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Method of Madness

Page 15

by Brad Kelln

  "So let's watch so­me of Ka­li­for­nia. Not all of it-just so­me of the re­la- ti­ons­hip parts that'll get yo­ur re­se­arch ju­ices flo­wing." Wen­ton got up and step­ped over to his wall unit, qu­ickly pul­ling the DVD out of its alp­ha­be­ti­cal spot.

  Nor­ma he­si­ta­ted as tho­ugh she might say so­met­hing, but de­ci­ded not to. I'll watch a co­up­le of mi­nu­tes and then tell him I ha­ve to go.

  Once the DVD was pla­ying Wen­ton tur­ned back to Nor­ma. "Want a drink? Pop or so­met­hing?"

  "Urn, no I'm okay."

  "It's no prob­lem. I'm go­ing to grab so­met­hing."

  "Su­re a pop wo­uld be gre­at."

  "Be right back."

  When he re­tur­ned he step­ped in be­si­de her and sat on the so­fa. "He­re you go," He han­ded her a tall glass with pop and ice. He set his half and half rye and Co­ke down on the cof­fee tab­le. Be­ca­use Nor­ma sat in the mid­dle, Wen­ton was for­ced to one si­de but ma­de su­re that al­most the full length of his leg to­uc­hed hers.

  She glan­ced at him but lo­oked away ta­king a sip from her glass.



  "What's that?" Wen­ton as­ked.

  "I didn't say anyt­hing," Nor­ma rep­li­ed, con­fu­sed.

  He lo­oked over the back of the so­fa and then back to Nor­ma. "I just tho­ught I he­ard so­met­hing."

  This one won't last.

  Wen­ton was lo­oking right at Nor­ma when he he­ard the vo­ice aga­in.

  She will kill her­self. I will ma­ke su­re of it.

  Her lips hadn't mo­ved. What the fuck's the mat­ter with me? he tho­ught.

  "Are you okay?" Nor­ma as­ked.

  "I…," he star­ted then stop­ped. Nor­ma's fa­ce was ra­pidly shif­ting back and forth bet­we­en her nor­mal fe­atu­res and tho­se of fa­ce of a stran­ge cre­atu­re, with sun­ken eyes, yel­lo­wed te­eth and lar­ge, ga­ping wo­und slas­hed ver- ti­cal­ly down it's fa­ce. The fa­ces flic­ke­red so qu­ickly that her fa­ce be­ca­me a blur.

  "What the hell?"

  Fuck her, Mic­ha­el.

  "No," Wen­ton sho­uted and re­ac­hed out to grab Nor­ma by the sho­ul­ders.

  He sho­ok her, trying to stop the shif­ting.

  She's de­ad any­way so fuck her whi­le you ha­ve the chan­ce.

  "Stop it," he scre­amed.

  Mic­ha­el, fuck this de­ad bitch.

  "No." He kept sha­king her.


  "Mic­ha­el!" The vo­ice had shif­ted to a scre­am.

  Wen­ton blin­ked and saw Nor­ma sta­ring back at him in ter­ror. He lo­oked down and saw his hands firmly grip­ping her bre­asts.

  "Let go of me," she yel­led, te­ars fal­ling fre­ely.

  He did and she fell back away from him.

  "I'm le­aving," she blur­ted thro­ugh te­ars.

  Wen­ton was da­zed. He va­gu­ely no­ti­ced her mo­ving to­wards the do­or. The idea of stop­ping her flo­ated thro­ugh him but di­sap­pe­ared qu­ickly when she slam­med the do­or be­hind her.

  He lif­ted his drink to his lips. What the fuck was that?


  Nor­ma sto­od on Wen­ton's sto­op for a few mo­re mi­nu­tes, to gat­her her com­po­su­re. She didn't know whe­re to turn. She to­ok out her cell pho­ne.

  "Pas­tor Wright­land? This is Nor­ma, Nor­ma Mac­Do­nald, you know from Bib­le study… Can we talk? It's abo­ut my su­per­vi­sor, Mic­ha­el Wen­ton…"


  Wen­ton had overs­lept aga­in.

  The­re was no ti­me to bring his lap­top from the of­fi­ce so he he­aded di­rectly to the clas­sro­om. The lec­tu­re was for a gra­du­ate co­ur­se in Fo­ren­sic Psycho­logy and he knew he co­uld fill the ti­me wit­ho­ut his Po­wer Po­int pre­sen­ta­ti­on.

  He was only fi­ve mi­nu­tes la­te when he step­ped in­to an empty clas­sro­om.

  Empty. What the fuck?

  "La­te as well as unet­hi­cal, eh, Dr. Wen­ton?" Earl Dri­er sa­id from the do­or­way, ba­rely ab­le to con­ta­in his ex­ci­te­ment.

  "Whe­re's my class?"

  "I dis­mis­sed them. We ne­ed to talk."

  Wen­ton clo­sed his fist and to­ok a de­ep bre­ath. He felt his jaw twitch.

  "The­re's a se­ri­o­us mat­ter that you ne­ed to at­tend to and you're sus­pen­ded from ac­ti­ve te­ac­hing du­ti­es un­til it's re­sol­ved."

  "Dri­er, you bet­ter get to the fuc­kin' po­int be­fo­re-"

  "Be­fo­re what?" sho­uted Dr. Dri­er. "Be­fo­re you hit me? Is that what? Are you thre­ate­ning me? What abo­ut Dr. Til­lston?" He tur­ned and anot­her pro- fes­sor step­ped in­to the ro­om. "Are you go­ing to at­tack her as well?"

  "That's eno­ugh, Earl," she sa­id, step­ping in­to the ro­om and clo­sing the do­or. "Dr. Wen­ton, the­re's be­en a comp­la­int from one of yo­ur stu­dents."

  He hadn't no­ti­ced her as she had be­en stan­ding im­me­di­ately be­hind Dri­er. Wendy Til­lston was the he­ad of the pro­fes­si­onal re­vi­ew of­fi­ce at the uni­ver­sity and fi­el­ded comp­la­ints lod­ged aga­inst pro­fes­sors.

  "Who lod­ged a comp­la­int?" he as­ked flatly, alt­ho­ugh he knew.

  "Nor­ma Mac­Do­nald. She cla­ims you in­vi­ted her to yo­ur apart­ment and ma­de se­xu­al over­tu­res to her."

  "You're kid­ding me! So­met­hing se­xu­al? That po­or girl. What she must be go­ing thro­ugh."

  The re­ac­ti­on ap­pe­ared to ta­ke both Dr. Dri­er and Dr. Til­lston by surp­ri­se. "So you're den­ying the al­le­ga­ti­ons?"

  "Of co­ur­se," Wen­ton sa­id aga­in with gre­at con­cern. "Nor­ma's be­en go­ing thro­ugh such a ro­ugh spell. Re­cently, I've had to be a lit­tle hard on her. She just can't se­ern to get any di­rec­ti­on for her gra­du­ate re­se­arch. I've let her know her per­for­man­ce is lac­king but I ne­ver tho­ught she'd-"

  "What?" Earl snap­ped. "What are you tal­king abo­ut? You know you want to fuck her."

  "Dr. Dri­er!" Dr. Til­lston sho­uted. "That's inap­prop­ri­ate."

  "But he's lying. He's not con­cer­ned abo­ut her! He's not con­cer­ned abo­ut an­yo­ne."

  "Dr. Dri­er! Ple­ase step out­si­de."


  "Now!" Dr. Til­lston sho­uted.

  Dr. Dri­er po­in­ted at Wen­ton. "You're not slip­ping out of this one. I'm go­ing to get you. I'm fi­nal­ly go­ing to get you." He slam­med the do­or be­hind him.

  "I apo­lo­gi­ze for that, Dr. Wen­ton."

  "We don't get along," Wen­ton sa­id to Dr. Til­lston and half smi­led.

  "I see that. As for the comp­la­int, we'd ap­pre­ci­ate yo­ur co­ope­ra­ti­on."

  "Anything I can do."

  "But the sus­pen­si­on will ha­ve to re­ma­in in ef­fect un­til we sort this out," she ad­ded, al­most apo­lo­ge­ti­cal­ly.

  "That ma­kes sen­se," he sa­id nod­ding.

  Dr. Til­lston tur­ned back to the do­or. "We'll con­tact you very so­on," she sa­id and left.

  Wen­ton clenc­hed his te­eth as he watc­hed her di­sap­pe­ar out the do­or­way. Mot­her­fuc­ker! This isn't what I ne­ed. I don't want to de­al with that fuc­kin' bitch right now. What a pa­in in the ass.

  He pic­ked up his bri­ef­ca­se to le­ave. He re­mem­be­red the lo­ok on Dr. Dri­er's fa­ce when he pre­ten­ded to be surp­ri­sed abo­ut the al­le­ga­ti­ons. That dumb fuck tho­ught he had me. Well see who gets who.


  Wen­ton's pho­ne was rin­ging when he step­ped in­to his of­fi­ce. If it was Nor­ma he tho­ught he might be ab­le to fi­nish this prob­lem up right then and the­re. He grab­bed the pho­ne off the crad­le.


  "Dr. Wen­ton? Hel­lo, it's Ge­or­gia O'Con­nors."

  He didn't res­pond. It wasn't Nor­ma so he di
dn't gi­ve a shit.

  "Are you the­re?" she as­ked, so­mew­hat con­fu­sed that he didn't ack­now­led­ge her. "You do re­mem­ber me from MSPC?"

  "What can I do for you?" Wen­ton sa­id co­ol­ly.

  "I'm sorry to bot­her you but the­re's be­en an is­sue with Dr. Cla­ric and we won­de­red if you co­uld stop by and help us sort thro­ugh a few things."

  "Li­ke what?"

  "Well, I gu­ess you and he we­re se­e­ing a pa­ti­ent to­get­her, a Barry Bo­se­man. Is that right?"

  "Mo­re or less."

  "Okay. And Barry wor­ked at ECOR phar­ma­ce­uti­cals, which is whe­re Bri­an was ar­res­ted. We didn't know if the­re might be a con­nec­ti­on and so-"

  "You're lo­oking for a met­hod of mad­ness," Wen­ton in­ter­rup­ted. "You're won­de­ring if Bo­se­man has so­met­hing to do with Bri­an go­ing nuts."

  "Oh," she didn't ex­pect him to be so blunt. "And can-"

  "Well, the truth is that Bri­an is con­vin­ced that ECOR is con­duc­ting ex­pe­ri­ments de­sig­ned to ma­ke pe­op­le in­sa­ne. Se­ems pla­usib­le. If you think abo­ut it, it ma­kes go­od bu­si­ness sen­se for a phar­ma­ce­uti­cal com­pany that tre­ats psychos to bo­ost the po­ten­ti­al cli­ent ba­se."

  "He ac­tu­al­ly be­li­eves that-"

  "Pro­bably mo­re im­por­tant is the fact that Bri­an thinks he's the su­bj­ect of the­ir next ex­pe­ri­ment. He thinks ECOR is ma­king him crazy. He's wor- ri­ed that pe­op­le are fol­lo­wing him, bre­aking in­to his ho­use, mo­ni­to­ring him. I think he be­li­eves he's even be­en zap­ped by so­me kind of we­apon."

  "Oh my," Dr. O'Con­nors be­gan. The fe­ars of the te­am we­re be­ing con­fir­med. "How do you-"

  "He­re's the re­al kic­ker. Bri­an might not be too far off. The­re's a pretty go­od chan­ce ECOR is ac­tu­al­ly ex­pe­ri­men­ting on pe­op­le-cre­ating in­sa­nity. I wo­uldn't be surp­ri­sed if they did zap Bri­an al­re­ady. They might even zap you if you don't watch yo­ur­self."

  "What? Did I he­ar you cor­rectly?"

  Wen­ton con­ti­nu­ed to ig­no­re her. "But then aga­in, may­be Dr. Cla­ric is simply de­monst­ra­ting the early sta­ges of a la­te on­set psycho­sis or an early- on­set de­men­tia. It's qu­ite pos­sib­le he's men­tal­ly ill and all of the ECOR bul­lshit is just a de­lu­si­on." He pa­used bri­efly and then ad­ded, "For that mat­ter, may­be I'm de­lu­si­onal too. May­be we're all fuc­kin' de­lu­si­onal to so­me deg­ree. How are we sup­po­sed to know? It's get­ting so dif­fi­cult to dif­fe­ren­ti­ate the sa­ne from the in­sa­ne."

  Dr, O'Con­nors clo­sed her eyes in frust­ra­ti­on. She ne­ver ex­pec­ted co­ope­ra­ti­on from Wen­ton but she wan­ted to see if she co­uld help Dr. Cla­ric. She de­ci­ded to ask Wen­ton to co­me down to the hos­pi­tal for a te­am me­eting.

  "Co­uld we get you-"

  "No you can't. Go­odb­ye." Wen­ton hung up. He had mo­re im­por­tant things to de­al with than Dr. Cla­ric's cu­ri­o­us co-wor­kers. He wan­ted to find Nor­ma Mac­Do­nald.


  Wa was par­ked in front of the Holy Sa­vi­o­ur Lut­he­ran Church on Wo­od­lawn Ro­ad. The cozy lit­tle church sat in a park next to a small la­ke in Dart­mo­uth, "the city of la­kes." He hadn't be­en the­re sin­ce his yo­un­gest child was bap­ti­zed a few ye­ars ago. At that ti­me, a new pas­tor, Gary Wright­land, had just star­ted with the church. He wasn't even su­re he'd find the sa­me pas­tor wor­king he­re.

  Wa re­luc­tantly got out of his car and wal­ked up the steps to the big wo­oden do­ub­le do­ors. What am I do­ing he­re? he tho­ught. This is crazy.

  The in­si­de of the church was stan­dard Lut­he­ran fa­ir. The ex­pan­si­ve lobby was sta­le and co­lo­ur­less, ser­ving ma­inly as a pla­ce to gat­her and hang co­ats be­fo­re en­te­ring the ma­in sanc­tu­ary. From the lobby, one hal­lway led down to church of­fi­ces and pos­sibly Sun­day scho­ol ro­oms. The ent­ran­ce to the sanc­tu­ary was thro­ugh a se­cond set of do­ub­le do­ors, or­na­tely car­ved in wo­od but with a small win­dow ob­vi­o­usly pla­ced the­re for sa­fety re­asons so pa­ris­hi­oners wo­uldn't ac­ci­den­tal­ly swing the gi­ant do­ors open and hit so­me­one on the ot­her si­de.

  Wa mo­ved thro­ugh the lobby and in­to the church. He scan­ned row af­ter row of dark wo­oden pews that po­in­ted to­ward the smal­lish al­ter at the front. A mas­si­ve cross hung aga­inst thin win­dows be­hind the pul­pit. Chris­ti­ans we­re re­qu­ired to ma­ke Jesus Christ the cent­ral the­me of everyt­hing, inc­lu­ding arc­hi­tec­tu­re.

  The church was empty. Wa tur­ned to exit and fo­und him­self fa­ce to fa­ce with a kindly lo­oking man in dress pants we­aring a pas­tor's squ­are col­la­red whi­te shirt.

  "Can I help you?" Pas­tor Gary Wright­land as­ked.

  "Oh, I'm sorry to wan­der in li­ke this," Wa be­gan.

  "This is a ho­use of God. All are wel­co­me."

  Wa nod­ded. "My child­ren we­re all bap­ti­zed he­re." He felt li­ke he ne­eded to jus­tify his pre­sen­ce. "All three of them."

  "That's won­der­ful," Gary sa­id in ge­nu­ine ap­pre­ci­ati­on.

  "I'm Ser­ge­ant Mitc­hell Wa. I'm re­al­ly sorry we ha­ven't be­en mo­re con- sis­tent abo­ut co­ming to-"

  "I know who you are," Gary sa­id hol­ding up his hand. "Ple­ase. You ob­vi­o­usly ne­ed to talk. Let's go to my of­fi­ce. I'd lo­ve to catch up with you."

  After they'd set­tled in the pas­tor's spar­sely fur­nis­hed of­fi­ce, they spent a few mi­nu­tes in small talk. Pas­tor Wright­land as­ked abo­ut Wa and the child­ren, and Wa apo­lo­gi­zed aga­in for not at­ten­ding church mo­re re­gu­larly.

  "Ser­ge­ant Wa," the pas­tor be­gan, "I know you didn't co­me he­re just to catch nip with me and the church. What can I do for you?"

  Wa to­ok a de­ep bre­ath and con­si­de­red the qu­es­ti­on. He wasn't su­re. A chill pas­sed thro­ugh him as he re­ali­zed cor­ning he­re was a mis­ta­ke.

  "Not­hing. I'm sorry, pas­tor. I gu­ess I just… Not­hing, re­al­ly."

  "Ser­ge­ant Wa," he ur­ged, "You ma­de it this far. Why not ta­ke one mo­re step and see whe­re it le­ads?"

  Mitc­hell Wa nod­ded and to­ok anot­her long, de­ep bre­ath. "He­re's the si­tu­ati­on. This will pro­bably so­und crazy but may­be I am crazy. I think I've got­ten myself wrap­ped up in so­met­hing…so­met­hing evil. I gu­ess I ca­me he­re to see if you'd know how to get me out of it."


  "Yes. The si­tu­ati­on. The evil."

  The pas­tor was be­wil­de­red. "I think I'm go­ing to ne­ed mo­re de­ta­ils."

  "I don't know. I gu­ess it was mo­re or less a ye­ar ago. A lot of things we­re pretty mes­sed up for me. My part­ner in ho­mi­ci­de, Tim Dal­lons, had re­cently tri­ed to kill him­self over a bad ca­se and I to­ok a re­as­sign­ment to sex cri­mes. I just had to get out of ho­mi­ci­de, ta­ke a bre­ak from it. And then this ca­se co­mes along, we­ir­dest fuck, sorry." Wa smi­led awk­wardly and con­ti­nu­ed. "The we­ir­dest ca­se I've ever be­en in­vol­ved with. This guy, his na­me was Ed­ward Car­ter, starts ra­ping wo­men and…" Wa's vo­ice tra­iled off. The pas­tor had go­ne pa­le at the men­ti­on of Ed­ward Car­ter's na­me. "You okay, Pas­tor Wright­land?"

  He re­co­ve­red qu­ickly. "Sorry, blo­od pres­su­re's ac­ting up and I ke­ep ha­ving the­se spells. What we­re you sa­ying?"

  Wa con­ti­nu­ed, un­con­vin­ced. "Ha­ve you he­ard of Ed­ward Car­ter? He was the guy who ra­ped wo­men and left them crazy. It was a ter­rib­le ca­se, vir­tu­al­ly im­pos­sib­le to sol­ve be­ca­use no­ne of the vic­tims co­uld gi­ve co­he­rent sta­te­ments af­ter the fact. They we­re li­te­ral­ly in­sa­ne af­ter the ra­pes. We had not­hing."

  Pas­tor Wright­land's jaw was clenc­hed t
ightly. "I know the ca­se," he sa­id qu­i­etly. "It was aw­ful." His eyes fil­led with te­ars. "How many vic­tims we­re the­re?"

  Wa didn't ans­wer im­me­di­ately. He watc­hed the pas­tor ca­re­ful­ly, trying to de­ci­de if it was re­al­ly okay to talk abo­ut the­se things.

  Gary re­ac­hed out and put a hand on Wa's sho­ul­der. "It's okay to talk abo­ut it. I want to he­ar what you ha­ve to tell me. I've he­ard and se­en many hor­rib­le things in my ti­me so don't worry abo­ut of­fen­ding me."

  The pas­tor's warm hand on his sho­ul­der ma­de Wa flinch, but he qu­ickly re­la­xed. He lo­oked at Gary's sin­ce­re fa­ce. "Okay, thanks. I gu­ess we knew of eight of­fi­ci­al ca­ses of ra­pe. The­re was anot­her girl, a yo­ung girl, that he held hos­ta­ge and kil­led-"

  Wa stop­ped and clo­sed his eyes. Me­mo­ri­es flas­hed thro­ugh him, po­un­ded thro­ugh him. His sto­mach twis­ted. He co­uld see the fa­ce of the six­te­en ye­ar old Tammy Far­rell as cle­arly as tho­ugh she was stan­ding in front of him. But the ima­ge he saw was a dis­tor­ted, hor­rib­le ima­ge of a pa­le, ter­ri­fi­ed girl who­se comp­le­xi­on bo­re the tel­lta­le blue tint of stran­gu­la­ti­on. He saw a vi­si­on of a crump­led, de­ad girl in var­ying sta­ges of und­ress. His sto­mach clenc­hed hard aga­in and he grun­ted. He tri­ed to pry his eyes open but the ima­ge was still strong. He mo­ved aro­und her body, ta­king it in from every ang­le. His eyes se­arc­hed her fa­ce, neck, bre­asts, sto­mach. He co­uld see him­self on top of her. He co­uld fe­el him­self easing down on­to her, ha­ving sex with her.

  "SER­GE­ANT WA!" a vo­ice in­ter­rup­ted.

  His eyes bol­ted open and the pas­tor was cro­uc­hing in front of him, star- ing in­to his fa­ce. "Are you okay, Ser­ge­ant?"

  "What?" Wa sa­id we­akly.

  "You zo­ned out on me the­re. I tho­ught you we­re ha­ving an at­tack."


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