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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

Page 13

by Richardson, James

  “Alhs nah shiv," said one of the high elves who wore twin golden edged leafs on his armor. Cominus knew he must be the leader of this group. Turning to his two companions to see what was said before he could ask the elf could spoke common. “How dare you bring this human," his sword pointing at Cominus. "Into our lands we do not see your standing as emissaries now leave our land,” said the elf trusting his sword out at Cominus chest. Hold your tongue elf I will not have you speak to my rider in such away. Unless you wish to feel the wrath of mother or I,” Darjin said poking her head around Cominus's left ear.

  “All I see is a tiny lizard no more then arms length,” said the elf. Feeling her anger raise Cominus steadied Darjin for fear she would leap from his shoulders to render the elf to ash. However Cominus could not hold back his anger drawing his sword as fast as he could.

  “I will not have you speak to Darjin in such a manner,” Cominus said holding his own sword to the elf's throat.

  “Remove your sword from his throat,” looking past the elf Cominus saw Lanshina standing in red silk robes with her golden hair flowing in the wind.

  “Not until these man apologies,” Cominus said sneering at the elf.

  “I am sure this man meant no harm when he said these things now please we must not be late,” Lanshina said politely as she could without showing her own disgust at the human.

  “As you wish my lady I will not stand for any more of this if your people continue to belittle Darjin or Lord Draco,” Cominus said angrily.

  I however will not act so kindly if this elf spouts another word,” Darjin said bearing her fangs.

  “My lady these people have entered our land uninvited they also bring with them a human,” said the elf protesting the stupidity of allowing a human into their lands.

  “Are you so blind that you can not see that this man is bonded with a white dragon and an emissary who by our laws should be treated as such,” Lanshina said narrowing her eyes.

  “But my lady,” said the elf begging interrupted by Lanshina.

  “Silence yourself before you bring more shame upon us,” Lanshina said cutting him off. The elven guard grew silent at her harsh remarks though his eyes never left Cominus. “I apologies Lord Cominus for any outburst that this man has caused."

  “If you will follow me please,” Lanshina said ushering the companions to follow her to the gates. As the four followed behind Lanshina, Cominus never took his eyes off the elf that had insulted his dragon. As the grouped walked down the road, the armed elves returned to there hiding places. Waiting for some unknown traveler to wonder into their domain.

  Ready to defend against all that would mean harm to those they were sworn to protect.

  “It has been some time since I been able to return to Shadleel,” Ergan said trying to ease the tension that was forming. “My family came here when I was about your age my lord it was the winter festival. We spent months within the walls of Shadleel. The high elves allow other races to remain within their walls while the festival went on. I know how you feel my lord what that officer said shamed even me but you must. Restrain yourself for all high elves will look down on you even if you are a rider. You cannot be drawing your sword at every high elf that angers you. You were lucky this time if Lanshina was not there you would be died,” Ergan said eyeing the growing wall before him.

  “I shall temper my anger for now," Cominus muttered.

  “You would do well to listen to your comrade young rider,” Lanshina said looking back at the four companions.

  “I agree you must calm yourself we shall be out of here before you know it,” Aryl said in a low whisper. As they approach the massive gates, Cominus was mesmerized by the sheer size of the wall. Standing at a towering hundred feet, the walls were so thick Cominus wondered how any one could penetrate it. Even if Amsher had fallen, how could Cominus convince the leaders of these people. To take his brothers offer to join him and the others. As the massive gates open Cominus saw the spender of their race. Streets made out of white polished marble houses built into the trees, in the center of the mighty city. Stood a sixty-foot tall tower Aryl told Cominus the building was once used to teach all of the riders of the land. It was also were magi learn the skills of the arcane. Now however the high elves have desecrated the once noble building to serve their own needs.

  All this did was to fuel Cominus's anger of the high elves arrogance's how could they desecrate something. They themselves once stood for before the war started. Cominus’s wondered why his brother was so adamant about joining with these people in alliance. For all their arrogance Draco could not let them join with the Doncer. They were the only elves that had a standing army ready to march at any given moment.

  “Queen Ishtar is waiting for us in the governmental building,” Lanshina said pointing in the direction of the once noble tower.

  “I shall leave you my lord for Shadleel has the finest magic ingredients in all the land,” Aryl said handing Cominus the scroll that Draco had given them before their journey started.

  “I shall accompany her, my Lord,” Ergan said bowing before rushing to catch up to Aryl. Cominus nodded in agreement as the two elves walked down the street. Not knowing what the high elves would do when they saw a dark and wood elf in their city. Cominus was eager to get this meeting over with so that he could rejoin with his comrades.

  “Do not worry about your comrades they shall be fine no need to worry,” Lanshina said thinking it was the source of his discomfort.

  “Shall we get going,” Redbird said eager to be done with this. Redbird never liked the elves for there arrogance was beyond comprehension. Cominus saw the same eagerness in his sea green eyes. As the mammoth four story tall wooden door with brass trim open before them. The ceiling stretched four stories above their heads. Darjin was excited to be in such a noble place even if the elves turned it into something far from that. High elves ran from room to room speaking of his arrival, Cominus knew what they were whispering. Knowing that he was the talk of the town which it did not bother Cominus. "Let them talk," Cominus thought to himself for all it will do them. Before long they came to the chambers of Queen Ishtar. As they waited to be announced into the hall, Cominus could hear three people in an argument. Wondering what they were talking about Cominus wished he could understand their language. Lanshina knocked on the door once again waiting for her Queen to invite them into her chambers.

  “Come,” Queen Ishtar said her sing song voice held hind of aggravation underneath it. “My lady I am pleased to announce Lord Cominus and master Redbird of the stone clan,” Lanshina said bowing low to her Queen. Stepping into the chambers of the Queen, leather bond tome's filled the shelf's that lined the wall. Cominus could fill the hum of the magical tomes pressing in on him. The hints of everberry and lilac his mind flashed to the Aryl her star light hair blowing in the cool air. Her silver eyes looking at him with desire, snapping back to reality Cominus forced all thoughts of the elven maiden from his mind.

  “Welcome rider and master Redbird to the city of Shadleel. What business brings to our lovely city,” Queen Ishtar asked reclining back in her throne. Bowing to her grace Cominus handed her the scroll that his brother had given them before they left for the elfin city.

  “What is this,” Queen Ishtar asked the flash of Darjin’s white scales caught her eye.

  “I do not know the contents of the letter my lady, I do have another reason for being here,” Cominus said in the most polite voice he could muster.

  “What other reason would you be here Lord Cominus,” Queen Ishtar asked breaking the wax seal.

  “We have travailed to your city in hopes to find another person to join us in our quest.”

  “I guessing Lord Draco wishes for you to journey to find Chad,” Ishtar said smirking.

  “You are correct my lady,” Redbird said nodding his head.

  “I must consider this request I shall have rooms made available for your group. I will call for you in two days time until then enjoy the spend
ers of Shadleel,” Ishtar said dismissing them with a wave.

  “Thank you my lady,” Cominus said bowing to the Queen. Lanshina led them back to the entrance turning to Cominus.

  “You and your friends will stay in the tower if you need anything. Food and drink will be made available any time you need it, you may explore the city but an escort must be with you at all times,” Lanshina said looking pass them.

  “Will you let Aryl and Ergan know were to meet us at,” Cominus said the day's events wore him day.

  “A runner has already been sent to the store Aryl went to.”

  “I good use a good night rest after that Char attacked,” Redbird said rolling his shoulders.

  “Char we never heard of one in the region of Lord Draco's land,” Lanshina said pushing the massive door open to lead the two to there rooms in the mighty tower.

  “You should have seen the battle surrounded by goblins and hobgoblins, Lord Cominus single handily smote ten of them. The way his lord dealt with the Char stories will be told for ages to come,” Redbird said slapping his belly.

  “You can not be serious,” Lanshina said in disbelief shocked by Redbirds story.

  “Aye its true lass, Lord Cominus is as brave and foolish as his brother is,” Redbird chuckling.

  “Well you and your brother must have been touched by a god to pull off that feat."

  “Believe what you will elf I have no reason to lie,” Cominus said voicing his displeasure.

  “I ask you to call me Lanshina I do not call you human now do I,” Lanshina said spinning around to face Cominus eye to eye.

  “Let us end this we have completed our task we must rejoice with some ale,” Redbird said trying defuse the situation.

  “I regret what I said my lady please forgive my outburst." Neither one of them talked as the reached the waiting rooms in the tower calling for a maiden.

  “Yes my lady,” said the young elven girl.

  “Please show our guest to their room,” Lanshina said glad her task was completed. She would spend a great many hours in the bath scrubbing what she saw as the foulness of being so close to a human.

  “Yes my lady if you will follow me,” said the girl. As the two went to the steps Cominus turn to watch Lanshina, Cominus felt something was not right with this. What was the argument about when they first arrived. Cominus made up his mind to be watchful of these people.

  As Cominus and Redbird entered their room it was far spacious then anything Cominus had ever seen. With feather filled chairs lining the four corners of the room, with a medium size table set in the center of the room. A palter of meats, cheeses and fruits lined the bronze palter. Four doors lead to bedrooms each was just as spacious as the sitting room with their own private bathing pools. Cominus settled in for the night while Redbird grew restless in waiting for the Queens decision.

  Soon after the two were comfortable, Aryl and Ergan returned from the shop district. In her hands, Aryl held three old worn leather books as she entered the room, placing them on the table in front of Cominus. Grabbing a large pear Aryl sat in the feather stuffed chair slipping out of her warm leather boots.

  “I take it went well,” Cominus said eyeing the worn creaked leather covers of the magical tomes.

  “Yes and no,” Aryl said scornfully.

  “What happen,” Redbird said excited to finally have something to do other then wasting time.

  “I guess word has spread of your arrival my lord,” Ergan said looking at Cominus as he closed the door.

  “All but one of the shop keepers wouldn't sell us anything. I did not except our own kin to ostracize us,” Aryl said throwing her boots at the right hand door declaring she had taken it for her own. “I loath these high elves so, if we were in the city of Ashinvalle we would be treated with the respect given to us,” Aryl said wiping the juice from her slender chin.

  “I know how you feel Aryl I to hate this underhanded talk,” Ergan said nodding in agreement.

  “Now you two know what we dwarf's feel when we are invited to an elven village,” Redbird said eyeing the two elves.

  “So what did you get Aryl,” Cominus asked trying change the subject. Walking over to the table Aryl placed her left hand on top of the books.

  “Ah, my lord those are for you. The shopkeeper that sold me these books was every eager to help the new rider in his ways of the arcane,” Aryl said her silver eyes lingered on the man maybe for to long.

  “So what did you get,” Cominus said eager to start his training.

  “This book will help you in pronouncing the vowels in our language, this second book has many minor spells to help you practice. So that you can learn how your magic flows through you. This third one is a very advance book it should not be taken lightly,” Aryl said pushing the books forward. His callous hands brushing against her soft velvety skin.

  “I am very grateful that you would agree to train me I shall not let you down Aryl,” Cominus said taking the three tombs into his hands.

  “Since we will be here for sometime we will also being your training as well,” Ergan said with a smile.

  “We can start now if you wish.” Eager to see how he would fare against an elf in battle.

  “Not tonight my lord but be ready for we shall start at dawn,” Ergan said eager to test what skills Cominus had with the sword.

  “Now I want you to go to your room and study those books for I shall test you every day. Until you have memorized our language,” Aryl said the proximity of her body made his blood run hot.

  “My lord you had once wished to learn of our gods do you still wish to learn,” Redbird said not wishing to be left begin in the rider's teachings.

  “Yes is there a dwarfen temple here,” Cominus could hardly believe that these elves would have any other religion within their walls. His red beard bobbing to his disbelief. “Well good night all,” Cominus said thinking he was a schoolboy again. Taking the first book with him into the bathing pool, he began to flip though the text. The letters seemed so familiar to him yet he could not put his finger on it. As Cominus began to sound out the words, he began to experiment with it. Thinking of fire Cominus looked for the proper pronunciation for the elven word for fire.

  “Pyro shire,” waiting for the surge of energy that would draw froth the magic that laid within. As he waited, Cominus felt the same tingling in his hands as he did when they were attacked by the goblins. As the energy grew ever more intense a small flicker of light began to form in Cominus's right palm. As the light grew brighter a ball of fire formed inches above his palm. As the ball sat in his palm, Darjin ran into the room wondering what the new source of light came from.

  “Look Darjin I made fire,” Cominus said laughing has the small ball filled the pool with warm light.

  "I'm not going to dignify that with an answer,” Darjin said raising her tail to strut out of the bathing pool.

  “Don’t go away angry Darjin someday you be able to do the same,” Cominus said releasing the energy to comfort his partner. As Cominus turned to face Darjin she had a wicked look in her eyes.

  You’re not the only one who knows magic,” Darjin said with a wicked grin forming on her scaly lips . “Aqua liture,” Cominus was caught off guard as a bubble of water engulfed him. Suspended in the center of the bubble Cominus watched as Darjin fell to the ground laughing. Losing her focus the bubble popped causing Cominus fell back into the pool. Standing Darjin could see that Cominus did not enjoy it as much. Running out of the bathing pool as the pool's water dripped off his face.

  “You get back here you little ...,” Cominus said chasing after Darjin. What did you not enjoy your bath ,” Darjin said laughingly. As Cominus chased Darjin around the room books were thrown from their shelves. Covers were tossed to the floor as Darjin ran across the bed hearing the commotion. The others ran into the room to see what was going on. As the door opened, Darjin ran though the opening trying to get away from her rider. There standing in the doorway was Aryl staring at Cominus for wh
om was naked at the time. As Aryl looked upon his naked body Aryl cheeks began to blush.

  “Shut the damn door,” Cominus yelled. “Sorry my lord we heard the commotion we had to see what was happening,” Aryl said trying to hide her rose colored cheeks from the others speaking though the wooden barrier. He almost had me,” Darjin said gasping for breath.

  “What was going on in there,” Redbird said looking down at the dragon.

  Cominus made a fire ball when he was in the bathing pool I went in to see what was going on. He gloated about making fire so I tripped him in a water prison for only ten seconds. It was so funny that I lost my concentration, which made him fall back into the water. After that, he chased around the room and that's when you guys came in,” Darjin said her sides heaving.

  “I see,” Ergan said smiling as Cominus flew open the door.

  “Where is she," Cominus asked looking around the sitting room for Darjin. He saw Aryl looking away from him, embarrassed after seeing his naked form. Cominus spotted her white tail under the chair which Redbird was sitting.

  “There you are,” Cominus said rushing over to Redbird. Hearing Cominus coming for her, Darjin ran from her hiding spot and leaped onto Aryl's lap. Cominus stopped in his tracks when he saw Aryl's face. Her cheeks were that of a pinkish hue Cominus never thought dark elves could get so embarrassed. Seeing this Cominus went left Darjin resting in her lap.

  “Fine stay with her for the night,” Cominus said slamming his bedroom door. As Cominus readying himself for bed he could not take his mind off of Aryl. Would seeing him naked ruin any chance to learn magic from her. Would this lead to a romance, which his brother had once warned him about Cominus asked himself. Morning dawned Ergan knocked on Cominus's door letting him know it was time for them to start their training.

  Cominus gathered his clothes and hastily put them on strapping on his sword belt. As he walked out from the room, Ergan had dawned on leather armor instead of his plate mail. Aryl was wearing a purple robe trimmed in gold and silver. Cominus thought the robe was more for a banquet then for a day of training.


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