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Two Bears For Christmas

Page 3

by Tianna Xander

  Her world seemed strange, surreal as Ewan rocked above her, his every thrust driving her closer and closer to another climax while Roddy continued to suckle her breast, his hands gripping her hair and plucking at her other nipple.

  The entire world seemed to narrow to a tiny circle of light surrounding the three of them on the bed. Heat swirled through her, electricity seemed to arc through her body. Wave after wave of pleasure washed over her as she climaxed yet again. Nothing existed for her but these two men and how they made her feel.


  For the first time in her adult life, Tabitha felt beautiful, and she loved them for that alone.

  Chapter Six

  “It’s my turn, lass. Are ye up for it?” Roddy asked, knowing that he would refrain if that were her wish. He wanted this woman more than he had ever wanted a woman in his life, but he knew he wouldn’t take her now, if that was what she wanted.

  His heart had swelled as he watched Ewan drive his cock into her willing flesh and he waited to have her. He thanked the gods that she accepted them, at least enough to allow them to make love to her.

  It didn’t matter to him that she didn’t realize they considered this a mating. Perhaps one day they would look back on this and laugh. Perhaps one day, after they had been together a few years, she would completely understand their feelings on the matter.

  Maybe it wouldn’t matter. The real mating couldn’t come until she agreed, and she would have to do so vocally. If what he suspected of her was true, it might be a difficult thing to get her to admit.

  He admired the woman who was his mate. What other woman had the strength to fight off a man who intended to rape her and then give herself over to two others within a day? Roddy thanked the gods that their woman was strong as well as brave. When their kind scented prey, it was difficult to think of it as anything other than a potential meal.

  One thing was certain. Tabitha Kingsley was anything but prey. If anything, it was she who was the hunter. She mesmerized him with her gaze and held him captive with little more than a stare. How could he think of her as anything less than an experienced huntress?

  “Straddle Ewan, lass. Let him pleasure ye while I take ye from behind.” He moved to cup her ass when she did as he asked. Trailing his finger between the creamy globes, he stopped, fingering the tight rosette. “Hae ye ever taken a man here, love?”

  Roddy knew it might be too soon to use that word, but he had a need to say it, to voice what was already in his heart. He loved this lass and nothing would ever change that. Even if she decided that this was their only time together, he knew he would love this woman for her courage and her willingness to give in to all of their desires on one cold, winter night.

  “I have. Not recently, though.”

  “That doesn’t matter, little one. All that matters is that ye have and ye know what tae expect.”

  She bit her lip.

  “What’s wrong, lass?” Roddy skimmed his hands up her back before reaching out to take the container of lubricant from Ewan. Thank god for the other man’s optimism. He’d purchased the lubricant on the off chance that they found their mate. Perhaps it had been a premonition. Otherwise, he would have had to wait to take her ass. He wasn’t a small man in any way, and doing so without lubricant could have harmed her.

  “Nothing’s wrong. It’s just…”

  “Tell me, love. Before I take ye and can’t take back what I’m about tae do.”

  “Well…” She glanced back and licked her lips. “I’ve never really enjoyed it. Can’t we just—”

  “No, lass. If we’re tae ever take ye at the same time, we must prepare ye for it.” He leaned down and pressed a kiss between her shoulder blades. “I won’t ask for your trust so soon, but I would ask ye tae give me a chance. One chance tae pleasure ye like this.” He met her gaze, staring deep into her eyes. “Will ye give me this one chance tae show you how good it can be?”

  His brave little mate held his gaze for a moment before she licked those full lips again and gave him a short nod. “Just this once, but if I don’t like it, I don’t think there will ever be a second time.”

  Then we’d better make it damned good for her, Ewan. I dinnae know about you, but I know I want a true mating with this woman.

  Me too, Roddy. Me too.

  “Are ye ready then?” he asked as he opened the small container, then drizzled oil over her back hole.

  “Yes.” Tabitha squeezed her eyes shut and gave a sharp nod. “I’m about as ready as I’ll ever be.”

  “Lean down and relax, love. Let Ewan pleasure ye while I work my way inside ye. I’ll do my best not tae hurt ye.” He paused. “Though it will hurt a wee bit when I enter ye. Dinnae judge me by that.”

  Gently pushing between her shoulders, he watched as Ewan leaned up and pressed his lips against hers. His cock jerked at the sight of his best friend kissing their mate. He cupped her breasts, twisting and pulling her nipples. He grinned at the sight of Ewan’s new erection. Nothing could stir a bear’s desire as much as his mate could.

  Coating his fingers with the oil, he inserted first one, then two fingers into her tight hole. Gods, man, she’s going tae squeeze me tae death when I finally work my cock into her ass. As gently as he could, he worked a third finger inside her. She would need it. His cock was no small thing and he wanted to be certain that he kept her pain to a minimum.

  Finally, when he thought her ready, he pulled his fingers from her tight hole. “Are ye ready, lass?” He positioned himself behind her, the large head of his cock pressed against her tiny rosette.

  “Yes.” She nodded quickly, her breath coming in short pants. “I’m ready.” Please do this soon. It feels good, but I’m afraid I’ll chicken out if you don’t hurry.

  In his head, Roddy heard the words Tabitha hadn’t wanted to say. “Just remember it will hurt at first. Afterward, when your body has adjusted to my size, it’ll be good. I promise.” Closing his eyes, Roddy sent up a prayer that it was a promise he could keep. I’ve never been scared before in my life, old friend, he said to Ewan through their link. If I fuck this up, we’ll lose this brave, and bonnie lass forever.

  Aye we will. Which is why it is up to the both of us tae see that she enjoys it. Dinnae fash yourself, Roddy. Just do what comes naturally. She is our mate. I feel it deep in my bones. The universe designed her tae enjoy making love tae us. I know it.

  Placing the head of his cock against her back entrance, Roddy leaned forward ever so slowly. Sweat broke out on his brow as he did his best to keep control of his need to ram his cock deep inside his mate and fuck her until she screamed.

  Her screaming was something he wanted to hear, needed to hear, but he wanted her screams of pleasure, not of pain. Gritting his teeth, he pressed forward, the head of his cock stretching her.

  With one last push, the tight ring of her anus gave way and he was inside. Her ass gripped him so tight, his eyes nearly crossed at the sensation, but he managed to hold himself still when he heard her soft whimper.

  “Are ye okay, love?” He held himself still as death while her body adjusted to his invasion.

  “Yes.” She panted while Ewan continued to feast on her breasts, his hands alternately skimming up and down her sides, or grasping her hair to hold her to him. “I’m okay. But it hurts. I don’t see this happening again, unless something drastic occurs.”

  “Ye remember that I told ye it would hurt at first?” Roddy’s heart nearly broke at her words, but he couldn’t stop now. They hadn’t reached the part where he would give her pleasure. Not yet. “The pleasure is coming, lass.” He hoped he told her the truth. He wanted this woman as their mate. The last thing he wanted to do was fuck up their chance to be together.

  Ewan pulled her down for another deep kiss while he worked his way deeper and deeper until his hips rested against her ass. “I’m inside now, lass. Let me know when the pain ends.”

  “It’s—it’s good,” she said into E
wan’s chest. Let’s just get this over with. It hurts and I never want to do this again.

  Roddy’s spirits fell at her words. He knew she would never have said that out loud, just as he knew she thought this was all a dream. Maybe they were only getting what they deserved. Allowing her to think this was nothing more than a dream was wrong. They should have convinced her that this was real before they made love to her. It didn’t matter how desperate they had been to make love to their mate. She should have come first. She should always come first.

  And she will, Roddy. She doesn’t realize it yet, but that strange pressure she’s confusing for pain will drive her over the edge before long. Just give it tae her the way your instincts tell ye tae.

  Roddy met Ewan’s gaze with a nod. “Get ready, love. We’re about tae take ye on the ride of your life.” And, by the gods, she would love it. She had to.

  Slowly, he pulled out, her muscles gripping him tight. She might think she didn’t like his cock wedged tight in her ass, but her body did. Her ass embraced his cock, her muscles dragging over his erection as he pulled from her clasping flesh.

  Slowly, he worked a rhythm to drive her wild—to drive them both wild, while Ewan continued to stimulate her breasts with his lips and tongue.

  Leaning forward, he reached around her, slid his fingers through her wet slit and circled her clit. Her release came swift and fierce. Her body bowed as she rocked back against him and screamed.

  Roddy quickly followed her over the edge as he gripped her hips tight, threw his head back, and came with a deep groan. This was what he had waited centuries for. His bear took over for a split second and he growled deep in his throat. “Mate!”

  Chapter Seven

  Sun streamed through the window when Tabitha woke. Dust motes danced in the shining rays. Rolling onto her back, she groaned when muscles she didn’t know existed before protested movement.

  Where am I? Am I awake, or am I still dreaming? With the way her muscles protested, she was certain she was dreaming. She stretched languidly, a smile on her face. If only she could really find two hot younger men to take her to bed. It might kill her, but she’d die happy.

  You’re awake, love. She sat up and looked around at the sound of Ewan’s voice, but he wasn’t in the room.

  “It was a dream.” Why did she sound disappointed? She should be relieved to find out that she hadn’t just spent a night with two younger men she didn’t know. It didn’t matter that they were two, uber-hot men with accents to die for.

  Tabitha tried to dismiss the disappointment at finding herself alone. It didn’t work. She glanced around, trying to figure out in whose bed she had awakened. If it was Carl’s bed, she would kill herself.

  Ye aren’t with that ass, Carl. Why would ye even think ye would give over tae a piece of cow dung like him? Roddy said with a growl.

  Frowning, she sat up, dragging the sheet with her. Where were those voices coming from? Was she going mad, or was she still drunk?

  “Ah, lass, dinnae tell us ye were intoxicated when we made love tae ye. We gave ye the choice, and ye seemed sober enough,” Ewan said as he walked into the room carrying a tray. “It’s against the laws of our people tae take a woman without her express consent. Dinnae tell us that we didnae have it.”

  Torn between laughing with joy and gasping with shock, Tabitha shook her head after one look at his crestfallen expression. “I wasn’t drunk. I was dreaming.”

  “Are we your dream, now, lass?” He smiled at her, set the tray on the bedside table, and sat on the edge of the bed. “I’ve always wanted tae be the dream man of a bonnie lass such as ye.”

  “I never said—” She threw her arms up. “You know what? Never mind. Yes, you’re my dream man. Roddy is my dream man. But it doesn’t matter because this is a dream. Men like you aren’t interested in full-figured women like me.” Tears streamed down her face. “Now can I wake up?”

  “That’s what I’ve been telling ye, lass. Ye haven’t been dreaming.” He cupped her cheek. “We’re real. What happened tae ye last night was real. All of it.” His expression sobered. “And I never want tae hear ye say ye aren’t a wee bonnie lass ever again.” Leaning down, he pressed a quick kiss to her lips.

  Swallowing thickly, Tabitha thought about it. Did she really want this to be a dream, or did she hope it was reality?

  God help her, she hoped it was real. As much as she felt like a slut for what she did with these two men last night, she wanted it to be real. Never before had she ever felt so small, beautiful or cherished as she did last night with these two strange Scots.

  “I—okay,” she said meekly. He seemed so dominant, so forceful, so…alpha. Her face burned at the thought. Had she finally realized her dream and found an alpha male who wanted her—needed her?

  Ye haven’t only found one, lass. You’ve found two. And men of our ilk cannae be anything but alpha. Roddy walked into the room carrying three cups of steaming liquid. “Are ye ready for breakfast, lass?”

  Reaching up, she tucked an errant lock of hair behind her ear. “Breakfast in bed?” She smiled. “No one’s ever brought me breakfast in bed before.”

  “Then it’s about damned time someone cherished ye the way they should.” Roddy set the cups on the tray. He leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips. “We know this will be difficult for ye tae believe, lass, but there are things ye should know about us before we take our relationship any further.”

  “Relationship?” Tabitha’s heart skipped a beat. They wanted her to have a relationship with them—both of them? People didn’t really do that, did they? Wasn’t it just a fantasy dreamed up by the women authors she read?

  Not once did she ever think that women really had long-term ménage relationships. They were the things of dreams and internet porn. Weren’t they?

  “No, lass,” Ewan said with a smile that warmed her heart. “Ménage relationships are quite common where we come from.”

  “In Scotland? Were they really that much different there? Somehow, she doubted it. “You’re pulling my leg. I don’t see people in Scotland being any different from people anywhere.” With the exception of that delicious accent, men were men no matter where a person went and generally, they didn’t play well with others when it came to their women.

  Hell, she didn’t blame them. Tabitha wasn’t sure she would share well with others, either.

  “Aye, lass, but not because of the location as much as because of the people ye will find there. Our people, our clan is different.”

  “I doubt they’re much different than people everywhere.” She smiled. “But it’s sweet of you to say they are. I bet they appreciate your loyalty.”

  “Our loyalty has precious little tae do with it, lass.” Ewan said as he reached across the tray for a plate filled with scrambled eggs and bacon. “Eat up, while we tell ye a story.”

  He and Roddy each grabbed a plate from the tray and, taking turns, proceeded to tell her a fantastic tale.

  “So,” she said after setting her plate aside and taking a sip of strong coffee. “You’re saying that your clan is really a clan of shape shifting polar bears home-based in Scotland?” She set her cup on the tray and shook her head with a chuckle. “And if I believe that, you have a bridge to sell me somewhere, right?”

  Her chest ached as she wrapped the sheet around her and started to stand. “If you don’t mind, I really have to go to the bathroom, and then I need to get dressed.” She needed to get into the bathroom before the disappointment showed on her face. The last thing she wanted was to let them know they had gotten to her. They played a cruel game and she refused to give them the satisfaction of knowing they had hurt her. God only knew she had given them enough satisfaction the night before.

  Picking up her clothes on the way, she entered the bathroom and closed the door behind her. Resting her hands on the countertop, she stared into the mirror at her bloodshot eyes. “You should have known they were too good to be true,” she
told her reflection. “They had their fun, now they’re telling you this fantastic tale to get rid of you.”

  That isn’t true, lass. She frowned at the sound of Ewan’s voice in her head.

  If I have to have an inner voice, it should at least be my own. Turning, she dropped the sheet and stomped to the toilet to relieve herself. Why was it that sometimes her inner voice was her own and other times it sounded just like Roddy or Ewan?

  Because it is us, lass. We’re not human. We’re telepathic. We can read your thoughts as well as talk tae ye in this manner.

  Now she was just plain going nuts. Moving to the shower, she turned on the taps and adjusted the heat. She would take a nice, long hot shower, dress in her dirty clothes and go home with the fervent hope that the only souvenir she took home with her was her memories. Not once had she thought about protection. Even now, she could be carrying Ewan’s child or worse, could have caught something from one or both of them.

  We aren’t diseased and we dinnae have rabies, lass, Ewan’s voice was a mixture of amusement and outrage.

  See? That was proof that the voices were her own overactive imagination. They couldn’t possibly read her mind and they couldn’t talk to her telepathically, either. That was just plain crazy.

  Chapter Eight

  “She thinks she’s gone daft, or we have,” Ewan said as he stared at the bathroom door. His cock grew hard as he listened to the sound of the shower running. Just imagining their mate with the water cascading down her creamy skin, the droplets standing on her beautiful body like crystals just waiting for him to lick her dry had his cock throbbing with anticipation.

  “Aye, old friend.” Roddy nodded. “I hear her thoughts as well.” He turned to Ewan and raised his brow. “So what do we do, now?”

  “We wait and show her when she leaves the bathroom.”

  “She’ll scream, ye know.”

  “Aye, Roddy, she will. But what else will convince her we’re telling her the truth and not making up a story tae get rid of her?” Ewan stood and grabbed the tray full of dirty dishes. “Take this tae the kitchen, will ye? The less we have in here tae break, the better.”


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