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Page 7

by VictoriaVallo

  “Well, in your bear form, you’re quite formidable.” He smiled a moment before sobering. “Or we could go after Klaus.”

  “Are we bounty hunters now?” Adam joked. “My family could certainly keep us busy.”

  Bounty hunters? Hmmm. Not a bad idea. “Might be fun.”

  Adam rose as Bran donned his jacket. “But I like you in uniform. Very sexy.”

  Bran drew Adam close. “As long as I’ve served, I get to keep the uniform.”

  Adam tilted his head again. “You serious? You’ve said so much about how you love what you do.”

  “Just bouncing ideas off you.” He ran his hands over Adam’s shoulders and then down his arms to grasp both of his hands. “Even though I pulled away when we met, I knew you were something special. Scared me a bit, you might say.” He licked his lips. “And now? I think I care more about my future including you than anything else.”

  Adam swallowed. “You do?” he whispered.

  Bran nodded slowly. “Yes. We can talk about this stuff.” He shrugged one shoulder and then kissed Adam’s left hand. “No rush. Life’s here to be enjoyed.”

  Adam finally smiled again. “Always a good philosophy.”

  “Yes, I think so.” He nodded to the door. “Come on. Let’s go get some breakfast first. I daresay we have a big day ahead of us, one way or another.”

  Adam nodded back, keeping a grip on his hand as they went downstairs.

  * * * *

  The escort welcomed Adam and Bran’s help, and they set off right after breakfast. Adam could feel his brother’s anger and resentment even from ten feet behind him. Garrick didn’t have to even look at Adam for his displeasure to be known. And his scent? In his bear form, Adam could pick up on every note of fear, anxiety, and aggression.

  It’s his own fault. He has no reason to be angry at me or anyone else. Not even Klaus. Stupid to trust him anyway. Though he wouldn’t admit it to Bran, he did feel a tiny bit bad about that part. He sort of wished Bran hadn’t said anything, yet he couldn’t blame him. He had a pretty good idea the kind of things Garrick had probably said. I’m sure Garrick thinks Bran’s come along to have his fill of fucking me. Of being fucked by me. But that’s not the kind of man Bran is. Helping me meant more. Sure, he wanted to fuck me, but he’s not ruled by that. He glanced over at Bran, who rode Ghost while leading Beast on his right side. It’s what kept my attention. He could’ve had my body right away, but he’s more than that. So much more.

  Adam thoughts drifted back to that morning and Bran’s comment about him talking in his sleep. Some lovers had mentioned it before, and Adam wondered what he’d said. His heart had fluttered a bit as he thought Bran was about to say he’d heard Adam’s declaration of love. It had just slipped out, unbidden, and it had felt so good that Adam would’ve been unable to deny having said it. He almost wished Bran had heard him. Then, at least, they could talk about it. Bran obviously cared for him and wanted Adam in his life, but that wasn’t love. Would Bran not take him seriously because he was so young? Adam didn’t like to think about that. Bran seemed to respect him, so surely he thought him mature enough to know his own heart.


  Adam caught Bran smiling at him, and he walked a bit closer. They couldn’t talk while he was shifted, but it was nice just to move closer to his lover and get more of his scent. Something in Bran’s smile told Adam he shouldn’t be afraid to say how he felt while the man was awake, but he’d never done that before. He’d been blunt about his desire dozens upon dozens of times, but those kind of rejections were easily forgotten. Telling Bran he loved him and then not seeing that love returned in his expression, not hearing the words echoed back to him, would be devastating.

  Adam shook himself, unconsciously making a little chuffing noise that had Bran looking over at him. It’s too soon to be worrying about this! He wants me and cares for me. He’s been at my side doing all he can to help since day one. He had a hard, aching cock that first night yet said we should wait since I’d never taken a man before. Who does that? What sane, horny man does that with a willing semi-virgin under him?

  He stared ahead a long time before looking back over at Bran.

  A man who could love me? A man who already does love me?

  Bran reached out and touched his head, scratching one ear as if Adam was a dog. “You all right?”

  Adam nodded his head slowly so Bran would understand, and then he leaned his head into the touch a bit. No one had ever scratched him behind the ear before, and it felt amazing, little tingles of pleasure moving up and down his body. Bran’s hand fell away as the man smiled at him once more, and then Adam kept moving forward, his thoughts still churning but a new hope suddenly building in his heart.

  * * * *

  Bran had been watching Adam closely—as closely as he could without being caught outright—ever since they’d left the inn a few days ago. The escorting of Garrick had been uneventful until their arrival at the jail, at which point the man had thrown a full-on childish temper tantrum and yelled at Adam for betraying him. He’d said harsh, hurtful things to Adam, but the younger man had responded with a simple plea for Garrick to return home and sort his life out once he’d served his sentence, which unfortunately would be much longer because he’d only added to his record of offenses.

  Adam had declined going after Klaus, though Bran sensed the idea had interested Adam. Bran found himself wondering if Adam wanted to help his wayward siblings in addition to putting a stop to their crimes. Adam’s big heart showed more and more every day, and Bran knew he was falling for that, among other things.

  Their couplings were varied, some rough and raw while others were slow and tender. Yet Adam hadn’t uttered those three words again. At least, he hadn’t done so while Bran was awake. Wanting to hear them made Bran a bit restless at night. If he actually caught Adam saying it again, he was going to kiss the man until he was gasping for air. Having Adam’s love made him happy—incredibly happy—and that had to mean he loved Adam in return.

  Didn’t it? It had to. It simply had to.

  He sighed as they rode past the tree he’d been sitting under the day they met. He slowed his horse and motioned for Adam to stop. To his delight, Adam smiled in a way that said he recognized the place.

  “You looking to christen this spot? How romantic,” Adam said as he nudged Beast closer and leaned over to kiss Bran.

  “Not exactly,” Bran said, stroking Adam’s cheek. “I want to tell you something.”

  Adam inhaled quickly, and Bran could feel his pulse quicken as he cradled one side of Adam’s face in his hand. “Seems you know what I want to say.”

  “Maybe,” Adam whispered.

  “When you rode up that day, I knew I’d never seen a more beautiful man in my life. Your cockiness and forwardness annoyed me, yet I wanted you. Couldn’t stop thinking about you.” He ran his thumb over Adam’s cheek, then his lower lip. “That day, I’d have laughed at the idea of us sharing more than a few tumbles in bed, but now? I can’t picture my life without you. I think,” he paused, swallowing, “I’m really in love this time. It feels so different. From anything. From everything.”

  “You love me?”


  Adam licked his lips, just staring into Bran’s eyes.



  Bran tilted his head. “Nothing to say?”

  He licked his lips again. “I love you, too. But I think—”

  Bran cut him off with a searing kiss. “No buts. No qualifiers,” he said against Adam’s lips before going in for another kiss.

  When Adam managed to pull free, he said, “I was only going say that I thought you already knew. I’ve told you half a dozen times.”

  Bran grinned as he raised his eyebrows. “While I was sleeping? After you’d worn me out with that sweet body of yours?”


  Bran let his hand drop between them, and he interlocked the fingers of one hand with Adam’s. “I
did hear you once. The night we caught Garrick. Was that the first time?”


  “Then I’m glad I heard it then.” He kissed Adam’s hand and looked down the road. “Let’s get moving. Do I need to ask your brother for your hand? Or must we go to your parents?”

  “I’m a man. Not to mention too old for that.” They set off, and Adam turned to him sharply. “And you didn’t ask me to marry you.”

  “I didn’t? Huh. Must’ve slipped my mind.” He looked over at Adam. “Might be fun.”

  Adam laughed. “Being married?”

  “Why not?”

  “I don’t need a piece of paper or a priest or anything to tell me you’re mine.”

  “What do you need?”

  Adam actually blushed a bit as he said, “That look in your eyes right now. That’s all I need.”

  “So, for future reference, you’d turn me down?”

  “Not saying that. Just saying it doesn’t matter to me.” Adam gave Beast a little kick. “Come on. I can’t wait to tell my brother.”

  Bran spurred Ghost on as well. “Why?”

  “I’m happy, of course.”

  “Uh huh.”

  Adam laughed. “And he said you were too serious for me. Can’t wait for him to see how head over heels you are for me.”

  “Cocky scoundrel.”

  “I’m not a scoundrel. I think we’ve established that quite well.”

  “You stole my heart quite violently. The name’s sticking.”

  Adam laughed again as he urged Beast on even faster, and Bran pursued him, excitement filling him as he thought of all the adventures they were going to have together.

  * * * *

  One Week Later

  Adam made sure Ghost and Beast were attached to the wagon securely and comfortably. Viktor stood by, watching him with a smug smile on his face. Adam glanced around to see who might be nearby, and then he crossed his arms and strode over to his brother. “What are you grinning at?”

  “You. In love. It’s great. I still can’t quite believe it,” Viktor said.

  “And why is that?” Adam said as he turned back and checked the trunks and supplies again.

  “I thought it would be a couple more years at least. Or that the first one would break your heart.”

  Adam gaped at his brother. “What?”

  “I didn’t want that. Kind of thought it might happen, though. Like I said a few weeks ago, it worried me. Trust me, I’m happy he loves you back. He’s a good man. Gonna be good for you.”

  Though he still didn’t like what his brother had said, Adam tried to smile. “You’re fine with it? Us being bounty hunters?”

  “Yes. It can be good money, and it’s a good job for shifters. You can go unnoticed.”

  Adam laughed. “Smaller shifters, maybe.”

  “But you see a bear, you go still. You see an armed man, you run. Or fight.”

  “True. If only my sense of smell was as keen as Klaus’s.”

  Now Viktor laughed. “It’s more a curse most of the time. He used to complain so much when he was younger.” He leaned on the side of the wagon. “He really scent from out of sight? I know shifting makes the scent stronger, but it still sounds crazy.”

  “I sure didn’t see him. He was on us before I even caught a hint of him. In the air or on his men.”

  “Well, you were distracted.” He looked over to where Bran walked toward them. “I’ll go make sure Thomas knows you’re leaving.”

  Bran nodded to Viktor as they passed each other. He smiled at Adam and said, “Brotherly advice?”

  “Nah. Just chatting.” He glanced past Bran at Viktor briefly. “And he was rubbing it in.”

  “What?” Bran asked, his smile getting wider.

  “What he said before Garrick escaped. Right after he’d warned me not to pursue you.”

  “What did he say?”

  Adam put one hand on his hip. “I told you the other night.”

  “You mean when we nearly drank The Broken Barrel out of ale? Don’t remember a damn thing except you sucking my cock later.”

  Adam’s mouth fell open, but then he laughed. “I think I mentioned something about it before, too. But since you’re busy ogling me each time I talk—”

  Bran yanked him close. “Of course I am.” He slapped his ass and released him. “Go on.”

  Adam sighed loudly, trying not to smile, and then said, “He said I’d change when I fell in love. That he worried my ways would get me hurt because one day I’d want a man to stay but wouldn’t have any idea how to do that.”

  “I think we’re led to each other. In a way. Not fate or anything, but heartbreak is like any other pain. Sometimes we need to feel it to appreciate the joy.”

  “Like Martin?”

  Bran blinked. “I tell you about him?”

  Adam licked his lip. “Few nights ago. You vaguely mentioned him when we were going after Garrick, but I got the full story the other night.” This time, he yanked Bran close, leaning back to look up into his soldier’s eyes. “Made me a bit jealous until you started saying how it couldn’t have been love because it’s nothing like what you feel for me.”

  “I am giving up quite a lot for you.”

  Adam drew Bran down and brushed their lips together. “What are you giving up?”

  “Can’t remember,” he said before capturing Adam’s mouth.

  Adam had no idea how much time had passed when he heard Viktor’s voice.

  “You two going to say good-bye or just devour each other here and now?” Viktor asked.

  Adam laughed and buried his face against Bran’s chest a moment before pulling away and running into his brother’s arms. “Gonna miss you.”

  “I’m gonna worry about you,” Viktor said back. “You write to me, or we come after you.”

  “I promise.” He turned to Thomas. “Bye.” He hesitated and then went in for a hug. “I’m so glad he found someone who sees how great he is.”

  “He does impress me every now and then,” Thomas said with a laugh.

  Bran shook hands with Thomas and Viktor as Adam eyed his brother. “Be good to him.”

  “Sure you won’t stay for the mate bond?” Thomas asked. He gave a little nod to Viktor. “He’s almost got everything picked out.” After a little chuckled, he added, “I’m starting to feel sorry for the priest.”

  “I want it the way I pictured it,” Viktor protested, drawing his lover close.

  “We’ll send you a present,” Adam said as he pulled himself into the driver’s seat of the wagon. Once Bran was in place, he asked, “How mad will everyone be if I do catch him?”

  “Klaus?” Viktor laughed and shook his head. “Your guess is as good as mine. Dad will probably laugh his head off.”

  “Good to know,” Adam said as they waved one final time and set out.

  As they left the city, Bran asked, “We really going to try?”

  “Yeah. You scared?”

  “Oh no. Excited, more like.” He leaned over and kissed Adam’s cheek. “But I think part of that’s you. It’s sexy when you’re in charge.”

  “Glad you’re getting used to it,” Adam said as he slid one hand along Bran’s thigh and steered them off to the south.


  Two Months Later

  Bran emerged from behind the tree. He watched the fumbling foreplay in the flickering firelight for a moment before he raised his weapon. He waited until exactly the moment that Klaus slid his cock into the other man—obviously Klaus had consumed “a couple of ales” that night—before he touched the barrel of his gun to the man’s throat.

  “Stand and deliver, my friend,” Bran said softly.

  Klaus straightened but didn’t pull out of the other man. “That’s exactly what I’m doing,” he said, his words clear but his voice very husky. His eyes eventually focused on Bran. “Oh. You.” He caressed the ass of the man below him. “Care to join me?”

  The other man pulled away and covered hims
elf, darting a glance between the two of them before grabbing his clothes and dashing off into the darkness.

  “Now look what you’ve done. He was a good shot, above and beyond being a good lay,” Klaus said. He turned his face up, staring down the barrel of the gun. “Where’s my little brother?”

  Screams erupted, and Bran looked up to see that Adam had collapsed the tent the other men had been sleeping in. He now lay atop it in his bear form.

  “Ah,” Klaus said, blinking a couple of times.

  “Perhaps not so wise to get drunk and then fuck your lookout,” Bran said.

  Klaus’s eyes rolled back a bit. “If you’d ever had him, you’d understand.”

  “Ah, helplessly in love, are you?” Bran asked.

  Klaus blinked a few more times and then his eyes rolled back. This time, they stayed there as he fell forward. Bran leaned over and checked his pulse, then positioned him on his side in case he vomited. He walked over to Adam and faced the bear, crossing his arms. “You stole my moment of glory,” he shouted to be heard over the screaming men. Klaus being drugged did make things easier, but Bran actually hadn’t wanted it to be too easy.

  Adam simply looked at him, rising enough for one man to get free. Bran grabbed him, though he still glared at his lover. He tied the first man up and then nodded for Adam to release another one. Both remaining men got free, but Bran grabbed one while Adam reached out a large paw to pin the other to the ground.

  Once they were all secure in the wagon and Klaus had been bound as well, Adam shifted back. “I’ll make it up to you, I swear.”

  “How did you drug him?” Bran asked.

  Adam pointed off in the distance, and Bran turned to look. The man who had run off lay on the ground, his clothes still in a bundle in his arms.

  “What?” Bran asked as he walked over to look at the other man. “I don’t get it.”

  “I got into Klaus’s bag. Put in in the oil.”

  “The oil? You mean…” Bran stopped and stared. “The oil they used to…”

  Adam nodded, laughing.


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