. Miss Townshend cited some very serious charges, which he will have to answer to.”

  Imogen was shocked, “He’s done this before? To her?”

  “Yes, I’m afraid there were others.”

  “My hands are trembling, Jonathon…”

  “You are safe. I’m here to protect you now and Charles, well, he’s gone. There is nothing to fear my love.”

  Imogen’s eyes widened, he had never said “my love.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him to her “I know,” and she kissed him. A bolt of electricity shot through her as their lips met. Surely he must have felt that as well? She stood and pulled him to his feet. Their eyes locked on each other, she could feel herself getting wet. Such a strange and exciting feeling.

  “May I?” he asked.

  “May you?

  “Kiss you.”


  He gently took her face in his hands and kissed her softly. His full lips pressed against hers, his tongue exploring her mouth. He pulled away and looked into her eyes, “I love you. I think I’ve loved you since you walked into my library those months ago.”

  “I love you too.”


  It was the day before Imogen’s twenty-first birthday. Mr. Ellcroft had arrived with the requisite paperwork. “Just sign there and at midnight tonight, you will no longer be a…what did you call it…no longer a prisoner.”

  “I was a foolish girl then.”

  “And now?”

  “Now I’m a married woman.”


  For now

  Rescued from Royalty

  By: Elaine Young

  Chapter One

  “You’re leaving.”

  Just two words, but it was enough to make Mary’s knees week. She looked up from the bread she was kneading.

  “What?” she stammered.

  “You heard me, you’re leaving. Today. You should pack before he’s here to pick you up.”

  Mary stared at her stepfather in disbelief. Who? She could have sworn her legs would give out on her, but she didn’t dare admit it. She stepped away from the bread, closing the distance between her and the man who had raised her as his own.

  “What do you mean? Who will be here to pick me up?”

  Her stepfather blew out a deep breath. “Girl, you don’t listen? You’re of no use to me here. The most use you will be as the pennies I make off you.”

  Words cut into her like a sharp knife cutting through a roast. She was no use to him? Was that how he truly felt about her?

  “Do you not want to help this family survive? Will you not do what is best for us? Are you that ungrateful towards me?”

  Mary’s fingers tangled together. Tears welled up in the corner of her eyes but she refused to let herself cry in front of this man. Mary turned on her heel and stomped to the bedroom and closed the door behind her, not caring if she slammed it or not. How could he say that to me?! She wondered as she reached for the small pile of clothing she owned.

  She looked around the room. Along with her stepfather she had spent her entire life in this house with her mother. Until last month.

  Mother had been sick for a long time, when the night came no one was surprised but that didn’t take the pain away.

  Mary reached for her journal- the one friend she had these days, and stuffed on top of the clothing. The door opened.

  Mary turned to see her stepfather standing in the doorway. Without a word he tossed an old potato sack onto the floor and left, the door open behind him.

  Hot tears ran down her cheek as she crossed to the old sack, her clothing in her hand and dumped everything in there.

  She listened carefully as she heard the front door open and close. This is my chance. She thought.

  She dashed out the bedroom door and raced to the room that had once been her mothers. Mary’s heart raced as she reached the dressing table. She pulled the drawer open and reached into it.

  I d
on’t have time. She thought. He’d be back any second and if he caught her stealing he’d likely kill her. I’ve got to get it.

  She grabbed a handful of items and raced out of the room just in time to hear the sound of a carriage door slam.

  Mary’s heart raced.

  Thump. Thump. Thump.

  God, please protect me. Mary shoved her hand into her bag, letting go of whatever she managed to grab before she’d rushed out of the room. The door opened.

  “I’m sure she’s ready.” Her stepfather was saying. He sounded nervous. Mary stood, a smile spreading over her face. To see the man who had sold her nervous was almost enough for what he had done to her.

  Mary turned her attention to the other man. He wore a fine silk suit. His caramel skin brought out the blue in his eyes as he looked her over carefully.

  “And she is… pure?”

  “Yes,” her stepfather said quickly.

  The man nodded. “Her picture did not do her justice.”

  “It was… a few years old,” the man admitted, his cheeks flushed.

  Mary opened her mouth to say something, but what would she say? She closed her mouth, taking everything in. Whoever this man was, he was powerful. It was not like her stepfather to be submissive to another man. When she was little Mary had seen him stare down a bear. The man standing beside him must be powerful if her stepfather refused to even make eye contact.

  Mary bent down, picking up her bag and hoisting it over her shoulders, showing strength that not many women possessed. She turned to the man who was coming to pick her up.

  “Shall we go?” she asked.

  “If you’ve already said your goodbyes and are ready.”

  “I have no goodbyes to say.”


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