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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

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by Richardson, James

  “When the sword is forged many spells are interwoven into its making. The ability to talk is just one of many that are enchanted on to a sword.” Running his hand over his sword that rested upon his hip, Draco could not remember how many times the weapon had saved his life. “So tell me about this ride of yours?” Cominus could not get the image of his brother riding off on a broomstick.

  “I will say this if she allows you to see her then that's her call so don't give me any lip if she doesn't.”

  Pondering on the resent events Cominus was trying to absorb all the information that his brother had given him. Cominus began to feel the incoming shock waves if the beating air. His clothes whipping as the wind tore at his clothes as the wing beat's drew closer. A smile formed on his brother’s pale face Cominus cocked an eyebrow questioning his sanity, then again he had done the same with his own a few moments ago.

  “Ah she's here so now here is the bad news.”

  “That is what, you’re not going to hop on a broom stick and fly off into the sun set you know how corny that shit is.”

  “No,” Cominus could have sworn he heard Draco chuckle. “I’m going to erase every ones memory.”

  “Like hell you are what gives you the right, don't give me that shit about the rules. I want the truth for once!”

  “I guess I can tell this much," Draco said rubbing his chin trying to find the right way. He had to phase his statement without giving away too much. Moreover, he knew Cominus well enough it would just piss him off even more.

  “Well spill it already.”

  “Fine you want to know why humans are loathed so much in my world I will tell you. Three billion years ago humans lived along side the magical creature's of the land. Humans was it's downfall due to their greed and lust for power. The humans were the cause of the destruction of Terra Drago so the gods came together. They decreed that humans were to be banished for all time, stripped of all latent magical powers. Never again, to take part of the magical world until humans could be trusted with that kind of power again.” Cominus could hardly believe his brother was telling him. The evidence that the scientist had found told that humans had only been on this earth for no more then a few million years. If what his brother says it true then how much had they lost since their banishment.

  “So that's why you been given me the run around since we been taking.”

  “Yes, now its time for me to go I have enjoyed our conversation.” Embracing his brother Draco would not forget this. In the coming day’s he knew which would be filled with more blood and pain then their world was ready for.

  “Oh hell no, you’re not touching my mind.” Rushing over to grab Draco by the shoulders, Cominus wanted to shake some since into the man. Within few feet from Draco when four deep ruts opened open in front of him. Stopping dead in his tracks Cominus took a dry swallow, he tried not to show fear in front of his younger brother.

  “What the hell was that!” Cominus said trying his best to keep his voice steady. Yet how could any one do that when goblins, talking swords and golems weren’t suppose to be real.

  “Oh no,” Draco said rubbing his hand on his dragon’s scaly head, as slight smile formed on his fine chiseled face.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  Well what do you want to do Shadow Fang you can show him if you want it does not matter to me,” Draco asked through their shared mental link.

  Why are you talking to this man what he is to you?” Shadow Fang asked tasting the air with her crimson-barded tongue. That could strip the skin and muscle of an animal in one swipe, yet gentile enough to care for her young. Why this man before you is my brother.” I thought he had a similar scent to you,” said Shadow Fang. Released her magic barrier that surrounded her body from Cominus eyes, her black scales shone like no other. Her massive wings were folded to her sides. Cominus could image that they stretched at least thirty feet when they were fully extended. A large molded saddle sat neatly in the hollow of her neck, which could easily hold three people. Her crimson-barded tongue flicked into the air to taste his scent, rows of razor sharp teeth lined her mouth. Four talons sharp enough to render plate mail useless and delicate enough to care for her young. Spikes ran the length of her spine only skipping where the saddle lay. Her serpentine neck swung towards him, Cominus was determined not to show fear. Nevertheless, how can you do that when a creature that can eat you in one fell swoop, and fry you to a crisp with its dragon fire. Her large black snout began to sniff the air around him. As Cominus witnessed, the awe empowering event all he could do is stare at the large black dragon.

  “When did you get a dragon?” Cominus asked shaking with envy fighting himself from reaching out to touch her scales.

  “Five years ago,” Draco smiling lovingly at Shadow Fang. Thinking to himself Cominus put the pieces together in why his brother disappeared from their lives.

  “She is the reason that I am gone not that I mind. Without her I would have never seen nor done the things I can do now.” Shadow Fang began to hum as she felt his love for her pour through the mental link.

  “Hey I want a ride,” Cominus said in a childish voice getting as close to his dragon as she would allow.

  “I can’t right now I got important business to attend to once it is finish I will return.”

  “How long will that take?”

  “Don’t know maybe weeks or months to finish this thing.”

  “Ashl lah gsh knish wuh " said the unseen figure.

  “We will leave when I am through here and not a moment before,” Draco growled at the unknown person.

  “Who the hell are you talking to?” Scanning the area though it was a fruitless effort. Cominus just could not get use to the idea that there where things that his eyes couldn't discern.

  “My passenger now I must really be going.” Climbing into the leather saddle it felt good to be back with Shadow Fang even if their parting was only for a short time.

  “So you’re coming back right,” Cominus asked suspicious of his brother was lying to him.

  “Yes.” Draco did not want to leave his brother it felt like old times before he had joined with Shadow Fang. He wanted more then anything to stay there in their parents home and just talk. About the things he had seen and done, but alas it was not to be Draco no longer belong to the human world.

  “Well see you soon,” Cominus said backing away. With two beats of her massive wings leaving the ground. Shielding his face as Cominus watched his brother ascending into the sky. Circling her rider’s ancestral home shifting to the northeast Draco and Shadow Fang drifted out of view. Three hours had pasted since they had left his parents home a large floating piece of land was looming in the distance. Approaching the floating land mass a large castle dominated the center of the landmass. Made of polished white stone it shone as if it was just freshly cut from the quarry. Massive outer walls hundred feet thick with towers lining the walls to repeal any would be attacker. Keeping his soldiers better protected from the sting of their arrows.

  Archways and buttresses lined the hundred yards that surrounded the main castle. Barracks and other dwellings to house those who would seek the protection of his walls if they were under siege. Spires sat neatly in the corners of the main castle some reaching over hundred feet into the air. Draco had to admit that he had come to call this place home. The other dragons who were old enough to fly with their riders’ took shelter in a secret location in the mountains of Sol. The only dragon that called the castle home was Shadow Fang. The Doncer would do anything they could to stop him. This is why no other then him and Shadow Fang, and her offspring and their riders. Knew of the location in the mountains, and the reason he never let them stay to long within the castle.

  Shadow Fang glided towards the roof of the castle, making passes around the roof to show how it was done. The stone roof quivered with a thud from her trunk size legs hitting the massive stones it took to keep the castle intact. As Draco untied his stirrups from his feet, jumping off of Sha
dow Fang, Draco was helping his passenger down. Guards approached upon hearing their lords return to escort the high elf to the council meeting. Ah, the lovely Lanshina with her honey blonde hair those emerald green eyes, the air of authority that flows around her. How much she appeared to be a copy of her mother. However when she voiced her own ideals how unlike her mother she was. Bowing in respect for her station, and to their commander four guards leading the way to the council chamber. Where the leaders of the visiting races of the land awaited his return. As they neared the chamber door Draco noticed a dwarf he had never seen before. Who must have joined his ranks before his departure.

  “What is your name master dwarf,” Draco asked eyeing the red haired dwarf. Since his time in Terra Drago he had learned much of his new small friends. As much as the dwarfen nation would allow. The dwarfs crimson red beard reached to the nape of his neck. Draco knew this man was only around fifty in human years. Dress in leather backed chain mail armor, his crimson red hair tied back with a black ribbon. Twin throwing axes were held against his hip by his weathered brown leather belt. His mitheral two handed axe was slang across his back.

  “The name is Redbird Stonehold from the stone clan my lord.” Puffing out his barrel chest Redbird took pride in the fact he was able to serve with such a noble man.

  “Glad to have you with us.” Draco said Redbird face brimmed with pride as Draco pushed open the door to the council chamber. Sitting around the crescent moon table Draco eyed each emissaries from the surrounding territories. Draco scanned the crescent shape table he had never trusted the elves since his coming into this world. Draco had done everything he could to help the elves. All the while he drove off the forces of the Doncer, they sat in their council chambers and belittle his actions. Now here they sit asking for protecting from the Doncer’s evil ways. Draco had seen what they did to those they conquered the mass killings, the rape of the women. The needless killing of the young just for sport, the razing of their libraries that held countless ages of their history. The burning and salting the land to starve those that had escaped their reach. Though it was not to his liking Draco, did his best he could to warn the elves before their arrival to one of their cities. If he could, if he had that size of an army then he would meet them head on. As it was Draco had to be content with these sneak attacks and minor skirmishes.

  There was Siphon of the dark elves, her star light hair those silver eyes. That could tempt a man to give his soul for a touch of her soft velvet lips. Her ebony skin foretold of her heritage of her evil kin, next to her was Dinks of the wood elves. His forest green hair lay cropped close to his skull the style of their warriors. His almond colored eyes showed the hints of the battles he had fought in ages past. His hand unconsciously went to his empty sword belt. Draco could not blame the elf of the five years of battle. He to felt his hand reach for his own sword, and last to sit was the high elf passenger Lanshina.

  On the opposite side of them sat Ogar of the mountain dwarf's, standing over five feet Ogar was the norm for his race of the mountain dwarfs. Unlike the other dwarfen race mountain dwarfs showed their mixed bloodlines. More slimmer then the races of theit kin, uetjust a broad and muscular as the rest of dwarfen race. Ogar though old in his years has always been a friend to him. Helen of the stone dwarfs in her gold leafed breastplate. Her breaded golden hair hung freely down her small back. Wodan of the hill dwarfs his small hands gripping the armrest of his chair. The blood forced out for his iron grip by the proximity of the elves.

  “Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen shall we begin this council meeting,” Draco said taking his seat at the head of the table. Filling the goblet with everberry wine to wash away the dust from his throat. From his travel through the magical void that separated the two worlds, formed from the fires of the catastrophe that had reshaped Terra Drago. Separating the humans from the land of magic for so many years.

  “I am sure that you are aware, that every one here wishes for you to allow us sanctuary within you borders,” Dinks said looking around the table.

  “If I allow that to happen what is it that you are willing to give in return for my protection?”

  “We bring you the arts of the arcane and arts from each of our races into your land enriching your people,” Siphon said cutting in.

  “That’s fine in times of peace however we are at war for our every survival. What I need now are men and women to fight in my army, I need riders for my dragons. The dwarf's have agreed to these terms, in a few week's time they will be the first of many dwarf riders to grace the land,” Draco said leaning on the table. The elven emissaries winced at the notion of a dwarf riding a dragon was unheard of. The elves have not gone into battle for many generations since there last encounter with the Doncer. However it was hard to allow their people to go into battle for people they had forsaken. Her small hand slammed down upon the wooden surface, for eons the dwarfen race had been the butt end of the elven race. Helen showed it was time to change such ways, now that this man who fought for people not his own.

  “Our people know that this man has taken a great risk to house us from the Doncer. Though we to wish to live in peace that is always the case. We of the stone clan have allowed those who wish to fight join up with Draco in his mighty army. We are proud that for this time in our history that we are allowed to be joined with a dragon. He knows why we come to him, for the first time in five thousand years a free black dragon roams this land. They fear him and his dragon for five years this man has defeated his enemies on the battlefield. I say if he is willing to risk his life and those of his men. We should do the same we dwarf's are not a cowardly lot, though we have hidden for to long in our underground cities. I am ashamed to have to have to say that in front of my fellow clansmen. This is why we have come here this day to give our support, to this man in hopes he can one day put an end to the Doncer, " Helen said bowing respect to Draco’s past actions.

  “Those are fine words Helen of the stone clan, we high elves will not watch as another war destroys what's left of our world “ Lanshina said with smugness. Draco knew that the high elves never truly believed that he or any other could win this war. He just could not believe that they would allow the worlds people fall to the Doncer’s hands. How could they be so stubborn to see their way of life could no longer hide them from the Doncer war machine?

  “Why can you high elves not see that if the Doncer are not stop now. Then they will either enslave us or wipe us all out. How many of you remember when we could walk freely the land with out fear of the Doncer. How much have we all lost to this godforsaken war that they started. Even now we hide in our homes thankful for the wards that protect us from their dragons fury. If we do not stop this now what will happen to the banished humans down on second Earth. We will not watch our race die out as a forgotten plant left out in the sun for to long,” Ogar said eager to be done with this meeting with the elves.

  “What will happen to us if we support this man and say he wins this war! Will he give us back the lands that we have lost, or will he be just like the leaders of the Doncer. Forcing us to live under his rule, the humans below us are of no concern of ours,” Siphon said with distaste of having to think of those on the world below.

  “They should be where do you think the Doncer will go next after they have finished with you. The humans have no means to defend themselves from their unexpected appearance. You can have your land back my interest is not in world domination when this war is over. All I want is the elves and the dwarfs to see my territory as a free country under my rule Siphon. Though you do not have to agree to this, you can always go back to you cities and wait for the Doncer to knock on your door. One night asking that you surrender to them the choice is yours to make. If you excuse me, I am weary from my travels I ask that we break for the night and start anew in the morning,” Draco said the fatigue of the battle with the ruby golem still had him drained. As the black walnut doors swung open approaching Draco, Redbird him had look of doubt and worry on his face.r />
  “Forgive me my lord for overhearing you meeting. Is it true what you said that you would give back our lands freely?”

  “How could you not my good dwarf I bet they heard this meeting all the way down to second earth. It is true I have no desire to rule your lands I just want this war to be over as soon as possible.”

  “That is good to hear many of us think you would go back on you word. It fills me with pride and joy, to hear you repeat those same words that we all feel in our hearts. I think the elves will think twice about taking this war for granted. It is true they have not lost a great deal to the Doncer that is just a matter of time,” Redbird said the sorrow of lost played across his sea green eyes. Having his say Redbird turned to retake his post at the door. He liked the fact the dwarf would speak his mind so freely.

  “Redbird come with me, I wish to speak with you in private for a moment,” Draco said leading the dwarf to his private chambers. Entering his study down the hall from the council chambers, Draco ushered Redbird to join him.

  “Yes my lord,” Redbird said closing the door behind him. His eyes marveled at the shelves of tomes that lined the room. A large alcove sat empty lined with cushions Redbird knew whom the pillows were for. Two rooms branched off from Draco's sitting room. Tapestries hung along the stonewalls to bring warmth to the cold lifeless stone. Draco ushered him to the two waiting leather chairs. The view of the land from the balcony could take anyones breath away.

  “I’m starting a special squad consisting of two dwarfs and two elves and a dragon rider. I know the dwarf's are trained to be fighters when they are old enough to hold a blade. Though this all depends on if the egg hatches this joining period. If you are up to the challenge I would like for you to take part in this group,” Draco said offering Redbird a goblet of dwarfen mead. If Draco translated the star elf tablet correctly then, whomever was to be the white dragon’s rider had a very challenging role to play. Draco was determine to make sure that when the time came then who ever it was would have the best at his or her side.


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