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Destructive Luxe_A Luxe Novel Book 2

Page 28

by H. Q. Frost

  "Shaun." She rolled her eyes. "And yes."

  "And you won't date anyone else?"

  "My job is dating people," she said with a tinge of annoyance.

  "I mean really. There aren't any more guys, is there?"

  "I told you yesterday there wasn't." She put her hand to his neck and leaned back a little so he'd look her in the eyes. "It's only you and Ian," she softly told him while her thumb lazily rubbed over his stubble.

  "Why him?" His head shook as he dropped it from her touch.

  "I love him and you have to accept and respect that if you want this to work."

  "Then I guess the better question is why me?" Violent anger was building, making him want to punch the wall.

  "Because I really like you and I think this could work. We have a good time together, even the bar fights." She grinned.

  "And what about Jacks? Does he need to accept and respect that?" he scoffed.

  "Yes, and he's fully aware of that." She put a small distance between them. "I'm not holding a gun to your head. It's an idea and you're fully capable of saying yes or no. And I'm fully capable of walking away."

  "Damn, El, can you make me sound anymore expendable?" He glowered at her.

  "I'm not using you. What would I be using you for?"

  "Fun!" he blurted and she began to laugh.

  "Oh forgive me for using you for fun." Hard laughter bounced her chest. "Why'd they break up? The bitch was using him! For what? Money? No! For fun!" She slapped her hand on the table as her laughter doubled her.

  He tried not to smile but he couldn't stop himself. "Come here." He grabbed her hip, pulling her to him. "I want to kiss you but this is gonna get everywhere, isn't it?"

  "Yeah, it is." She turned her cheek and pointed. He kissed below her ear and she let out a soft moan. He kissed her again a little lower. "Don't do this. I wanted to do this yesterday and you stopped me." She pulled away.

  "We had shit to talk about."

  "Well we talked about it, so what's your answer."

  "To sex? Yes, always yes to sex."

  She smirked rolling her eyes. "Your other answer. Can we try and make this work?"

  "I'd do anything for you," he breathed. That wasn't what he wanted to say because he didn't want her to know she had him under her thumb.

  Lilith leaned in and bit his bottom lip, tugging a little. A groan left his mouth while his hand slid to her ass. As much as she wanted to fill her curiosity about what fucking him would be like, she wouldn't do it at work. She pulled away, biting her lip as she watched him adjust himself in his pants.

  "So how's this gonna work?" he asked.


  "When will I see you? When will he see you? The sex." Regret began to darken his features.

  "Don't worry about that stuff. Remember I told you not to think about it? That's what you have to do. You have to think it's only me and you."

  "But it's not," he stressed. "And I know it's not."

  A knock at the door interrupted them.

  "Justin, I'm at work. I can't talk about this now. If you want to get together later—"

  "Later is Daft Punk."

  "Shit," she mumbled and rolled her eyes. "Are you still coming?"

  "I bought a ticket after you told me to." The hard glare he was gazing at her made her sigh.

  "Look." She walked up to him and put her hands to his face. "I really want this to work between us but it won't if you're hung up on him."

  "So if I say no, what'll you do? Just move onto the next douche?"

  "No," she scoffed. "Just a minute!" she yelled out toward the door when another knock sounded. "No, I'm not walking around looking for a boyfriend! God, you're being really ignorant," she growled. "I like you, you idiot! I want you, not just a boyfriend! I'm fully capable of a monogamous relationship, but I met you and this happened." She threw her arms toward him out of frustration. "You think Ian was like, why don't you go out and get a boyfriend?" she snickered. "I met you and developed these feelings for you and I decided he can either accept it or move on." The last part was a white lie, but she wanted to get her point across. "I really have to get to work. I've gotten nothing done, and to top it off, I was late." Flustered, she walked to the door, straightening her shirt and trying to appear calm.

  "I'll pick you up at seven?" he asked.

  "Yeah, whatever. Text me."

  "Will your phone be charged?"

  "Justin, please leave," she huffed, rolling her eyes.

  He grinned at her anger. "You're cute." He kissed her cheek hard. "And this fucking hair." A quiet groan rumbled from him as he pulled the door open and smirked at her. "I was right about it looking good."

  Standing at his office door talking to Caesar, Ian looked over at them; the two men locked eyes.

  "How'd that car work out, Jacks?" Justin asked, trying to keep things casual.

  "She's still driving her other car. Hasn't even taken the new one home yet." Ian smirked, knowing if he acted like a dick, Lilith would get pissed at him.

  "Not surprising. Some women seem to have more than they know what to do with." Justin glanced back toward Lilith who was following behind him. She pushed him forward and he chuckled. "Later, Jacks."

  "Later," Ian called back and smacked his door to close it, but quickly grabbed the handle before it slammed, carefully easing it closed.

  Lilith walked Justin to the elevator while Tash and Veronica stared at them.

  "What happened to you last night?" Justin asked after pushing the elevator button.


  "You called me. When I called back Ian answered," he quietly said.

  "I got drunk and passed out."

  He didn't believe her. "He was freaked out, El. 'Cause you were drunk?"

  "I'll tell you later." She pushed him into the elevator.

  He grinned at her with a wink and she smirked wishing her statement making lip-gloss wasn't stopping her from kissing him.

  Walking back into the lobby, she looked at Tash. "Can I go into my office now?"

  "Yeah, I think so…" It was evident she wanted an explanation for Justin.

  "Thank you." Lilith tried to get away with that.

  "Lily." Tash stood up straight and walked around the desk. She hooked her arm with Lilith's and began walking. "What happened with Shaun?" she whispered.

  "The long distance was taxing."

  "I thought you were engaged to him." She grabbed Lilith's hand.

  "That's from Justin," Lilith blurted. "I haven't been with Shaun for a while. He came into town that time to bring me a few things he had of mine and I was already with Justin. I thought for a split second I wanted to get back with Shaun. That's why I told Karen and Ian he was my boyfriend, but when it was time for him to leave we knew it wouldn't work and I went back to Justin." Lilith had stopped walking and she was almost proud of herself. She was becoming a professional liar.

  "Oh, Lily, I'm sorry." Tash hugged her.

  "It's okay. I'm happy with Justin, but Shaun was first and, I don't know, I don't want to talk about it. That time you caught me and Ian, I was fighting with Justin," Lilith whispered, realizing she couldn't keep up with her lies she was stupidly proud of seconds before. "I regret what I did."

  "No one's going to find out," Tash quietly said and Ian's door opened followed by him stepping into the hallway.

  The girls looked up and when Tash grinned, an immediate red flag set Lilith off as she assumed it was the grin of an infatuated woman.

  Ian studied what Lilith was wearing, her black hair, her glistening plump lips. Clearing his throat he began to walk down the hall toward them, hoping Tash didn't notice his growing bulge.

  "Lily, I need to talk to you, in your office," he said sternly.

  "Did Richie move that desk?" Lilith asked Tash again.

  "Yeah, took care of it."

  Lilith walked toward her closed door and as she pushed it open she looked at Ian over her shoulder. "What about?" she muttered stepping into th
e office with her attention directed on him.

  He couldn't help but laugh and grabbed her shoulders, spinning her around. Lilith's mouth dropped open seeing the office accented in royal blue and red glitter paint. The new modern desk was glitter red and everything matched. The computer, the chair, down to the stapler and paperclips. The black tiled floor had a spiraling yellow brick road that started under the desk. On the wall behind her desk hung a painting that she knew Ashley had created. The abstractly painted scene from The Wizard of Oz highlighted the words 'THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME'.

  Tash clapped excitedly as she bounced in the doorway. Lilith teared up but fought to keep them at bay, not wanting to ruin her makeup. Realization that Ian was there with Tash redoing her office made her close her eyes with disappointment in herself for thinking he'd already be with another woman.

  "Do you like?" Tash giggled.

  "I love it." Lilith wiped under her eyes and laughed, reaching for Tash. "Did you guys do this?" She glanced at Ian. She wanted to jump on him, smear her lipstick all over his face, but she had to barely acknowledge him.

  "Us, Caesar, Tegan, Carina, and Susan," Ian said, and on his way out the door he told her, "Enjoy your new office, Mrs. Luxe."

  Lilith looked at Tash who was still grinning excitedly. "You guys are so sweet."

  "It was Ian's idea. He said he wanted you to feel more at home." Tash giggled and sat at her desk. "I really need to get some work done, and, Lily, I'm sorry I didn't let you in earlier. I had to wait for Ian 'cause this was all his idea. Sort of." She looked back at the computer.

  Caesar walked into the room smiling. "Looks good."

  Lilith grabbed him and lightly kissed him. "Thank you," she said holding his face.

  "I'm sorry, I missed that, what?" He puckered his lips again and she laughed pushing him away.

  "You all are so amazing."

  "Uh, Lily." Tash spun around in her chair to look at her. "You just got booked."

  "I can't today. I'm not escorting until Monday."

  "You got booked for Monday and it's—" She stopped and looked at Caesar.

  "I'll see you later tonight," he said to Lily and walked out.

  "It's your first sex date," Tash whispered.

  "What?" Lilith stood up straight. "I thought I cancelled sex dates! Who's the client? Someone I've had before?" She walked to Tash's computer, squinting at the screen.

  "His last order was a few years ago but at that time he was dating multiple girls weekly."

  Lilith went back to her desk as nervousness began to build inside her. She wasn't sure she could go through with it.

  "Quincy Rodriguez."

  "Excuse me?" Disgust oozed.

  "That's his name. Quincy Rodriguez."

  Lilith's heart dropped and she pushed her chair back, rushing to Tash's computer again.

  "Oh no. No, no. No I can't. I won't escort that man. Not even on a date where I have to stay forty feet away from him. Oh no!" Lilith began to panic and she fanned her face. Rushing to the door, she quickly closed it, not wanting anyone to see her.

  "You know him?"

  "I used to work for him!"

  "How does he know you work here?" Tash asked and the first person to come to mind was Leigh. Both her hands fanned her face as she tried to calm her panting breaths.

  "Lily." Tash went to her side. "Mrs. Luxe!" Tash said sternly, stomping her white heel with a purpose. "You have your shit together so get it together! I will decline the date and direct him to another girl."

  Lilith looked at her realizing she was right, she had to pull it together. "I can't refuse," she said in a small voice.

  "Why not?"

  "A few months ago my ex stole a lot of money from him and he hasn't gotten me involved yet, but I have a feeling he will."

  "Oh my god, were you involved?" Tash whispered.

  "No!" Lilith quickly said. "I had no idea until after I left the creep."


  "No! Not him. This is a different ex." Lilith glanced at her knowing she sounded like a crazy whore with so many exes and now a fiancé.

  "Maybe Ian will know what to do?" Tash's look of concern was endearing and made Lilith's anxieties lighten as she felt cared about. The things she was thinking about Tash that morning made her feel awful.

  "No, it's fine." Lilith took a deep breath composing herself and sat down grabbing her phone. She read a few texts, two being from Joanna who was at Lilith's apartment feeling like a hostage.

  Lilith got on the phone. "Richie, where are you?" She glanced at Tash, who was minding her own business. "Come to my office. Shower first and make it quick." She hung up and directed her attention toward Tash. "Tash, do you want to come out with me tonight?"

  "Yeah! Where?" she responded eagerly.

  "Daft Punk."

  "Oh cool. I don't really know much by them but I'll go. How much are tickets? Where can I buy one?"

  "I'll get it. Don't worry." Lilith smiled and looked down, writing something in her calendar. "How's Richie working out?"

  "Good," Tash blurted oddly.

  "Tash," Lilith said wanting her to look her in the face. "How was Richie yesterday? Did he do something?"

  "No, he's so sweet." Tash seemed to melt in her chair and a disgusted look struck Lilith's face that she quickly shook off.

  "Sweet? He's a good kid, you mean?"

  "He's a good guy." Tash nodded and turned back to her computer.

  Lilith stared at the back of Tash's head wondering if she was correctly picking up on what Tash was insinuating.

  LILITH's one to consume

  Tash is extremely beautiful, drop dead gorgeous. There is no way she would be interested in Richie. I have to be reading this all wrong, there's no way. I'm disgusted and trying to keep it at bay because I don't want her to see me, but ew, no way. Richie isn't hideous, but he's lanky, scrawny, he's trying to grow facial hair and failing miserably. He's just not good looking. Oh, and sweet? Last I remember seeing him his poor grammar and thuggish mannerisms was almost revolting. I saw him for a brief second yesterday and pretty sure he pissed me off because of it.

  Making next week's schedule, I notice Aubrey is booked every day. I don't remember who she is, what she looks like, and I haven't personally met her, but to be booked solid is impressive. The last person to do that was Tanya, but she offers a whole different ballgame, which hopefully Joanna will be filling.

  I've decided to lighten up on Joanna a little. If she legitimately wants help, I'll help her. I needed help and Ian, Ashley, and Caesar all helped me change.

  Richie steps into my office twenty minutes later and I have to look twice. This isn't Richie! This is a lanky Ian, this is amazing! He's shaved those whiskers, his hair is done, he's in black pants, black dress shoes, and a burnt orange button up shirt, and his posture has improved. I'm impressed! He actually looks like he wants to be seen.

  "What's up, Lily?" he says then spots Tash. "Hi, Tash." He leans on the doorframe ogling her.

  Tash spins in her chair, smiling at him like a school crush. "Hi, Richie," she says with a little giggle, turning back to her computer.

  "Uh." I've kind of forgotten what I need him for. I'm so blown away by all of this. "Um, I need you to take pictures of my car. I'm selling it."

  "I'll buy it!" he blurts and I huff, wanting to sink under my desk. He can't afford my car and I can't afford him making payments. We need money right now. "Richie." I smile at him then glance at the back of Tash's head, deciding to take this conversation elsewhere. I take him into the conference room and tell him, "You can't afford my car."

  "How much is it?"

  "Uh." I have no idea. "It's a brand new BMW. Anywhere from sixty to a hundred thousand."

  "What the fuck!" he bursts out and I scowl at him. "Sorry, sorry." His hands raise like he's trying to calm me. "Okay, so pictures and you want me to list it?"

  "Yes, do you know how to do that?" I have no idea how to do any of that.

  I know I should call
Ed and see what he can give me for the car, but part of me thinks he'd fuck me over harder than a stranger.

  "Yeah! I sold Joanna's car a few months ago for five G more than it was worth." He starts to laugh like it's funny he scammed someone.

  "This isn't that kind of car."

  "Don't worry. I'm not stupid, Lily," he huffs, sounding disappointed that I think he's a delinquent.

  "Okay." I force a smile. "Don't tell Ian, okay?"

  "Really?" He brings worried eyes to me.

  "Yeah, really. He won't let me sell if he finds out. I don't need two cars and we could use the money. Listen, I'm gonna put you on payroll this week and as long as you work out this week, I'll get you hired in. Okay? Sound good?"

  "Yeah." He hugs me.

  "Oh, one last thing. Do you think Joanna could handle working here?"

  He cringes and mutters, "Gross."

  "I know, I know." I didn't even think about forcing him to consider his sister escorting men around. "I just need an opinion and you know her best."

  "I don't know, Lily. She's kind of changed," he says in a low tone, like he's trying to hide something.

  "I know, and I want to help her. I guess what I'm asking is do you think she'd steal from me? Lie to me? Take me for granted? Run her mouth about the company?"

  "I really don't know." He's almost whispering. "Half a year ago I would have said no to all that, but anymore." He shrugs.

  "Okay, after you deal with my car I want you to take her to the clinic. Veronica will give you the details. Do not, I repeat myself, Richie, do not answer any of her questions. Tell her you have no idea why this is mandatory. I will call her and inform her of what she'll be in store for so you won't need to explain any of that. After the clinic, I want you to bring her here but call me first." I pull open the door. "Oh, and get something to eat." I squeeze his puny arm. "Some protein. Not fast food." I step back so he can walk out first.

  On my stroll down the hall, I look into Ian's office. He's on the phone and he's adorable. I want nothing more than to fuck him on his desk right now. After the gift of my new office, I know he really wants me to be happy. I've never really doubted this but there were times I felt he got off more on making me miserable about Karen.

  He notices me and smiles. I bite my lip and give him my best 'I want to fuck you' eyes then hurry into my office and call Joanna.


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