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The Stargate Black Hole

Page 6

by V Bertolaccini

  Weaver realized the implications of it though and that they might be able to create a real one and he wondered what use it would be and if it was far more or less dangerous than he had imagined, and he considered what would happen if he entered it!

  New leading scientists were allowed to investigate it and they crowded around it loudly discussing it, and they announced it was the first discover of a form of proper black hole.

  It looked as if it were rupturing the fabric of space and insignificantly played with time!

  Many of the principal scientists talked about working with it and carrying out numerous basic and complex experiments on it with all the equipment now available, and they showed detailed information they had accumulated, but most was missing as it was confidential, which left scientists and him wondering what else they had!

  The principal scientists were captivating, mystifying them with the depth of their fears, and like with the time warp he had not seen such scientists react about anything such as it without there being something tremendously deadly!

  Chapter 10

  The Morning After

  The Moonbase X1 bar was full of soldiers and Commander Craven gave some of them orders to carry out things in the future, and glared over at Weaver enjoying his drinks next to Reeves, and Weaver sensed he had now fully accepted what he had told him about the other moonbase and that the moonbases were attached together by a hidden tunnel.

  It was incredible Commander Craven had visited there and had used his influence with the American military there to have the soldiers that had attacked them caught and checked out and they had found them and the people with them and they had imprisoned them at the other moonbase. People and cameras had seen them leaving there!

  What was incredible was they had been openly making out that they had Russian origins, and that they were just spies, but there were no proper explanations from them on what they had been doing that fitted into all their actions! Nothing made any sense and they were making out they did not properly speak their language!

  Yet again it surprised him how easily they had been able to get there and into such a confidential site!

  Now that they had captured them and they could go outside in space vehicles and look about! What were they hiding? He now wondered if they had actually done it to keep the other moonbase secret? But why had they gone to such lengths though? There were no good reasons and most of the scientists knew of the other base!

  Weaver enjoyed the low gravity effect and he watched Reeves at the other side of the table drinking fast and laughing hysterically, with another soldier beside him.

  He realized again what one of the scientists, who knew the soldiers who had fired the missiles, had told him and that they had attacked the leading scientist called Lucas and that he had suddenly vanished without a trace!

  It had been the way that he insisted that he knew Lucas and he should know about it that intrigued him, and Weaver intended to follow his vehicle trail, which he had shown him the position of on the lunar landscape.

  He could not make anything else out and it surely was worth investigating!

  He had given him his word that he would not deliberately give anything away he should not and that had been good enough!

  Even though he had cleaned up a few major mysteries he had many left! He still could not work out what their discoveries would end up like when they had finished advancing them! What could a time gateway do? Yet if they created a time machine what would happen? And what would a proper laboratory black hole be used for? He had not even noticed that there could be a difference between them!

  He wondered if they were the worst discoveries he had found and what damage they could do if they achieved their goal?

  Yet he was sure it was exaggerated and he wondered if it was even possible to travel back in time! What damage could they do if they traveled there? He wondered if they would just be able visit there and not be able to influence anything, and just view it as a recorded sequence of events! Yet what about going into the future? It would be useless as far as he was concerned!

  He wondered again, would it be possible to build forms of particle accelerators in space itself? Why did they have to be so large? If they could just decrease the size!

  He considered what damage and uses the antigravity they had could be used for, especially if they managed to make full antigravity.

  They could build proper space stations of immense sizes, and give them enough matter to give them some gravity. Yet had they any form of artificial gravity available? And he wished that they did and introduced it!

  Weaver watched all the people at the moonbase bar and some of the funny and different ways the lower gravity affected them!

  Things in this case were connected in a way he could not grasp, and he did not know what to do! Surely something existed that could complete the puzzle and he started to become convinced he needed to discover it or the mission would be unsuccessful! Even though they had caught who had committed the crimes, which was why he was put there, there had to be people behind them doing it!

  Chapter 11

  The Search for Lucas

  When Weaver arrived at the wreckage of Lucas’s space vehicle he was sure that the explosion from the missile had been so tremendous that the remains of Lucas’s body had to be inside.

  Yet the more he examined it the more he noticed that he could very well have survived the impact, as a large region where the driver would have been was hardly damaged!

  He quickly fitted his spacesuit helmet on, checked his air supply was full, and he swiftly left the vehicle.

  When he walked around the wreckage he saw that Lucas had crawled out from under the vehicle, and he studied his footsteps going away from the vehicle and the way they were paced and he knew that he had been in great danger and had ran for his life!

  He examined inside the vehicle where he had been and saw the sky through a gap in the remains of the vehicle that showed the stars at where he had been trapped below the wreckage, and the strange darkness and emptiness, and he imagined him staring out at the strange dark landscape, and he saw the planet Earth there as he moved to get away from the vehicle.

  Weaver carefully examined the vehicle from where he had been outside and saw that there was not much else to see there, and he started following his footsteps over to some hills.

  The shattering tumble surely could have injured him, but he saw no proper signs of it!

  They had definitely fired the missile and smashed the vehicle to kill him and he had known it! They had to have been crazy beyond anything Lucas had encountered and he had run for his life!

  Weaver realized that he was also there alone on the moon himself, resting against some moon boulders, and he examined the moondust, which surely had helped cushion the blow when the vehicle had landed upside down!

  The vehicle was beyond repair, which he would definitely have known, and what left him staggered was there was no way for him to communicate with the moonbase as all the communication equipment was damaged!

  The oxygen in his spacesuit would not have been enough to get to the moonbase!

  He had survived the impact! Yet was he better off, and would he suffer a worse death later by suffocating an agonizing death?

  He quickly rushed across the strange dark landscape as fast as he could and towards the moonbase! He had hardly even set foot on the surface, especially by himself.

  It was then that Weaver spotted tread marks of a vehicle where it had fired at him and he traced where it had moved to.

  He found where a high-powered rifle shell had blasted and the impact on a rock, and realized how dangerous it was, as it smashed it to pieces! The surprise would have been that it made no noise and had more velocity and impact, and he wondered how far it could actually travel on the moon.

  He wondered what warfare in space would end up like! Would they use lasers? He was sure bullets were far better? For one thing lasers would only travel so far and a bullet in space could
keep going as there was nothing really to stop it!

  He studied Lucas’s large spacesuit shoeprints dive across the mounds of moondust as he had tried to accelerate away, with the low gravity muddling his perspective of movement, and spacesuit getting in the way. The thickness of the materials was great! Whoever was there had to be determined to kill him!

  Once again he hid behind more hills and used different ways to use the low gravity and vast leaps to move fast away!

  The moonbase had to be located in one of the most desolate places mankind had been!

  He realized the deadly environment surrounding him again as he studied it. The deadly cold was far lower than anything on the Earth! It made Weaver cringe, and blindly rush on through the mind-bending landscape, still tracking his movements, which went behind hills to avoid being seen.

  He knew that once they had found his footprints leading there from the smashed vehicle that they would have traced his movements in the moondust, and he saw that he had deliberately made it harder for them to trace by rushing over rock areas and changing his direction, and he spotted where the space vehicle had arrived and chased after him.

  He knew he had hit an ultimate deadly scenario and being chased by deadly assassins across a barn world lost in space and time, with his home world in the sky lighting him like the moon had lighted him!

  Weaver wondered why he thought he had not been shot, and he recalled the information that they had found out from the assassins and he was sure they had not shot him, and he wanted to know what had happened to him! Surely he never had enough air to make it back, and Weaver checked his own supply and knew he could not have made it back!

  The case intrigued him and he had to find the answer! He never had enough air and was using up more and more air, and it was making it take longer to arrive at the moonbase by moving in different directions. Surely they had known where he was heading!

  Yet why could he not have hidden and died there? Something strange had happened to him and he sensed it by their reactions!

  He could not even imagine him having found a way out of such a predicament! If he had remained in the vehicle he would have ran out of air and he had put his foot in it from the start!

  What did he think these people wanted by killing him? It would have been a vast mistake for him to hand himself over to them! They surely would not have kept him as a prisoner!

  In the distance he saw where a missile had blown up and he saw how his movements had changed and where he had accelerated himself forward, as it was all he could do to save his life!

  Suddenly Weaver stopped and saw his direction strangely change and he stood trying to see why as there was nothing there and he would have been losing time, energy, and air!

  He had rushed away over to his side and he followed and he watched his prints head back and to where the other side of a hill he had passed was, and he realized that he had actually came up with an idea, and he grew more intrigued at what the outcome had been of it.

  His prints vanished as he had gone over rocks and he followed where he had to have gone and he entered a canyon between the hill, where he must have rushed through, going over rocks to cover his prints, and he realized that he could have found somewhere to hide, and he wondered where he had gone as there had been no prints there when he had been at the other side!

  Occasionally he spotted marks he had accidentally left while rushing through the canyon, over small rocks on the ground, and he started to examine the rocks and way they had been cut and that they looked artificially cut and he wondered who would want to do anything there, and what had they been doing!

  He started to wonder what was there! Was there something hidden away there? What could be there in such a desolate place?

  Suddenly he found something buried away in rocks that had clearly been disturbed, in an area at his side!

  Weaver increased the brightness of his spacesuit light to see what was there better, and saw something artificial beneath the rocks and dirt!

  He removed it and revealed a metal grid cover, where he saw dust being blown out from, and he grabbed a handful of dust and threw it over it and was surprised at the power of the flow and the dust blowing up.

  He was sure it was air and that something below was blasting vast amounts of it out and he lifted the metal cover and found a vast tunnel going straight down deep into the moon below, which had clearly been hollowed out with some large powerful drill.

  He realized that he had escaped after all, and he wondered what was below, and he knew it was too far away from the moonbases to be part of them.

  It amazed him and intrigued him and he wondered what had happened to him. He imagined how fast he must entered the tunnel, escaping for his life, and he decided that he had to check what had happened and what was there and he rushed into it and put the metal cover over the top of it, after making sure it was covered over.

  He climbed down a metal ladder going down into the metal pipe tunnel and he rushed into it.

  He was sure that there was a reason for it being there and that something was below! Surely there was surveillance equipment somewhere below, and he realized that he was on the moon and he doubted if they would bother. What was the use in it?

  He swiftly aimed his light downwards and started examine everything that he could see and when he saw nothing but the pipe and ladder he began climbing downwards again, as he considered what would be below there.

  Mind-bending sounds and echoes mingled through the hollow metal tunnel going through the air, from his movements and heavy breathing, which grew denser the lower he climbed, and he realized how he missed sounds that were outside.

  The air blowing by gave haunting whistles occasionally, and he eventually realized that there was enough air around to remove his spacesuit helmet and he removed it slowly testing the air and seeing if the air was alright and dense enough for him to breathe, with him ready to put the helmet back on, and he finally with satisfaction turned off the air in his spacesuit.

  The air blowing up smelt strange and he could not recognize what it was, and he wondered why they had so much air and were blowing it out, and he wondered what could be below. The depth had to be great as he could not even see the bottom and he had shifted down a large distance.

  It was strange thinking of what Lucas the scientist had been like with the deadly pursuers outside, and being almost trapped there. Surely he had foreseen them not climbing down after him!

  He was stunned at the dangers that he had been through and realized that it could only happen on a place like the moon, and he wondered what was there that they wanted him dead for!

  They were too deadly! They had destroyed entire space vehicles with powerful military missiles!

  No matter how he tried to shake it off and contemplate anything below he never formed any stable recognitions, as he had not seen anything like it, and he continued downwards wondering if he was finally making his first major mistake.

  He wondered if there were moonquakes! And he stopped to examine an area where part of the metal tunnel had been damaged by something, and he wondered if that was another reason why they had chosen that region because there was not.

  Yet they had underground hot water available to them, for water and air, and that meant there could be some! But he was sure that they were not major quakes.

  Clouds of dust blew upwards blasting through the wind rushing up and it swirled around him and through beams of light and his shadows shifting about as he continued rushing down, edging down into the darkness at the bottom and to some unknown destination and future event, seeking to discover what was below and to solve the accumulated mysteries.

  He wondered what his chances of survival were now and of accomplishing his mission and solving all the mysteries and problems, and wondered if he was going to be killed later by something stupid.

  He moved down faster and wondered if Lucas was still alive and if he could bring him back to the moonbase, realizing the mistake he could be making a
nd what could be below, and thought of the trouble he would have getting back to the surface and trying to find the vehicle in the dark strange surface, and wondered what Lucas was doing if he was still alive.

  He examined how the tunnel had been built with some interest in detail trying to grasp some aspect of the builders of it, while glimpsing parts of the shaft overhead, and was surprised again at the extensive detail and that everything was built to perfection and he considered the expense of its construction.

  He had always wanted to investigate such great mysteries and he could not believe that he was actually on the moon! He had fantasized doing such things but he had never for one moment thought that he would do it! They had actually been building and staying in moonbases since the moon landings! Incredible! He had not even heard a suggestion of it being carried out, and the people that created fantasy situations of it had given future scenarios and moonbases constructed out of building materials fitted together on the surface and had not built underground constructions that had water and air supplies, which could easily be supplied with places to grow all the food, which he had not been able to confirm existed in anyway, and was sure that they had all the food and their other stuff just brought in. They preferred professional Earth products than homegrown products.

  He was exploring the unexplored and wondered what unknown phenomena existed on the moon! The land available to explore on the moon could well exceed the Earth, with most of the Earth being underwater and ice! Look at all the discoveries found on the Earth over centuries, and according to the information he had seen they had hardly even explored any of the moon!

  He had at one time wanted to be an explorer but there was nothing really left on the Earth to explore! He wanted to explore more and find some new major discovery! He had wanted to explore and discover new things of value and greatness!


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