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Black Point Clan (Wine of the Gods Book 36)

Page 23

by Pam Uphoff

  As he raised his hand, Ajha reached out with an electric power source drain. No calls for help or in warning from you, today, cousin.

  Arja felt it and spun. "Well, well. If it isn't Mr. Close to a Philosopher. This is going to be even more fun than I'd realized." Arja's lips curled upward in genuine amusement as Ajha moved forward. "Don't think that because you can take an arrogant little weasel of a killer, that you can handle a Withione with real training and real experience."

  "Experience?" Ajha stepped over the threshold. "You have a desk job in the War Ministry. You play games in salles with pointy thingies."

  Arja pulled out a laser pistol and pressed the firing stud. Nothing happened. He dropped it back in his pocket. "Fallen trick. Have you gone over to them completely? Got yourself re-engineered?"

  "A bit. Kept me alive against the Helaos a few times." Ajha circled around to get between Arja and Poppy, but Arja leaped to grab at Jay. Ajha threw the spell net.

  It wasn't as nasty and all encompassing as Nil's. The transformation to canine was much simpler. No major modifications to the digestive system, and he'd left the paws rather hand-like and made no changes to the teeth at all, although the forward projection of the lower face was still moderately painful. And having seen altogether too much of the Black Goat behavior, he'd added a spell to reduce the sex drive to the net. Along with stun, sleepy, spin, yawn, giggle, hiccup . . . It had seemed quite fun at the time, but the thrashing form that crashed to the floor was making the most hideous collection of noises. Ugly, half-transformed, the thing lunged toward the boy.

  Jay shoved it away from his mother, wrestling with an uncoordinated almost-dog that weighed in at about a hundred kilos.

  Ajha grabbed the back of his coat and yanked him completely away.

  "How did you do that?" Jay scooted over to his mother, hovered, afraid to touch her arm.

  "A little trick I learned from your biofather. I really ought to haul you off to Embassy. Let you meet him, and a pack of your half-siblings." He wrinkled his nose at the dog. It didn't seem to be gaining any sort of motor control. After a moment he realized the thing was having trouble breathing.

  "A few too many respiratory spells, eh?" He removed the hiccups and giggles. And, a bit reluctantly, the yawning and spin. Stun and Sleepy took over, then, and Arja-the-dog flopped over limply, still tangled in his clothing. "Interesting. I never thought about how spells that compelled actions actually interfered with stun and sleep spells." He pulled four little rocks out of his pocket.

  "That was Total." Jay was looking back and forth between his mother and Arja.

  "I agree, but what do we do with everyone, now?" The investigator looked down at the dog in Arja's clothing. "If the locals are corrupted, we should leave. Although I hate . . . what are you doing now?"

  Ajha grinned and shifted the rocks around on the table. "I grabbed these as we went through my office. The other end is still in Freeport. I just need to get them into the right order and we can go home."

  Captain Wrlo scowled. "Leaving an open corridor for them to follow us?" In the background Ajha could see a policeman arguing with a guard.

  Ajha grinned. "Good point. You will pick someone to stay, collect these rocks, and take a train or plane back. In fact, they should probably stop at the office and set up the corridor end again. Relax, see there's half your troops peering through the little hole. Glaring, actually. Now tell the men to not get into a wrangle with the local police. In fact, Xiat is on the way. They should send her through when she's got the locals straightened out." He stuck the stones to the wall, and feeling the brisk breeze through from the barely above sea level opening, they quickly moved the still semiconscious Poppy, Jay and the slumbering canid Arja through to his new house. Investigator Efku stayed close to Arja. The Captain detailed a man to return with the stones, and stepped through himself.

  Ajki was waiting for them. Wearing rather loose clothing that concealed the state of his body. "Arja and Arlw, eh? Well, well. And here I was sure Efge had something to do with it. The Fiend called. She may have reversed the goat spell on Efge and his guards, but the other spells are still all over him, so he's still officially on medical leave, and Izzo's in charge. She says the Chain spell is going to take some serious work, possibly a brute force break, and a few of the other miscellaneous spells may just have to age off."

  Ajha nodded. "I've heard of the Chain spell, but never seen it in action. The Fallen seem to consider it a real tough one to deal with. Poppy's arm, on the other hand, should be simple." He touched her forehead and her eyes slipped closed. He pulled out his hip flask and dribbled a bit in her mouth. "When she wakes up, I'll give her more."

  He felt her arm carefully, pulled gently and twisted slightly, a touch of telekinesis and the bone slid into place. He held it a long moment, as the Joy Juice took effect and started the healing process. She blinked uncertainly as the Joy Juice also fast forwarded the sleep spell and it ended abruptly. She jerked upward, fists knotted and striking out. Ajha gently cradled the broken one, as a Guard leaped to secure the other.

  "Mom, we're safe. It's all right." Jay sort of melted down beside her with a relieved huff.

  "The Ecclesiastical Guards have the whole place safe. Be careful with that arm, the bone isn't completely healed." Ajha folded her arm across her chest and evaded the fingers that sought to grasp his. Oops, Joy Juice kicking in.

  The guard on the other side released the arm he was holding, and eased back as Ajha put a bit of distance between himself and Poppy.


  They missed the fight by perhaps a whole minute. A scattering of stunned police and Interior agents were blinking back to consciousness all over the apartment complex and an Ecclesiastical Guard was walking out, past them. He eyed them suspiciously, and refused to answer their barrage of questions. They abandoned him and searched the apartment. No Poppy, Jay or Arja.

  "Let's call your Philosopher buddy and . . . " Izzo trailed off as he spotted the Ecclesiastical guard waiting beside the Directorate car.

  "One Ajha has directed me to allow you to join him immediately." The man managed to convey that they were highly privileged and that he himself disapproved. He pulled some rocks out of his pocket, shifted them around on his hand, then placed one on the ground just in front of and to the left side of the car. Another went on the other side, then he stuck one on the overhead on one side and as he walked across with the last one, she could feel the breeze, and see the foggy landscape of the west coast opening up.

  Izzo shook his head. "We had to stop for two decontaminations."

  The guard almost smirked. "I would recommend haste, to avoid unwanted results."

  Izzo growled and climbed into the car.

  Xiat followed. "I don't know why you're jealous. Just because the Third Alternate Philosopher has a corridor and can do with it whatever he pleases. You can buy one for a million rials, you know."

  "Drive through and then stop." Izzo growled. "I just hope I don't have head on collisions with the Philosophers regularly."


  Captain Wrlo looked over. "Acting Sub-director Xiat of Interior has arrived at the apartment complex."

  "Oh, good. Let me move the stones outside and they can drive right through." He pulled them off the wall and headed outside.

  A few minutes later a big black car rolled through to the driveway. Ajha turned back to the investigator.

  "What's the situation at Black Point?"

  "Everyone is up in Ahvi's house, with my people guarding them, until the lab is done at Kiaj's house. I understand that Arlw is en route."

  Ajha shook his head. "Why won't any of these people stay still?"

  The investigator chuckled. "Welcome to routine police work. Although this one is notable for my not even daring to suggest the witnesses and suspects not leave the region." He eyed Ajha. "Some of them won't even stay on the same world."

  Ajha just grinned. "I think the main problem is that two of the main suspects haven't e
ven set foot in the region. I'm speaking of Director Efge of Internal Relations, and his subdirector Izzo."

  The investigator sighed. "Who's Izzo?"

  "War Party up-and-comer. You've seen the Fallen Grid cast? The third man in the party, currently the acting Director. I've never met him, and admittedly my only reason to suspect him is that he's among those few who have profited by all the mess, with a promotion, however temporary." Ajha noticed the direction of the investigator's gaze and turned. "Oh. Hi. Acting Director Izzo, this is Investigator Efku of Black Point."

  "Pleased to meet you. I've always wanted to be a suspect." The man sounded a bit put out. Not too surprising.

  Ajha shrugged. "Well, as I was saying, that's really just a list of who benefited. I'm reasonably sure it was Arlw, but stand up in court evidence is a bit thin."

  "Absent." The investigator growled. "Jain never spoke to him about this, she just leaped to conclusions. And if Arja is his cut-out. . . " He looked around at the large dog. It was sitting up, looking woozy. One of the Ecclesiastical guards had found a line to tie around his neck. "Well. I think we need to change him back and see if he feels like talking."

  Izzo stared at the dog, then eyed Ajha.

  "Yep. You've got to admit, it ends fights really quickly." He looked around. "We shouldn't talk in front of him, however. C'mon inside. Poppy? Can we get a word-by-word replay of Arja's visit?"

  However gloating and nasty, Arja hadn't named any names.


  Fean was the next arrival.

  Ajha pretended he didn't see her slip a small bottle to Ajki, and turned back to Xiat. "I really doubt Arja will talk, but that's about the last thing I can see to do."

  "We've got him cold on the arson. But the destruction of the house was so thorough that unless he fiddled with the house computer sensors and alarms remotely, I doubt we can hang a charge of attempted murder on him." Efku showed his teeth. "Not that I'm going to mention that to him. Might be a useful wedge to pry loose a name and proof to back that up."

  Xiat nodded. "Shall we make this official? Arrest him for the assault on Poppy and Jay. Take him back to Denver to the District police headquarters for processing and questioning, and if necessary extradite him back here?"

  Ajha winced. "We did remove him . . . rather casually." He looked around for Captain Wrlo.

  Who was already on his comm. "I'll send my man back to Denver . . . Oh good. Stay there . . . find a place to open the corridor and do so." He glanced at Ajha. "May I recommend that you change Arja back before the Newsies find out? And please! Let us do the fighting!"

  Izzo turned away, coughing. Then offered his car to transport everyone.

  Ajki was the only one who stayed, saying he'd leave the internal murder investigation in the capable hands.

  Ha! Going to get private with that counterspell. And no doubt some joy juice. Pity we have to take Poppy with us, do you both good to have a romp. And maybe even romance.


  Ajha's guards had a car. They came close to manhandling Ajha into it, then followed them through the corridor.

  With everyone else stuffed into the limo, there wasn't going to be any more snuggling. Xiat hauled her mind back away from the residual whispers of the Joy Juice. Note to self: Don't try this when you are planning on working the next day.

  Izzo made intimidating cops look easy. He received a conference room to hold them all while the local police took care of the details. Arja was arrested properly and a lawyer sent for. Poppy and Jay gave statements.

  "One, perhaps you could give us a more detailed explanation of what happened in Black Point?" Izzo was studying Ajha.

  "Oh, I expect you have all the physical details. I can add my thoughts and so forth, for what good it will do . . . " He sighed and cast his mind back. It was going to be a long damned day.

  Eventually everyone decided they didn't want any more from him and sent him away. He offered Poppy and Jay a ride and pick of the guest rooms in his house.

  Where he found Maiv's sisters in the kitchen.

  Maer swiped a hand across her cheek. "You saved Maiv. Mother's with her in the hospital, and told us to shop and get cooking. Making sure you're eating right is the least we can do."

  Ajki shrugged. "I was hungry, so I let them in. And yes, I'm behaving. Damn, but that joy juice made those little girls tempting."

  Ajha suppressed snickers at the smoldering glances Poppy and Ajki exchanged across the dining room table. Both of them still feeling the effects. Well, good luck to them both.

  Chapter Twenty-three

  29 Shawaal 1407yp

  Freeport, West Coast of North America

  A quiet day, for a change.

  Uncle Ajki happy, Poppy blushing, a house overflowing with cooks—Maiv and her mother having stopped by on the way to their own home here in Freeport—relatives, professional colleagues . . .

  Fean was showing off for the young Oners, and loving it. Magic classes for Jay and the cooks.

  Then the Guards got to throw fits again as the swords came out. Ajha and Fean demonstrated the speed bursts Ajha had used in fighting Bo. Ajki, Izzo, and Xiat joined in, then Jay and Maiv got fencing lessons.

  News from the enclave was good.

  Ajha's parents were talking to each other again, staying up the hill with his Grandfather. Fibber and Imgo had recovered.

  Jain was being detained, as rather a lot of what she did was with knowledge.

  Various Blind Errand Runners were getting tracked down.

  Ajha took a walk toward the coast, stopped and looked back at the house. From here he could still hear the happy laughter of the kids of various ages. Very mellow, and he felt mellow too, weighed down by the load of souls he'd collected.

  He walked on and the guards came out to meet him. "Time to head back to Makkah. We'll need a car to San Francisco, though."

  They produced a car instantly, and he was gone before even Fean realized.

  He slept most of the way, slow and torpid with souls.

  His guards steered him, until he found himself in the center again, facing the three other Philosophers. He outweighed the Warmonger and the Isolationist. He looked over at Usse. It was close.

  Usse nodded. "Study, and possible war, but also possible friendship, but always looking to our own first."

  Ajha bowed, and felt the flood of souls cross the star to Usse. War and Isolationist bowed as well.

  "It is done." Usse opened his hands and the weight of souls flooded away, back to where they originated.

  The other two Philosophers walked away. Ajha looked at the new Philosopher of the One. "What about the War Party?"

  Usse smiled nastily. "They are taking care of themselves. Axti, of course, will be the next leader, but he's never been stupid about war. It will be interesting to see who comes up through the ranks to replace Arlw and Efge. Hopefully more moderates."

  Ajha turned and walked out. His head felt light, not nearly as many thoughts inside his head as previously. Excellent.

  "I wonder if I set a record for brevity of Philosophy?" He didn't address the comment to anyone in particular, but a young woman turned and grinned at him.

  "No, One. The Record is fifty-two seconds."

  "Ah. That must have been interesting. So . . . what about my office and house and all that?"

  "The office will become a local office for contacting the One. The One thanks you, an office was needed in the region. The house is yours, for your service to the One, and a stipend with it."

  "I don't need the house and I'd rather work."

  "Then sell the house and go to work."

  "Thank you, One." He bowed to her.

  "Thank you, One." She returned the bow and walked away.

  So all he had to do now was figure out how to escape the attention of the public, and he could get back to the Directorate . . .

  Chapter Twenty-four

  1 Ramadan 1407 yp

  Paris, Central Division

  "Xiat? Xi
at?" Izzo grabbed her as she swayed on her feet.

  Xiat shook her head, steadied. "Oh . . . not again. I really don't want a job at Precog."

  Izzo kept his arms around her. "What did you see?"

  "Arlw killing you with a sword with the rolled tip snapped off. Some sort of large room, lots of people in fencing gear."

  "Pre-cogs aren't generally very exact, Princess. If Arlw wanted to stab me in the heart, he'd kill you. So you be cautious while I'm gone. And after I'm back, for that matter."

  "Well, the last one didn't happen at all. Most likely this one won't either. Of course, you could stay home." Her shrug and smile were clearly forced.

  "Dammit, I really can't skip this 'Let's chat at the salle tonight, Izzo' type of off-the-record meeting. It's an opportunity to . . . what? Advertise that yes, I really am a player? Stupid. I probably deserve to get killed." Izzo gave her a last squeeze, then stepped away to pick up his bag of fencing gear. "Hopefully this isn't a 'Let's have drinks and chat' situation. I hate the feeling that I've missed all the hints and code words."

  There was quite an assembly at the salle. Only a few people fencing on the furthest strips.

  Efge, still in a business suit, was waiting for him. Two other subdirectors turned to frown at him. There were some Criminal Investigation people. Ipge, the local champion . . . Oh, am I about to get publicly defeated? Thrashed? Humiliated?

  Some mid-level Ministry people . . . and turning to face him . . .

  "Hadn't expected to see you here, Arlw."

  "Bonded out, do I look like a man who is a flight risk?"

  Efge stepped in and tapped Izzo's chest. "I need to know if someone so highly placed is going to be a good party member, or not."

  "The problem is that I seem to have joined a party that is a very poor match for me. The party chairman will have my written withdrawal from the War Party on his desk in the morning." He started ramping up his speed.


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