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Love Song

Page 6

by Jaz Johnson

  “S-sorry … I didn’t think you’d be done that fast,” Marceline guiltily blurted out, her head tilted downwards in embarrassment. “There’s uh … I can get you something to sleep in, if you don’t have …”

  Marceline trailed off when feeling the soft touch of Song’s small hand on her bare arm. It wrapped around her wrist, beckoning her to turn around, which she hesitantly complied to do. Meeting Song’s longing eyes, Marceline felt her body tense, taking an instinctive half-step back when Song drew closer.

  Half of her didn’t want to invade the boundaries that were still unclear to her. The other half was just a jumble of flusters from seeing Song in a towel. But Song took another step, until their bodies were practically touching. Marceline fought to maintain eye contact as Song’s hands slowly found the top of her towel.

  Song’s eyes lowered as she unhooked the towels edge from her cleavage. Within the next moment, the towel was a crescent at her feet, and Song stood in nothing but a pair of white thong panties. When Song’s eyes returned to Marceline’s they found that they were no longer looking into hers, but down at her body.

  Unable to resist, Marceline finally allowed herself to gaze upon that which she desired. And without the slightest idea of what to do to it. But it was Song’s, and therefore hers. She felt herself slipping into a trance as her eyes analyzed, and memorized the shape before her.

  Her breast, supple in their roundness, were larger than the known stereotype. Though her waist was narrow, her hips did give way, however subtly. Overall, she was rather small, and yet, perfect. As Song’s hands lowered to her sides, Marceline found herself stepping towards her, her hands inching towards her waist.

  But as Marceline inched forward, Song led her back, stepping backwards towards her bed, slowly enough to stay within reach, but with wide enough steps to keep Marceline on edge. Marceline hovered over Song as she inched back on the semi-made bed. In the instant she had been exposed to Song’s body, she decided that she didn’t care what she did to it. She’d figure it out, and enjoy the wonderland.

  With sudden motivation from the realization that she was not the only one that had been holding back, Marceline’s lips met Song’s in a spark of passion. Her body flattened against that of the goddess beneath her, as Song’s arms rose to wrap around her neck. She could feel Song’s short, nervous breaths against her lips. She was so fragile, and all she could think to do was break her.

  Marceline’s lips parted from Song’s to travel down her jawline, eventually finding their way to her neck. Song tilted it to the side, allowing her access, her hands gripping at the back of her shirt, wanting to pull her closer. Dragging her right hand up along Song’s side, her lips trailed to her collarbone, her tongue leaving a gentle trail of sensations along the way.

  She could hear Song’s breathing pick up as she did, and it made her want more. She wanted to experience every reaction, every expression, and every moment of pleasure Song was capable of. Hearing the sigh of pleasure from Song as she groped one of her breasts, Marceline realized she already knew everything she needed to start the journey into intimacy. She knew what stimulated her own body, and being of the same gender, she simply decided to apply that knowledge to Song’s.

  Gently, Marceline moved her knees between Song’s thighs, spreading both of their legs and gliding her hand back down her body. She felt Song tense, her fingers pressing into her skin. Marceline craned her neck back to look into Song’s suddenly fearful eyes, finding the insight of the situation. Her hand stopped, instead resting against Song’s hip as Marceline forced herself to tug on her reigns.

  “Do you want to stop? We don’t have to …”

  Song hesitated to show any sign of response other than glancing between Marceline’s eyes and hand. Marceline gave a comforting smile, shaking her head.

  “It doesn’t hurt … It’s not big enough,” she said with a slight chuckle. “Here …”

  Marceline hand lowered further, slipping beneath Song’s panties. Song flinched, her face scrunching up in anticipation, but Marceline cooed her.

  “I’m not going in … We’ll start slow,” Marceline assured against Song’s ear as her finger toyed with her.

  She buried a finger between the already slick crease in search of the sensitive nub hidden within. When she felt Song’s body jolt with surprise, she smirked, applying pressure with her middle finger. And then she was caught by surprise when hearing an audible moan escape Song’s lips. Marceline’s eyes widened, her body lagging as the reaction of hearing her voice clearly took hold.

  In the next moment, Song’s back arched with another moan, louder than the first as Marceline applied another dose of pressure, this time rubbing her finger along the sensitive point. Song’s legs bucked and pressed against Marceline’s in an attempt to close them, her moans repeating with intensity as she dug her nails into Marceline’s back.

  Marceline was in ecstasy, hearing Song’s voice. She didn’t want it to end; it was like an angel in her ears. But when she heard the shift from a moan to a whimper, her hand pulled back and froze in cognizance of the lack of control she had just shown. Song’s body remained tense and twitching a moment more, before collapsing down onto the bed with an exhale.

  Marceline drew back to look at her with guilty eyes, and at the same time, was mesmerized by the expression of pleasure on Song’s face.

  “Sorry, I … I heard your voice … I got excited. I’m sorry. I can stop if that was too –“

  She was cut short by the shake of Song’s head. Marceline’s expression shifted from guilt to that of eagerness. She didn’t have to stop? Song’s hips bucked upwards against Marceline’s hand with her protest.

  “But you made a scared noise …”

  Song bit her lower lip, her eyes pleading, her heart racing. She didn’t want the moment to end. She couldn’t begin to explain the noises she’d made because it was her first time hearing them too. But she knew that she wasn’t ready to have this be over. She was entirely too happy to finally share something like this with Marceline. While it was true that she was a little nervous of what was going to be done, she still wanted to try it. She shook her head, in hopes that Marceline would understand.

  “It …“ Marceline’s brows furrowed. “Was it a good noise?”

  Song nodded eagerly, her eyes apologetic for having confused her. Marceline smiled, her index and ring finger paving a path as her middle finger restored pressure, getting a squeal and twitch from Song in response.

  “You’re so cute,” she cooed in her ear as her finger went back to work.

  Song’s hips stayed in their arched position, her grip around Marceline’s neck and shoulders tightening by the moment. Circling her until her finger slipped with ease, Marceline slid her middle finger down, slowly announcing her next move. Her lips pressed against Song’s ear as she found herself panting from the excitement.

  “Tell me when to stop,” she offered before slowly sliding her digit inside.

  Song gasped at the entering pressure, her hips slapping back down against the bed as her back took its place in its arch. Her moans were replaced with repeating gasps as Marceline wedged her finger in deeper until she reached her last knuckle. Song’s breathing was in a pant, her body in a constant shiver as Marceline kissed comforting pecks along her neck.

  “Are you alright? I’m going to move it now …”

  Slowly, Marceline’s finger began to curl and wiggle about. Song whined a moan, her eyes shutting as her thighs clenched on the outsides of Marceline’s. Marceline pulled back, granting herself the view of Song’s expression. She felt her own body grow hot with its display, motivating her to move her hand back and forth.

  She sat up further, sitting on her knees and pumping her hand in a rhythm as she watched Song’s body go through its phases of reaction. She was mesmerized, her eyes glued to her dimly glowing figure. She’d never been this close and personal with another woman before, and she was realizing how beautiful their bodies were.

Song’s normally pale skin was glowing with a dim gold from the lamp on the bedside dresser. The curve of her ribs into her stomach was in a slow grind as she tried to cope with the pleasure coursing through her. Marceline couldn’t help but smile as she heard the repeated soft moans.

  It was comforting, being able to hear Song’s voice, however mangled it was. But even in its mangled state, all Marceline could hear was a hypnotic melody. It was sure to become her favorite tune, if it hadn’t already.

  Unspoken lyrics of a song of love.


  “Ugh, again?” Jess groaned to Marceline after she turned down hanging out afterschool once again. “What are you, this girl’s slave?”

  Marceline rolled her eyes as she stuffed her things into her locker before shutting it. She spun on her heel leaning back against the metal door to put up with Jess’ complaining.

  “What’s the big deal? I can go after I walk her home. Just pick another movie time. This isn’t that serious, Jess.”

  “So you picking some random chick over your friends since freaking sixth grade is nothing,” Jess argued, eyes narrowing.

  “I’m not picking anyone over anyone,” she lied. “Just pick another time.”

  “I’m not paying nine more dollars because you have to babysit. Either you’re going or you’re not,” Jess snapped.

  Marceline sighed. She didn’t really care for the movie anyway. It wasn’t really all that tough of a decision to make. She shrugged, pushing off the locker just as Todd and Greg were coming up to meet them.

  “Guess you’ll have to see it without me.”

  “What’s the fuss about?” Greg asked.

  “Yeah, I could see Jess spazzing out from down the hall,” Todd added.

  “Marc’s ditching us. Again,” Jess spat, crossing her arms as she turned away from Marceline.

  “Aw, what?” Greg whined.

  “Lame,” Todd agreed.

  “I’m not ditching you. She’s forcing me to. She’s acting like me walking Song home is news. I promised her. You want me to break it because of some movie? All she has to do is pick a later time, but she’s making a big deal out of it.”

  “Oh, that’s right,” Greg noted, nodding in consideration. “Why can’t we just go later?”

  “Because later is more expensive and this is ridiculous, anyway! We’re her friends. We should be a priority.”

  “Oh quit your nagging, Jess,” Todd said, coming to Marceline’s defense. “You spend like one hundred bucks a month on makeup alone. Nine more dollars isn’t going to kill you.”

  “Oh, so now you’re taking her side.”

  “It’s not like she said she wouldn’t go, Jess,” Greg argued. “You’re being unreasonable.”

  “This is so stupid. I can’t believe you guys aren’t agreeing with me. Besides today, haven’t you noticed Marceline constantly bailing on us to hang out with this chick? Especially on the weekends when we actually can hang out. Like, what gives? We haven’t even met this broad.”

  “Hey,” Marceline warned.

  “What? It’s true.”

  “Hmm. She does have a point,” Greg admitted.

  “Yeah, how come you haven’t introduced us yet?” Todd asked, crossing his arms to match Jess’.

  Marceline felt her face heating up. For one thing, she knew that they would somehow find a way to royally embarrass both her and Song. She didn’t want Song thinking she was anything like her friends. Because aside from a few sparing similarities, she wasn’t. She just happen to put up with their idiocy.

  Secondly, she didn’t know if Song actually wanted to meet any of them. Marceline had spoken to her about them, sure, but did she want to meet them? Her cheeks flushed, catching the attention of her friends. Jess’ brows furrowed while the boys’ arched.

  “W-Whatever. I’ll talk to her about it. I’m going to be late. Enjoy your movie,” Marceline said, dismissing herself and pushing past the group to hurriedly make her way to the front doors of the building.

  The group stood by their lockers, watching after her with mixed emotions. Jess held anger, of course, as she groaned and rolled her eyes, fumbling to get her locker open. While Greg and Todd seemed curiously skeptical.

  “Did you see that?” Greg asked, mildly surprised.

  “Yeah …” Todd nodded.

  “I’ve never seen Marc like that. It’s almost like … she was shy about it.”


  “I know. That’s what I’m saying. You don’t think …?”

  “What? Come on, Greg. Get real.”

  Running up to the front steps of Song’s school, Marceline skid to a stop to lean over her knees and catch her breath.

  “Sorry I’m late. I got held up at –“

  Marceline was caught by surprise when she looked up to see that Song wasn’t waiting for her at the top of the steps as per usual. Panting, Marceline took a confused step forward with pinched brows. She glanced around the immediate area, but saw no sign of Song, or the three girls that were usually outside stalking her.

  That made her worry.

  “Song?” Marceline called out instinctively.

  She wasn’t sure why she expected a response of some kind as she walked up the stairs. A few students exited the building, each giving her a weird look for not being in uniform. But Marceline ignored them, moving past them to enter the building.

  She observed her surroundings carefully, looking for any sign that Song might be nearby. She didn’t know exactly was said sign would look like, but she remained acutely observational nonetheless. She called out her name several times with no response, except for the increasing amount of attention she was drawing to herself.

  It was when she was caught by one of the teachers, that her search was put on hold. A male professor stepped in front of her, slowing her to a stop to question her.

  “Excuse me,” he said in a coated Chinese accent. “Do you go here? Where is your uniform?”

  “I don’t go here. I’m looking for my friend. Her name is Song. I’m supposed to walk her home,” Marceline rushed to explain, constantly peering around the taller, slender man. She moved to step around him, but he was quick to reposition himself.

  “Ah – wait. I’m sorry. But I can’t just allow you to walk around the campus. You have to go through the lobby to fill out a visitation form.”

  Marceline huffed in aggravation. She knew Song was probably being bullied somewhere. And it was her fault for showing up late. She couldn’t afford to waste any more time.

  “Look, I don’t – She was supposed to be waiting for me. Just let me find her and I’ll never step foot in here again,” she protested, trying to move around him. But he was persistent.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. But we can’t allow unauthorized personnel to explore the campus. Please. You don’t even know if the person you’re talking about was in class today.”

  “No. She would have texted me if she –“

  Marceline was cut off by the sound of rather loud clanging echoing through the halls, followed by the shriek of one or two girls. Both she and the professor peered down the hall in its direction. But only one of them was confused.

  “What in the world –“ the professor mused before being rushed past.

  He reached a hand out towards the running Marceline before running after her himself, shouting for her to stop and come back. They brought more attention to themselves as they ran towards the sound, more leaving students moving back towards the lockers to avoid a collision.

  Rushing past one of the bathrooms, she heard the clanging again, and skid to a stop a few feet away from it. She spun on her heel and booked it back, nearly avoiding colliding with the professor as she pivoted into the bathroom, slamming the door open with her foot.

  There towards the end, she found the three girls, one of which holding the back of Song’s head and attempting to dunk it in a bucket of water. Another girl had one of Song’s arms behind her back, while the other recorded o
n their phone. There was water all over the floor, and Marceline assumed that the noise they’d heard was Song trying to knock the bucket away.

  All three girls gasped as they looked up at Song’s savior, none of them moving from their positions until the professor barged in a moment later. But by that time it was too late. He’d seen what was going on – and Marceline was seeing red.

  “Ladies …” the professor uttered in appall.

  All it took was the look in Song’s watering eyes to send her into motion.

  “Why you –“ Marceline growled as she took a menacing step forward, making the girls gasp soft whimpers. “Get away from her!” she screeched, running at them at full speed.

  The girls squealed in terror, scattering around her. Marceline caught the one that was holding Song’s head by her hair, and forced her onto her knees. The girl cried out, her hands reaching up towards her hair as the other two ran past the professor, who was still dumbfounded to have walked in on such violence.

  “You think you’re tough, huh?!” Marceline growled as she shook the girl’s head by the grip on the roots of her hair. “Picking on someone like her? Why don’t you try that shit with me?!”

  Snapped from his trance by the student’s yelping, the professor stepped forward, as did Song. Song wrapping her arms around Marceline’s torso while the professor tried to pry her hand from the student’s head. Taking a few seconds succeed, Song pulled Marceline back as far as she could while the professor got the student to her feet and let her run out of the bathroom.

  “You’re just going to let them go?! And ignore what they –“

  “If you kept going, they could press charges,” the professor explained.

  “And Song can’t?!”

  “They’re not going to go unpunished . this won’t happen again.”

  “Yeah, well, you’ll excuse me if I don’t believe that. It’s already been going on for too fucking long.”


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