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Tethered (A BirthRight Novel)

Page 23

by Hall, Brandi Leigh

  What the…!

  Right before our eyes, he contorts and thrashes all over the place. I’ve never seen anything like it.

  Then he stops.

  I look around the room at my family, mouths gaping open in shock just like mine.

  How in the hell did he just do that?

  I turn my head back to Hunter, but the overwhelming sight makes me dizzy—like I’m going to faint.

  I’m looking at myself, standing not more than ten feet in front of me. What the hell was that?

  “That was so clutch! I can’t believe you’re a Shape-shifter!” Ash squeals with excitement.

  “I knew there was a reason I liked you. That is truly awesome, dude.” Aidan shrieks.

  But I’m numb.

  I see myself, but I know it’s Hunter. I never imagined Shape-shifters truly existed. How is this even possible?

  “So what else can you turn into?” Dru asks, like a little boy seeing his favorite super hero.

  “Yeah, what about animals? Can you turn into a rabbit or a wolf?” Dhelia bubbles over with anticipation.

  Before Hunter speaks, he returns to his normal shape. “I can pretty much turn into anything. As long as I can visualize it, I can turn into it.”

  “Well, Mr. Payne, it would seem we aren’t the only ones with a secret to keep. I would assume the FBI doesn’t know about that special gift?” Gram asks, her mocking tone makes us chuckle.

  Hunter laughs. “Um, no. You would be right. I don’t think they would see it quite the same way you do. Even though it’s been more than useful in my undercover work, I wouldn’t want to freak them out. Actually, the only other people who know about it are my family. That’s it. I’ve never shared it with anyone. Ever!”

  Oh, that’s such a load of bull. “Then why are you now?” I ask, with just a hint of disdain in my voice.

  “Because it’s only fair, Chloe. Plus, I want you and your family to trust me. By sharing my secret, we’re all on a level playing field.”

  “We appreciate your honesty, Hunter. I’m sure I speak for most of the family when I’s wonderful. Now it makes so much sense why we were so drawn to you from the second we met you. We’re kindred spirits.” Gram smiles, adoration consuming her feminine features.

  Hunter puts his hands in his pockets. “To tell you the truth, I don’t usually come across people like us. Sure, I’ve seen people who have stolen or borrowed power, but not those who were born with it like we were. It’s truly special.”

  “Well, now you know why you can’t figure out what my gift is. I don’t have an active or passive power, per se. My natural gift is with mother earth. I’ve always known the exact ingredients to use for spells and potions. Some Witches need years of research on herbs and the elements to understand what they can do. I was born with the knowledge and have successfully used it over the years.” Gram stands before him, proud of who she is. “I can also sort of ‘read’ and ‘sway’ people, but it’s more influence than ability.”

  “So that just leaves us with Ash and Aidan. I get the feeling there’s something truly unique about them, but I can’t put my finger on it. When I’m around Ash, I think about Magicians for some reason. With Aidan, I get these images in my head of him being in a thousand different places—different moments in time. Does that mean anything?”

  Gram lifts her hands to her cheeks. “Yes, it does, actually. You see a Magician with Ash because he’s a Conjurer. Only, he doesn’t need any sort of gimmick to make things appear. And Aidan is a Teleporter, which explains why you see him in so many places. As far as the different moments in time, perhaps time-travel is part of it. It would make sense. We’ve recently learned a lot of new information about our gifts. So, we have a lot of experimenting to do.” Gram rubs her hands together, most likely contemplating the vast possibilities before us.

  “Really, Gram? Do you really think I might be able to time-travel?” I’ve never seen Aidan so anxious.

  “Hunter hasn’t been wrong about anything so far, so I’d say it’s worth looking into, dear.” Gram winks his way.

  “Aren’t you kids forgetting one very important gift we just found out about? From the night that nosey son-of-a-bitch across the street spied through the windows?” Pap speaks up for the first time since Hunter arrived.

  Gram squeezes Pap’s arm as she remembers. “Oh, that’s right. Okay, everyone sit back down so I can tell Hunter what really happened that night.”

  We obey.

  But before she begins, she jumps off her chair and opens the fridge. “Does anyone need a drink?”

  “Sure, I’d love some lemonade if you have it.” Hunter says.

  “Yeah, me too, Gram.” I swallow, brutally aware of my cotton mouth.

  Anyone else?” She sits the pitcher on the table. “Okay. I won’t bore you with all the details. But the night we brought Samuel back from the hospital, I decided I wanted to try a spell or two, on the off chance there might be something we could do to bring him out of his coma.

  “The first spell didn’t do anything, so I remembered something I’d heard a long time ago about our ancestors. Apparently, most of our Wiccan descendants are buried on this land...and it turns out their unused powers have just been sitting around waiting for us to call upon them.”

  Hunter’s eyes widen in surprise.

  “Oh just wait, dear. It gets much better.” She giggles. “When we performed the spell, it opened up a Power Well that somehow made our family ascend and become one with our power, and with all the power of our ancestors. What made the whole thing so amazing was that the ghosts of our ancestors also appeared before us, like some sort of ‘changing of the guard’. It just so happens, that was the moment Mr. Russo chose to sneak behind the house. The poor man must have been scared out of his wits. I know we were until we knew what was going on.

  “One of the ghosts came forth to speak. It was Chloe, Dru, and Dhelia’s mother, Moira. She told us so many things, but the one thing that’s the most important in this whole story, is when Chloe’s twin sister Cassie died at birth, her power automatically transferred to Chloe. But none of us knew anything about it. Can you guess what her power is, dear?” Gram beams, unable to hide her pride.

  “I don’t have any idea.” Hunter shrugs.

  “Let’s just say this...when the family ascended and received this extra charge of power, Chloe was holding on to Samuel. Can you guess what it is now?” She’s trying so hard to get him to figure it out. It’s like watching someone tell a joke for the first time, praying the captive audience gets the punch line.

  Hunter looks around the room as he thinks. His attention keeps going back to Pap. Then it hits him. He looks at me in dubious awe. “You’re a Healer, aren’t you? It wasn’t a was you who saved your pap?” His eyes widen.

  I really hate when someone puts me on the spot.

  I shift in my seat. “So they keep telling me. It’s still hard for me to believe, but my mom told us I got Cassie’s gift, and Morgan got hers. Some magical ‘twin thing’ in our bloodline.”

  “And what a way to find out. This is so incredible. You must be so thrilled to have a Healer in the family.” Hunter shakes his head, unable to take his eyes of Pap.

  “Well, I was never really meant to die right now. The entire time I was in a coma, Moira was with me. She told me what was going on. My getting sick was necessary for Morgan and Chloe to return home. But then they needed to think I was almost dead so they could do what they did to find out about their powers. It was all part of some greater plan devised by a higher power.” Pap’s shoulders go back, holding his head high. He’s so proud of the family who were desperate to save his life.

  “That brings me to the other thing Moira mentioned. The ‘prophecy’.” Her eyes fill with a searching look. She turns to Hunter. “Oh my god...‘The man of many shapes’. You are a part of the prophecy, too!”

  She gets up from her chair and leans over, wrapping her arms around him. “I can’t believe it
didn’t hit me immediately when you showed us your gift. There’s an ancient scroll called ‘The Gemini Prophecy’. The entire family is in it, and now I believe you are, too, dear. The line that mentions you says, ‘The man of many shapes shall form, a union between Believers’. This is so extraordinary.” Grams eyes overflow as she solves another piece of the riddle.

  “Well, it certainly does make sense that it would be me. How many ‘men of many shapes’ do you know?” He chuckles.

  You’re kidding me! He’s part of the Prophecy? As if it wasn’t overwhelming enough on its own.

  So you mean to tell me, we were meant to find each other?

  It was all part of the master plan?

  I turn to Hunter. “It would appear as though you’re destined to be in my life. I guess that means I’m stuck with you.”

  His face lights up—then turns to my family. “Okay, so who plans to show me this so called ‘prophecy’? I’d like to see what sort of trouble your ancestors have gotten me into.”

  Chapter 19

  The Vision

  After learning about Hunter’s secrets, I suppose I’m a hypocrite for still being upset; for wondering if I’ll ever be able to trust him. No matter how you look at it, I was just as dishonest with him. So why do I still feel this way? I’m not upset like I was last night. The heartbroken feeling has dissipated, yet I can’t ignore the lingering sadness.

  Aunt Morgan and I left the house a little while ago, so I told Hunter we’d talk later. Right now, we’re on a mission to warn Michael.

  The decision had been made—though not a unanimous one—to tell him about my vision. He needs to know what his father’s planning. Before someone gets hurt.

  I’m sure he was more than surprised when Aunt Morgan called him—but he never wavered. She said he sounded relieved to hear from her.

  I thought we might form a game plan on the drive over, but Aunt Morgan hasn’t spoken a word since we left. I can only imagine what’s going through her mind right now. By her white knuckles gripping the steering wheel, I’d say it’s good old-fashioned jitters.

  We pull up to Michael’s designated meeting place. Starbucks, of course. Seems to be the Russo hot-spot.

  Her hands shake, turning the car into the parking lot.

  “Are you okay?” I’m not used to seeing her so unnerved.

  She exhales, staring straight ahead in a trance-like state. “I just don’t know how to face him now that I know the truth. It was easier when I thought I hated him. But now...everything’s changed.”

  Just as I open my mouth to speak, Michael taps on the driver’s side window, startling us. I follow her lead out of the car to greet him.

  “Hello, Michael. You look well.” She sounds genuine enough.

  “Hello, Morgan. You look well yourself.” He pauses, turning to me. “Hi Chloe. How are you?”

  “I’m good, thanks. How about you?”

  “Well...maybe you should ask me after we’re done talking.” He smiles, gesturing for us to walk ahead of him.

  After ordering two Mocha Lattes and a Grande black coffee, we take a seat near the back where there’s more privacy.

  Only seconds after sitting down, Michael says, “Okay, Mo. Let me have it.”

  She shakes her head, swallowing her first sip of blistering coffee. “No, Michael. That’s not why I asked you to meet us. There’s something we need to warn you about.”

  Her concerned tone jolts him into an elbows-on-the-table position.

  “What is it? Oh god, I hope it’s not your dad? Or the boys...are the boys okay?” The terror in his voice matches his dilating pupils.

  “Dad and the boys are’s nothing like that. It’s, ah...well, it’s about your dad, actually.”

  “Oh. What did he do now? Or should I even ask?” He hangs his head.

  It’s clear how humiliated he is over his father. But who wouldn’t be? The man’s an embarrassment.

  “I’m not really sure how to tell you this.” She leans back in her chair, rubbing her forehead.

  Michael lifts his gaze to hers. “It’s okay, Morgan. Really. After everything I’ve heard, nothing would surprise me. Just give it to me straight.”

  Aunt Morgan squints, exposing a hint of crow’s feet. “Do you want the long or short version?”

  “Definitely the short.”

  She glances my way, then back to Michael. “Okay. Let’s just say...your dad came by our house last week and saw some ‘things’ he shouldn’t have. Magical things. He went to the FBI, Michael. He’s had an agent investigating us for weeks, and he told them we’re performing human sacrifices for crying out loud. When the FBI told him they’re planning to close the case, your father got pissed, and threatened to take matters into his own hands. The main reason I’m telling you this, is because of what he plans to do sometime in the near future.”

  “What do you mean? What’s he planning?” Michael asks, his voice quivering.

  “I’m not sure what it is, but he’s with Father Gabriel when it happens. But whatever it is, they cause an enormous fire that kills them both.”

  “What?” His hands fly up to press against his temples. “Wait a minute. How do you know all of this?” Michael stares into her pale eyes, waiting for an answer.

  Aunt Morgan turns to me, then back to Michael. “Because Chloe’s a Seer, Michael...and she saw everything last night. Well, not everything. She didn’t see where or when the fire takes place...or if anyone is there besides your dad and Father Gabriel when it happens.”

  “A Seer?” He turns to me with wide eyes. “Wow, that’s wild, Chloe. I had no idea.”

  Aunt Morgan snaps her fingers. “Michael, focus on the bigger picture. Do you think there’s any way you can get through to your father? Before things get out of control?”

  He takes a huge gulp off coffee. “I honestly have no clue. You know how he is, Morgan. And I haven’t spoken to him since the night I found out about the letters. But I could probably guess what he’s up to...what he’s always threatened to do if your family ever hurt anyone.”

  Oh, this can’t be good. My stomach spasms.

  “Hurt anyone? Michael, we would never hurt anyone, and you know that. He’s so clueless about who we are and what we believe.” She grips her coffee so tightly the plastic lid pops off.

  “I know that, Morgan...but he’s a stubborn old man. And in his eyes, if you aren’t Catholic, you’re a Satan worshiper. Bottom line. There’s just no in between.” His voice gets louder, so he looks around to see if anyone’s listening.

  “So, what has he always threatened to do?” I jump in. My curiosity getting the best of me.

  Michael hesitates.

  Unease creeps up my spine.

  “Well. He always said he’d get Uncle Gabriel to perform the most powerful exorcism there is.” Embarrassment spreads across his face from his father’s ignorance.

  “An exorcism? You have got to be kidding me.” Aunt Morgan bursts into hysterical laughter.

  “I’m glad you find it so amusing.” He pauses, but then laughs himself.

  “He truly thinks we’re possessed?” She shakes her head.

  “He does. And he always has.”

  “I hope I get the chance to one day educate him,” Aunt Morgan adds with dry sarcasm.

  “I suppose I’ll need to suck it up and talk to him.” He exhales with a huff. “I had no intention of ever speaking to him again. But I also can’t let him hurt anyone. I’d never be able to live with myself if that happened.”

  “Then you’ll talk to him tonight?” I ask.

  “Of course. I’ll go there as soon as we leave. Just promise me someone will let me know if you see anything else, okay?” He looks back and forth between Aunt Morgan and me.

  “We promise. I just wish I knew how to trigger a vision. I’m really out of practice. And I never learned that part.”

  I’m such an idiot for abandoning my gift.

  Wow. Did I actually just say that?

�My dad seriously has the FBI investigating you? Do you know for how long?” Michael rubs his eight-o’clock shadow, surprise moving back across his face.

  “Oh, yes. He called in a favor with his buddy, the governor, and he pulled some strings. It started when he heard how sick my father was. He just assumed I’d have to come home, so he went to them right away. But not to worry all worked out okay in the end.”

  “Well I’m glad. But speaking of your dad, how’s he doing? Has he come out of the coma yet?”

  “Oh. I guess you really haven’t talked to your parents then. Let’s just say...he’s made a full recovery and is already back home now.” Aunt Morgan smiles, conveying the family’s wonderful news.

  “Wait a minute. I thought he had a brain tumor and needed chemo or radiation when he woke up?” Michael seems more confused than ever, mouth gaping open.

  “True. He did.” She checks to make sure no one can hear her. “But it just so happens our Chloe here, isn’t just a Seer...she’s also a Healer. The night we brought Dad home from the hospital to perform a healing ritual, is actually what your father witnessed. Only, he must have gone back home before he saw how it ended. To be honest, we didn’t even know Chloe could do this until that night. It’s all so bizarre, but I can fill you in on all the details another time.”

  “A Healer? Like the kind you see in movies?”

  “Well, for the most part, yes.” Their eyes lock for a few seconds. Aunt Morgan darts a glance at me, breaking the connection with Michael.

  “I don’t even know what to say. I’m so glad your father’s okay, Mo. You guys are something else...and I don’t mean that in a bad way.” He throws back another gulp of coffee.

  “I guess there’s really not much you can say. We’re blessed.” She glances back at me. “Are you about ready? We should let Michael go talk to his dad, while we go home and start practicing.”

  “Sure. Sounds good.” I’m sort of looking forward to it.


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