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Carnage #2: The Story of Me (Story of Us #2)

Page 33

by Lesley Jones

  “Ya know, there’s not many of my clients that I actually like on a personal level,” Vera says, “but you two, and Sean, are three of the nicest people I’ve ever dealt with professionally and I, I’m so glad, after everything the two of you have been through…” She fans her face as her eyes start to fill up again. “Jesus, it takes a lot to make this ol’ bird cry, let me tell ya.” She lets out a long breath. “Anyway, look, I’m not trying to be nosy or anything, but if you two are together and are planning on making a go of things, then I wish you all the love and every success.” I look up at Cam and smile.

  “We’re together. Cam’s helping to rebuild my heart, to rebuild me.” I shrug.

  Vera shakes her head. “Jesus, Georgia, you’re gonna have me in bloody tears again.” She pauses and looks at us both again. “Well, if anyone can rebuild that heart of yours, I’ve every faith that Cameron here is the man for the job. Now, let’s show you this house, which, I’ve got to say, I think you’re gonna love.”

  And we do. The house has a beautiful hallway with a galleried landing, a feature I have always loved about my parents’ home and as soon as we step inside and I see the same feature in this property, my heart begins to race. The house consists of seven bedrooms, all with full en suites, along with a further two bathrooms. It has all of the usual living, dining and kitchen areas, plus there’s also a games room, cinema and a library. Outside there’s a large pool and a built in Jacuzzi. There’s a pool house with a kitchen and bbq area, as well as a toilet and shower. In the grounds are stables for six horses, a fully stocked lake and a tennis court.

  Buying the home would probably mean taking on a groundsman, and if I bought horses, I would need help looking after the stables but neither of those things would be a problem.

  Cam and I stand outside looking out at the views of the countryside. Despite being only thirty minutes from London, we can’t even see the roof of the next house.

  “What d’ya think, Kitten? Are you liking this one?”

  I turn my head and look up at him, giving a little shiver. It’s early December and bloody freezing. He wraps his big arms around me from behind and kisses the top of my head.

  “I know every room needs updating, but I really like it. The layout’s good and the location is great in relation to where all of your family live and my office, and besides, I’ve been thinking. I wanna get things set up so I don’t have to go into the office every day. I want to be at home, or wherever you are.” He turns me around to face him and I lace my fingers together around his neck. “I’m forty-two, George. I’ve worked hard all my life. I just wanna step back for a bit and spend time with you.” I smile while looking up at him, he looks worried. “Since I lost you last time, I’ve done nothing but work. I’ve worked hard to make all aspects of my businesses legit, and I’m at a stage now, where I feel comfortable taking a back seat. So what d’ya reckon, you, me, this place? What are ya thoughts?” I take a deep breath.

  “It feels like home.”

  He nods and smiles. “It does, doesn’t it. I thought it as soon as the gates opened at the front of the drive, but I didn’t wanna put you under any pressure, just in case you didn’t like it.”

  I shake my head. “No, I love it. This is the one, Tiger. Let’s turn this house into a home.”

  * * *

  As we walk into Cam’s apartment a few hours later, his mobile rings and he frowns as he looks at the screen.

  “Tamara. I better take this. I’m sorry,” he says as he walks into his office. It’s three in the afternoon, so definitely a reasonable time for a wine, which is a good thing as that woman drives me to drink.

  Cam had explained to me that when he had gone to the hospital with her earlier in the week, she’d admitted to snorting cocaine and smoking heroin. The hospital had no way of forcing her to stay unless she was admitted to the psychiatric ward, which is what Cam had managed to do before with the help of Tamara’s father. And once again, it was his help Cam had had to enlist. He was Tamara’s next of kin, and because of her past problems, he agreed to have her sectioned again. Sadly, his decision had nothing to do with his concern for the health and wellbeing of his only child and unborn grandchild and everything to do with the twenty-two thousand pounds worth of gambling debts he had and Cam’s offer to clear them for him.

  In total, Cam had admitted to spending almost half a million pounds on Tamara, her treatment for addiction, her pregnancy, accommodation, living expenses, nurse, minder and her father’s debts. I didn’t question his motives. It wasn’t my place to, but it didn’t stop my heart aching for him. I know he feels torn about the baby. He would love to be a father, but he would rather the mother was anyone but Tamara. If the baby does turn out to be his, then we will just have to make the best of a horrible situation. In saying all of that, I can’t help but be terrified that if the baby is Cam’s, that I might just lose him to Tamara and their child.

  I send a text to Jimmie. We are going over to her and Len’s place for dinner tonight, along with my other two brothers and their wives, and I need to know what to bring. She said to not bring anything, but I hate turning up empty handed; besides, Cam and I stopped off on the way home and bought a selection of wines and a couple of bottles of champagne. It might be a little premature, but we’ve decided to celebrate the fact that we put an offer in on the house we looked at with Vera and hope that it’ll be accepted.

  Is there anything you need us to bring 2nite?

  I hit send, just as Cam walks into the room. He takes the wine glass from my hand and drinks down its contents, goes to the fridge, gets the bottle out, tops up my glass and gets himself a beer as he puts the bottle back. All without saying a word.

  My phone chimes as Jimmie replies.

  Reading that word ‘us’ has just made me cry.

  I’m so glad ur part of an us again G.

  U really have no idea

  Luv ya guts


  I smile as I read her message, then look up at Cam, leaning against the island bench top as I lean against the sink. He looks thoroughly pissed off and I hate that she’s done this to him. We’ve had such a good day and came through the front door on such a high and then she calls.

  “What’s she want?”

  “Attention, that’s all she ever wants.”

  My phone goes off again, “Sorry, I was just asking Jimmie if there’s anything she needed us to bring.” He nods, but I know he’s not paying attention.

  Oh, and no.

  Just bring the other half of ur ‘us’…

  And all of his 9 inches ;)

  I smile and shake my head.

  “She’s sorted. We’ll just take some alcohol.” I look up and find Cam staring at the tiles on the floor. He’s taken his shoes off and is tracing the line of the tile grout with his big toe.

  “She also asked if we could not wear clothes as they’ll only get in the way later when we start to lick dessert off each other’s bodies.” He rakes his hand through his hair and swigs on his beer without looking up at me.

  “Perhaps you should think about shaving your ball sack before we go. I wouldn’t want you getting trifle stuck in the hair around them… And yours are hairy, like really hairy. I’ve actually been meaning to talk to you about how hairy they are. It’s quite a turn off actually.”

  His eyes fly up to mine. “What, what’s a turn off?” And he’s back. I knock back my drink, watching him over my wine glass.

  “Are you gonna tell me what’s wrong or just carry on ignoring me?” I ask as I place my glass down on the bench top. It doesn’t seem to matter how many times I repeat to myself that I won’t argue with him over Tamara, it doesn’t work. I hate the misery she seems to cause him. I hate that she affects him, which in turn affects us, but most of all, I hate that I hate all of these things, that I allow myself to be bothered by her. She’s a pregnant junkie. She needs help. I should be the bigger person here, but I’m not. I’m just the same ol’ selfish George.

��I’d never ignore you, Kitten. Come here.” I look him over. He has one arm folded across his chest, his hand resting in the crook of the opposite arm while holding his beer bottle.

  I toe off my Uggs, pull off my jeans and pull my hoodie over my head. He needs a distraction. Let’s see if I’ll do.

  I pull my vest over my head and stand in front of him in my black lace thong and bra. A small smile plays across his lips.

  “You’re wearing that bra again.” I frown, unsure as to when he would’ve seen me in this bra before. He answers my unspoken question. “You were wearing it the night I came to your dad’s house. When we drove back here and you fell asleep in the car, I could see your bra.” Funny that I now have his full attention and he’s suddenly become so talkative. “I wanted to touch you so badly.”

  My internal muscles clench and a feeling of absolute pleasure rolls through me, making me feel a little lightheaded. He’s not touched me, just his words have me almost coming on the spot.

  “It wasn’t just about sex either, watching you sleep, looking at you while you were at your most vulnerable. I wanted to make everything right in your world, Kitten, hold ya, keep ya safe.” He sighs and gives a little shrug. “Take away all the pain. But I knew if I touched ya, that would be it for me. I’d be done like a kipper.” I smile at his analogy and realise that what he wanted to do for me Monday is exactly what I want to do for him right now.

  “You have no problem touching me now and it’s only five days later.”

  “No, well, we’ve talked since then. We’re making a go of things and I’ve every faith in us making this work and I’m pretty sure you feel the same.”

  “I told you in Australia how I felt.”

  “You were drunk and an emotional mess when I saw you in Australia. Then your cousin opened her big gob and you pulled your usual little stunt and stormed off.”

  I smile at him. “I do like a dramatic exit, don’t I.”

  “Yes, you do,” he replies, trying and failing to stop his lips forming a smile.

  “But then I’m a spoilt princess who likes to get everything her own way.”

  “Yes, you are.” The light has returned to his eyes and I know that for now, I have my Cam back, the Cam not eating himself alive with the guilt a pregnant junkie is causing.

  “Take your bra off, Kitten.” Whoa, whoa, whoa. I thought I was taking charge here?

  “If you ask me nicely, Tiger, I might consider it.”

  “I’m not asking at all, Kitten. I’m telling. Now take your fucking bra off and your knickers, then come here.”

  “I’m not wearing knickers. It’s a thong.”

  “Call them whatever the fuck you like, just take them off.”

  I stand up straight and pull my shoulders back. I’m not going to fight him. He probably needs to feel a little in control right now, and truth be told, I like it when he takes charge. As much as I struggle with being told what to do, once I let go, I actually love shutting my brain off from the world and just enjoying whatever it is he wants to do to me, but just for a few seconds, I’m gonna let him think he’s got a battle on his hands.

  I fold my arms over my chest, cock my hip to the side and turn my foot out then just look at him. He rubs his hand over the weeks’ worth of stubble covering his jaw, and as usual when I look at it, I think about how much I love the feel of it up the inside of my thigh. I reach behind me and undo the clasp, letting my bra fall down my arms and off, not taking my eyes from his for a second. He nods his head towards my thong and I really want to tell him to hold his fucking horses. I’m getting to them, but I bite my tongue, then hook my thumbs either side of my hips and pull them down.

  I stand up straight and watch him as he looks me over. My eyes can’t help but look at his crotch. I hope I’ve distracted him enough that he can get a hard on. The bulge in his jeans tells me I have.

  “Come here,” he says quietly. “Now.” I walk towards him and he surprises me by lifting me up and sitting me down on the cold bench top. I wince as my bare arse hits the cold black granite. “Lay back, bend your knees and open your legs.” I look him square in the eye for a few seconds. He raises his eyebrows expectantly. Instead of doing as he’s asked, I reach out to pull his T- shirt. I want him to kiss me, or at least touch me, but he steps away before I reach him. “Nah ah, Kitten, hands off.”

  I’m sitting naked on his bench top, my legs dangling over the side, desperate to make him happy, and for some reason, that thought suddenly makes me want to cry. The realisation that I want to make him happy, want to please him, has tears stinging the backs of my eyes and I’ve no idea why.

  “Lay back, bend your knees and open your legs. I won’t tell you again.” I rake my teeth over my bottom lip and open my legs. His eyes move from my face to between my thighs and I feel a little surge of power. I lay back and pull my knees up. “Put your arms at your side and close your eyes.” I do exactly as he says. I feel completely exposed and extremely turned on. I hear him moving around and I think he’s taking off his clothes.

  Laying here like this, eyes closed, legs open and doing exactly as he tells me to, goes so against my nature that I’m actually fighting with my eyes to keep them closed. I don’t know why I struggle so badly with taking orders but I do. I’ve had a defiant streak in me my entire life which has often led me to make bad choices, and I’m actually glad Cam challenges me like this.

  I hear the fridge door open and I think the clink of a bottle. What the fuck? Is he getting himself another drink, while I lay here like this?

  I suddenly feel movement near me, then the feel of something cold up the inside of my leg makes me jump and I give a girly squeal.

  “Shush, Kitten,” he says quietly and drags what I think is the side of a cold beer bottle up the inside of my other thigh. The bottle disappears and I think he drinks from it as I hear him swallow, then suddenly his cold lips and tongue are on my clit and I jump again. He slides a cold finger inside me and I moan. Gripping the edge of the bench top, I use it for leverage to push myself onto his finger and grind against his face. His stubble hurts and I love the sensation.

  “Fuck, Kitten, you taste good.” He curls his finger inside me as he starts to kiss up my belly. His mouth is hot as it finds my nipples, moving from one to the other. Kissing, biting and sucking. My hands grip his hair as I drag his mouth up to mine but he holds back. “Open your eyes, baby.” I’m looking straight into his when I do and then his mouth is on mine and I get the kiss I’ve been waiting for. Gentle at first, then his tongue is in my mouth, tangling with mine. He breaks away and looks down at me.

  “You taste of beer,” I say to him.

  “I taste of you. Kitten’s cunt, and beer, best fucking taste ever.” I laugh.

  “You told me once that your spunk in my mouth was the best taste ever.” He throws his head back and gives me his best Cam laugh. My heart feels like it’s going to burst with how happy it makes me to see and hear him laugh like this.

  “You’ve got a memory like an elephant.”

  “Well, you’ve got a dick like one.” He frowns and leans back, looking down at me.

  “Kitten, that’s not nice.”

  “Tiger, it’s better than nice; it’s fucking heaven.” His eyes widen, in shock I think. His mouth opens but no sound comes out. He shakes his head slightly, pulls me towards him across the bench and slides inside me. He holds me by my hips, pulls almost all the way out and then slides back in.

  “Fuck, that feels good, but you’re too far away. I need to feel your tits against me. Sit up.” I pull myself up into a sitting position and wrap my arms and legs around him just as his phone rings. “Shit,” he mumbles as he reaches for it beside me on the bench top. “King,” he says into the phone, sounding all authoritative and alpha. My muscles clench and he turns his narrowed eyed glare on me. I really don’t mean to do it again, but it happens. His mouth drops open slightly and his eyelids flutter. I can’t help but give a slight moan at the fact that he’s talking o
n the phone, totally hard, turned on and inside me. I wonder for a moment if that’s wrong.

  “That’s fantastic.” He keeps his eyes on me as he continues, “We’ll call into the office tomorrow and deal with the formalities.” He reaches out and drags his pointy finger between the middle of my boobs, down my belly and dips it into my belly button. It’s a ticklish spot of mine and I giggle. His dick twitches inside me and an “oh, fuck,” just slips from my mouth.

  A smile plays at the corner of his lips just for an instant and then he’s all business again. “We’re not entirely sure yet. We’ll talk about it tonight and discuss with you tomorrow.” He leans in and bites on my shoulder. It’s not quite painful, but it sends a shudder through me regardless. He licks and kisses where he just bit, and I swear to God, if he doesn’t get off that phone and fuck me soon, I will scream blue murder.

  “Thanks, I will. We’ll see you tomorrow.”

  He ends the call and without saying a word, kisses me fiercely. His hands pull at my hair, his teeth bite my lips and my tongue. He breaks away, puts his hands under my bum cheeks and lifts me, walking us both over to the rug. He pulls out as he lays me down and then slides back in, melding his body to mine. He hasn’t said a word, but his eyes seem to be trying to convey something.

  “I love you,” he says very quietly and kisses me gently before I can reply. He crushes me to him and holds me tight. “Fuck, I love you, Kitten.” He keeps holding me tight, he doesn’t move, doesn’t let me go; he just holds me. “We’re doing this. Me and you, we’re finally getting our story. It’s finally our time.” I push him away slightly so I can see his face.

  “What are you talking about? Who was on the phone?”

  He gives his head a little shake as he looks at me. “We just bought ourselves a house, Kitten, me and you, mine and yours.”

  “Oh, my God, seriously, they accepted our offer?”


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