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Not Damaged

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  His tongue plundered her mouth, stroking along hers. She moaned, closing her eyes as he deepened the kiss. Nothing else mattered to her other than what his lips and tongue did to her. Ryan took possession of her, claiming her like no other. In his arms she felt alive, not damaged.

  “That’s it, baby, give me everything,” he whispered against her lips.

  Unable to pull away, she wrapped her arms around his neck, sinking her fingers against the hair at the nape of his neck.

  All too soon, Ryan pulled away leaving her melting for more than his touch.

  “I’m not finished.” He took hold of her hand. Jesse expected him to lead her somewhere but he didn’t. He pressed her palm against the hard ridge in his pants. “I’m so fucking hard for you, Jesse. No one else. I’m not stood in your living room imagining another woman. The only person I want is standing right in front of me.”

  She stroked up and down the length, surprised by how large and thick he actually was. If she took him, Jesse knew she would need to be highly aroused for it not to hurt.

  “You’re, erm, you’re very big.” Her cheeks felt hot and she knew she was blushing.

  “Don’t worry about him, baby. I’ve got everything covered to make sure you love every inch of me.” He dropped a kiss to her lips. When he pulled away she tried to follow him, missing his touch already. “Soon, baby, we’ll be exploring a hell of a lot more than a kiss very soon. I can promise you.”

  He covered her hand, caressing up and down his length.

  Their moans mingled together caressing the air around them.

  “That’s what you do to me all the time.” Ryan released her hand to cup her breasts. “Now, these gorgeous tits are just like I imagine.” His thumbs scored across the tips. His nail scratched along the surface creating a sweet yet sharp pain.

  Gripping his cock tighter, she stared into his eyes, seeing the arousal shining back at her.

  “Is your pussy as wet as I imagine?” he asked.

  She didn’t get the chance to answer as his hands dived between her thighs. Crying out, she turned her grip to his shoulders to keep herself steady.

  “That’s it, baby, sink those nails into my shoulders,” he said. His fingers glided through her slit. “Fuck, you’re soaking wet.” Staring down at the floor Jesse tried to hide from what was happening only to see his arm in front of her face. Fingers circled her clit before gliding down to sink into her cunt.

  Her legs buckled. Ryan cursed, wrapping his arm around her waist to keep her held up. “Let’s sit down before you fall down.”

  He carried her over to the chair he’d been sitting in when she first walked into the living room. Her back pressed to his front, Ryan arranged her legs over his so she sat on his lap spread open. “I can smell how much you like what I’m doing to you. Before you go to bed I’m going to make you feel a whole lot better.”

  Hands caressed up her sides, cupped her breasts, tweak her nipples before going back down to rest on her thighs. She took in a deep breath, waiting for him to touch where it burned her so much.

  “Please,” she begged, needing his touch more than anything else.

  “You’ll wait until I’m ready. Are you burning, Jesse?” he asked.


  “Does your pussy need my touch?”


  She would do everything he needed if only he’d touch her to take away the ache brimming inside her.

  “Whose pussy is this?”

  Turning to look at him, she saw he waited for an answer. “Your pussy.”

  “That’s right, baby. My pussy and I’m the one who can bring you pleasure. You do not touch this pretty pussy unless I say so, do you understand?” he asked.

  “Yes, Ryan.”

  The hand across her stomach tightened. “Good girl. We’re just Ryan and Jesse. No Sir or submissive.”

  Each word relaxed her. Ryan in the last week proved to her he took her care seriously. He’d been the one to stop David from hitting on her. Work no longer made her feel anxious as the man left her alone. She wondered what Ryan said to make the flirting stop. Either way, she was happy.

  His fingers danced up the inside of her thigh going up and down. “Relax, Jesse. Relax and I’ll give us both what we need.”

  Ryan nudged her head to the side, his lips brushing over the pulse in her neck. He sucked on her flesh, marking her skin with each draw.

  Slowly, she took deep breaths and relaxed into his arms.

  “That’s my girl.” In the next moment his fingers slid through her sex, opening up her lips to expose her clit. He glided over her nub sending pleasure coursing right through her. “Let me hear those moans, baby. I want to hear you scream for me.”

  Closing her eyes, she rested her whole body against him as he used his other hand to slide in and out of her pussy. Two fingers opened her up while he worked her clit.

  Jesse couldn’t contain her screams. Sinking her fingers into the flesh of his legs, she thrust up to meet his hand wanting more.

  "Come on. Give me your cum.” He pinched her nipple, added a third finger into her pussy and Jesse exploded. Her orgasm stumbled over her, catapulting her into a release she didn’t know was possible.

  Ryan worked her body, drawing every last bit of sensation out of her. He kissed her neck then her shoulder. His hands withdrew from her body to rest on her stomach. The evidence of her arousal coated his digits.

  He turned her to rest across his lap. Staring at him, she watched him put the fingers he’d used inside her to his mouth.

  “Um, you taste perfect.”

  The hard ridge of his cock pressed against her thigh.

  “What about you?” she asked, touching his shaft.

  “No.” He stopped her hand from toying with him. “Tonight wasn’t about me, baby.” Stroking her cheek, he glided over her lips. “Your pleasure was all I wanted tonight.”

  “I don’t mind.”

  “I know.” He took her hand, pressing it to his lips. “We’ll get to me another time. I can wait.” More kisses pressed to her fingers.

  “Is it because of me?” she asked.

  Ryan glared at her. “No, it’s not because of you. What kind of Dom would I be if I only thought of myself?”

  “We’re only Jesse and Ryan,” she argued.

  “I know. I’m proving to you I’m a gentleman. You’re going to know what it’s like to be properly wooed.” In one swift movement he picked her up in his arms. “And tonight I’m going to show you what it means to be taken care of by me.” He carried her up to her bedroom. She wrapped her arms around his neck, never wanting to let go.

  Chapter Four

  The following morning Ryan woke up to the smell of bacon cooking along with the scent of coffee wafting in the air. He heard Jesse humming in the kitchen. Seeing no choice, he pushed the blanket from him and sat up on the large sofa. Yawning, he saw the time was past ten. She must have left him to sleep in.

  Walking into the kitchen he found her dressed in a pair of tight blue jeans that molded to her ass perfectly. The shirt she wore a simple red color. Ryan wished she would turn around so he could see what she looked like from the front. His dreams were filled with images of large tits with the reddest nipples he’d ever seen. They were big, round, and responded to his touch as if her body was made for him alone.

  Her blonde tresses were pulled back into a loose ponytail. Strands were already escaping from the band she used.

  “Morning,” he said, careful when he spoke so she wouldn’t burn herself.

  She turned with a big smile on her lips. “Good morning. I hope you don’t mind me waking you up. I tried to wait before cooking.” She looked a little sheepish.

  Glancing toward the light from the oven beside her, he saw twelve muffins rising.

  “How long have you been up?” he asked, taking a seat. Jesse was the first woman he knew to be happy first thing in the morning.

  “Since seven. I got in a spot of baking. Muffins keep r
eally well in the freezer and I hate buying them from the shop. They’re disgusting.” She stuck her tongue out, showing him her horrid face.

  Chuckling, he stared down the line of her body. The red shirt pulled tight over her breasts, showing the hard buds of her nipples. She was turned on already. “How did you sleep after last night?” His cock stirred in memory of the feel and taste of her on his fingers.

  “Perfect. I’ve never slept so peacefully.”

  After he got her settled into bed, she'd begged him to stay with her. Ryan refused knowing in his heart he wouldn’t be able to stop once they got started. She drove him crazy with need.

  “I’m glad.” He settled back in his seat as she placed a cup of coffee in front of him.

  He took hold of her hand, pulling her close. Opening his legs, he waited for her to step inside before running his hands up to cup her ass. He lifted the tail of her shirt to nuzzle her stomach.

  “You’re not going to run away, are you?” she asked, taking him by surprise. Ryan knew why she asked. He wondered how many men ran from her after finding out the truth.

  “I’m not going anywhere, babe. You don’t scare me with what’s happened.” Sinking his fingers into her hair, he tilted her head back exposing her neck. “You make me so damn proud of you.”

  Tears glistened in her eyes. He pressed his lips to her neck while wiping away each tear with gentle fingers. Staring deep into her eyes, hope shined back at him. “You’re not damaged, Jesse. You’re perfect.”

  “I’m not damaged?” She seemed so unsure of herself.

  “No, you’re not.”

  The smile playing across her lips would stay with him forever.

  “I survived.”

  “And now you get to live your life never doubting yourself.” He dropped a kiss to her lips wanting so much more but he held back. Time together was what he needed.

  “You’re not going anywhere?” she asked.

  Stroking her lips with his index finger, he shook his head. “The only way you’re going to get rid of me is if you ask me to go. I’m not going anywhere.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing him close. His cock tightened further, loving the feel of her womanly body close to him.

  “You keep doing that and I’m not going to be able to resist you,” he said.

  “I wouldn’t mind.”

  “I’ve got shopping planned. I want to spend my well-earned money on you.”

  Jesse withdrew, laughing.

  “Now, get me my bacon before I starve.” He turned her to face the cooker, slapping her ass before sitting down. She gave a little yelp but dished up their breakfast without another word.

  The muffins smelled amazing. His mouth watered at all the food on display. She really knew how to cook a decent meal. This afternoon he’d be taking her out to dinner.

  “I’m taking you out to dinner later.” He liked the idea of treating her, spending as much time with her as he could.

  “It’s really no trouble at all. I like cooking,” she said, putting the plate in front of him.

  She sat next to him. He held her hand giving her wrist a comforting squeeze.

  “I know you like cooking but I feel like spoiling you.”

  “Okay.” They ate breakfast without another word.

  Jesse took her time chewing over every bite. He tried to take his time but from the first taste, he was hooked. Shoveling the food was the best description he could think about over his lack of manners.

  “Your food really is the best,” he said, rubbing his stomach.

  “Thanks. My mom is a fantastic cook and I learned from her. She was always so patient with me while growing up.” She refilled his cup of coffee.

  He watched her for several minutes while she placed a finger on the top of the muffins. Satisfied they were cool, she packaged them away into individual bags before putting them in the freezer. She put one muffin in front of him.

  “Do you still cook with your mom?” he asked. She rarely talked about her family unless it was directed at their treatment of her.

  “Sometimes. She’s always has everything done by the time I turn up for Sunday dinner.” She shrugged. The one movement showed she was hurting.

  “You ever ask her to join in?”

  “No, it’s easier not too. She always asks a load of questions that by the time I’m done answering them, I no longer want to cook.”

  Ryan sipped his coffee and took a bite out of the muffin. “They’re great muffins. Be a doll and grab my case out of the car. I stored my clothes in there till the morning.”

  She nodded, heading out of the kitchen.

  Eating the muffin, he wondered about what to do with Jesse and her family. Did she even realize yet he wanted more than a quick tumble in the sack?

  Only a week had passed yet his feelings were starting to build into something more. He shook his head to clear his thoughts. No, he wouldn’t think about the future until they’d delved deeper into their relationship.

  * * * *

  Jesse held onto Ryan’s arm as he walked her around the mall. She rarely took time out of her life to go shopping for clothes or anything personal. Sure, she picked up the occasional cookbook or saucepan. Clothes shopping always exhausted her as she didn’t like watching herself change.

  He wouldn’t hear her denials and stood waiting for her to show off the new item of clothing he bought. So far he’d bought her a new deep red cocktail dress and a matching pair of heels. The shoes alone were so comfortable. She looked forward to wearing them. Ryan also bought her a new cookbook along with a blender for her kitchen.

  “You don’t have to spend so much money on me,” she said.

  “I’m spending what I like. You deserve it. Let me spoil you.” He kissed her head, moving onto the next shop.

  When she picked up jeans or dress trousers, he shook his head. “I’m not looking to cover your body up, baby. I want to see your curves.”

  In no time at all Ryan took over picking out clothes for her. He arranged to have the packages delivered to her house by five.

  She noticed he got a lot of female attention as well. At around three they sat down for coffee. Ryan wouldn’t let her pay for a thing. It made her nervous he spent so much money on her.

  “We’re going to the lingerie shop next. Your body deserves silk and lacy fabrics,” he said. “I know the owner and we can have a private dressing room for you to try some on.”

  “I can’t buy underwear with you looking.” Her bottom drawer at home was filled to bursting with all nice underwear. She rarely wore it but wished she could.

  Why don’t you wear it?

  Her physiatrist phoned her that morning asking why she'd cancelled her appointment. Jesse no longer felt like she needed to talk to someone. Ryan made her feel whole without doing anything other than being with her.

  “Sure you can. We’ll be doing a lot more than looking at each other, Jesse.”

  “I’ve not seen you naked.” She pressed fingers to her mouth as she’d spoke aloud. Some of the couples close to her smirked before going back to their coffee. “Sorry.”

  Ryan chuckled, taking a sip of his drink. “We’ll rectify that when we get home if you want or maybe after dinner?”

  Her heart thumped against her chest. “Do you mean that?”

  “Yes. I’m not going to constantly tease you. We’ll see how it goes tonight. If you change your mind then we’ll wait for another time,” he said.

  “No, I won’t change my mind.” Crossing her thighs, her clit swelled against the tight jeans she wore. Cream leaked from her pussy begging for another release.

  “Come on, drink your coffee and we’ll get you some underwear.”

  Twenty minutes later she stood looking at Ryan as he picked out different sets of bras and panties that matched. He wouldn’t let her see the price of the items he picked as he handed them to her. They were alone in a private viewing area away from the shop. The woman, Natalie, giving Ryan everything he

  “Did you and Natalie have a relationship?” she asked as Ryan took a seat on the available sofa.

  “No. She’s a sub at Extreme and I helped her find the husband she’s still with. I send a lot of work her way along with plenty of customers,” he said, resting his head on his hand.

  “What kind of work?”

  “She’s a photographer in her spare time. Her main theme is Dom/sub pictures. Some of the club members want a personal collection of photographs and Natalie is one of the best.” He looked a little bored. “Show me the red.”

  Looking at the red bra with the matching lace thong, Jesse looked around her to see where she could change.

  “I’ve seen you naked, baby. I want to watch you get naked and show me your body with the new underwear.”

  The whole setting felt more intimate to Jesse. She’d never changed her clothing in front of a man before. Jake saw her naked but this felt different. Jake never bought her sexy lingerie whereas Ryan was, which felt more intimate to her. For her, this kind of sharing held another layer of intimacy she didn’t wish to share with anyone but Ryan.

  Ryan’s different.

  Resting the lingerie on a stool, she stepped out of her sneakers then went to the button of her jeans. Without looking at him, she wriggled out of them then pulled her shirt over her head. She wore plain cotton underwear.

  “It’s a sin for you to wear anything plain,” he said.

  Both of his hands were spread out across the back of the sofa. Glancing down at his lap she saw the evidence of appreciation.

  Removing the bra then the panties, she stood in front of him naked.

  “Stand like that.” With her arms by her sides, she stayed perfectly still. “Now, that is the kind of picture I’d like on my office wall. You look so fucking sexy yet coy with the way you bow your head.”

  She stayed still for him.

  “Try on the underwear. Show me your ass while you put the thong on.”


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