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Still thicker than water

Page 19

by Takerra, Allen

  “Oh my god! I thought you would be alone.”

  “What?” Ree asked, not knowing what else to say at the moment. The situation had him off guard.

  Trinity stood up, covering her breasts and her private areas with her hands. She had been lying naked on Ree’s office desk awaiting his return. She was now disappointed and humiliated that Tatum was with him.

  “Elsa said you forgot your wallet…she said you were coming back for it…”

  Ree furrowed his eyebrows wondering what kind of psycho broad he had gotten involved with, as Trinity rambled on as if her lying there naked had been no big deal. But it was a big deal, and Tatum was about to show her.

  “Are you fucking crazy, bitch?”

  Tatum didn’t know what to think. Was Ree still fucking this broad, is that why she felt like she could do this? Either way, she would deal with him next. Trinity was disrespecting and she needed to be reprimanded.

  “You fucking hoe bitch!” Tatum screamed, lunging at Trinity. She grabbed her hair and punched her hard against the side of her head before Ree grabbed her by the waist and pulled her back.


  Trinity held her head in pain and screamed distraughtly.

  “Get your ghetto ass away from me!” She scrambled from Tatum, who was trying her best to get to her.

  “Let me go, Ree! You protecting this bitch?”

  Ree pushed Tatum over to the wall and held her against it, trying to calm her down.

  “Fuck her Tatum, calm down!”

  “Fuck me, Sean?” Trinity cried. “Fuck me?”

  Elsa made her way to the back and dropped her jaw in amazement.

  The boss… the boss’ new lady… Miss Trinity naked… juicy, juicy, juicy.

  “I hate you Sean! How could you do this to me?” Trinity continued to yell as Ree held his weight against Tatum, who was breathing heavy with slit angry eyes. She was trying hard to still break free.

  “Calm down, okay?” He whispered in her ear composedly. “I’m gonna handle this.”

  Tatum matched his stare, not responding.

  Security made their way in the room but quickly paused when they saw that the situation involved Ree.

  “Is there anything you need for us to do, Mr. Knights?”

  They looked at a naked Trinity who was too hysterical to put her clothes on. She was bawling crying.

  Ree could feel Tatum’s body become less rigid and he knew she was calming. He ran his hand over his head.

  “Yeah, uh, step outside… and keep an eye on her,” he said pointing.

  “Me?” Tatum asked, bewildered. “You want me to step outside?” Her face was twisted in anger and hurt.

  “Nigga, you must be crazy.”

  She was fuming and Ree looked at her sternly.

  “Tatum. I told you I will handle it. Trust me to do that.”

  Tatum stared at him blankly, wanting to yank him by the dreads. He could see her fury.

  “Please Tatum, step outside and wait for me.”

  The security guard reached for her arm but she snatched it away and stormed out the room, her Christian Louboutins leaving smoke in her tracks.

  Once everyone was gone and the door was closed, Ree turned to Trinity. He picked up her clothes and handed them to her, slightly embarrassed for her.

  Then he sighed and tried to choose his words wisely, knowing that she wasn’t working with a full deck.

  “Look, Trini…I’m sorry. I know…I know, this may be hard for you to deal with. And truthfully, I didn’t know your feelings were that involved…”

  Trinity chuckled at that statement, while she dressed, and he continued.

  “You’re a good girl…you really are. But Tatum, she’s the one. We have something that…I don’t know.”

  He looked at her and could see her heart break, but he didn’t care. She had to hear it.

  “I will not tolerate this behavior…this blatant disrespect for her, or for our relationship. You know the type of person that I am, so don’t try me.”

  The last statement frightened her. There was a frigidness and threatening tone in the way he said it, and Trinity did not want any parts of it.

  “I’m…I’m sorry,” she muttered halfway meaning it. She was fully dressed now.

  “It won’t happen again,” she added sincerely.

  Ree nodded promisingly.

  “I know.”

  He turned and headed for the door as she stood wondering what he meant, until he faced her, halfway out of the room.

  “You’re fired, Trinity. You gotta go.”

  A sharp pain went through her heart and she was speechless, but Ree just walked out and walked over to security, informing them to escort her out.

  He felt like he owed her enough to tell her in private and to allow her to get dressed, but that was all he owed her. She was done.

  Tatum sat in a chair on the side, away from everyone, shooting Ree venomous rocks with her livid eyes. He looked at her, knowing that she was upset, but he felt Tatum had something to learn as well. When he told her that he would handle it, she would have to learn not to question him and trust that he would do so.

  But Ree failed to realize that Tatum had trust issues, her heart was fragile. And little did Ree know, he had for the first time, given her reason to doubt her trust in him. Their estate was about to be the War of the Roses that night. Round one!

  “So now you don’t wanna eat?”

  No answer.







  “I asked you a question…you don’t-”

  “No!” She screamed, as the car stopped in front of their house.

  She stormed out and slammed the door and Ree took a deep breath, trying to maintain his composure before he would follow her inside.

  “So, will that be all for the evening Mr. Knights?” The driver asked nervously, breaking the silence.

  Ree sighed and opened up his door.

  “Yeah, that’ll be all. Have a good night.”

  He strolled unhurriedly up the walkway, toward the front door, and Tatum, who was already inside, watched him from the second floor window. She saw him reach the porch and then disappear, so she knew he was now inside.

  “Tatum,” his deep voice based.

  She didn’t respond. She was so livid with him.

  “Tatum, get down here,” he demanded.

  Fuck it.

  She approached the steps and made her way down, looking at him standing at the bottom.

  “What?” She asked, with much attitude, standing on the third step up, with her hand finessing her hip.

  Ree stared at her, already knowing what the predicament was. He knew women, so he could understand her anger. But the issue to him went much deeper than the surface.

  “What’s the problem?”

  Tatum laughed before answering.


  “Nothing,” Ree repeated, tilting his head to the side. Tatum shrugged and shook her head.

  “Nope, nothing. Everything is fine.”

  “No it's not,” he stated the obvious. “But we’re gonna stand here and talk about it, until it is.”

  Tatum rolled her eyes.

  “Well, you must plan on standing here an awfully long time then.”

  He didn’t answer her; he just stared at her, encouraging her with his eyes to tell him what she was feeling. She became frustrated and turned to go back upstairs, she didn’t want him to see her emotional.

  Why he had to talk to her in private, though?

  “Stay right there, Tatum,” he commanded firmly. She halted and he then spoke a little softer. “Stay right there, and tell me exactly what the problem is.”

  She chuckled, turning to face him.

  “The problem? Oh, I think you know the problem, Ree. The problem is you…playing me in front of your little girlfriend… making me
look stupid by kicking me out of the room to talk to her. What did you have to say to her that was so private, huh Ree?”

  “So is the problem how you think I made you look, or is it you not knowing what I said to her?”

  “Whatever, Ree! You know what the fuck I’m talking about…why are you trying to analyze shit, huh? Why can’t you just tell me the damn reason for your shady ass actions? ‘Cause you hiding shit, that’s why!”

  Ree could feel his temper building but remained composed. He had to keep reminding himself that she was upset, but he was not used to this at all. No one, absolutely no one, had, and would ever…

  “Maybe…” He spoke slowly. “What I had to tell her…was embarrassing enough, that I didn’t need to do it, in front of an audience…while she was naked.”

  Tatum sucked her teeth.

  Ree actually wanting to spare Trinity further embarrassment upset Tatum and made her face turn sour. She leaned into him.

  “And maybe…” She waved her finger in his face. “You’ve been fucking her this whole time…and that’s why the bitch felt comfortable enough to be naked…in your office! Maybe that!”

  She poked him hard in the forehead and Ree grabbed her finger strongly with the quickness of catching a cobra before it strikes. So quick, and so forceful, that it scared Tatum.

  He took a deep breath and squeezed her finger tighter, leaning close to her in all seriousness as her eyes grew wider. He spoke in a calm weightiness.

  “Enough. I don’t play these games Tatum, and I refuse to go back and forth about this. Trinity is the past. I handled that shit like I said I would. You’re who I want and everyone on this island is well aware of that, including her. The fact that you are challenging that or second guessing yourself is preposterous to me. If we are going to be in a relationship, share a home, share a life, then we need to have a level of trust. I understand you may have to get used to that and I’m willing to work on that with you, because I love you.” Tatum swallowed hard, feeling a little bad for her behavior and slightly frightened, because of his. He still had a firm grip on her finger as he spoke and there was no smile in his eyes. He was dead serious. But she knew he would never hurt her, however she had pressed his buttons.

  “Don’t ever doubt me Tatum, and don’t ever question me. And don’t ever, ever put your hands on me, okay?”

  She nodded slowly and felt so juvenile in her actions. She now could see how love could have you acting completely out of character.

  “I’m sorry,” she admitted, hating to apologize but knowing that she was wrong. She should have never touched him.

  He loosened his grip and the warmth slowly returned to his face. He kissed her finger as a sentiment of affection, and stared her in the eyes.

  “How did that sorry taste coming out of your mouth?”

  She snickered and shook her head from side to side.

  “Um, like shit.”

  He laughed and then he pulled her close by her hips.

  “Come here, crazy girl.” He kissed her tenderly on her lips. “What am I gonna do with you?” He asked smoothly.

  Tatum raised an eyebrow and smiled.

  “I can think of some things.”

  The two kissed again and the discussion was officially dropped. The War of the Roses, was officially over.

  “What do you want for your birthday?”

  “Nothing,” Sasha answered, focusing on the Sex and the City rerun that was playing on her bedroom plasma. Aubrey lay asleep beside her.

  “Come on…I know you want something,” Jayde probed, standing next to the bed.

  Mike had told Jayde that Sasha was upstairs and she had found her lying in her sweats, eating Doritos and watching television.

  “I can get you anything you wanttt,” she sang, trying to tempt her.

  “I bet you can,” Sasha quipped without looking up. She was referring to the fact that Jayde had revealed her drug cartel status to her.

  Jayde rolled her eyes and folded her arms across her double breasted Dolce & Gabbana suit jacket.

  “How long are you going to give me the cold shoulder for this?” Jayde finally asked.

  “How long were you planning on keeping the secret?” Sasha shot back, finally looking at her seriously, letting her know that she wanted an answer. Jayde shrugged.

  “I don’t know…not long.”

  Sasha pursed her lips and turned back to the screen.

  “Well, in that case. I don’t know…not long,” she added sarcastically, answering Jayde’s question.

  “I’ve apologized a million times, Sasha. Come on. That’s not the kind of thing that’s easy to tell someone…I mean, I didn’t completely lie, I told you that I took over my father’s business, and I did.”

  Sasha had never met Jayde’s father when they were younger. She had only known Jayde’s mother who had remarried when Jayde was a baby, so she had then known Jayde’s stepfather as well. She had no idea that this whole time, Jayde had gotten into this life.

  “Is that why you kept asking me what Chauncey was going to do when he came down here?”

  Jayde nodded.

  “I had a feeling that he would try to set up shop down here, yes.”

  Sasha chuckled mockingly.

  “Set up shop, that’s how you talk? Ms. Socialite my ass.”

  Jayde giggled at Sasha’s snaps and Sasha had to fight back her own growing laughter. She still wanted to be mad at Jayde but found herself becoming less and less angry with each day that passed. She already had a feeling from the hotel conversation that she had overheard that Jayde was into some other stuff. But Sasha loved having the ball in her court, people always spoiled her extra when she was mad at them.

  “How about a party?” Jayde suggested. “I can get some big names to come through, lots of people, red carpet event.”

  Sasha sucked her teeth.

  “Who, you and your drug lord friends, Jayde? No thanks Nino Brown. I’ll pass.”

  Jayde pressed her lips together and let her have her fun.

  “Okay, well what about a dinner? Twenty, thirty people tops. Dim lighting, linen tablecloths, your favorite cuisines-lobster, sushi, pasta, nice music, champagne, Hawaiian and Hummingbird cakes from Lulu’s…”

  Sasha knew Jayde had her there. She lived for Lulu’s, who had the most scrumptious specialty cakes in Atlanta.

  Sasha shrugged nonchalantly.

  “Whatever…dinner’s fine.”

  Jayde smirked and turned to head out.

  “Very well then…I’ll put it together boo.” She started out but Sasha called her back.


  She turned and waited, and Sasha added.

  “And the Coca Cola cake.”

  Jayde snickered and waved as she walked away.

  One woman, one party, one night, one birthday… three birthday cakes. Gotta love Sasha.

  “Are you sure that you told her 7pm? Where is she?”

  Sasha was rushing around the kitchen, putting the back on her earring, making sure all of the emergency numbers were on the fridge, and making sure that everything Aubrey may need was on hand.

  “I told you…she’ll be here. She is driving from campus, Sasha. And it’s only 6:50,” Mike reminded her. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close.

  “Hey, relax. It’s going to be fine, babe. Happy Birthday.” He pecked her on the lips and she smiled lightly.

  “Maybe I should just take her to my aunt’s,” Sasha reconsidered. “Or maybe I should just stay home.”

  “Sasha!” Mike exclaimed, laughing. “Amanda is a good kid, she’ll take good care of Aubrey.”

  Mike’s cousin Amanda attended Georgia Tech and had offered to watch Aubrey for them while Mike and Sasha attended her birthday dinner. She loved kids and could really use the extra money being that most college kids, were broke. Sasha had met her before, and could tell that she was a responsible and sweet girl.

  “Here, have a drink with me.”

  Mike too
k out a bottle of white wine and poured them each a glass. He handed Sasha hers and smiled lovingly.

  “To you…Happy Birthday.”

  “To me,” she said raising her glass in a toast, but her elbow accidentally knocked the bottle over.

  “Shit!” She cursed, as it spilled all over the counter and floor.

  “It’s alright, get the kitchen cleaner,” Mike said calmly, grabbing some paper towels. Sasha went to the bottom counter and took out the pine cleaner.

  Knock. Knock. Knock.

  “That must be Amanda,” he added.

  Sasha wiped up the wine with the cleaner and water as Mike went to answer the door.

  “Mommy, you did a boo-boo?” Aubrey asked cutely, walking into the kitchen.

  “Yeah Bri-Bri, now go in the living room. Mommy doesn’t want you around these chemicals.”

  “Hi Sasha,” Amanda greeted warmly. “Whew! That pine is strong,” she said covering her nose playfully.

  “Yeah, I know. I’m clumsy. You can open up a window if you want,” Sasha said, throwing the wet paper towels into the trash. Amanda walked into the living room and Sasha could hear her playing with Aubrey.

  “Hey Aubrey! Hey girl! We gonna have fun, tonight.”

  “Sasha, come on, we have to go,” Mike rushed her.

  The dinner started at 7:30 and he knew it was no less than a half hour away.

  “Okay,” she agreed, knowing the floor was clean enough. She went to Aubrey and hugged and kissed her.

  “Bye baby girl, mommy will be back soon, okay?”

  “Okay Mommy,” she murmured.

  “I love you. Listen to Amanda, okay?”

  Aubrey shook her head yes and Sasha kissed her again.

  “Okay Amanda, my number and the number to the restaurant, as well as her father’s and my aunt’s number are all on the fridge. No beverages for her after 8 pm and she’s bathed already. No scary movies, and no milk, okay?”

  Amanda nodded.

  “Okay Sasha.”

  Sasha turned and headed for the door where Mike was already standing and Amanda called after her.

  “Oh, Sasha!”

  “Yes,” she said, turning around anxiously.

  “Happy Birthday.”

  Le Cove was a brand new, fine Italian restaurant in which Jayde had rented out and shut down for Sasha’s dinner. It was not hard for her to do at all, being that she was a partial owner in it.


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