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Burn My Soul Part 1

Page 7

by Holly Newhouse

", it can't be as bad as all that, can it?" I hear a deep sexy bedroom voice whisper huskily in my ear. The side of my face is gently pulled into his warm very masculine naked chest.

  "I spent all week believing you were just a figment of my imagination. I've been praying to God to see you again, just one more time." I whisper, and the dam breaks.

  "Why....didn' come....?" I sob into his chest. "You was going.... insane!" I gasp out in between sobs, weakly beating my fights against his chest.

  He gently grabs my small wrists in his large calloused hands, pulls them up, and places them around his neck. He wraps his arms around my lower back and pulls my body flush with his and sighs deeply.

  "Please forgive me Jinny. I thought you needed time to adjust to the idea of me. I was always close to you, even when you couldn't see me." He whispers, trying to comfort me as his hands caress my back and his lips brush whisper soft kisses on my forehead and on the top of my head.

  "I don't understand what this is between us. But, please, please Senefru....don't leave me again. I just....I can't handle it again." I beg him as a fresh round of tears fall from my eyes, soaking his beautiful chest. I'm finally in the arms of the man I've searched for and dreamed of all my life.

  "Shhh. I'm not going anywhere, I promise. Now, what really has you so upset?"

  I find myself rambling, telling him everything. I tell him how Madi treated Abdiel, how my dreams of him have turned frightening. The dreams of my own death in a place I've never been before and how they terrify me. I tell him how shadow lovingly wakes me up. Finally, I tell him about the voice still reverberating in my head and how it trapped me when I looked at the flames straight from Hell.

  I feel my body begin to shake fiercely as the fear rises within me again. When I'm done telling him everything, I'm exhausted and I just want to go home.

  "Sweetheart. you look absolutely worn out, do you want me to take you home?"

  "I want you to come home with me.... please. Although, I do have this very handsome visitor who sleeps with me at night. You might have a fight on your hands over that side of the bed." I tell him and laugh.

  He just smiles one of those secretive smiles that makes me wonder what he's thinking.

  "I'll win that battle, don't worry." He smirks, clearly he knows something I don't.

  "Just let me tell Damien I'm leaving and we can go." At my look of fear when my eyes drift in the direction of that horrid wall, he asks, "Do you want to come with me?"

  "Um....That's ok, people will see how splotchy and awful I look...."

  "Say no more darling" He lifts me into his arms and cuddles me against his chest tightly as I hide my face in his neck.

  Before we get to his scary friend, I hear Madi's annoying voice again. I sigh heavily into Senefru's neck.

  "What the hell are you doing with my sister?" She demands and to which Senefru growls angrily, "It's none of your damn business woman! You've hurt my mate for the last time! I don't give a shit who you think you are...."

  "What's going on here?" I hear Damien's chilling voice ask.

  Oh God, it's the intruder, Damien, the one Madi asked about that day! My heart races like thunder in my chest, my body becomes clammy and cold despite the warmth of the body holding me. I try to crawl into Senefru's skin.

  He senses my panic and fear and tightens his arms around me while pulling the bottom of my dress tightly down and holds it there, keeping my rear end covered.

  "Don't you dare frighten my mate Damien! Your bitch in heat has done enough damage for the night already. You need to deal with her before I do!" Senefru growls fiercely at him.

  "I'm taking her home, tell Demonicus to meet me at the front door, right now!"

  Father, I can hear you. I'm upstairs working. It's alright, take your lady home. I feel awful that she's had such a bad experience here. She looks just like mother! Demonicus sends the message to Senefru telepathically.

  Very well. Thank you son. Please come over tomorrow morning. I would like her to meet you, to see if you trigger her memories, as she's already in great danger from Satan. But, I'll explain that in the morning.

  I'll be there father. Send me her address in the morning. Have a good night.

  I don't understand the exchanges going on around me. I'm too exhausted to care either as I snuggle into his warm embrace. I'm just content to be held by someone who genuinely cares about me for once. It's a feeling I've not had since my parents died.

  The next thing I know, I feel lighter and free once we're outside. Senefru insists on carrying me all the way to his car, a sleek red BMW.

  "There is something I must mention Jinny. When we're around others of my kind, I need you to please call me Franklin. No one knows me by my human name of Senefru and I'd like to keep it that way for simplicity sake."

  "I understand, I'm so sorry, Sen....I mean, Franklin. I feel like I've known you for years, in my dreams. I've only known you as Senefru in them, I'm sorry."

  "Really? For years? How long exactly?" He asks softly gently setting me down in the leather clad passenger seat of his car. I hadn't even noticed Xavier or the crowd still waiting to get in and suddenly feel awful.

  ", I first started dreaming about you at ancient places I've never been to when I turned fifteen. Before she died, my mom sat me down and explained my abilities would develop around that age. She further said my soul would begin to dream about and seek out it's destined mate. It's one of the last things she ever said to me. Although, at eight years old, I never really understood her words so she left them in a letter to me."

  "She' longer alive?" He asks so quietly, I have to strain to hear him as we drive away.

  "No. I lost both my parents the same night in a car accident. Later it was determined someone attached a bomb to the gas tank. Their bodies when I saw them, were burned beyond recognition." I softly explain just above a whisper.

  The images of that time in my life come to mind unwanted and unbidden once again and the tears fall in a torrent. It has been so long but, in my heart and mind, they died only yesterday, the pain still as real as it was back then.

  "I'm so sorry," I sob. "I'm not usually so emotional. I feel awful, I didn't even say goodbye to Xavier and thank him for being so kind to me when I got here or to Abdiel and the other kind demons in the club. I'm such an awful person." I sob even harder.

  "Sweetheart, Xavier knew you were distraught and wished only for you to feel better. You made quite the impression with him and with much of my staff. They all adore you and are grateful for your kindness to them. Many of them have never had an ounce of kindness directed at them in many centuries.

  "Is it because they are real demons who just look like humans to those who don't know any better?"

  "Ah, so that's what scared you so badly when you first arrived. You somehow see beneath the glamour they wear. I heard about it. That's....very rare."

  "It's apparently one of the gifts my mama told me about. She said I would only develop one or two but I have at least five that I know of and it terrifies me." My eyes focus on my shoes. I'm afraid he'll think me some kind of freak as so many before have when faced with my strangeness.

  As if he can read my mind, he says, "Sweetheart, I'm your mate and you're mine. I know this for a fact. I will never judge you. I only want to heal the pain I can feel deep down inside of you where you try to hide it. I feel it as my own and it kills me."

  He reaches out for my hand and interlocks his fingers with mine as we drive through the moonlit night.

  Chapter 6

  IF SATAN KNOWS she's been reborn, then he'll stop at nothing to take her away from me again, damage her again! Hellfire and Damnation! I need to make Damien understand just how serious this really is! It's going to get very bad for all of us!

  I have to see how much Jinny remembers of our past lives together. Dammit! I wanted to give her all the time in the world to discover them on her own. But, she may already know quite a bit i
f she's been dreaming about us for six years now.

  "Senefru, I mean Franklin, sorry. I just can't get that chilling voice out of my head, it's still reverberating in there and it terrifies me to my core."

  "Do you feel comfortable telling me one more time exactly what this voice said to you?"

  "I know it's male. I know it from somewhere, it's confusingly familiar. It said, So, you've been reborn once again, my beautiful vixen. I will see you day soon. We are far from finished yet, I have so many wicked plans for you. You will not escape me this time beautiful! I can't wait to feel your sexy little body under mine, once again." I repeat, hearing the cold flatness in my own voice and not recognizing it as mine.

  Sen...urgh! I mean Franklin, remains silent as we pull up to my house. How? I never gave him directions to my home.

  "How did you...."

  "That's my secret. One, I'm sure you'll find out soon enough." He smiles that secretive smile again as he gets out of the car, comes around and lifts me into his arms again. Only this time, I wrap my legs around his hips and my arms around his neck, letting out a soft moan in the process, unable to hold it back.

  "That sexy moan of yours woman, it drives me insane and turns me harder than concrete." He growls in my ear as his hot breath caresses it, driving me insane in the process. He slowly lowers my hips to brush me against his large straining erection under his blue jeans.

  Unable to hold himself back any longer, Franklin captures Jinny's gaze within his as he lowers his face to hers. He watches her beautiful rare lavender eyes drift shut just before he brushes her lips with his. He keeps his eyes open wanting to see the passion written all over her face.

  Only then, allowing his own eyes to drift shut as he presses his lips against her own soft and delicious ones. His heart soars when she willingly opens her mouth this time and gives him entrance to the heaven within.

  "Enter the code. Please sweetheart." Franklin huskily whispers in her ear again just before he licks it. I moan and offer him my throat passionately.

  Nothing happens and his words sink into my passion filled haze.

  "Oh.... Yes, of course." I'm shocked to hear the higher breathy pitch coming out of my mouth.

  Franklin chuckles and holds me patiently as I punch in the code to deactivate my house alarm in record time.

  "What a beautiful home. It resonates with warmth and love."

  "Thank you. I.... um.... before we go any further Senefru, you need to know that I'm still a virgin so this is all new to me." My heats up once again as I think I've set a record for blushes in a single day.

  "I think your being a virgin at your age is a beautiful thing, love. I feel deeply honored that you saved yourself for me."

  His beautiful bluish grey eyes turn a deep crimson red. I gasp not from fear but from wonder.

  "Hellfire, I can't believe I'm saying this but, you need to know more about me and my world before we do this."

  "No! We can talk in the morning. Tonight....I need you, need your large straining erection free of your jeans and sinking deep inside me. Please don't deny me....not now...."

  "Damn if I can say no to that. Where is the bedroom?" I watch his breathing speed up as his eyes fill with red and it's so sexy.

  "I'm going to make you scream my name in ecstacy and make your body soar to the heavens with me..." His voice drops to a gravelly smoky octave as he fights the takeover of his inner demon that only wants to claim it's mate.

  Just when I thought he couldn't make the out of control inferno inside burn any higher....

  "Upstairs, now." I manage to get out in between shallow breaths. Senefru, known to all else as Franklin, just nods once and walks with determination, still carrying me, up the stairs to my bedroom, following my silent hand gestures.

  At the door to my bedroom he pauses, his smiling face turns into one full of shock.

  "How did you.... where did all this come from Jinny? The detail is amazing." He whispers in awe, slowly sliding me down the front of his body. I pout knowing sex is off the menu until I give him some answers.

  I sigh deeply as the throbbing and aching between my legs intensifies with him right here in my bedroom, where I've always dreamed of having him. It's just my luck that all he wants at the moment, is to talk about my decor for pete's sake!

  "The symbols came to me in dreams. The decor is all from Cairo, Egypt. I designed the bed and in tables myself from dreams and had them hand crafted in Cairo and shipped here. As far as I can tell from former classes at the local college, the symbols are from the Order of Ra-Amun and his family that I dream of." I say kindly, hoping that's the end of it and he won't leave me all revved up any longer.

  "'s the last thing you should remember. Those symbols are from your human life." He whispers, falling back into my black wing back sitting chair. The look of pure shock and disbelief on his face completely kills the mood, even as it scares me.

  "What is the large tattoo on your back, I saw it briefly tonight."

  "It's the same symbols." I say and turn around as I move my hair over my shoulder and hear him gasp.

  "Jinny, I..."

  "Franklin....Shhh....leave the past for tomorrow. Please just be with me in the and now." I whisper, then feel a soul deep chill as I feel a memory coming on...

  I suddenly see Franklin in my mind. He's sitting and leaning against something stone. He's broken, so broken , not able to ever be fixed again. The dream ends as quickly as it started. I don't realize Senefru, er, Franklin is shaking my shoulders, his face full of fear from whatever he sees in mine.

  "Huh? What's wrong hon? You can stop shaking me now." I manage to get out as the shaking slowly ceases and then stops. His face is as red yet his eyes are full of fear.

  "You went into a trance and I couldn't reach you no matter what I did. You just scared ten years off my life, woman!" His voice is pitched higher than normal letting me know just how much I scared him.

  "I, it was just a memory, I think...." I whisper at the same time I realize tears are falling from my eyes.

  "Do you remember what it was? It must have been powerful and devastating both, to have you crying like this."

  "It was horrible. It was, um, it was of you but, I wasn't in it this time. It felt....different."

  "Please tell me..." He sits down again, placing his face in his hands and sighs deeply.

  "I'd rather not."

  "Please Jenny, Just....tell me." He imagines the worst, and he's not far off.

  "The dream was of you yet different looking. You had on what looked like a white robe thingy. It was covered in so much blood along with your face and arms. You were sitting on a stone floor of sorts and leaning against a stone box of some kind and you were....well, broken." I say with a tremor in my voice. I'm unaware that while I was speaking, the memory played like a movie in my head and he was watching it.

  "There's no way you could have seen that. I just don't understand. How could you?" He whispers to himself, so I don't feel the need to answer. I know I have to take his mind out of whatever dark place it has sunk into.

  I walk over and stand before him. Shyly, I bend over and grab the hem of my dress. Ever so slowly and as seductively as I can manage, I slide it upward over my body, showing each new piece of my body as if it's a gift for him and him alone.

  Senefru, as I know him, hating the name Franklin, slowly lifts his head from his hands. He sits back and his hands grip the arms of the chair so tightly they turn white.

  He gasps and I see his breathing speed up, his eyes once again turn into a dark crimson color. It turns me on and makes me feel sexy and desirable, helping me overcome my shyness.

  I continue to slide my dress upward over my hips, baring my thong panties, my stomach, my breasts, and finally slide it up off my head and throw it to the side.

  I stand there in only my sexy thong underwear, garter belt, pantyhose and high heels with my hands upon my hips.

  "Hellfire woman, you make me hard a
s hell. Come here...." He growls. I slowly walk toward him, my hips swaying sexily, and stop only when I'm standing between his legs.

  He leans forward, his hands on my hips. I watch as his mouth plays with my belly button piercing. The hot wet warmth of his mouth sucking my piercing in, pulling on it, while his tongue circles it, causes me to moan aloud huskily. The feelings mingle with the seductive sight.

  How can I not be turned on by a man as graceful and lethal as a panther with the powerful build of a body builder?

  As he rakes my body once again from head to toe, I whimper in need as he looks at me like a delicious dessert he wants to eat right now.

  I slowly back up. My heart pounds with anticipation and a slight bit of fear as I see the demon in him so close to the surface.

  He stalks toward me slowly but surely. He's determined to make me scream in ecstacy, to make me his, to claim me as his mate. It's incredibly arousing.

  ", what are you doing?" I pant, my large chest heaving before me, heavy and achy.

  The look on his face alone creates a flood of warmth between my legs. I watch as his nostrils flare as he inhales my scent.

  "I'm coming to devour you my sexy prey. I'm going to make you mine for all time. I'm going to ruin you for all other men. I'm going to make you cum again and again around my cock. I'm going to make you scream my name and mine alone. I'm going to set your body on fire. It's going to blister with passion, want, and need. That's what I'm doing sweetheart." He growls deeply at me.

  I gulp. I'm completely speechless. My nipples tighten even more as the apex of my thighs throbs out of control needing his touch so badly. I don't completely understand it.

  I'm so new at this, I don't know what to think, or feel at the moment and so, just give myself over to the blissful sensations I've only felt in dreams.

  I hit the bed with the back of my legs, falling backward hard upon the bed. Senefru chooses that moment to pounce, making the impossible leap from across the room to standing proudly on the top step, his legs nestled between mine. I'm now afraid I've opened a can of worms I can't control.


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