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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

Page 16

by Richardson, James

  beast slay my rider,” Shadow Fang said lovely. “What are our orders my lord are we to

  join his lordship in battle,” Redbird asked gripping tightly to his battleaxe.

  “No master dwarf we are to protect the

  Queen. If Draco fails in stopping the golem we

  are to escort the Queen through the Hop gate,”

  Cominus said gritting his teeth. Cominus

  would have rather be by his brother’s side then

  guarding some snob of a Queen.

  “I suggest that we get moving before the

  gates are breached,” Ergan said over the roar of

  battle. The four nodded and ran for the palace where they were sure to find the Queen. As the four reached the main doors of the palace gasping for breath however they had no time for rest. As the sound of their boots rang off the black marble floor reaching the Queen's chamber. Two elven guards stood outside of her door crossing their pikes together. Letting them

  know they are not wanted.

  “Stand aside high elf we have orders to

  protect your Queen,” Cominus said eyeing the

  two guards. A voice was heard within Cominus

  knew it was the Queen herself.

  “Let them in,” said Ishtar. As the four entered, Cominus bowed to the Queen. Ishtar was

  watching the battle from the latticework of her

  balcony. Her emerald green eyes never leaving

  the sight of the black rider.

  “Lord Draco wished us to protect you

  while he and his riders deal with the Drow and

  the golem,” Cominus said catching his breath. “I know I figured he would come if we

  were attack, and that he would charge his emissaries as my personal guard,” Ishtar said with a

  smog look this irritated Cominus to no end. “Yes my lady Lord Draco had also wished

  us to escort you though the Hop gate if he

  should fail,” Cominus said holding his tongue

  so he wouldn't to spout insults.

  “Then let us hope that he does not fail

  come young rider join me by the window,” Ishtar said with a smile on her face. As Cominus

  took his place by the Queens side Cominus

  could see the entire battle unfolding before him. His brother’s diversion was working the golem paid no attention to other dragon riders as they engaged in battle with the Drow. Even as the battle intensified, Cominus attention was

  not to the dragon riders but to his brother. His speed with his sword was as fast or

  faster then his mock battle with Ergan. Just has

  he been focused on his brother’s battle Darjin

  could not take her eyes off her mother. As the

  golem reached for the two its shadowy fingers

  grasping nothing but thin air. With all its might

  it was no match for Shadow Fangs agility.

  Shadow Fang poured on the flame each time

  she made a pass on the golem. Before long, the

  golem glowed white-hot. Ready to cast a freezing spell the golem’s body rapidly cooled returning to its former color.

  “That will not work,” Aryl said coming up

  next to Cominus brushing her hand against his. “What do you mean Aryl?”

  “No amount of fire will damage the brut.

  Legend said that when the golems were form

  they took on the elements around them. When

  after the gods formed the beast from the elements, the Drows' dark goddess grew jealous.

  She fashion her own golem from the shadows

  of the Underdark. These beast roam the land

  defending it from attack from us surface dwellers. It is said that in order to kill a shadow golem one must call down the light of the gods,”

  Aryl said knowing it was a suicide attack. Tell Aryl thank you for that bit of information,” Draco said blocking the golem's shadow blast. Were you listening to our conversation?”

  No Darjin told me.”

  Hey I thought you didn't have time for idle banter,” Cominus said sarcastically.

  I guess I do,” Draco said laughingly. “Aryl, Lord Draco wished for you to know that he said thank you for that tidbit of information,” Cominus said on his brother's behalf. The look that she gave Cominus was that of pride for helping her lord in battle. Even if she could not fight in the battle along side him. She looped her arm around Cominus's left arm again he felt her soft smooth skin against his. Her perfume filled his noise with the scent of honey and lavender.

  Her scent alone could drive him wild he wanted her with him and under him. Cominus could watch this woman all day if there was not a battle raging on beyond the walls of Shadleel. They watched as his brother jumping from Shadow Fangs back to the golem's right shoulder. Aryl saw signs that Lord Draco was performing a spell she could not make out all the signs of the spell.

  “He's not going to perform that spell is he it can't be,” Aryl said releasing from her hold on Cominus's arm to run to the balcony. “She's talking about a very ancient spell that would call the gods to oneself. This spell one is so powerful that it can level mountains or move oceans yet it is a two-sided sword. If the person who calls down the power of the gods cannot handle it they themselves will be destroy. Along with what you aim to destroy,” Ishtar said interrupting the two. As they watched on Cominus grew more tense waiting to see if his brother’s spell worked. Two hundred feet above the golem in the air, a giant ball of light began to form. Cominus could feel the power that it emitted just as it began to grow the ball sink in on its self.

  “Look he can't control it its dying out,” Cominus said hoping he was wrong. If he was not then it meant that his brother’s life was at an end.

  “No my lord look closer Lord Draco just condense the magic so not to destroy the surroundings,” Aryl said grabbing on to Cominus. “So he's not losing control,” Cominus said under his breath.

  “No I do not think he will but it is too early to tell,” Aryl said as she finished a bolt of light flew down from nowhere that Cominus could see. Just as the bolt hit the golem a horrific scream could be heard, yet not seen where it came from was it from the golem or his brother.

  “I'm going down there I'm sorry my lady but I must know if he survived that,” Cominus said hurrying out of the Queen's chamber. Ishtar did not openly object to it. Aryl unable to sit idle any more she followed Cominus as he exited the room.

  “I must say this new rider is too emotional,” Ishtar said to Redbird and Ergan. “That may be true my lady but that is also his brother down there,” Redbird said looking down at the carnage.

  “What you mean his brother that's nonsense,” Ishtar said dumbfoundedly.

  “Ask Lord Cominus or Draco after the battle if you like my lady,” Ergan said wishing he could join his young friend. As Cominus raced towards the main gate, the battle that raged beyond the walls seemed to be dying down. As the gates opened, Cominus saw his brother standing over the remains of the shadow golem. Placing the heart of the beast into the same enchanted bag, he had placed the ruby heart in. At that moment, Cominus's left hand began to inch as if something was trying to dig its way out of his skin.

  He grew concerned that he had picked up a parasite on the way to Shadleel. Draco looked at Cominus's hand seeing, what was the cause of his brother’s discomfort. Cominus was more concerned about his brothers stupid idea to take on the mighty beast.

  “What the hell were you thinking brother taking on that thing,” Cominus said poking his brother in the chest.

  “I was thinking of saving as many elven life's as I could including yours brother,” Draco said brushing off his brother's finger. As he finished Aryl ran though the gate stunned that her lord had survived. Walking up to Cominus Aryl looped her arm around Cominus displaying her intentions. Draco knew what Aryl meant he only smiled at his brother.

  “Why are you smiling what so funny,” Cominus asked arching an eyebrow

  “Oh its nothing,” Draco said his smile never leaving his lips.

  “I never thought in my wildest dreams would I see any one take down one of the dark Queens creatures,” Aryl said mystified. Draco was still watching his brother's hand seeing a rune forming on his hand. Taking off his gloves Draco threw them to his brother. “Put them on,” Draco said looking over his brother's shoulder.

  “Why what for,” Cominus said not understanding his brother's actions.

  “I shall explain when we return home brother for now do as I ask,” Draco said his heighten senses picking up on her approach. As the two brothers’ stood there talking Queen Ishtar ventured out onto the battle scene. Surveying the battleground Ishtar grew arrogant that her own forces would have been enough to deal with this attack. However she had no idea how much it would have been a disaster for their race.

  “Lord Draco why have you come to our kingdom,” Ishtar said with the authority of a Queen.

  “I came here with my riders after the attack on Basing my lady,” Draco said bowing to the Queen. Cominus looked at his brother questioning what was that he saw in those silver depths.

  “An attack on Basing why have I not heard anything about this,” demand Ishtar.

  “We saved as many as we could my lady their forces were too great for us to save your city. We helped those who were lucky enough to escape from the Doncer through the Hop gate. As we speak your people are safe within my lands if you wish I will have two of my riders tell them return to Shadleel."

  “Where is your proof of this you may have kidnapped my people to serve your own purpose,” Ishtar said striking her fist on her hips. As the two leaders argued a young male voice was heard in the distance. It was one of the high elves Draco and his rider's had saved from the Doncer. The young man gasped for air as he came to a stop in front of Draco and the others.

  “My lady terrible news the Doncer have attacked Basing all is lost,” said the young man bending over his lungs heaving.

  “Calm yourself tell me what happen how was I not informed of this,” Ishtar demanded. “We tried my lady someone betrayed us to the Doncer. Whoever it was let the bastards’ into the city during the night while we slept. By morning most of the city was lost if it was not for Lord Draco we would all be dead or slaves for the Doncer,” said the young man. For minutes, Ishtar never said a word to any one the news of the attack was to great for the Queen. This made Cominus smile with delight for all their arrogance they thought they were hidden by their spells and wards. Now their reality has shattered because they thought that they were above everything. Cominus thought now maybe that they would be able to see reason. “How are the people that escaped the city,” Ishtar asked clutching the man by the arm. “Some minor injures other then that well and safe thanks to his lordship. His people have treated their wounds and given us shelter for the night. If you wish my lady I shall return to the others and ready them for their trip home,” said the young man.

  “That will be enough young one rest yourself and return to them, tell them we shall join them soon,” Ishtar said kindly calling one of the guards to show the man to a hot meal. “Lord Draco shall we journey to my chambers to talk about our exodus to your land." “As you wish my lady one moment my lady, Cominus take Shadow Fang and scout the area to see if there's any lingering forces around,” Draco said with a smirk on his face. Cominus looked to Shadow Fang and back to his brother.

  “Is she all right with this,” Cominus said trying not to show his excitement.

  It is an excitable security measure and you being his kin I would mind less of all,” Shadow Fang said laying down to give Cominus an easier time climbing into her saddle. They circled the elven city a few times to get their bearings of the strange land. Within a few minutes they flew west towards the Atlea mountain range. Shadow Fang noticed tunnels running throughout the mountains. Cominus knew from the fantasy books that he read back at home that Drow elves preferred the dark of the tunnels then to the light of the surface. Cominus also knew that he would be no match for them in the dark.

  Cominus flew around the mountain range looking for any signs that the elves had come this way. Seeing no sings of enemy forces in or around the area Cominus and Shadow Fang flew on in the chance of spying on the elves. Lord Draco and the elven queen still remind at the main gates of the city. Cominus wondered what they were talking about however his brother asked him take on this mission. Cominus was all too happy to do this for it gave him the chance to fly with the mother of Darjin. While back at the gates Lord Draco still determined to gain the alliance of the high elves in their fight to end the rule of the Doncer. “My lord shall we retire to my chambers,” Queen Ishtar said folding her hands before her. “As you wish my lady,” Draco said following after Ishtar as she led the way through the gates of the city. As the two noble leaders entered the mighty elven city Draco positioned his remaining riders along the massive city walls. Until they were ready to leave they would not move an inch until their leader gave the word. As the Queen and Lord Draco entered her chambers, Ishtar turned to him and embraced Draco in a long passionate kiss. Ishtar wrapped her arms around her lover longing for his touch that she had long missed. “I have missed you so my beloved how long has it been since we last saw each other,” Ishtar asked pulling away from Draco. “I say about three years though I am surprised that you would give me such a welcome," Draco said his hands running down her arms. Her departure from his life had ripped out his heart the day she left.

  “I know it was hard for you when my sister passed and I had to take up the mantle of leadership. For that, my love I am sorry that I had to leave you alone to face our enemies alone. Never again will I leave your side beloved from this day forward we shall share in the burden. I will move my people from the remaining three cities to your main land. My lord I would also like if some of your riders would be there when we make the exodus to your land,” Ishtar said those emerald green eyes studying the man she had fallen in love with.

  “I will make sure that your people are well protected on their long trip,” Draco said his thumb brushing along her ear. Before the Queen could speak, Lanshina barged into the room.

  “What is the meaning of this daughter,” Ishtar said forcible.

  “I am sorry mother but I can not allow you to do this not without the council agreement,” Lanshina said angrily not hiding the scowl on her face as she looked at Draco.

  ”How long should I wait for the council to make up it's mind my daughter. When the enemy has already taken two of our cities without much of a fight from us. Sre we just to sit here well they rape and plunder our cities and people? I was mistaken that we were safe within our walls however I will not be the cause of my people’s downfall. For to long my daughter we have let our own arrogance get the best of us. For to long our race has watch countless others dandle to a hand full of people.”

  “How many countless others lost their lives so that we could stay hidden from our enemies. Now that has been shattered by their attack on us here in our capital. Are you so blind my daughter that you would risk the lives of our people to satisfy your own discomfort of the other races that walk this land,” Ishtar said narrowing her eyes.

  “But mother!” Lanshina cried.

  “Enough! I have heard enough of your childish banter now go see to your sister. Make sure she is ready to leave with in the hour,” Ishtar said sternly. A door to the Queens side chambers burst open Draco looked down to see a little girl running up to her mother.

  The girl could only be about two and half years old Draco thought to himself with long blond hair it was a mix of honey and light blonde. With emerald green eyes that sparked like gems in the darken room. What caught Draco's eye were her ears that were more rounded then pointed then an elf. Draco looked back to Ishtar for some answers to the question that raced though his mind.

  “My lord I wish for you to meet your daughter Maya Silvermoon,” Ishtar said knowing the question that was running though her lovers mind.
When Ishtar made it clear Draco looked at Lanshina with a look that chilled her bones.

  “You knew this Lanshina and why was I not told that I had a daughter,” Draco demand. “I am sorry my lord mother told me not to speak of this to you when we met,” Lanshina said trying not to show her distaste for the man. “Forgive me beloved I kept her unknown to you to protect you as much as it was to protect her as well. You know of my people’s displeasure of breeding with other races. I did not want her to be effected by those same people at such a young age. What would have happened if you did not arrive as you did today, and my city fell into the hands of the Doncer would they not use her to get to you my lord. I know this must hurt you deeply my love you must believe me when I tell you. I had no intention to hide her from you,” Ishtar said placing Maya onto the floor. Nevertheless the hurt ran deep within Draco yet he knew she was right. Not to long ago he had done almost the same thing when he brought his brother into this world. Therefore allowing his anger melt away as he bent down to embrace his daughter for the first time. Maya was too scared to go near Draco for the first moments since her mother had placed her on the floor.

  “Go on go say hello to your father,” Ishtar said placing her hand on the small of her daughters back. With a little nudge, Maya was on her way into her waiting fathers arms. Maya in her innocents she ran into his arms without really knowing what has became of her father. Draco hoped that she would never find out about his condition. As the two grew closer Ishtar in all her responsibilities as the Queen of the high elves. It did not compare to the joy of motherhood as she watch Maya and Draco conversing with one another. With Maya in his arms, Draco began to examine his daughter hoping that she did not bear the curse that ran among his bloodline. As he looked down at his daughter's left hand Draco saw what he feared that she to was cursed with the rune of betrayal. Over welling sadness felled filled his heart when saw the rune Draco vowed that as long has he would lived. He would find a way to break the curse that affected his brother and his lovely daughter. Before Draco could begin to think about his future with his newfound family, he had to get them to safety. With Maya safety in his arms Draco turned to Ishtar waiting for them to gather their things.


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