Page 14
He runs a hand over the beard he’s sporting, rubbing his mouth. “I don’t want there to be a timetable on what’s going on here. I do realize I have certain hours I owe, but after those hours are done, I still wanna see you and Sprite. I kinda like having you both around.”
“We like being around.”
“I don’t wanna scare you. I don’t want you to think I want promises you can’t make and time you can’t give, but I want you to know that for as long as you wanna be here, I want you here.”
I’m shocked, beyond shocked. It seems like this is happening so fast, but at the same time, I feel as if I’ve known him forever. I trust him with my daughter. I trust three total people with her, and he’s one of them, I realize. Why not let nature take its course? Why not, for once in my life, do what I want to?
“We wanna be here, too. I don’t know if you realize this or not, but she likes you a lot, and so do I.” No point in laying this all on Riley’s shoulders. I’m just as invested as she is.
“Then we let whatever this is between us play out? No time constraints, nobody forcing us into doing something we don’t want to do?”
“Sounds good to me,” the smile I give him is the most genuine I think I’ve ever given anyone in my life.
“Kiss her!” Riley encourages from where she sits.
“That okay with you, Sprite, if I do?” He asks, because he’s always respectful of her.
“Yeah,” she puts her hands over her eyes, and we giggle as he bends his head down, kissing me quickly on the lips.
I hadn’t meant to spring this on Hadley, hadn’t even planned on talking to her about any of it tonight, but it felt right. I’m beginning to trust my instincts when it comes to her. So far, they’ve not steered me wrong.
“She’s out,” Hadley whispers as she looks at Riley.
The cat and girl are curled up in the chair. “Don’t wake her up. You’re both welcome to stay here,” I whisper back. “The couch folds out. I’ll sleep out here, and you two can take my bed. It’s not a problem.”
I walk down the hallway, grabbing the extra set of sheets and the pillows I keep there. It’s not often people stay with me. Every once in a while, I have a buddy who comes through town on a bike and will crash with me if it rains, or it gets cold, or they need to have some work done. It’s probably been at least six months since anyone’s slept on it, and I know tomorrow my back is going to kill, but to have these ladies with me for a little longer is worth it all.
Hadley helps me fold the bed out, and we work quietly, doing our best not to wake Riley up.
“What if I told you this was a problem?” Hadley whispers as we finish making the bed, and I pick Riley up to take her back to my room.
“Do you not want to stay?” I thought we’d already decided that was a great idea, but maybe I read things wrong?
“No, I wanna stay,” she licks her lips. “But I wanna stay with you, not in there with her.”
I inhale deeply, trying to calm my already rising dick as I realize what she’s saying. The breath is loud in the stillness. “What do you want to do?” This has got to be completely her call. I won’t pressure her either way.
“Riley will be fine out here with Tux. I wanna be in your room with you.”
“There’s no other place I want you to be,” I whisper, putting Riley down onto the fold-out.
We work quickly, tucking Riley in and putting Tux in with her. “Keep her safe, you hear?” I point to the cat, and I think he understands what I’m saying, because he curls up next to her.
I check the doors, making sure everything’s locked down, and engage the security system linked to the shop before I turn to face Hadley.
“Last chance, you can stay out here with her and I won’t care either way.”
She grips me around the waist, burying her face in my neck, marking me with a strong kiss. “I wanna be with you.”
Then be with me she will.
“We can shut the door, but let’s not lock it, in case she needs something,” I nervously tell him as I run my hand through my hair.
“Hadley,” he tugs on my arms, pulling me over to the bed. He has a seat so he’s eye-level with me, and forces me to look at him. “I have no expectations for whatever this,” he motions between the two of us, “is.”
“I don’t either,” I have to be honest. “But God, when I left this morning, I admitted to myself, I wanted to know what it would have been like to be with you, and when I picked up food to make for dinner, I got condoms.”
My face is burning, I mean positively on fire as I tilt my head to where they are on the bedside table. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anything more than I do at this moment. I want him to take charge and make me stop being a fumbling idiot. “But if this isn’t what you want…” I let my voice trail off, giving him an out. “I can go sleep on the couch with Riley and we can head home in the morning.”
“Shit no,” his voice is strong as he grips my arms. “Fuck that. You just stood here and told me you bought condoms. The implication of what that means already has me hard.”
I smile because it makes me proud I can make him have that reaction. “We’re both on the same page then?”
“Honey, I’m wherever you want to be. You just tell me what you want, and I’ll make it happen.”
The heady sense of arousal he gives me is crazy. I shouldn’t be this turned on for him, not when he brought me to an amazing orgasm last night, but I am. It’s like he unlocked the gate I’d been hiding behind when it came to my sexual awakening since the divorce. All I’ve thought about the entire day is getting him alone so I can see his tattoos again. I take my hands and push against his pectoral muscles, shoving him back against the bed.
“So it’s gonna be like that?” he teases, landing on his elbows, as he falls gracefully.
“Maybe for a little while.”
I reach down, grasping the edge of my t-shirt between my fingers before lifting it over my head, and throwing it to the ground. Then I move my hands to the button of my jeans, unhooking it before I push them down my thighs, and kick them to the side. I’m more thankful than I care to admit that no matter if I’ve had a man in my life or not, I’m obsessed with matching bras and panties. Them being sexy is a pre-requisite.
“Do you like?” I ask, noticing the once-over he gives me. Maybe last night we were both too eager to appreciate what we had in front of us.
“Yeah,” he pulls his bottom lip between his teeth, before using his left hand to cup his hard-on. “You’re a beautiful woman, Hadley. I do have to say in my dream of us together, you didn’t have matching underwear. It’s a turn-on that you do tonight.”
“It’s my thing, I always wear them,” I blush, laughing a little. My eyes roam back to him. “You’re a fucking hot man, Trick,” I pay him back the compliment. Never in my life did I ever think I’d be standing almost naked in front of a man like him. It just wasn’t in the cards for me.
Stepping forward, I let my fingers linger on the button at his waist, before I drop my palm down, covering his with mine. His cock is hard under the denim. I did that, I realize. There’s no one else in the room, only the two of us. Looking at my body did this to him.
“Put me out of my misery,” he begs, his voice gravelly as he glances down where our hands are entwined.
I give him a squeeze before I release him and move my hand back up to his button, and unhook it, shoving my hands up his shirt. “Lift up,” and that’s when I realize how strong he is, he sits up, his body tightening, grasping me around the back of the neck, pulling me to him. I move my hands up his body, taking the soft material along with me. As soon as the shirt is off his chest, his mouth is on mine, his fingers digging into the flesh of my neck. I fight with the waistband of his jeans, trying to pull them off his hips. With difficulty he stands, which allows me to pull them down, to get them completely off his body, leaving him in only a pair of snug, gr
ay boxer briefs. They do nothing but outline the hard line of his cock, and I feel like I’ve been punched in the stomach as I look down at it in all its glory.
“He’s not gonna bite,” Trick has a smartass grin on his face.
Leaning in, I put my hands through his hair, tugging the ends and tilting his head back on his neck to expose the long column of strength to my mouth. One thing I hadn’t been able to do last night was explore his body the way I’d wanted. His hands grip my hips, but they don’t try to dissuade me from my goal. Using my knee, I balance myself on the bed, and tilt forward, letting my lips run against the pulse point on the side of his neck. I kiss, nibble, bite, and take everything I’ve wanted to take for so long. One of his hands slides up my stomach, and over the mound of my breast, cupping the weight in his palm, squeezing as I nip harder, sucking stronger. I want to mark him, I want other women, if they’re looking, to know this man is taken. He’s got two people who care about him, two people who want him in their lives. There’s nothing I would ruin this situation for, nothing I would want to do to ruin these moments he’s given me. These are moments I’d always assumed I’d never have.
Moving down his chest, I let my tongue paint a path to his nipple, sucking one in between my teeth and biting down.
“Shit, Hadley,” his palm moves over the lace and sneaks in past the fabric, his bare skin against mine. Fucking finally.
My nipple peaks as he rubs his calloused palm over it, the rough texture a contrast to the silky smoothness of my skin. His other hand hooks around my thigh, pulling me so that I’m straddling his waist. Our bodies are touching, every single inch of them, as I feel his cock jump against the heat of my core. My panties go wet. God, he’s so strong, smells so good, great with my daughter, and apparently knows the ins and outs of my body after one night, that I want to weep. My patience in waiting for a man must be counting for something.
When our mouths meet again, tongues tangling, he grips my thighs and flips us over so he’s on top of me. The heavy weight of him is as much of a turn on as the skill of his tongue and the soft feel of his lips against my flesh. With one hand, he takes both my wrists and pushes them above my head, causing my tits to thrust out. They’re swollen, still covered by the lace, and holy shit do I need him to get me naked before I combust.
“I let you go as long as I could,” he speaks as he trails his own kisses down my throat, and my chest. “But I need to be in you, I need to get this time out of the way.” His voice is deep, breathy, and dark as he moves down my body, placing a kiss on the flesh pouring out of my bra.
Using his free hand, he pulls the cup down, exposing me to the coolness of the room. Underneath the heat of his gaze, my nipple tightens, and I feel an answering tightening where his cock is nestled in between my legs. I push up, needing the contact. I’m dying for the pressure of him pressing into me, of my body contracting around his length, feeling him throb inside of me as he comes.
“Please, Trick,” I pant, straining against his hand, trying to press my body closer to his. “Don’t make me wait. I need this time as much as you do.”
He growls and attacks my nipple with his mouth, his tongue, his teeth. The hand he used to pull the fabric of my bra down with is now moving along my side, past my hip and his fingers are catching the silky material of my panties. He bites down on my sensitive flesh and I shiver, pushing deeper into his mouth, moaning when he uses his tongue to soothe the heat.
“Fuck, Trick,” I grasp his hand with my fingers, pressing against him, needing to feel that connection as I thrust towards his heat. “This feels so good,” I tilt my head back, arching my shoulders and giving him every inch of my skin, letting him mark me, letting him own me.
Suddenly he lets go of my hands, stands up, and drags my panties the rest of the way down my legs. “Take that fucking bra off, I want you completely naked,” he commands, stalking over to the bag I sat in his bedroom earlier. As he fishes through it, he pushes his own boxer briefs off his hips, and I’m rewarded with how much I’ve turned him on. He’s bigger than my ex-husband. Funny how I didn’t notice how much last night. This could be uncomfortable, but I’m willing to give it everything I’ve got.
I struggle to take the bra off, and I’m ready to rip the fucker when the hook gives in and let’s go. Throwing it on the ground, I give him my full attention again. He’s walking towards me, his hand on his cock, lazily stroking it up and down. The condom package in his hand is like a beacon of light. I can’t look away from what he’s doing, the promise of what’s going to happen to me.
Trick comes to a stop in front of me, ripping the wrapper with his teeth. “Are you sure about this? Once I get this fucking rubber on, it’s over, I won’t be able to stop,” he warns.
“I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life.”
That could be the lust talking, but I don’t care. Right now, I want this more than I’ve ever wanted anything. I watch through slitted eyes as he rolls the rubber on and then comes down onto the bed, catching himself on his arms.
Going to his elbow, he dips his head, taking my nipple back into his mouth, as he moves his free hand down to my pussy. “Holy shit,” I moan when I feel two fingers make their way inside my heat. “Feels so good,” I push my hips against the invasion, taking him inside, grasping his hair in my fingers and yanking him closer to my tits as he begins working my clit.
Goddamn, Hadley’s hot and wet, and so fucking ready for me, I think I could get her off by just letting her thrust against my fingers. Letting her though, would be so empty. Removing my fingers, I use the wetness to coat my cock, before bracing myself against the mattress and taking her in one thrust.
“Trick,” she moans loudly, grabbing on to my shoulders, her nails biting into the straining muscles.
“Son of a bitch, Hadley.”
She’s everything I expected her to be. Tight. Warm. Fucking Heaven. Her hands move down my back, fingernails denting my ass as she wraps her legs around my waist, holding on tight. I’ve got to move, I’ve got to feel the way she releases me and pulls me back in. Gritting my teeth, I make the withdrawal, closing my eyes and dropping my head to her collarbone, panting against the heated flesh.
“Feels so good, Trick,” she pants along with me, thrusting up against me as I push back in.
Words aren’t needed as we start the push and pull, the thrust and withdrawal. Sweat pours down my neck, coating my chest as I work against her. I put one foot on the floor, hooking my arms around her thighs to bring her closer to me. With one foot on solid ground, I can thrust deeper, grind harder against her. “There it is,” I release her thighs, bringing my hands up around her face, grasping the comforter between my fingers. It gives me a little more leverage and lets me get the deepest I’ve been.
“So deep,” she moans in my ear, turning her face in my neck, nipping at my earlobe. “It’s like you’re hitting the deepest part of me,” she admits, laying her head back against the covers.
Her hair is damp, sticking to her neck, and her eyes are closed, her mouth is open as she pants, and her cheeks are flushed with passion. I put that look there, I worked that sweat out of her body, and I made her not care about the hair plastered against her skin. It makes me pick up my pace, grinding against her as I bottom out and then pull back. My hands grip the comforter so tight my knuckles go white, and I’m using my grip to almost do a pull up into her body. I’m close, too close to stop now.
“Touch yourself,” I grit out between clenched teeth. “I wanna feel you coming around my cock, as I let go.”
She’s obedient and does exactly what I’ve asked her to do. As I feel her body tightening against mine, I let go of the firm grip I’ve had on my pleasure, taking control of her mouth as we both moan loudly. Neither one of us need to wake up the little girl sleeping in the other room. A part of my soul leaves my body and enters hers as I empty myself into her. Never in my life has the sexual release I’ve gotten through the coming together of two
bodies felt like this. It’s damn scary, but at the same time I can’t wait to do it again.
In the aftermath, my hips are still pressing slightly into hers, enjoying the aftershocks racking her body against mine. Our breathing is returning to normal, and I’m fighting against sleep. More than anything, we both need a fucking shower.
“Trick,” she whispers.
“Don’t,” I kiss her quickly. “Let’s enjoy what went on here tonight. Let’s not look too deeply into it, and let’s not put a label on anything. It’s whatever we want it to be.”
Her eyes show a flash of relief as I grab her by the wrists and pull her off the bed. I’m ready for two things. A shower and sleep, and more than anything, I’m ready to wake up in the morning with someone next to me.
Inhaling deeply on the cigarette clenched between my lips, I sigh as I let the nicotine wash over me. I’m doing my best not to be high strung, to have this conversation as level-headed as possible, but there’s no denying I’m pissed. Squinting against the bright sun, I keep my gaze trained on the exit of the neighborhood gym. A part of me had wanted to go inside and confront him, but I’m old enough to know he may have friends inside that I don’t want to tangle with.
Leaning against the brick, my feet crossed, I keep watch. Thirty minutes after I take up my stake out, I see G walking outside, head bent down as he texts something on his cell phone. Walking across the street, I’m beside him before he notices me. Putting my arm around his shoulders, I lean in. “You and I are gonna have a little talk. The diner up there okay with you?” I point my phone to an all-night diner a half a block up.
He cuts his eyes at me, I can tell he’s trying to figure out what my play is here. “Your choice, but we’re having a talk today. Right now.”