The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1) Page 17

by Richardson, James

  “I shall escort you in your coach while Lord Cominus and Shadow Fang fly top cover. My men will make sure there are no mishaps while we are on the road. When all is ready we shall depart when Shadow Fang returns,” Draco said hugging Maya before setting her down. “My lord I have a question for you, I have heard that the new rider is your brother care to explain that beloved,” Ishtar asked in a curious voice.

  “Who told you that my love,” Draco said eyeing Lanshina as she shook her head to say no.

  “The dwarf that journeys with your young rider my lord, so seeing how he is human what does that make you."

  “That's communicated,” Draco said the agony that the curse had made him into what he was would never would leave him.

  “As you wish beloved I shall not press the subject,” Ishtar said ushering Maya into the joining room. “Lanshina spread the word to the people we leave our city."

  “Yes mother,” Lanshina reluctantly said as she turned to exit the room. Two hours had pasted since Cominus left to scout the elven lands for any signs of enemy movement. Seeing how neither the three could find any they made their way back to the elven city. As they flew over the city Cominus saw elves running to and fro carrying luggage and creates of food. Placing them into the carts they own the unlucky had to carry what they could on their backs. As they searched for a large enough landing area for Shadow Fang, as they approached the ground Cominus saw Aryl, Redbird, and Ergan running to see he had any news.

  “You find any thing my lord,” Aryl asked Cominus had to fight himself not to look into those silvery depths.

  “Yes I am tried of just sitting around this place when there's a fight to be had," Redbird banging his battle ax against his chest. “If they are out there we could find no traces of their whereabouts. I feel the same master dwarf I to am tried of just sitting around and doing nothing. No offense Shadow Fang,” Cominus said patting Shadow Fang on the neck.

  None taking little one,” replied Shadow Fang.

  “So what is the hell going on around here from the sky every elf in this city is running a round like all hell broke loose,” asked Cominus.

  “Queen Ishtar gave the order to evacuate the city,” Ergan said smiling.

  “So where will they go,” Cominus asked but he knew the answer.

  “To the land of Sol from what I could gather from the young maiden that showed us to our room,” Redbird said crossing his arms displeased that he was left out of the fighting. Cominus began to smile for the first time that they had arrived in Shadleel.

  “Where is my brother, is he in the tower,” Cominus asked his head on a swivel looking for signs of his brother.

  “No my lord he is still with the Queen,” Aryl said moving closer.

  “I guess he will be wanting his ride back.” “That will not be necessary brother. You will ride Shadow Fang and fly top cover for the Queens carriage. I want the rest of you to guard the high elves till they reach the castle,” Draco said coming up from behind him.

  “Were will you be brother your not thinking of staying here by yourself are you,” Cominus asked looking down at his brother. “No I will be guarding the Queen herself but you will not be alone up there Cominus,” Draco said just as he finished a thunderous roar raced across the sky. Cominus noticed that Shadow Fang and Darjin had arched there necks to the unknown roar. Cominus looked to the sky to see if there was another attack on the elven city.

  When Cominus could make out the shadow figure in the sky it was another dragon. Why didn't he see it when he was on patrol where was this dragon hiding. Looking to his brother for orders to take flight to head off the dragon yet there was just a smile on his face. Before he could ask Shadow Fang released her own mighty roar in response to the mysterious dragon. Cominus could feel Shadow Fang wiggling underneath him. “What the hell is going on,” Cominus thought to himself. With three mighty flaps of her wings, Shadow Fang lifted off the ground and soared towards the dragon. “You three be careful up there,” shouted Draco.

  Where is the fun in that,” asked Shadow Fang laughingly.

  True well keep your eyes open and tell Belo I said hello,” Draco said turning towards the Queens carriage. When all was ready, the Queen lead the refuges towards the land of Sol. Whispers and rumors spread throughout the ranks of the refuges as they neared the Hop gate.

  Were they to be second-class citizens in a land felled with all manner of creatures that they have long since abandon. Would they retain the honor they had once had in their beautiful cities, or are they just to roam the lands. In search for a new homeland were the Doncer could not find them. All these things weighed heavily on their minds as they marched to the Hop gates.

  “My lady where would you like to start building your people a city in my land,” Draco asked as the carriage rolled through the land. That had been the high elves home for countless years.

  “On your mainland my lord, say the southern tip of your land will severe us well. I will remain within your walls my lord, while my daughter will watch over the construction of our city,” Ishtar said pulling Maya close as the carriage jostled along with every word.

  “Do you think that is wise mother to leave our people so you can lay in this mans bed,” Lanshina asked angrily.

  “How dare you question my orders I am first, and foremost Queen of the high elves you will not question my commands! You will carry out my orders whether you like them or not. If you cannot follow them, I will have someone replace you and you can go about your way. Second I am a dragon rider my place is at the side of Lord Draco. If your hatred of his people can not see that then I have no use for you by my side. Third of all I am your mother and the mother of his daughter. Would have me rip the child from his arms once again to satisfy you own discomfort,” Ishtar said her fury swelling in her emerald green eyes.

  “If I were Queen I would not take our people from their homeland,” shouted Lanshina.

  “You are not Queen yet my daughter now clam yourself or I will throw you out of this carriage,” Ishtar said angrily.

  “You will do no such thing what would the council say if they see the princess walking among the common people. I unlike your mongrel daughter has no right to be given the tile of princess I will see to that mother,” Lanshina said with disgust. Before Ishtar could respond to her daughters outrageous comments Lord Draco interrupted the two of them.

  “If you ever speak of my daughter in such a manner again I will run you through is that understood,” Draco said with anger in his eyes.

  “Forgive me lord I do not see what this concerns you for you are no longer a living being,” Lanshina said shock played across Draco's face. Wondering how she had found out about his curse that he bore alone all these years.

  “How did you find out about that,” asked Draco.

  “I found an ancient text that depicted the rune that had formed on Maya's left hand. It also told me that only those first born into the bloodline would be marked with the rune of betrayal. While the second born is cursed to walk the land until he finds another of his blood to take his place,” Lanshina said with a smirk on her face.

  “Yes I already know this daughter do not think that you can bring up ancient history among us. Have you ever know his lordship to kill indiscreetly, or has his brother, or Maya ever gave you any hints that they intent to betray his brother or any one else,” Ishtar asked unable to believe her own daughter would be so bigoted.

  “No mother but if you know what he is then why follow him he will doom us all,” Lanshina said stubbornly.

  “We are doom if we do not follow what would you have us do daughter cower behind our walls and wait for death,” Ishtar said sighing.

  “No I say we conceal ourselves once again to the far corners of the world where they can never find us,” Lanshina said trying to talk her mother out of all out war.

  “Then what daughter watch the world crumble to dust while we do nothing to stop them."

  “Yes mother we owe these people nothing,” Lanshi
na growled.

  “Could you have stopped the attack from the Shadow golem or the attack on Basing daughter,” Ishtar asked matter-of-fact. “No but our people would have found a way to stop the beast,” Lanshina said banging her fist against the wooden panel.

  “Now naive you are my daughter do you not understand how his lordship destroyed the golem,” Ishtar said letting out a sigh for her daughter’s stubbornness.

  “No what does that have to do with anything,” Lanshina asked her anger lacing her words.

  “Because of the blood that runs though his veins he was able to call down the gods themselves to help in destroying that beast. That is the only way to kill a Shadow golem my daughter now tell me. Could any of our people do that risk their own life's if the spell backfired,” Ishtar asked Lanshina said nothing she had no answer for her mother. “I thought not so now do you think that we owe these people nothing,” Ishtar asked placing her hand over her daughter's. Lanshina still unable to say anything to her mother she knew she was right. However her pride would not let her say it. For a short time, there was complete silence within the carriage. Unable to come to terms with her mother over this, she would not let it stand even if it meant going against her mother. “So daughter what will it be will you follow my orders or will you leave."

  “I am sorry mother I can not let this happen,” Lanshina said as she jumped out of her mother’s carriage. Running towards the refuges that were trailing her mother’s carriage, this will show my mother Lanshina thought to herself. As she ran to the citizens, her mother’s carriage came to a halt. Queen Ishtar and Lord Draco with Maya in his arms stepped out of the carriage to see Lanshina defying her mother’s wishes.

  “Good people of Shadleel hear me. I am daughter of Queen Ishtar I believe that what she is doing is wrong. I believe that we should not follow Lord Draco and his men in this war. We should flee from this land to another where the Doncer will not follow. There our people will be safe from their growing armies and their war in which we are no longer apart of ...” as Lanshina continued to speak boos and discontent grew amongst the people of Shadleel. They continued to move pasted the preaching Lanshina knowing that their ways have doomed them to be refuges. Their arrogance had doomed their race to nothing more then flies on the wind. “Good people do not follow my mother and that so called dragon rider they will lead you to your death,” Lanshina continued.

  “What you purpose is nothing better then death princess,” said a man within the growing crowd of high elves.

  “It’s not true I believe that we can hide from our foes,” Lanshina said trying to bring the people around to realize her mother’s mistake.

  “Then what cower in the dark like frighten children,” came another response.

  “Our ways had proven that we were wrong and you still wish to hang on to those ways. When you saw for yourself the destruction that our enemies have brought to our doorstep. If it were not the heroic acts that Lord Draco, and his men showed we would not be here to have this discussion,” said a woman from the middle of the crowd. Walking up to her daughter Ishtar placed her hand on her right shoulder.

  “You see the people have spoken now well you rejoin me or will you join the masses daughter,” asked Ishtar.

  “No mother I still believe you are wrong I will not stand beside you in this,” Lanshina said detaching herself from her mother.

  “So be it then I have no chance then to strip you of your tile and rank. You are no longer my daughter you are my subject. Will follow my orders, or be gone from my sight to never step foot in our land again." As Ishtar spoke tears began to form in her eyes for she never wanted to banish her daughter. Ishtar had hope that she would see the folly of her ways. Lanshina too never thought her own mother would ever give her this ultimatum.

  "What have I done have I cross the line of no return will I live among my people as a commoner. Could I survive in the wilds by myself banish from my people," Lanshina thought to herself.

  “What is your answer? Will it be banishment or life as a commoner,” asked Ishtar. Unable to say the words Lanshina agree to her mothers offer to become a commoner. “This is goodbye my daughter I hope that life will not be to hard for you in the coming months,” Ishtar said turning around heading back towards her carriage. As Draco carried Maya, back to the carriage Maya began to cry for her sister.

  “Why isn't Lash not coming has she done something bad mommy,” Maya asked reaching over to her mother.

  “Yes she has wronged me and must accept her fate little one,” Ishtar said tears streaking down her face.

  “I’m sorry love that it had to come to this maybe she will come to her senses in the coming months,” Draco said comforting Ishtar. They continued back to the land of Sol without much of any trouble and though the refuges were sore and tried. They never gave much of a hint of their regret to leave their homeland. As the refuges reached the castle the wood and dark elves. That had come to make Sol their new home had set up shelters for the new comers.

  As the Queens carriage pulled to a stop at the entrance of the castle, Shadow Fang landed beside the carriage as Draco had instructed. Ishtar wished to hide her daughter from the unknown enemies that might be lurking within his army’s ranks. As Shadow Fang extend her wings, Belo had landed beside Cominus and Shadow Fang. Protecting his mate and his rider from any unseen harm. As Cominus dismounted from Shadow Fang the left hand door of the carriage pushed open and Queen Ishtar step out of the carriage. The surprise was when Maya had hopped down from the carriage steps.

  Then Draco was in the door and Cominus look back to Maya and noticed her ears. They were not as straight and pointed as an elf. They were rounded as those of a human then he looked back to his brother. "She cannot be his daughter why would he put up with this woman," Cominus thought to himself. Ever since he arrived in Shadleel all the high elves ever done was to treat him with disrespect. So why does this child have ears like that. When Cominus could have a moment alone with his brother, he would ask.

  “I hope that the trip went well my lady,” Cominus asked bowing not to let his own dislike of her race get in the way of his brother’s need of their help.

  “Yes it did Lord Cominus,” Ishtar said bowing her head to Cominus.

  “Where is Lanshina ...,” before Cominus could finish his sentence Ishtar put her hand up to stop him.

  “Please do not speak of her,” Ishtar said Cominus noticed streaks were tears had once been. Cominus turned to his brother looking for an explanation to his question. He never gave Cominus an answer so it must have been something to make her cold heart soften Cominus thought. Belo had lifted his massive head to console his rider from her growing depression. Maya had hidden behind her mother since she stepped out of the carriage. Poking her head around her mothers dress to look around her new home. Cominus saw her emerald green eyes the same has her mother and she had a mix of her mothers and his brothers hair color. Her ears were unmistakable almost human like. Cominus looked to his brother seeing a smile form on his lips when he looked upon Maya.

  “Lord Cominus I would like to introduce Princess Maya Silvermoon my daughter and daughter of Lord Draco,” Ishtar said nudging Maya out.

  “Daughter,” Cominus said with a befuddled look on his face.

  “Yes brother she is my daughter your niece, and you must keep this to yourself. No one other then us and Lanshina knows of her existence,” Draco said tucking the strands of hair behind her left ear.

  “She bears the same rune that is forming on your hand brother,” Draco said pointing at the now forming rune on his left had.

  “What the hell is that suppose to mean.” “The rune on your hand is the rune of betrayal.”

  “What is that suppose to mean, what so damn wrong with this rune,” Cominus asked growing angrier with is brother.

  “You remember the story of Aacole I told you,” asked Draco.

  “Yes what does that have to do with this dame rune,” asked Cominus.

  “Aacole had two son
s when he made the pack with the dark magi. As payment he gave his second sons soul to fuel their dark plans. Well you know what happen next so when the gods banished the humans from this world they marked the first-born son with the rune. We my brother, are the decedents of Aacole our bloodline was cursed long before we were born. This is why I ask you to keep Maya existence to yourself. That is why I gave you my gloves to wear if any one sees that rune you would be shunned by everyone in this world,” Draco said placing a hand on his brother's shoulder.

  “Is there was way to remove this curse from Maya,” Cominus said concerned for the young girl more then himself. All Draco could do is to shake is head.“Well hell,” he said stomping his foot in anger. “There must be something we can do brother."

  “You could go and talk with the gods that placed the rune on you. However I doubt that will do much good brother."

  “You would have to find these ancient gods that place that rune on your hand I would not know were to begin the search.”

  “Then why are we just sitting here we can go ask the elven gods of the dwarf gods for the answers,” Cominus said throwing up his hands. “It would only work for you and Maya now let us make our way to my chambers. Where we can talk about this more privately,” Draco said darkly. The three entered the castle and headed towards for Draco’s chambers. As they entered the castle Shadow Fang and Balo soared into the sky. Balo chased after her the years apart Balo would never allow any harm to come to his mate. Balo knew she would be mating again soon, he wanted to show Shadow Fang that he would be a perfect mate for her once again. Shadow Fang knew to that she would never take another mate as long as she lives. He had given her many children in their first mating cycle. He had also given her the seed to hatch a queen egg. He had also brought joy to her rider in which her daughter had chosen as her rider. However, he does not need to know that Shadow Fang told herself. As the four walk to Draco's chambers; Ishtar and Draco both had a smile on their face knowing what was transpiring between the two mighty dragons.


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