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Moon Wreck: Fleet Academy (The Slaver Wars)

Page 29

by Raymond L. Weil

  “Communications, can we get out an FTL message?”

  “No, First Leader, all FTL frequencies are being jammed.”

  Shrea looked at the sensor screen and felt dread. They were too far inside the planet’s gravity well to escape into hyperspace. They had to defeat the human fleet. Even as his thoughts turned to what needed to be done an HG shell penetrated deep into the heart of the war cruiser, detonating and taking the War Room with it. Moments later, the Vengeance exploded as its self-destructs engaged automatically.


  Amanda instinctively covered her eyes as the war cruiser on the viewscreen vanished in nuclear fire. As she looked back at the screen, all she could see were burning remains and expanding gases.

  “The war cruiser is down,” reported Lieutenant Stalls, letting out a sharp sigh of relief.

  “The StarFury is being hard pressed by the Hocklyn support cruisers,” Major Fields informed Colonel Sheen. “They are requesting assistance.”

  “Move us closer and begin targeting the support cruisers,” Amanda ordered, determined to destroy all of the Hocklyn ships. Now that the war cruiser was gone, the surviving Hocklyn ships didn’t have the heavy weapons needed to endanger the WarStorm.

  The WarStorm moved closer, and the Hocklyn support ships began to suffer heavy damage. Unlike the more powerful energy screen of the war cruiser, the WarStorm’s lasers tore completely through the lesser-shielded support cruisers. The HG turrets were devastating as they blasted down the Hocklyn’s shields and then ripped massive holes in the hulls. In another ten minutes, it was over as the last Hocklyn ship exploded in nuclear fire when its self-destruct activated.

  Amanda let out a deep breath. She looked over at the damage control board and was surprised to see over a dozen red lights glowing. She hadn’t even been aware that the WarStorm had taken that much damage.

  “How are the cruisers?” asked Amanda, feeling her adrenaline starting to subside.

  “We lost the Raven. The StarFury is reporting heavy damage and her FTL core has been destroyed,” reported Major Fields as he listened to the incoming damage reports over his mini-com. “The Far Reach and Distant Star are reporting only light damage. They will be back to full operational status within the hour.”

  “Send some engineers and repair crews from the WarStorm to the StarFury to evaluate their FTL core damage. If we can’t repair it, the StarFury will have to be abandoned.”

  “Yes, Colonel,” Major Fields replied. It only took him a few moments to pass on the orders and make the necessary arrangements to assist the StarFury.

  Satisfied that everything possible was being done to repair the damage to her wounded ships, she passed on some additional orders. “Recall the stealth scouts,” ordered Amanda. She needed to get her marines and the cadets off the planet. “Once the scouts are back, load them up with marines and let’s get our people off of that planet.”

  Six hours later, Amanda watched as the last scout came up from the planet’s surface. The cadets and her marines had been rescued and were being brought back to the WarStorm. Even as she watched, two large nuclear detonations occurred on the planet’s surface. There would be no trace that anyone had ever been down on the planet. The nukes would erase all of the evidence. They would also eliminate any surviving Hocklyn protectors that were still down on the surface that the marines might have missed.

  “Major Fields, scan the battle zone for any wreckage from our ships and fighters. I don’t want to leave anything behind that can be attributed to a Federation warship. If the Hocklyns ever come back to this system, I don’t want them to be able to find anything.”

  “Yes, Colonel,” Major Fields replied. “We have also just received a com message from the New Tellus. The battle carrier has arrived on the outskirts of the system.”

  “They’re ahead of schedule,” responded Amanda, looking at the long-range sensors, which were now showing a friendly green icon on the far edge of the system. “When their drive core has cooled down sufficiently have them micro-jump in. We can certainly use their shuttles to help scan the wreckage.”


  On the stealth scout ship, Jeremy gazed out one of the small viewports at the massive ship they were flying toward. Jeremy guessed it must be over eight or nine hundred meters at least.

  “That ship’s huge,” uttered Jeremy, glancing over at a smiling Kelsey. Jeremy had thought the New Horizon had been a large ship.

  “Just wait until you see a battle carrier,” Kelsey commented knowingly. “One of those comes in at over 1,500 meters.”

  Jeremy took Kelsey’s hand and shook his head. “I guess I have a lot to learn.”

  Kelsey nodded and looked around at all of her friends. “I think we all do. After this our lives will never be the same again.”

  She didn’t say it, but she knew that none of her friends would ever be able to return home to Earth again. The secrets they now knew were too dangerous to risk being accidentally revealed. She thought she could arrange for Katie to be transferred to the schools in Ceres. She would fit right in with their modern curriculum.

  As for Kevin and Angela, they could join the fleet and would probably be stationed at New Tellus. Then, of course, there was Jeremy. Kelsey had already decided that she and Jeremy were going to be a team. One day they would have a ship of their own to command. She leaned back against Jeremy and felt him slide his arm protectively around her. Smiling to herself, she relaxed. The WarStorm was here, and she knew they were going to be safe. Very shortly, they would be returning home.

  Katie looked across the small scout ship with a pleased smile. Kelsey and Jeremy were cozy, and Angela and Kevin were still talking. Looking down, she gazed at her small handheld computer. She turned it over and could tell that it was irreparable. Transmitting the signal had burned out its processor. Leaning back, she thought about Ariel. Only now did she truly realize just how important friends were. She knew that this group of five she was a part of would always be special. When she returned to the Moon, she knew she had a lot of serious apologizing to do. She just hoped that Ariel would forgive her.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Amanda gazed at the large viewscreen on the front wall of the Command Center. The WarStorm was currently in a high orbit around the former Federation world of New Providence. It was extremely evident that the planet’s ecosphere had recovered from the war of over one hundred and twenty-five years ago. The planet was green and blue, with scattered white clouds covering large areas of the surface.

  Close scans had revealed the remains of former cities, but the planet was rapidly removing any signs that humanity had ever lived there in large numbers. It was also very evident that there were no signs of human life.

  “It’s the same as New Eden, everything is returning to how it was before the war and before the planet was colonized,” spoke Amanda, recalling the last time she had been to New Providence. That was when the StarStrike and First Fleet had returned from their scouting mission deep into Hocklyn space, only to find the Human Federation of Worlds destroyed.

  “We’re not picking up any obvious power sources or any indications that anyone survived the Hocklyn occupation,” Richard spoke from where he was standing behind Lieutenant Stalls as they studied the data being recorded by the sensors and scanners.

  “What about the hidden marine bases?” asked Amanda, letting out a deep sigh. She had hoped that a few people might have survived up in the mountains where it was more isolated and there were more places to hide. But so far, they had found nothing.

  “We have sent signals down to where the underground marine installations are supposed to be, but there have been no responses to our hails,” replied Richard, shaking his head in disappointment. “I don’t think they made it. After we left, the Hocklyns must have returned and overrun the bases. General Allister’s plan must have failed.”

  “What I don’t understand is why there are no signs of battle damage at any of the sites,” commented Amanda, feeling confused.
“As heavily armed as General Allister’s people were it should have been one hell of a battle, but there are no signs of anything.”

  The viewscreen changed to show a view of the former planetary capital of New Ashton. At one time, over six million people had made the city their home. Now the countryside was encroaching back into the shattered ruins. Already, overgrowth was hiding much of what had once been one of the largest cities in the Federation.

  “I don’t think there is anything here for us,” Richard said finally after looking at the latest scans.

  “Let’s go on to Aquaria,” Amanda said with a heavy sigh.

  She had really hoped to find a few survivors on New Providence. The home system had been a surprise. Two Hocklyn support cruisers were still patrolling the system. Amanda had sent in the stealth scouts, but they had found very little. Both Tellus and Maken were rapidly recovering from the war, but there were no signs of human life.

  As the WarStorm accelerated away from the planet, Amanda wondered how the rest of the fleet was doing. The battle carrier and the two surviving light cruisers had been sent back to New Tellus after the battle to rescue the cadets. The StarFury had to be scuttled because of the severe damage to her FTL drive. They had lost two valuable ships in the battle with the Hocklyns, which should serve as a reminder to the people back home of just how dangerous the Hocklyns were, even when faced with superior weapons and shields.

  Once the fleet was ready to return to New Tellus, the WarStorm had continued on to complete her mission. They had used the stealth scouts to scan numerous worlds to see how far the Hocklyn Slave Empire had expanded. From what Amanda could tell, the Hocklyns were slightly ahead of their predicted schedule.

  “As soon as we have cleared New Providence’s gravity well, plot a jump to Aquaria.” Amanda ordered. She felt her hands shaking and had to concentrate to steady them. Perhaps soon she would know the fate of her parents.


  Down on the planet of New Providence, passive sensors continued to track the departing ship. Deep beneath the ground in the planetary defense center, General Craig Parr watched the departing Federation ship.

  “We don’t know if it was a trick or not,” Colonel Adamson spoke, his eyes focused on one of the large viewscreens which was showing the warship.

  “It’s a modified Monarch heavy cruiser,” General Parr spoke, still aggravated that his superiors had refused to allow contact. “Admiral Streth must have escaped and built a new colony far away from Federation space. That ship is the proof of that.”

  “Perhaps,” Adamson admitted with a nod of his head. “But what good could have come from contacting them, other than revealing our presence? Our greatest defense all of these years has been the fact that the Hocklyns don’t know we’re here.”

  “You’re right,” replied Parr, looking over at Adamson. “At least we know they’re out there. Perhaps someday we will be strong enough to go looking for them.”

  “We have ten million people to protect,” Colonel Adamson commented. “Ten million people we need to keep hidden from the Hocklyns.”

  “I don’t think we have seen the last of them,” General Parr said, indicating the large viewscreen. I have a feeling that someday they will return. When they do, we need to be ready.” Reaching forward, he turned the large viewscreen off. They had other work to take care of. However, it was still comforting to know that somewhere out in the galaxy other Federation people had survived.


  Amanda stepped out of the stealth scout surrounded by half a dozen heavily armed marines. Looking down the beach, she felt a chill run down her back.

  “How’s that possible?” asked Richard, gazing at the same sight she was. Amanda’s parent’s small white beach house still stood. It looked just as pristine as it had the day the two of them had left it after coming to Aquaria to go scuba diving and to spend some time with Amanda’s parents.

  “Only one way to find out,” Amanda replied as she began walking down the beach. The sand was just as beautiful and white as she remembered it. Out over the blue ocean waves, white sea birds floated gracefully. Occasionally one would dive into the water, searching for fish.

  “It’s as if the war never touched this place,” spoke Richard, walking next to his wife.

  They were nearly to the house when the front door opened and an old woman stepped out onto the porch. She looked at Amanda and the marines with a look of surprise. Then she walked down the steps and started coming toward them.

  “Hello,” Amanda said, finding it hard to believe they had found a living human.

  The woman was silent for a moment gazing at Amanda as if she were seeing a ghost. “You’re Amanda Sheen,” the woman spoke. “You look so much like your mother.”

  “How do you know my mother?” stammered Amanda, feeling her heart fluttering in her chest.

  The old woman smiled. “My name is Janice Brennon, Avery Brennon’s great granddaughter. My great grandparents took shelter here in the basement of this house with your parents when the Hocklyns attacked. We have lived here ever since.”

  “So my parents survived the attack?” asked Amanda, feeling her heart racing.

  “Oh yes,” Janice replied with a gentle smile. “A number of people on the island survived.”

  “Are there other survivors on the island now?” asked Richard, looking around. It was obvious someone had been helping to maintain the place.

  “A few,” Janice replied with a nod of her head. “Most of us stay to ourselves now. There are fewer every year. I fear that, in a few more years, there will be no one left.”

  Richard nodded his head in understanding. The surviving population on the island after the war must have been too low to sustain itself. Due to a lack of births, the few surviving humans were dying out.

  “Why don’t you and your husband come inside for some tea?” Janice asked. “I have a letter for you.”

  “A letter?” Amanda replied, her eyes growing wide. She almost felt as if this were a dream.

  “Yes, from your mother. She said you would return some day.”

  Amanda and Richard followed Janice into the house. Going inside, it was like returning home. Much of the furniture was the same and, if Amanda closed her eyes, she could imagine her mother and father walking in from the kitchen at any moment.

  Janice reached up on a shelf filled with old books and took one down. Opening it, she removed a faded letter and handed it to Amanda.

  With shaking hands, Amanda gently unfolded it and looked down at her mother’s writing. She read the half dozen short paragraphs and then handed the letter to Richard to read. Somehow, her mother had known that Amanda and Richard had survived. Her parents had lived out their lives here in this house on the island that had meant so much to them.

  “Your parents are buried out by the great oak on the hill,” Janice said as she poured each of them a small cup of tea.

  Amanda nodded and slowly sipped her tea. She asked Janice about her life here on the island and the other survivors. From what Janice was telling her there were still around a dozen people living on Krall Island. After drinking her tea, she went outside and walked up the hill to where the great oak stood watch over the house. There were two headstones there.

  For several long minutes, Amanda gazed at her parent’s final resting place. She felt at peace knowing that her parents had lived out a good life here on the island they loved so much.

  She watched as Richard walked up the hill to join her. Taking his hand, she looked out over the house and the blue ocean beyond.

  “This war is still in the future, Richard,” Amanda said, her eyes thoughtful. “Someday all of the Federation worlds will be free again. I think I want to see that happen.”

  “So, when we get back we return to cryosleep,” he said, not surprised. He to would like to see their former worlds free from the Hocklyns.

  “Yes,” responded Amanda, squeezing Richard’s hand. “There is a war to be fought in the future. The Hocklyns dro
ve us from our homes, but someday we will return, and I want to be a part of that.”

  Richard nodded. In the distance, he could see colorful sea birds circling lazily in the clear blue sky. Up above in space, he knew the WarStorm waited. Very shortly, they would be starting their long journey back to New Tellus, and then Ceres to return to cryosleep. Sometime in the distant future, the next war was waiting for them.


  Several months later, Admiral Jason Strong was out on the surface of the Moon. He didn’t know when the last time was he had put on a spacesuit and gone for a walk. It took some time, but he finally made it to the top of the ridge that over looked the crater that held the Avenger and the Fleet Academy.

  Stopping at the top, he took a few minutes to look around at how everything had changed in the last twenty-five years. He could still remember the stunned feeling of amazement that had swept over him the first time he had stepped upon this ridge that day so long ago. Greg and he had been looking for the source of the signal that had caused their lunar lander to crash on the Moon. Instead, they found the Avenger.

  Looking down at the foot of the ridge, Jason noticed another spacesuited figure slowly climbing up. It only took Jason a moment to figure out who it was. He waited patiently as Greg finally made it to the top.

  “I didn’t realize how out of shape I am,” puffed Greg, coming to stand next to Jason.

  “We’re just getting older,” Jason replied with a chuckle. “I guess you heard that the New Tellus will be arriving tomorrow.”

  “Yes, Elizabeth is ecstatic,” replied Greg, taking several deep breaths. “She can’t wait to see Katie.”

  “Have the two of you decided what you’re going to do?”

  “Elizabeth and I have had several long talks about this. The officials down on Earth don’t want Katie around. They say she’s too big of a security risk, particularly with her computer skills. So in order to keep the three of us together, we will be moving to Ceres until Katie finishes her education. I’ve shown Elizabeth some photos of what the Federation survivors have built inside the asteroid, and she is willing to give it a try.”


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