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The Mafia And His Angel Series (Tainted Hearts)

Page 54

by Lylah James

  “You’re evil. All of you. Monsters. How could you do this?” she cried.

  “Ah, I never said I wasn’t evil.” I shrugged when she shrunk back into her chair. Phoenix kept a hand on her shoulders, and she shuddered.

  “I’m not that repulsive,” he muttered under his breath.

  Shaking my head at the poor frightened woman, I turned back toward her husband. I saw Nikolay holding a baseball bat. He shrugged. “We need to get creative sometimes.”

  And then he smacked the bat against the man’s back. “Here you go, Boss,” Nikolay said, giving me the bat as he stepped back.

  “Are you going to talk or not?” I asked, looking at the man at my feet.

  “I’m telling the truth. Alberto…didn’t…tell me…anything,” he wheezed through the blood pouring from his mouth and nose.

  My patience had run thin, and I snapped. I rammed the bat into his legs until I heard bones crunching. He screamed. His wife screamed. The baby cried.

  But that didn’t stop me.

  It spurred me on. The bat came in contact with his stomach. His ribs broke under the solid wood, and his body convulsed in pain.

  “Please stop. Stop!” the wife wailed.

  Stop! Please stop! Ayla’s voice resonated through my ears, and I stumbled back in shock. My chest grew tight at her voice as it rang in my head.

  Angel. My Angel.

  I looked at the man as he writhed in agony, his body beaten up and swelling under the pressure. I stepped away and faced the woman. She was sobbing heavily, and the baby continued to cry.

  Phoenix caught my eyes, and he nodded. I didn’t even have to say anything. He understood what I wanted. He grabbed the woman by the arm and started pulling her away and out of the house.

  The wife and the baby would be given a safe place to stay. The innocents would be safe, while the evil would be chained.

  “One last chance. Anything you might know. Tell me and I might let you go back to your wife and daughter,” I hissed into his face.

  It was a lie. He wasn’t leaving this house alive. He knew it was a lie. We all did.

  “I don’t…kn…ow…I rea…lly don’t know. But…please. Don’t…hurt…my wife and daugh…ter.”

  I sighed and shook my head. I stood up and faced my men. Viktor looked pissed. Nikolay was ready to murder someone. Artur was glaring down at the man with venom.

  Phoenix came back inside, and he rubbed his hand over his face, a sign of fatigue. We were all tired. Dead on our feet. But we were still not giving up. Not until we found Ayla.

  I saw Viktor’s eyes widening and then Nikolay’s. “Alessio!”

  Guns were drawn, and I swiveled around, my gun pointed at the man in a split second. Five shots rang through the air and the sound resonated around the walls of the house.

  Five bullets.

  And all five had pierced the man’s body.

  One in his chest, two in his stomach, one in his neck, and the last one between his eyes.

  One bullet from each of my men. And one from me.

  He sunk to the floor soundlessly, the gun he had drawn on me falling limply through his fingers.

  “Another stupid man dead,” Viktor spat.

  Without a second glance at the dead body, I walked out of the house. My phone rang in my pocket, my eyebrows shooting up in surprise.

  When I saw the caller ID was unknown, I picked up the call, knowing already who it was.

  “I left another gift for you,” I spoke before Alberto could say anything.

  “Killing my men won’t get you to me,” he mocked.

  “Maybe you should stop being such a coward and face me,” I hissed through gritted teeth.

  Every day I got a call from him. Every day he taunted me. And every day I was helpless as I listened to Ayla’s cries.

  If only his phone wasn’t untraceable. The bastard enjoyed playing with me every day.

  It was a game. We were both playing it. It was a dangerous game, and one of us was going to lose in the end.

  And I was going to make sure it wasn’t me.

  “Ah, why would I do that? I’m enjoying my time with my woman here. We’re making up for lost time.” He chuckled cruelly.

  My blood ran cold as my anger burned like lava. It burned under my skin, and my body shook with it.

  “I’m not going to let you break her,” I said, my fingers folding into a fist at my side.

  “Ah,” Alberto tsked and then laughed. “You’re too late. I have already broken her. I have plucked every single feather off her wings. I took until she had nothing left to give, and still then, I kept taking.”

  My heart ached, my stomach rolled, and I almost doubled over in pain. Ayla. Ayla. My sweet Angel.

  “So you see, in the end, I have won.”

  I refused to believe it. I just had to get to Ayla. I would cast away all her nightmares. I would take away all the bad memories. I had done it before. I would do it again until she’d be whole again.

  “No,” I snapped. “You haven’t won yet. Your death is coming, Alberto. Start counting your days.”

  I hung up before he could say anything else.

  Throwing my phone against the car, I closed my eyes.

  I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Angel. I’m sorry for keeping you waiting, but I’m coming.

  Chapter 34

  3 weeks later

  I stared at the piano.

  Ayla was sitting there, just like always. Her hair was down, flowing in beautiful soft waves at her back. Her eyes were closed, a small smile on her lips as she hummed and played the piano. For me. For us.

  I smiled too. She was so beautiful. My Angel.

  Ayla slowly glanced up, and her captivating green eyes met mine. She blew me a kiss, and I reached to grab it. She laughed, and I smiled again.

  Suddenly the laughter stopped. Ayla stared down, and tears streamed down her cheeks.

  No. Don’t cry, I wanted to say. I reached forward, and just like that, my Ayla disappeared.

  I closed my eyes tightly, my fingers tightening around the bottle of alcohol. My head spun, and the heartache never left me. I was drunk, like every other night.

  I wanted to forget. But then I felt guilty and ashamed. I couldn’t forget.

  Even though she was gone, Ayla never left me. Even when I was too drunk to remember my name, I never forgot Ayla. She was always there. I could feel her. Sometimes I saw her, too.

  It had been five weeks since Alberto took Ayla away from me. Five weeks of looking for my Angel like a madman. But she was nowhere to be found.

  I just wanted to touch her. Hold her. Kiss her.

  I opened my eyes again and stared at the piano. The bench was empty. My Angel wasn’t there. It hurt. It hurt so much that I couldn’t breathe sometimes.

  She was gone. And I was alone. All alone.

  I craved her. I craved the peace only she could give. I craved her love.

  But my Angel was gone. And without her, I was lost.

  A broken, empty shell.

  Ayla once said I was her peace. But she was mine, too. She was the light to my darkness.

  But the light was gone, and only darkness surrounded me. I was used to the darkness, but now it only suffocated me. It only left me broken.

  Standing up, I stumbled toward the piano. I touched the keys and thought about Ayla being there right now.

  I can’t live without you, Angel. I can’t.



  2 weeks later

  I opened the door to the piano room and sucked in a harsh breath at the sight that beheld me. It was the same sight as every night since Ayla had been gone, but it still shocked me to the core.

  Alessio laid on the floor next to the piano, his body curled up in a ball.

  I rubbed a hand over my mouth and face, trying to hold in the emotions.

  I had never seen Alessio so broken. So disconnected from the world. So lost.

  Walking forward, I knelt down and wrapped an arm
under his arms, pulling him up. He stumbled, his eyes closed. “C’mon, big guy. Let’s get you in bed,” I muttered as his weight fell heavily on me.

  I dragged him to his room and pushed him on the bed. Alessio didn’t wake. Of course he didn’t. He drank himself into oblivion.

  After removing his jacket, I removed his shoes and threw them on the floor. Sweat broke out on my forehead from the effort of dragging Alessio and taking care of him.

  When I was done, I pulled the comforter over the body. His eyebrows drew together in tension, and he mumbled something under his breath.

  Moving closer, my heart stuttered when I heard what he was saying. I rubbed my chest, trying to get rid of the ache there.

  “Angel,” he whispered.

  I sighed and kneaded the back of my neck, rolling my shoulder, getting rid of the rigid muscles. What a fucking mess.

  Alessio was the strongest man I knew, the most ruthless, yet here he was…broken over the woman he so desperately loved.

  I didn’t blame him, though.

  It was impossible not to love Ayla. She brought light into the darkness of our world. She was the light.

  I turned away from Alessio but stopped when I saw my father standing at the doorway. He stared at Alessio and then moved his eyes to me.

  “I’ve done this so many times,” he muttered. I cocked my head to the side, waiting for him to elaborate.

  “For Lyov. When he lost Maria, he was exactly like this, and just like you, I had to take care of him. I had to help him pick up the pieces. But the problem is there are too many pieces. Lyov is still a broken man—” He paused, pointing at Alessio before continuing. “And now Alessio.”

  I looked back at the bed, and I saw Alessio struggling, as if he was fighting in his sleep. Nightmares plagued his sleep every night.

  “That’s why Lyov warned him. Don’t fall in love. Don’t let yourself get weak. That was exactly the reason why. I had been through it. Lyov had been through it, and all he wanted to do was save Alessio from the same suffering.”

  “We are going to find Ayla,” I shot back, refusing to believe anything else.

  He nodded. “I hope you do. For all our sakes. She needs to be saved, and Alessio needs her.”

  He turned to walk away but then stopped. Looking over his shoulder, he left me with words I didn’t want to hear.

  “Don’t make the same mistake we did.”

  With that, he left. And I sank down on the bed.

  My eyes caught the photo frame on the night stand. I took it in my hand and looked into the face of Ayla. She was laughing, her eyes shining with so much love.

  Rubbing my thumb over her cheek, I looked back at Alessio and then glanced down at her face again.

  “Sometimes, I wish you’d never hid under his bed,” I whispered. “And we never knew you.”

  My father was too late to warn me.

  Because I had already made the same mistake.

  Chapter 35


  My body was strangely warm. I was floating, and a sense of peace surrounded me. My eyes opened, and I blinked several times, trying to get accustomed to my surroundings.

  When my eyes finally adjusted to the light, I let out a gasp, my heart fluttering like the wings of a hummingbird.

  I wasn’t in the dungeon.

  No, I was in a beautiful room. I sat up, and my eyes widened when I saw Alessio sitting next to me.


  He was right there. Next to me. He found me! He came…he really came for me. Just like I knew he would.

  My heart soared, and I jumped into his arms with a cry. “Alessio. I love you. I love you. I love you so much. Please don’t leave me. Please,” I sobbed in his chest.

  “Shh…I’ve got you, Angel.”

  Oh, his voice. Those words. They were exactly what I wanted to hear. What I had been so desperate to hear.

  His arms wrapped around me, holding me to his body. He caressed my hair and placed gentle kisses over my face, soothing all the hurt away.

  “Alessio, you…found me.” I hiccupped back a sob as he looked down at me with his captivating blue eyes, the ones I loved so much.

  “I will always find you.” Placing a kiss on my forehead, he let his lips linger there for a moment. “I’m sorry for keeping you waiting so long.”

  My fingers tightened around his jacket, and I shook my head. “You came for me. That’s all that matters.”

  Alessio hugged me tighter. “I’m going to take away all the things Alberto has done to you.”

  I shivered in his arms at the mention of the devil’s name. “He hurt me, Alessio,” I admitted with tears streaming down my cheeks in a never-ending flow.

  “I know. But he is never going to hurt you again,” Alessio said, pulling away from me. He pushed me flat on my back and loomed over me.

  “Where did he touch you, Angel?” he muttered, kissing my lips gently and so softly.

  “Everywhere,” I whimpered at the thought of Alberto touching me, defiling and humiliating me in the worst way possible.

  “I’m going to take it all away,” Alessio vowed before taking my lips. The kiss was slow and gentle. He kissed me with care, as if I was a treasure, a precious jewel, someone who deserved to be loved.

  And slowly Alessio replaced Alberto’s touch with his own. He traced my body with his fingers and lips. Slowly, softly, and gently. He explored my body with care and love. So much love.

  But my heaven didn’t last for long.

  Because I was suddenly thrust back into hell.

  My eyes snapped open when I felt a finger probe my entrance.

  “No!” I screamed, my voice filled with horror.

  “Hmmm…is that for me, love? Are you wet for me?”

  Horrified, I froze, and numbness washed over me. Alberto cupped me roughly against my legs, his palm pressing hard against me. I flinched and shuddered in fear and disgust.

  He was sucking on my nipple, biting and torturing the skin. Alberto slightly pulled away until he was looking down on me.

  The smile on his face made my stomach roll until I thought I was going to be sick. It held so many promises. Dark promises. Every day was painful. Every day my body was abused. Every day my heart broke a little more. Every day I wished I was back in Alessio’s arms.

  And every day I hoped for Alessio to find me.

  But he hadn’t come for me. Yet. I still hoped. I still believed. In him.

  Alberto pulled away and pushed my knees up until I was completely open to him. I bit on my lips to keep from crying or screaming. I had learned fast that fighting only made it worse.

  The tears fell down on my cheeks, and I didn’t bother swiping them away. Alberto smirked at the sight of them, and my heart ached.

  Weak. I was so weak. Alessio would be ashamed of me. I was ashamed of myself.

  I was dirty. Used. A whore.

  I was not an Angel. Not anymore.

  Instead of moving on top of my body and taking me like he always did, Alberto pulled out his phone. His knees were holding my thighs apart and in place. His torso was holding my hips against the bed. I couldn’t move. No, I was completely helpless underneath him.

  He held the phone over me, right between my legs.

  His next words sent me over the edge, and I was falling. Falling deep in the dark abyss.

  “Why don’t I send Alessio a picture, huh? Let him know that his woman is wet and dripping for another man.”

  My breath left my body in a loud whoosh, and I struggled to breathe. No. No. No. Please no. Anything but this.

  I shook my head, or I thought I did. I felt too disconnected. Paralyzed by fear and humiliation. My breath was coming too fast, and my blood ran cold.

  “No,” I protested weakly, my voice barely coming out in a whisper.

  My heart thundered against my chest almost painfully, and my mouth tasted bitter with bile. I was going to be sick. My stomach rolled and tightened.

  Tears blurred my vision, and
my lips quivered with the effort to keep my cries in.

  Alberto only laughed. When I saw the flash from the phone, I was suddenly snapped out of my haze, and I struggled under his body.

  Alberto’s nostril flared, and his lips pulled back in a snarl. He slapped me hard across the face, and I whimpered.

  My body was already aching from days of abuse. How long had it been since Alberto took me away? A few days? Weeks? I didn’t know. After all, I was trapped in the dungeon every day. I only knew darkness.

  Except today. Today, I was in a room.

  Was this Alberto’s plan all along?

  I pushed at his chest, but he was unmoving. Let me go, I screamed in my head. My voice was gone. My throat hurt, and I felt dizzy.

  Alberto threw the phone somewhere on the bed, and then he was on me. I felt him near my entrance, and I closed my eyes.

  My body filled with dread, and my throat was too tight. My chest ached with knowing what was coming. He brutally gripped my body as he aligned himself with me.

  “You’re mine,” he hissed into my face.

  I looked away from him, moving my face to the side. I thought of Alessio and our happy moments.

  I heard his voice in my head, and I smiled.

  I just want you to know that you are loved…you matter.

  You bring happiness to others. You bring light, Ayla. You have people who care about you.

  You are worth more than you think.

  You are a fighter, Ayla. So keep fighting. Don’t give up now.

  Ayla…do you know how strong you are? You are the strongest woman I have ever met. Your strength shines brighter than any others.

  Strong. Alessio thought I was strong. Even Nikolay and Maddie thought I was strong. But they were wrong. I wasn’t. I was weak.

  My eyes fell on the lamp, and for a brief moment, I heard Alessio yelling at me to fight.

  Alberto pushed inside of me, and my already broken soul cracked further. But still I heard Alessio telling me to fight. Pushing me to fight.

  I stared at the lamp as Alberto started moving inside of me. He was slower than usual, taking his time. I shuddered, my body itching with the need to hide and fade away.


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