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The Stargate Black Hole

Page 18

by V Bertolaccini

  Sometimes when it had been near the life forms and it had examined their minds, thoughts, communications, and behavior, and took great interest in making replies to their communications, but pretending to be other humans, but it always remained an outsider, as it tried to find how well it could become a human, and it realized the best forms to take to avoid discovery.

  On the barn world it had been on its own for an implausible amount of time, and even trapped, wishing to leave the world, and had wished many times to meet with others of its race, but had avoided creating others of its race as it had believed that it would not have been happy with them and their presence.

  They would not be have been what it wanted, and it saw now that it could have altered them to be more like the humans. Its race had killed itself off, and destroyed an empire, and it believed that only certain types of them were what should have existed, and it believed that it could produce a proper race and civilization now, with all the information it had collected.

  While exploring groups of humans it had once discovered another life form, which it never recognized, and had just avoided being detected by it, with its probing, and realized that it had been another alien of the entity that they had encountered in the void.

  Chapter 35

  The Alien Capture

  The scientists eventually decided against going too near the alien, and located at a place where other scientists and the military could join them, where they could make an exit if anything went wrong, and was still close enough to make observations and use proper surveillance equipment to monitor it.

  The alien had become predictable in its movements since it had successfully avoided all their attempts of capture, and Kruger started to realize that if this attempt failed that they many be stuck with it, and have a future problem.

  It amazed him how far they actually were able to go to stop it!

  The paranormal scientists had consultations with the other scientists and the military, and they now entirely left their minds open to what was there.

  Yet what the two paranormal scientists had discovered was that the being was a time traveler, and was escaping from them by making jumps through time, which virtually made it indestructible, if they could not find a way of defeating it.

  Yet they found that it only made small leaps forward through time, and all that they needed to do was find a way of handling this problem, and it was found that the scientists had developed time travel since its existence had been proven with the energy bubble, and they had found ways of mimicking it, but could only send energy forward in small leaps, and they had found that it reappeared about the same amount of time in the future after each jump, and that it never bothered to alter and vary it.

  Their next big surprise was their first view of it through powerful optical equipment, used by advanced astrologists, to give them a real view of the alien, and what they were up against.

  “It is new!” Mitchel expressed, when he saw it first, and he allowed Bryan to see it, and he watched it as if he had been waiting all his life to see it, and gasped, and examined what he was looking for, and was staggered.

  “What do you make of it?” Major Ripley asked, walking over to them. “We still have nothing put forward on its identity!”

  The two scientists consulted quietly, and seemed to avoid giving a firm answer or anything that they would regret.

  Mitchel answered, “It is still in an energy form though, and taking some solidness! And we can barely see its features! We think it has altered itself to an earlier version of its species. Perhaps to survive better here! It has many incredible hidden powers, which we have not even heard of before! It has a very mysterious nature! And though we do not know fully what the hell the thing is, we can still recapture it! We have not heard of anything like it!”

  Kruger wondered again if they thought it was of paranormal origins, and if they were avoiding ruining their reputations on something that could turn out to be something else, and he then heard them mutter it in a silent conversation with each other.

  What surprised him and a few others the most about them was how they reacted and treated such things when there was a suggestion of there being the supernatural there, and he wondered again if they had something at last or were actually covering up something else. He wondered if they would ever prove anything, which they must have been waiting the majority of their lives for.

  He even wondered if they actually did find anything if what they showed would be enough to prove its existence and that they were dealing with something supernatural, as explanations could appear to prove that it was not, which it usually was, and the alien was a highly advanced alien that had taken an ancient form.

  They consulted with each other openly on what it could be many times, clearly attempting to get the others to give them their thoughts, while leaving things open to anyone to add to, and for the other scientist to give their thoughts freely, and what they mainly agreed to was that they thought it was new, and of an entirely new status.

  After a great deal of discussions and surveillance, checking of readings, and of observations through monitors from every form of surveillance, from all the equipment everyone had set up at every conceivable angle, they all remained set on leaving everything on what could happen open, and they took recordings of all the information, and only admitted to that it was more advanced than anything that they had seen, and perhaps would ever see, in many areas.

  Kruger was sure that the alien would know of their presence if it was advanced as they claimed, and wondered why it never shifted away through time, or over to another region, as it could easily shift through walls and get away. But he believed the military was surrounding the region, at a distance.

  And he wondered what would happen if they just waited at the site for it to arrive, if they made it leap forward in time, and realized that it could just leap again, and they might not see it for a long time if it kept making jumps forward. Though it could only jump so far, and clearly had limited powers, which would not allow it to continue to keep making jumps forward.

  All the scientists finally agreed to begin and activated their equipment to create the energy bubble about the alien, and it instantaneously vanished, and they followed it through time with their equipment and used it to capture it in time, putting the energy bubble around it as it arrived at its destination, and they kept it there with the more advanced and more powerful energy bubble, which would not allow it to escape from the destination in the future, and they waited until they reached that point in time, and they had it again.

  Chapter 36

  The Time Being’s Release

  Kruger was staggered when he had first heard the news, and that they were going to release the time being onto the world, and allow it its freedom, and that the scientists had made a deal with it, for the privilege, and had received vast amounts of knowledge.

  They were miles out on the strange world, with the immense GX1 resting right across the horizon, going up into the sky for miles, which was higher than any of the highest mountains there, and they viewed their achievement proudly.

  All the leading scientists and military were there and seated in front of the alien in the energy bubble, which was calm and not altering any longer, and it watched its audience with bizarre interest, with thoughts that they could only guess.

  The thing did not look deadly, and pulsated with energy fluctuations, and the two paranormal scientists had their scientists reduce the energy acting on it and allowed it to speak again to them, as they observed it.

  “We have made an agreement, and you gave us all the scientific knowledge for your freedom?” Bryan firmly stated, watching the thing, with a few surprised looks, as though he had never believed he would be doing such a thing.

  “Yes!” it replied, staring.

  “You’re better off here on this world, going by all our information!” Bryan explained. “This could be a great world, if it was exploited wisely ...”

  The being, still
an energy form, moved itself to show its understanding.

  It was incredible they had found a way to lower the energy bubble, and its influence on it, and had managed to communicate with it, and had been amazed that it had actually learned to speak in their language, just like a human.

  Many leading people including the president had met with it, and they had soon made agreements with it, as they had done on many worlds with many aliens, and had the right to carry out such agreements, and make many offerings to them.

  They had many conversations with it, which had concluded with their agreement with each other, and they had made the being their acting head of the world, and its president.

  They were even surprised that they had influenced the being so much with their civilization and GX1 that it had intensions of now building its own similar civilization, and they agreed to help it with what it needed.

  All the explorations of the world had been completed, and they were making a withdrawal from the region.

  The scientists began carefully bringing in its eggs that they had detected, all through the ship, and allowed it to confirm that they were all there, and they turned the energy bubble off and allowed it its freedom, which could have been dangerous at one point, but they now had a way to stop it doing anything if it decided to change its mind.

  The time being slowly altered into its normal solid state, to show them its true identity, and not its energy states or its original ancient species state, which it had acquired to survive, and they were surprised how human it looked, even with its large size. But most of all how much it looked like a medieval wizard – especially with its immense cloak, covered in ancient symbols and stars, with only a suggestion of its power on its ancient intelligent face, and Kruger wondered how deadly they looked to it, even though their size was nothing like its.

  By its reactions he could tell that it had something that it could use against them, but it could not win, and he glared at it trying to find a clue.

  The time being waved its arms and all the eggs vanished away, to somewhere else. Perhaps to its tower room, now back at the top of the castle, where they had replaced it.

  The alien was an astounding as a life form as an entity, and was full of energy, and Kruger was sure it had conquered all forms of sickness, as well as immortality, and he was sure it was many thousands of years old, and wondered what marvels it had encountered, and he wondered if humans would one day alter into such beings, with such powers.

  Chapter 37

  The New Project

  When Kruger arrived at the paranormal scientists laboratory he realized straight away that they had something, by the way they were working away and making all the scientists work like crazy to finish their project, which he never even attempted to recognize this time, as the complexity and unfamiliarity of it was too great, and he could only stare in bewilderment at what was there.

  It was beyond his imagination, and by looks he spotted it was the same for many of the scientists, and he started thinking of the time being and what had recently being happening. He was glad that it had gone on their side, and they were now even working with it, and they had learned a great deal about it, and far more than they could have. Yet the thing could be dangerous beyond belief, and he wished it never existed or they had never found it. At times it resembled one of the most hideous things he had seen!

  Their number one problem now was that they had not found a way to return to the universe, and no matter how much they worked on the project it still never resolved anything. The problem that confronted them was that they could not locate the universe, and there was no proper way available, and signs kept indicating that they would be stuck there.

  It was not the fact that the universe that they were in had anything wrong with it, it was the fact that they had people to return to and things to complete by returning and the mission would also be a disaster, and the biggest, most expensive, highly advanced spacecraft would be even classed as a flop, and he doubted if they would ever build another, and it would be a disaster that would ruin all their work, and incredible discoveries, if mankind never received it, and all the future would be altered by the technology and GX1 not being there, and them not warning them of what they had encountered.

  They had to return, and they would not stop working on the problem until they had achieved it.

  He decided to introduce himself to Bryan, as he stopped his work, of analyzing a device.

  “Well, what have you come up with now?” he asked, looking bewildered, realizing it was getting worse, and he now could not identify anything there.

  The place was packed with newly manufactured equipment, which he had known they were working on and creating all over the place at different locations, and he had been too involved with his work to bother about investigating it.

  “You know we got a great deal of scientific breakthroughs from the time being! Well, the major one was time travel!”

  “Time travel!” he gasped, and recalled the presence of Don, and the events that might have made him appear there.

  “Yes! It is incredibly complex, and we have everyone that we have working on this project!”

  “What will you use time travel for?”

  “A time probe! We are going to send a probe back in time, and it will follow the spacecraft back into the black hole and locate the universe, and we will also use it to examine the outer universe, and the other universes there, and find ways to locate them!”

  Chapter 38

  The Time Probe

  The time probe was launched and vanished into the past, to chase the spacecraft back in time, to follow the spacecraft back into the black hole, and voyage beyond the universe, and approximately one minute later it reappeared, after the completion of its mission, with it having traveled back into the future to a minute afterwards.

  Kruger gasped at the technology behind it, and realized there could a whole hidden universe about him of multidimensional things and objects traveling in time.

  The probe resembled some form of highly advanced missile, and he examined it looking for any damage, and for any signs of powerful forces acting upon it, and hardly saw anything and it looked like it had been when it had left.

  He wondered what uses such an object could have. Space probes were still being used all over the place, and were cheaper and far better than sending out spacecrafts, and he thought of all the missions that it could carry out.

  They had to be able to find and identify the outer universes, and once the scientists had checked all its information, they all started rejoicing, and started announcing all the information to the media, and that they could go home.

  The incredible thing was there were no signs in the recorded voyage of the white entity globes that he had seen there when he had entered the outer universe, and he had questioned others about it and found that nobody but him and the two paranormal scientists had seen them, and they had only given terrifying accounts of them thinking that they had been dieing there.

  The problem with the actual voyage, and them traveling as energy forms in such a mind-bending way, was it was not acceptable, and it could only be used if their lives depended upon it, and after some investigations he found out that they intended to use an energy beam that would put everyone aboard to sleep as they entered the black hole, and that they would be immediately awakened on their return to the universe, and they would not even realize what had happened.

  The launch from the world was tremendous, and everyone celebrated going home, and what it would be like returning home, with all their stories and discoveries, and Kruger thought of the alien in its castle.

  They had given it everything that they could to start its civilization, and its eggs had hatched, and it started using all the equipment and supplies that they had provided.

  Kruger watched the voyage into the black hole on a large screen with all the scientists, as they all rested in a large hall in seats, where they would be put to sleep when they left the universe, li
ke being thrown into suspended animation.

  The voyager darted straight towards the black hurricane shape, of particles of space matter, asteroids, moons, planets, and suns.

  Its black region stretched across the screen like a black monster, and some form of new galaxy, with formations of swirls of matter going around it.

  Some people reacted nervously as the deep black radius swiftly grew, and some gritted their teeth as its blackness engulfed them, and darkness covered the screen, and he saw objects darting into it in lines of light, and the screen lit up with diagram lines, marking the blackness with lines showing different regions of it with symbols marking various points of it, and the voyager went straight to a region marked in its depths.

  The tremendous speed seemed to increase as it gripped and pulled it towards it, and the voyager shook, and they fell asleep as it turned like to an earthquake tremor.

  Chapter 39

  The Universe

  The universe was strange, and he wondered if they were the first to experience the sensation. It was like some element there was not in the other universe, and he also felt that there was something else in the other universe that was not there.

  The mission was a complete success, and everyone aboard was rejoicing, and all the scientists were excitedly working through all the information that they collected in the outer universe, and they were just starting their mission of putting it all together, before they returned to the Earth.


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