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Just the Thing

Page 36

by Marie Harte

  He spread her with his hands and blew another breath over her. She moaned and shifted, then arched up, so close to his face he could dart out his tongue to touch.

  “Please,” she begged. “I’m so close.”

  He answered with a kiss, and the taste of her went straight to his head. He took her clit between his teeth and gently bit down, overjoyed to hear her cry out his name. He licked and sucked, nothing but his mouth over her. And damn, she was wet. As excited to have him as he was to fuck her.

  Thinking he should have put a condom over himself before starting this, he could only hope he wouldn’t embarrass himself and come before he could put himself inside her. He groaned and continued to tongue her, clutching her hips to keep her still while he lapped up the taste of ambrosia. Fuck, he could do this for hours. So damn good.

  She clawed at his shoulders, humping his face, and he attacked with greater intensity. The amusing thought that the warrior woman underneath him would fight for her orgasm made him want to smile. And made him want to fuck the fight out of her.

  “God, Gear. I’m coming. Right now,” she moaned as he licked and put more pressure on her clit.

  She cried out, a rush of honey coating his mouth, and he devoured her until she shuddered and pushed him away.

  “Too much,” she rasped, overcome.

  He kissed her thighs, gave her a moment, then kissed her clit again. He had to lick her, to take her inside him once more, loving her scent, her taste.

  When he finally raised himself to his hands and knees, he saw her dazed smile.

  “I think I died.” She flopped her arms back, bringing attention to her beautiful breasts. Perky, full, and just the right size for her frame, they demanded a few kisses of their own.

  He crawled up her body, still not speaking, and gave her breasts the attention they deserved.

  “Gear,” she breathed, stroking his hair and making him crazy. His cock dragged along her belly, the greedy thing more than ready for some respite. “When are you going to fuck me?”

  He pulled away, breathing hard, and managed a “Now” without losing it. How, he had no idea. He’d never been so hard.

  He sat up on his knees and saw her attention on his erection. With no time to wait, he dove into the drawer and fished out a condom.


  He froze. If she said no after all she’d put him through, after tasting so damn good and being so incredibly responsive, he might cry.

  “Let me.” She scooted out from under him and took the condom. She had it in hand, then surprised him by lowering, belly down, on the bed.


  “You need to get cleaned up first.” She shocked him by licking the tip of his dick, then sucking the head.

  His eyes rolled into the back of his head, and he gripped her hair to hold her still. But the damn witch used her tongue. “Stop before I come down your throat. Stop,” he growled, desperate for relief but wanting his first time to be inside her.

  She pulled away and smiled. “I’ll be gentle. I promise.” The mischievous look in her eyes had him laughing and swearing. She laughed with him and, true to her word, had the condom on quickly with minimal fussing.

  She leaned close to kiss his lips, and he wondered if she liked tasting herself on his mouth. He thought it the sexiest thing to know she’d tasted his cock.

  Without waiting another moment, he manhandled her onto her back and mounted her. “I’m not going to last.”

  “Don’t. I didn’t.” She yanked him down for a kiss, her tongue making him insane. “Fuck me.”

  He couldn’t wait a second longer. Especially knowing how wet she was. He’d come to the end of his ability to hold back. Gear moved between her legs, stared into her eyes, and entered her with one deep, hard thrust.

  She gasped and arched up, into him. “More.”

  He grunted and began fucking her. Nothing gentle or timid about it. He needed to give her what she’d been asking for. And it didn’t take him long. He was harder than he’d ever been, so it made sense that his orgasm would be as intense.

  “Coming,” he warned, barely able to remember speech. “So hard.” He groaned and growled as he fucked her, and then he was there. At heaven’s gate, as he shoved one final time and spent. He jetted into that damn condom, unable to get deep enough inside her.

  For a minute he saw nothing but black as pure bliss settled over him.

  Then he was aware of her petting him, stroking his shoulders, his hair, while he inhaled her scent at the crook of her neck, bent over her, shuddering.

  When he could function again, he pulled his head back and saw her smiling up at him. Something broken in him felt whole again. And he smiled back.


  “Hi.” He pushed her hair back. “I think I died too.”

  She laughed. “Died right inside me. You are so big.” She sighed. “Man, I hit the jackpot.”

  “Me too.” He kissed her, needing to pull out but loath to leave her. So he kissed her some more. She started to move under him in a way that told him she was ready for round two. “Hold on.”

  He left to dispose of the condom and returned, sliding on top of her once more.

  But Sadie wasn’t having it. She shoved him onto his back and straddled him. Not so stupid he couldn’t see the advantage in this position, he let her run her hands over him while he stared up at the nicest breasts he’d ever seen.

  “I know. Smaller than you’re used to, huh?” She grinned.

  She didn’t seem fishing for a compliment, but he gave her one anyway. “Better than any I can remember.” He cupped her, and she bit her lip, a soft moan escaping. “You are fuckin’ amazing. I love your tits. Your pussy. Your mouth.” His cock jerked, waking up again. “Give me a few minutes, and I’ll be ready to go again.”

  “Oh goodie. You’re not a one-time wonder. No, make that a two-time wonder.” She pinched his nipples, and his cock gave another twitch under her. Nestled against her slick pussy, he wouldn’t have far to go before entering her.

  “Ah, better put a condom on just in case.”

  She smiled and grabbed one. But instead of putting it on him, she moved aside and played with his dick. Stroking the semi-hard shaft, then grazing his balls. She cupped and petted him, and he watched her single-minded focus with pure pleasure.

  “Have I told you how much I love your body?” She stroked him, small pumps that woke his dick right the hell up. “You’re so hard all over.”

  “Mmm. You make me that way.” Hell, he sounded like one of his mufflers, low and grumbly. But it was as if his vocal chords needed a restart.

  “I mean, you obviously have muscle. But not too much. You’re not a beefcake or gym flunkie.” She snorted. “Those guys have to be compensating for something.” She had yet to take her gaze from his cock. “But not you.”

  “Sadie…” He closed his eyes and bucked into the mouth over his dick. “I think you have an oral fixation,” he said hoarsely. “Thank you, God.”

  She laughed around him, then started blowing him. When she stopped after getting him hard again, he swore.

  She gave him one final kiss and pulled completely away. “Sorry. I was playing.”

  “Play some more.”

  “Well, I’m not as talented at you are. Because your mouth is just sinful.” She sighed and lay next to him, still caressing his body while he lay like a lump, unable to do more than bask in her touch. “I thought maybe the first time was a fluke. I came really hard. But you proved it wasn’t just a lucky night for me.” She leaned over and sucked his nipple into a tight bud.

  He’d had enough. He yanked her on top of him, her knees on either side of his head.

  “Playtime’s over.”

  “Well, how about we do some mutual kissing? That way we can save on condoms for later.”

“Wow. Great minds really do think alike,” he teased, staring up at her sexy, sexy body. “Hurry up and turn around, and be prepared to swallow a mouthful.” He waited, tense, for her to disagree. But his girl didn’t protest a bit. Instead, she took him down, all the way down, her expertise with oral something he’d one day write a poem about. And Gear didn’t do poetry.

  Then all thought left, and Gear did nothing but her.

  * * *

  Sadie was in a daze for the rest of the week. Everything reminded her of Gear. Elliot begged for details, but she’d only tell him Gear’s shoe size did indeed fit the man. In all ways. To which Elliot had called her a lucky bitch and complained about rinky-dink Pierre. Rose wanted to know if Sadie was on drugs. Even the other employees had teased her about how nice she’d been acting to them and the customers.

  Gear had texted her the day after, then called twice since Wednesday night. But Sadie didn’t know what to do. That date had been to satisfy her curiosity, nothing more. He’d been amazing in the sack. He sure hadn’t lied about that. But the clear affection, liking her for herself, and his unselfishness in bed and out threw her for a loop.

  She’d answered his text briefly with a smiley face and a thank-you. But she hadn’t returned his calls. He wanted to get together again.

  She wanted the same thing, a lot more than she should. She hadn’t been lying when she’d told him she didn’t want a boyfriend. So why was her first thought upon waking about him, and her last thought in bed about sex with him? She wondered what he was doing, how his deal with the TV show had gone, wanted to call just to talk.

  “Talk about what?” she muttered as she threw together ingredients for their Shrieking Snickerdoodles. Late Friday afternoon, the crowd had thinned, but she knew they’d be slammed this weekend. Green Lake had moved up their usual Halloween festival to the second weekend in October this year.

  Pumpkin carving for the little ones, face painting, crafts, a hayride, and a hay bale maze. They did it up for the kids. Add to that the beautiful fall weather, sunny but crisp, and the orange, red and yellow leaves falling. Like a freakin’ postcard. The scent of apples and cinnamon filled the back room as they worked on a new cider recipe Elliot planned to unveil tomorrow. Sadie and Theo would work a tent at the festival, and she actually couldn’t wait. It was no wonder Halloween was her favorite holiday, fall her favorite season.

  Gear her favorite person.

  “Ack. I have to quit thinking to myself.”

  “Um, isn’t that counterproductive?” Rose asked, patting her slight belly as she watched Sadie with concern. “If you don’t think to yourself, who do you think to?”

  “Oh shut up, Pollyanna,” Sadie said, not unkindly. She’d been calling Rose that since her sister’s fourth birthday. “We can’t all be married to the best guy on earth, having the best baby in the universe.”

  Rose smiled, her beauty a feminized version of Elliot’s. She looked just like their mother—black hair, light-green eyes, beautiful with a petite frame that all but screamed I’m gorgeous and fragile, want me from afar. Sadie’s sister was the ideal woman, in Sadie’s opinion. What Sadie would never be. During her adolescence, she’d gone through a bitchy, jealous phase. But it hadn’t lasted.

  Sadie loved her sister too much to make her cry. And as the oldest, she’d had it drummed into her head to protect her younger siblings. After her mother passed, she’d been even more dedicated to helping them. She’d thoroughly vetted Joe before allowing him to marry Rose, even if Rose thought the engagement had been her and Joe’s idea. And Elliot… Sadie had given up on his love life, at least until he showed some sign of being ready to commit. She’d thought Jason might finally be The One, until she’d caught him and Elliot fighting over the dumbest things and watched Jason play the martyr.

  Um, no. Elliot deserved a straight (gay) shooter. She grinned openly.

  “What? Are you still thinking to yourself?” Rose asked.

  “I try not to think as much as is humanly possible.”

  “You’re right about that,” Elliot said as he joined them in the back. “So are you sticking around tonight, Rose?” They were late decorating the shop, and it was past time they Halloweenified—Sadie’s word, thank you very much—Sofa’s.

  Sadie answered for her sister. “No. She’s been on her feet too much and her back hurts.” Before Rose could refute that, Sadie pointed out, “You rub your belly like that and frown when your back aches.”

  “Oh right.” Elliot agreed. “Go home, slacker. We can decorate without you.”

  “No way.” Rose frowned. “It’s family tradition.”

  “Fine. But you have to sit down and not complain about everything I do wrong. Or I’ll tell Joe you refuse to take time off,” Sadie warned her. “He’s a pain in the ass. He’ll make you sit one out.”

  The mulish set to Rose’s mouth told Sadie she’d won this round. She and Elliot high-fived.

  “You’re both so immature.” Rose flounced out toward the front and yelled at Theo to move away from the register because she could “count change while pregnant, by God.”

  Sadie shared a glance with Elliot. “A little snippy, isn’t she?”

  He nodded. “I get the impression Joe is coddling her too much. Why don’t you talk to him about treating our sister like a woman?”

  “Huh?” She grabbed the dough from the mixer and starting rolling cookie balls, then setting them on trays. Elliot joined her.

  “Rose and Joe need a date night.” At her blank look, he sighed. “To act like adults and do all the adult kissy things you and my secret boyfriend, Gear, have been doing.”

  Sadie flushed. “Oh. Well, I don’t think they should do that. Might not be safe for the baby.” Elliot’s brows rose, and she snickered. “Secret boyfriend, huh? You wish.”

  “You’re damn right. I can’t believe you snagged the man.” He quieted as they worked, then blurted, “So what’s the deal? Are you dating, just shagging, or what?”

  “Saying the word shagging does not make you an honorary Brit.”

  “I know,” he said sadly. “At least I don’t try to fake an accent. Pierre was horrible.”

  “That didn’t last long,” she said of his relationship with Mr. GQ.

  “It wasn’t supposed to. And stop trying to change the subject. What’s up with you and McHotPants Biker Guy?”

  “I’d say that’s a mouthful, but you’ll just run with it.” Sadie ignored Elliot’s wide grin. “I don’t know. We had a great time Wednesday night. He texted and called. He wants to go out again.”

  “Go out as in…?”

  “You know. Bumpin’ uglies.”

  “Which is all you want from a man, if I’m not mistaken.” He seemed to be looking at her a little too intently. “Right?”

  “Right.” Wrong. No, not wrong. He’s just a great lay. With an awesome smile. A personality that totally meshed with mine. A—Stop it.

  “When are you seeing him again?”

  “I don’t know if I am.” The disappointment that followed pissed her off.

  Elliot wisely refrained from saying any more. Before long, the store closed. Rose went home to get Joe, an honorary Liberato by marrying into the family. Elliot and Sadie remained behind, tugging down the shades in the large windows to keep the shop’s decorations a surprise. They even pulled the shade on the door, to mask what locals had come to claim their favorite part of the holiday—Sofa’s Spookville.

  “So who are you seeing now?” she asked her brother.

  “No one.”

  She feigned a heart attack. “Seriously? It’s been at least six days. Shouldn’t your boy parts be shriveling up from disuse?”

  He flatly stared at her. “You know no one likes you.”

  She guffawed. “Poor little Elliot, all dressed up and no one to bone.”

  “Hey, at least I don’t go arou
nd bitch-slapping people.”

  She shook her head. “Again, the insults. Just lame.”

  He groaned. “I know.” He hid his face over his arms on the table. “I can’t come up with anything clever around you lately. It’s embarrassing.”

  She laughed at him. “Lightweight.”

  Someone knocked on the glass door.

  Elliot sprang up as if powered by springs. “I’ll get it.” He raced to the door and let Gear inside.

  Wait. Gear?

  “Hey, man. How are you?” Elliot’s secret crush asked.

  “Great. How about you?” Behind Gear, Elliot looked at her and made kissy faces.


  “I’ve been better. Been getting the cold shoulder from your sister.” He gave her a sad face. “Way to make a guy feel bad about himself. Dodging me. Ignoring me. What? I didn’t give you enough orgasms?”

  She felt her face heat up and threaten to explode. Next to Gear, Elliot laughed so hard he cried.

  “Awesome. You’re invited here anytime. Want a cookie?”

  Gear brightened. “Sure. What do you have?” He followed Elliot, passing right by her. He said nothing but gave her a pat on the butt, then continued to ignore her.

  She watched in astonishment as he and Elliot chatted like old friends.

  “Um, you know he has a secret crush on you, right?” she told Gear to embarrass her brother.

  Gear nodded. “He told me. Can’t fault the guy for good taste.”

  Elliot flipped her off.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked, blunt as always.

  “Elliot invited me to decorate the place. Since Halloween’s my favorite holiday, I had to say yes.” He paused. “Plus my sister was bugging me to pick up my parents from the airport, so I needed an excuse to stay away.”

  “Seriously? You at an airport? Wouldn’t that be like holding rancid meat out to hungry wolves?”

  He frowned. “Wait. I’m rancid? More like prime rib, I’d think.”

  She sighed. “Answer the question.”

  “My sister isn’t happy with me right now, so yeah, she’s trying to dangle me like bait to click-happy photographers and fans. She also thinks I’ll look like the good son doing favors for my family, and that if I’m shown in public more being friendly, it’ll help my cred.”


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