Not Damaged

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Not Damaged Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  Satisfaction filled him at seeing her on his bed.

  Claiming her lips, he plundered her mouth, meeting her tongue with his. Biting into her bottom lip, he dropped the kiss going to her neck. He went down the column of her neck until he took one of her nipples into his mouth.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist, smashing her pussy against his stomach. Holding onto her hips, he moved to her breasts, lavishing each nipple with attention.

  Jesse squirmed, rubbing against him. Dropping from her tits he kissed down, sliding his tongue into her belly button. He held her down, crawling backward until he settled between her thighs.

  His shoulders held her open, stopping her from closing her thighs. Ryan opened the lips of her sex revealing her swollen clit. Watering for a taste of her, he circled the nub with his tongue. Her essence exploded in his mouth.

  Their moans mingled together. With one hand, he held her lips open and with the other he slid a finger inside her pussy. She was so fucking tight, gripping his finger like a fist. When he did finally fuck her with his shaft, he’d make sure she was soaking wet before slamming inside her.

  Pre-cum leaked out of the tip of his cock into his pants. The desire to push all of his good ideals out the window and simply fuck her was strong. Instead, he sucked her clit into his mouth sliding down to penetrate her pussy with his tongue. Each time he changed from his fingers to his tongue, giving her constant never ending pleasure.

  Jesse screamed.

  Pressing a hand to her stomach, he held her in place as he bit down on her clit adding that bite of pain she needed. She exploded, thrusting onto his fingers as he sucked and nibbled on her clit.

  Her cream coated his chin but he didn’t let up until she finally came down from her orgasm. His shaft hurt and he knew the indentation of the zipper would show on it.

  Sitting back, he wiped her cream off and stared into her blue eyes. His heart suddenly stopped as something struck him deep. Fuck, he’d fallen for Jesse Robinson.

  * * * *

  Her legs shook from her orgasm.

  Wow, Jesse couldn’t form any other words as she stared into Ryan’s dark brown eyes. They were almost black with his arousal. He sat up off the bed. His cock pressed hard against his pants and the tightness made her wince.

  “Is it painful?” she asked.


  Going to her knees, she shuffled closer then sat back on her bottom. Pulling on the belt holding his pants up, she fed the leather through the loops then eased open the buckle. She tugged the belt away then went for the button. Jesse made sure not to hurt him when she slid the zipper over the hard length.

  He growled and she took her time to pull his pants down. The boxer briefs were not big enough to stop her view of his cock. The tip appeared over the top of his pants. Ryan moved her hands out of the way. Within seconds he stood naked at the edge of the bed.

  The ink stood out on his skin, capturing her attention. This was her first time seeing him naked. For a forty year old man he was in the peak of health. Reaching out, she pressed her palm to his stomach. He covered her hand with his own.

  She looked down over his ink, loving the spiral snaking up one arm that ended near his neck. Each design was more intricate than the last. He pushed her hand down.

  Unable to stop herself she followed the direction of his hand to where he gripped the base of his shaft.

  Staring at his cock, she admired the thickness and length. No one could argue with the size of his cock. He was huge. Feeling him through his clothing hadn’t done him justice at all.

  The head looked red and swollen, glistening with his pre-cum.

  “Touch me, Jesse,” he said.

  Gripping his cock, she worked from base to tip going up and down, feeling how soft yet hard he was. His fingers stroked through her hair.

  The only sound to be heard in the room came from their heavy breathing.

  “You’re big,” she said.

  He chuckled. “I know. God, I love your hands on me.”

  She stared up at him. His gaze was on her the whole time. Working his shaft she looked down and watched the pre-cum gather, soaking the tip. She caught some on her fingers working his natural lube over his flesh.

  Moving in close, she craved the feel of him inside her mouth. Jesse wanted to give him the same kind of pleasure he gave her. Opening her lips, she took the head of his cock inside. His cum coated her tongue and she swallowed him down, moaning.


  Both hands held onto her head as she sucked half way down his length. When the tip hit the back of her throat she pulled away. Bobbing her head she sucked him into her mouth.

  “Your mouth is so perfect. That’s right, baby, go down on me.”

  Ryan pumped his hips as she met him. Each time he hit the back of her throat she tried to take more of him down. Gripping his thighs, she moaned, feeling her own arousal spike once again.

  All too soon, Ryan pulled out of her mouth.

  “Why have you stopped?” she asked, feeling bereft at him leaving her mouth.

  He sat down on the edge of the bed. “Come here and give me that pussy.”

  “You’ve already given me pleasure.”

  “I want to taste you again. Don’t make me ask twice.”

  Remembering the feel of his palm against her ass, Jesse felt torn. Part of her didn’t want to disobey him while another wanted to feel his palm against her ass once again.

  Giving Ryan what he wanted won out. Climbing back on the bed, she squealed as he went to his back twisting her over his body. Her knees feel over either side of his head, face on his thigh.

  Heat filled her cheeks at how vulnerable she lay. His cock stood straight and was still rock hard. The shaft coated with her saliva.

  “Suck me, baby.” Fingers opened her pussy and then his lips touched her once again. Crying out, she held onto his thighs as fingers pressed inside her, stretching her out.

  Holding onto his cock, she sucked him in deep. His tongue did wicked things to her pussy as she sucked on his dick.

  Fingers pressed against her puckered anus. She tensed up but Ryan didn’t wait for her to protest. He pushed a finger into her ass while tonguing her clit. The pleasure and pain combined, sending her close to the edge, which she didn’t think possible.

  Working her mouth over his shaft, she swallowed down his pre-cum. Cupping his balls, she caressed them in her palms, wanting to feel him erupt in her mouth.

  “If you don’t want me to come in your mouth you better stop now and finish me off with your hand.”

  Jesse moaned as another finger worked inside her ass while his tongue speared her cunt. Her orgasm was so close. Thrusting her hips onto his fingers and tongue, Jesse cried out as her orgasm slammed through her.

  At the same time Ryan exploded in her mouth. His cock jerked, washing her mouth with his cum. Swallowing it down, she moaned at the same time. She didn’t know how much time passed as her orgasm took over all thought and feeling.

  When his cum finally ceased she released him, collapsing over his body.

  “And that’s why I let you go on top rather than take the position myself.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked. Her brain turned to mush as her skin was over sensitive.

  “I’m too heavy and I’d squash you but you feel perfect to me.” Ryan stroked her back. Resting her head on his stomach, she didn’t care how close his cock was to her hair.

  “I can’t think right now. Give me a few minutes to get my bearings.” Pushing some hair off her face, she held onto his body.

  It dawned on her she lay over Ryan and she didn’t care about the intimacy. He stroked her body, soothing her with his touch.

  Maybe Ryan really was right. She wasn’t damaged or broken but whole. Feeling happy, she snuggled in close.

  “Come on, baby, we need to get you in the shower.”

  Ryan being heavier than her easily moved her off him. She squealed in protest as he carried her into the b

  “You’ve got to stop carrying me around,” she complained.

  “No, I don’t. You’ll learn, Jesse. I do what I want.”

  * * * *

  The following morning, Ryan opened his eyes to find Jesse still asleep. After he’d taken her to the shower, he brought her to orgasm a third time while reaching his second. By the time he finished with her, she collapsed to the bed, begging for him to give her some rest.

  He smiled, recalling how tired she became from his touch. The sun shone through the curtains, heating their skin. Placing a hand on her back, he looked over to see it was past nine. Ryan watched her sleep and thought about the new meaning to his feelings toward her. Today they’d explore the basics of submission. Stroking a finger up her spine he tried to draw her out of the land of nod.

  “Stop it, leave me alone,” she said, shaking him off.

  Chuckling, he kissed her cheek. “Hey, princess, it’s time to get up. You’ve got to call your family unless you’ve changed your mind about today?” He waited for her to respond. She opened one eye and stared at him.

  The blue looked confused for a second then she sat up. “No, I’ve not changed my mind.” She stretched.

  Dropping his gaze to her breasts, he saw they were darker red than before from his attention to the hard nubs. Her tits really did call to him. Even now he wanted to suck on them, spending all day admiring them. His cock hardened at the sight.

  “Is that all you think about?” she asked, glancing down at his shaft.

  “Around you, yes. I can’t imagine anything else.”

  “If it’s all you imagine why haven’t you fucked me yet? I did notice last night we did everything but.” She gave him a pointed look.

  “You’ll get my cock when I’m good and ready.” He circled one nipple then the other.

  She moaned, stroking a hand down his chest to his cock.

  “After you call your parents we’ll talk about how today will go,” he said. “Go to the bathroom, freshen up and get dressed.”

  Jesse climbed off the bed, leaving him alone. Collapsing back, Ryan knew what he felt for her. In a week, Jesse had invaded his heart, taking possession of it. He’d do everything in his power to be everything she needed.

  Getting up from the bed, he went to the spare bathroom, took a quick shower and dressed in a pair of jeans and a shirt. Opening windows, he allowed some fresh air through the house. He found Jesse in the kitchen looking through his cupboards.

  “I hope you don’t mind me having a look through for breakfast?”

  “No, it’s fine. Come with me and you can phone your parents before we eat breakfast and drink coffee.”

  He took her hand, leading her to his office. Going to the windows, he opened the curtains followed by the windows to let more fresh air into the stuffy room.

  “It’s very warm today.”

  “Yes.” He pointed to his phone. “Make the call.”

  Ryan watched her dial the number. Her fingers played with one of his paperweights. He witnessed her nerves intensify with every second that passed.

  “Hey, it’s me, Jesse.” She stopped listening to whoever talked on the other end. “No, I’m not actually going to be able to make it today.” Silence once again. “I’m spending today with my … boyfriend.” Her brow rose.

  Nodding, he sat down in his chair.

  “I’m not lying about anything. Mom, put Dad on the phone. Ryan wants to talk with him.”

  “Good girl,” he said, mouthing the words so no one heard.

  Jesse repeated her words again to whoever talked on the other end. “Thanks, Dad. Here is Ryan.” She covered the receiver and mouthed her father’s name. “I’m going to make some breakfast,” she said.

  “Okay.” He pulled her down for a kiss. “I’ll deal with this.”

  “They don’t think I’ve got a boyfriend.” Tears filled her eyes.

  He cursed, wanting to hurt someone for causing Jesse pain. “We’ll visit them soon, I promise.”

  She nodded then left his office.

  “Hello, Mr. Robinson. Am I free to call you Liam?”

  “Who am I speaking too?” Liam Robinson asked.

  He heard a woman ranting in the background.

  “This is Ryan Carter. I’m Jesse’s boyfriend and hope to soon be something more.”

  Silence met his answer. “Are you the owner of that club, Extreme?”

  “Yes, I also own several businesses up and down the country. I’ve not got the time to talk business today, Liam. Another day perhaps.” Drumming his fingers on the desk, he waited for the man to speak.

  “She’s telling the truth, Barbara.”

  “Do you make a habit of thinking your daughter a liar?” Ryan asked, feeling his anger spike at their treatment of her.

  “No, we don’t. Jesse never misses a Sunday—”

  “I asked her to spend the day with me.” He cut in explaining his actions.

  “Son, I know you probably mean well but there is stuff about Jesse you don’t know,” Liam said.

  Rubbing at his temple, Ryan found himself getting bored with the conversation.

  “I know everything about her. We’ve got no secrets at all. If you think to scare me off with her past then you’re very much mistaken. I’m not some doe-eyed boy you can scare off with the truth.”

  “She’s been hurt enough.”

  “I’m not going to be hurting her and I have to say, Mr. Robinson, how do you know that you’ve not hurting her more.”

  A gasp of outrage sounded over the line. Rolling his eyes, he stood up to stare out of the window. His age made him less patient. Jesse meant a great deal to him and at the moment he couldn’t care about her family.

  “We’ve done everything we can to give her the best—” Liam started to raise his voice.

  “Look, I do not want to cause an argument with you. I’m not going anywhere when it comes to Jesse. I love her,” he said, meaning every word.

  Silence once again fell over the line.

  “I love my daughter. She means the world to me. I’d hate to see her hurt because of some guy who thinks he can handle everything.”

  “We’ll meet very soon and then you’ll find out how much I can handle,” he said, adamant to meet Jesse’s family. His main aim in life was getting her to feel whole. They’d come so far in such a short time.

  Nothing would make him walk away, not even her family.

  * * * *

  Staring into the fridge, the coffee percolating over in the corner, Jesse scrunched up her nose. Cereal held no appeal. Moving the bacon and eggs to one side, she couldn’t think of anything to cook.

  Closing the fridge, she started looking through the cupboards. Her search brought her sugar, flour and other ingredients to make waffles. She checked all the gadgets on the far counter to discover the wonderful iron to cook them. Collecting all of the ingredients she set about making breakfast.

  Ten minutes into her whisking, Ryan walked into the kitchen. She poured him a quick coffee, then filled the waffle iron.

  “Hey, how did it go?” she asked, glancing behind her.

  “I may have turned your father against me.” He took a seat, sipping at his coffee.

  She laughed. “I wouldn’t be offended if I was you. He makes everyone feel that way.”

  “He tried to push me away, Jesse.” She froze at the concern in his voice. “I cut him off before he said anymore.”

  Jesse focused on the waffle iron in front of her. For a short period of time she’d been able to forget all about what happened ten years ago. Her family, she loved them, but they always brought her back to that moment when her life changed forever. “I’m never going to get away from it.”

  “You’re away from it, baby.”

  His arms surrounded her, filling her with his warmth. Wrapping her arms around his neck, not caring about the batter she dripped onto his shirt, she held him close. “Don’t let me go.”

  “You’re strong. You’re a l
ot stronger than they give you credit for. I promise.”

  She wore the white summer dress she packed for the day. Resting against his warmth, she closed her eyes. “I wish they’d leave it all alone,” she said.

  “They will. We’ll show them together. Come on, we’ll make these pancakes and think about something else while we do.” Lifting her head she saw the batter on his shirt.

  “You go and change. I’ll finish off the waffles.” She smiled, wiping the tears away from her face.

  “Sorry, waffles, not pancakes. I’ll be back in a second.”

  With him gone, she finished baking up the waffles, grabbing some syrup from the pantry and poured him another hot cup of coffee. He walked into the dining room seconds later. She’d put the plates on mats.

  Ryan sat at the head of the table while she took the seat beside him. The fresh air from the open windows helped cool her down after standing so long in front of the hot waffle iron. She watched him take a bite before eating her own. His moan of appreciation filled her with happiness.

  “Now, we’re going to eat this and then we’re going to talk about what’s happening for the rest of the day. Are you nervous?”

  “No.” Excited better described her feelings.

  “Good. This is about our pleasure and also what we desire. I crave submission in my women and I know you’re a submissive. I look forward to showing you everything I love.”

  “I know some people mistake punishments as beatings.”

  “Women who do not wish to be part of a Dom/sub relationship should never try to make it work. It won’t. I’ve watched women come apart, screaming their orgasm from a spanking alone. There is pleasure where others only ever see pain. I’m not like that. I would never do anything to physically hurt you. Even when I spank you, I hope you feel pleasure along with it.”

  Sighing, she finished off her breakfast. Heat pooled in her groin. Crossing her legs, she tried to think of something horrible to turn her off.

  His fingers stroked her knee. “There’s no need to be ashamed of your desire for this, Jesse. I’ll teach you everything you need to know. We’ll work through it together.” He kept hold of her knee.


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