Not Damaged

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Not Damaged Page 6

by Sam Crescent

Keeping her back to him, she covered her breasts in the lacy red bra. The cups molded to her breasts. The instant the fabric touched her skin she felt sexier than she ever had in her life.

  Bending down, she stepped into the thong sliding it up her thighs then settling the strings on her hips.

  Ryan moaned. In the next instance his hands were on her hips as he left the sofa to go to her. “Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me?” He rubbed his hands against her ass.

  “Take me,” she said, wanting to feel his cock sliding deep inside her.

  “No, we’re going to do this properly.” He nibbled her neck, cupping her breasts to squeeze her nipples. “Fuck, you’re driving me crazy.”

  “Please,” she begged.

  “I’ll have you begging for something more very soon.” He turned her head, claimed her lips before withdrawing to take his seat once again.

  Growling in frustration she finished changing into different styles of underwear. All the time Ryan voiced his feelings of each item. Every second heightened her arousal. She was sure her cream soaked the top of her thighs. By the time they were finished Jesse winced to think of the price.

  He kissed her temple. “This is the best afternoon I’ve spent in the mall.”

  If he enjoyed his time then she wouldn’t complain.

  * * * *

  Taking Jesse to dinner in a luxurious French restaurant tormented Ryan more than eased his arousal. She wore the red cocktail dress and the glint in her eye told him she wore the red lacy underwear she’d tried on at Natalie’s lingerie shop. Several men nodded toward him, admiring his woman while they did. Some of the women glared at Jesse for being with him. He liked the fact she didn’t know what a catch he actually was.

  To the business world he had a ruthless reputation but he also held a bachelor style life. No woman ever graced his arm for longer than an evening. Only the people within his world at Extreme knew the truth about what he loved in a woman. Staring at Jesse as she looked over the menu, without the prices, he knew deep in his heart she was the woman for him.

  One week and he knew the truth between them. They hadn’t explored the Dom/sub part of their life but that would come in time.

  “I don’t know what to have,” she said, placing her menu down. The dress pushed her tits up, showcasing her tempting cleavage. His mouth watered for a small taste of her flesh. Moving his arousal away from the press of the zipper, he looked at the menu.

  “I’ll order for the both of us.”

  She didn’t argue, lifting her glass of water to her lips. He watched her swallow, imagining her throat working to take his dick into her mouth.

  Get a grip.

  He called over the waiter and put in his order. Ryan settled on steak with potatoes and vegetables minus the garlic. He ordered the same for Jesse only with a piece of chicken rather than steak.

  Sending the waiter away, he stared at the woman opposite him. Her blonde hair fell around her in waves, looking like it possessed a life of its own.

  “Do you come here often?” she asked, putting her glass back on the table.

  “Sometimes, it depends on the occasion. And, no, I’ve not brought another woman here. This is more a restaurant for business for me. I knew you’d look amazing and I wanted to show you off.” He looked around the room seeing the attention she attracted from the men around them. “They all are lusting after you.”

  “Stop it, Ryan.” Her cheeks flushed.

  “Okay, I think we should move onto a topic that has me curious.”

  She leaned forward, getting closer. Along the edge of the table lay two candles giving a romantic element to the meal. When he frequented the restaurant for business he made the waiters remove the candles. Romance is never on his mind for business.

  “You and Jake, how far did you go?” he asked.

  “What do you mean?” She sat back and folded her arms under her breasts. Defenses were up, cutting him out.

  “Put your hands down by your side. I rarely take over another man’s submissive, Jesse. I need to know what you’ve done with Jake and how far it went. I know you weren’t intimate.” She followed his instructions, resting her arms by her sides. Interesting.

  “Erm, I couldn’t get to orgasm as you know.” He held his hand up stopping her from continuing.

  “I’m not asking the reasons why.” Ryan truly believed part of her reasons for not finding release with another man was down to her own misgivings. Her family still lived in the past, which also stopped her from moving on. He would make sure her past stayed there. The only way for a person to move was to not be reminded of it. “What has Jake done with you? Spank you with his hand, a whip, a crop, a flogger? How far have you gone? Were you his submissive? Did you call him Sir or Master? Were you more together outside of the club? Has he tied you up, punished you?”

  Her mouth opened then closed then opened again. “Erm, I never called him names. He was always Jake. The first time we were in his playroom and he brought me to orgasm.” Her cheeks matched the red color of her dress. “He started off spanking me with his hand and we’d progressed to a crop and paddle. I also had clamps on my nipples. He never tied me down but I held onto restraints and only let go when I felt like it.”

  Ryan listened to her explain everything they’d done with each other. From the sounds of it, Jake treated her like an experimenting girlfriend. No formal training or proper etiquette discussed between them.

  “You know he’s a Dominant, right?”

  “When Jake first discussed his thoughts with me I did a lot of research. I found stuff on the net and made my own assumptions. He never did what was described online.” She looked down at her hands, which were squeezed together in her lap.

  The waiter placed their meal in front of them. Ryan thanked the man then started eating. “What did you read online?”

  “Stuff about a Dom and a submissive.” She wouldn’t look at him. His curiosity rising, he took a chunk of steak and chewed the succulent meat.

  “Tell me about what you liked. Don’t leave anything out.”

  Jesse looked up at him then down at her meal.

  “Remember, no running. I’m here to stay, baby.”

  She took some chicken into her mouth, licking her lips.

  “I liked the relationship some of the sites portrayed. I even read a few short stories and some blogs that gave advice.” She stopped to eat some more. He forgot all about everyone around the restaurant. His focus directed only at her. “The Dom was totally devoted to his woman. He didn’t want to share her with anyone but he showed her off to the community. They were allowed to look but not touch. She called him Sir or Master and she did so willingly. Everything about their relationship was strong even though she did as he asked all the time.”

  “What about punishments?” he asked.

  “Her punishments were deserved as she disobeyed him. He never beat her or cut her off. Everything he did was to improve her behavior but to also show her how much he cared.”

  And there was Jesse’s yearning. For so long people cared but always walked away. None of the men in her life made her feel treasured and left once she opened up to them.

  “I want to ask you something and you’ve got to be honest with me.”

  “I’ll do anything,” she said, pleading with him.

  “I’m a Dom, Jesse. I trained to handle subs from punishment to pleasure. I’ve seen Natalie be punished for an indiscretion toward her Master. I’ve watched subs get collared and seen relationships bloom. There are bad sides to the lifestyle, I’m not going to lie, there are bad just like there are good sides.” He motioned for her to continue eating while he talked. “You’re a submissive, Jesse. It’s good and it shows your strength. Tomorrow, I would like to explore this dynamic between us. I’m asking you to come to my home where you’ll be my sub. It will be light play, nothing hard core or painful. I’ll show you my playroom along with my toys. It’s up to you what you decide.”

  * * * *

  Jesse agreed. Every time she read something on line or saw couples at the club she’d found her arousal intensify. Jake talked to her about the lifestyle but he never played it out with her. He wouldn’t be her Dom as he only agreed to give her pleasure. She finished her meal, except for some potatoes. Her stomach was in knots staring across the table at him.

  Several women kept looking their way admiring him. She wanted to claw their eyes out. Ryan was her man. He ordered a chocolate cheesecake for desert with extra cream. Across the table he fed her from his fork. She leaned in close keeping her eyes on his lips as he ate the desert himself.

  Ryan would be her Dom. Damn, she’d have to phone her family to explain her no appearance at Sunday lunch.

  “Will I be able to phone my parents tomorrow? I always have lunch with them on Sunday but I’d like to spend the day with you.”

  “Okay, I’ll be there in case your father wants to talk to me.”

  He finished up the cheesecake, giving her the last forkful. She waited peacefully while he handled the bill. The waiter smiled at her. Jesse didn’t smile back or say anything to him. Her attention was on the man who’d captured her heart.

  Freezing in her seat, she watched Ryan sign his name.

  Captured her heart? What did that mean?

  “Are you ready to leave?” he asked.

  They left the restaurant together. A wrap or coat was unnecessary against the heat of the summer night. She sat beside him in the car while he drove toward her home.

  “Why are we stopping here?” she asked, staring up at her home.

  “I’ll drop you off to work on Monday. You’ll need clothes for tomorrow and work. Come on, I’ll help you pack.” He parked the car and climbed out before she even opened her door. She followed him up to the front door. Ryan took the keys from her.

  Fingers shaking, she breezed past him to go to her room.

  Love? Was she in love with Ryan? No answer met her inner question, not that she was expecting any.

  One week couldn’t determine her feelings. Shaking her head, she opened the wardrobe door, grabbing her office suit, a pair of flat shoes along with a dress for tomorrow. Staring at the bag of new underwear she settled on a blue satin pair then some shoes to go with it. Ryan leaned against the doorframe watching her.

  “I can see the outline of your thong,” he said. She looked up to see his dark gaze piercing her.

  “Do you want me to change?”

  “Don’t even think about it. Tonight I get to undress you and I intend to remove that thong with my teeth.”

  He offered her a hand. Grabbing the case, she placed her palm against his. Ryan took her luggage and together they walked downstairs, once outside she locked up her front door. She left one light on to detract burglars.

  Seated in his car minutes later, Ryan drove her out of the city.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “I’m taking you to my country house. My penthouse suite is too formal where I arrange all my business meetings. Our day together has to be where I’m most comfortable. You’re not business, you’re total pleasure.” He squeezed her hand before navigating traffic.

  She expected something garish and scary for his country home. When he pulled up beside the house, she was surprised by how modest it looked. They were surrounded by conifer trees, which helped to hide the main building from passers-by.

  “I got this place for a bargain over five years ago,” he said, climbing out of the car.

  “Do you live here all the time?”

  “Yes. When it’s really late I stay at my penthouse apartment but I try to get back here most times. Some nights I don’t want to drive to far. Come on, I’ll show you around.” He opened the front door.

  The scent of lavender hit her straight away.

  “Do you have a lot of gardens?” she asked.

  “No, I got this place for the lack of upkeep. I don’t want to keep hiring gardeners or staff. In the summer I buzz over the lawn and that’s all I need to do.” He switched on the hallway light. “This is the living room. Behind the closed door is my office. If I need to work but don’t feel like going to the city I do everything in there.” He opened the door and turned on the light.

  Books lined all walls with a comfortable chair and sofa in the center. Near the windows a large oak desk sat with a full plush chair behind it.

  “See, nothing special.” He switched off the office light before leading her through a small dining room into a large kitchen. "My mom comes and cooks for me some times. My parents are away on a cruise right now, living it up. I’m sure you’ll meet them very soon. You’re the kitchen expert, what do you think?”

  “Do you cook?” she asked.

  “A little. I wouldn’t hold out on my holding a dinner party.”

  “Denise really wants to meet you,” she said, thinking about her friend at work. “I don’t know why I just said that.”

  “Well, what do you think?” he asked, running his fingers up and down the counter.

  “I love it. It’s large. You’ve seen my kitchen, it’s very pokey.” Modern gadgets dotted the far counter.

  “Now you’ve got all the mod cons to go with the kitchen. I forgot to tell you, you’d be cooking tomorrow.” He smiled as she couldn’t contain the squeal of excitement.

  “Thank you.” She wrapped her arms around him, kissing his cheek then lips.

  “If I knew this’d get you crazy I’d have given you a kitchen sooner.” The teasing tone warmed his voice.

  “You’re so bad.” He made her feel so relaxed in her own skin.

  The air between them changed becoming charged. She started into his eyes, resting her head against his.

  His hands went to her thighs and started to gather up her dress. In one smooth move, he lifted her onto the counter, claiming her lips at the same time.

  Moaning, she sank her fingers into his hair as he rubbed his cock between her thighs. The dress far enough up her body for her to move tighter to him. Crying out, she opened her lips, giving him the opportunity to slide his tongue inside.

  Ryan took full advantage, kissing her deeply.

  “Fuck, you taste so sweet.” He lifted her up, carrying her out of the kitchen then toward the stairs.

  “Stop, I’m too heavy,” she said, pressing a hand to his chest.

  “You’re not.” Ryan squeezed her ass. “You’re fucking perfect.”

  Giggling, she stopped talking as he carried her upstairs to his bedroom.

  Chapter Five

  Slamming the door closed, Ryan put her down on the floor. Her shoes fell off on the way upstairs. Turning her to face the bed with the mirror overlooking them, he unzipped the back of the dress. His cock tightened harder against his zipper. Pain along with pleasure coursed through his body, begging to be inside her.

  He pressed his fingers inside the back of her dress touching her naked skin. Jesse gasped, her eyes widening as she stared up into the mirror. Looking at her reflection he pushed the dress of her shoulders so the fabric fell to the floor.

  “Step out of it and kick it aside,” he said.

  She did as he asked, kicking the dress away. “It’s expensive.”

  “I paid for it and I wanted to see you kick it away.” He despised the dress for teasing him all night. Wrapping an arm around her waist, he pulled her in close. “Look at yourself.” Stroking her stomach, he fingered the strap of her bra. “I could bend you over this bed and fuck you so fucking hard.”


  Ryan smiled. Tonight they would not be fucking. It was amazing what someone could do with a bit of imagination. He wouldn’t tell her what he planned. Stripping the bra from her body, he admired the rounded curves of her tits. Nipples were hard, pressing up, begging for his lips.

  He took one of her hands and brought it around her back to press over the hard ridge of his shaft. “All night I’ve been hard thinking about this moment.”

  Kissing her neck, he cupped one of her tits, pinching th
e nipple. She crossed her legs, causing friction from the pressure. Slapping her thigh, he ordered her to open her legs. “You will not be touching your pretty clit until I’m ready.”

  She growled in frustration.

  Pinching her nipple hard, he moved back from her. “Go to the edge of the bed and bend over. I want to see that piece of red between your ass.” He removed his jacket then opened the cuffs of his shirt. Watching her step to the edge of the bed, bend over and rest on her palms, he finally removed his shirt.

  The ink stood out. She’d never seen him completely naked. By the end of the night she’d see every part of him.

  Grabbing the chair he kept in the room, he moved it so he sat staring at her ass.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m looking at you.”

  The scent of her arousal filled his nostrils. Looking closer he saw the fabric over her pussy was wet from her arousal.

  Running a finger up the inside of her thigh, he listened to her moan. Stroking over the small triangle covered her mound, he asked, “Are you wet?”

  “You know I am,” she said.

  Ryan spanked the cheek of her ass, moving to the edge of the chair. She cried out but didn’t pull away. Jesse really didn’t know how strong she actually was.

  He followed the line of the string going between her ass up to the base of her back. Down he followed the line until he cupped her pussy in his palm. Sliding his fingers beneath the red fabric he touched her cream-soaked slit.

  Jesse cried out as he glided a finger over her clit then down to penetrate her cunt. “Now that’s what I consider wet,” he said, feeling her tighten around him.

  Removing his hands, he moved the thong out of his way getting a clearer view of her puckered anus and her creamy slit. She knelt naked while he still wore his dress pants.

  “I wish Natalie was here now. I’d get her to take a picture of your pussy.” Leaning back, he simply stared at the perfection of her.

  When he could stand it no longer, he pushed the chair out of his way, taking hold of her hips he flipped her around to face him. Jesse landed on the bed. Her tits bouncing as he moved her up to rest against his pillows, blonde hair spread out.


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