The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1) Page 18

by Richardson, James

  “Why are you two so happy about,” Cominus asked cocking an eyebrow.

  “You will just have to wait till Darjin is of age,” Ishtar said hiding her smile.

  “How did you know Darjin's name,” Cominus asked looking to Darjin for answers.

  “Balo told me,” Ishtar stated..

  “Who’s Balo?”

  My father,” Darjin said her tongue flicking Cominus left earlobe. Thinking back to what his brother had told him only a rose color dragon could make a white dragon egg. “Does that mean you are Balo's rider my lady,” asked Cominus.

  “Your rider is very perceptive Darjin,” Ishtar said sarcastically. All Cominus heard was the laughter from Darjin as they walked down the hall. When the four entered Draco's chambers Cominus watched Maya running to and fro around the room.

  “So brother tell my why it would only work on Maya and me,” Cominus asked leaning against the closed door. Maybe he would finally get some answers to the questions he had for so many days.

  “I am not bonded by the same curse as you brother,” Draco said taking off his armor. “Why is that,” Cominus asked watching Maya explored every inch of Draco's sitting room.

  “When the dark magi took the soul of Aacole second son they cursed him to forever walk the land as the undead. Unable to die unless another of his blood was there to take on his mantle,” Draco said hiding the pain from Ishtar.

  “You’re talking about vampires,” Cominus said abruptly.

  “Yes he was the origin of vampires in this land. Three months had pasted since Ishtar had left to take up the crown of her people. There came reports of vampires roaming my land so I set out to confront them with the relic of Polalo in my hands. I thought they would be no match for me. The relic did work except on him. The fight in itself was fairly easy but to my foolishness that's what he wanted. In his death he had passed on his curse to me and that is why I look the way I do,” Draco said with remorse in his voice. As Draco finished his tale Ishtar stood behind her lover to comfort him in his time of need. That is why he said his greatest failure and greatest triumph Cominus thought to himself. Seeing the hurt in his eyes Cominus figured it was best to leave well enough alone. Cominus turn to leave the happy couple in peace before he could exit Draco cleared his throat as he neared the door.

  “Your training will start tomorrow you best get a good nights rest,” Draco said Cominus could see a mischievous light in his brother's eyes.

  “Yes brother.”

  “I will also have your new room ready for you by the time your training is over,” Draco said wrapping his hand around Ishtar's.

  “Were will that be brother,” Cominus said his hand resting on the door handle.

  “Beside mine,” Draco said with a nodded Cominus exited the room to his chambers. As Cominus neared his room Ergan, Redbird, and Aryl stood in front of his door ready to protect his lordship throughout the night if any fend tried there hand at his life.

  “My lord we thought it would be best if me and Ergan took up guard positions at your door,” Redbird said eyeing Aryl.

  “I know I will sleep well tonight with you to at the door my friends,” Cominus said smiling at his new friend's. With the boosts of confidence from their rider. Ergan and Redbird would never allow any harm to come to Cominus when they were on watch.

  “What of you my lady,” Cominus asked eyeing Aryl hiding the blushing of his cheeks.

  “I shall be in the room with you my lord if any fiend gets past Redbird or Ergan then they will have deal with me my lord,” Aryl said slap her staff in her hands.

  “Well I would hate to be the fiend that goes up against you three,” Cominus chuckled. As Cominus and Aryl walked into his room Cominus could hear a little chuckles coming from Redbird, Aryl walked over to the table and placed her tomes of magic volumes on the wooden surface. To help prepare her lord in the upcoming months. Cominus began to undress for bed weary of the upcoming days. What waited for him when his training began the next day.

  Jumping from his shoulders Darjin ran over to Aryl were she bent down to pick up the little dragon in her arms. Darjin jumped from her arms to the tabletop were she would watch her rider and Aryl. Aryl settled herself into the chair and began her study while Cominus rested throughout the night. However Aryl could never fully concentrate on her studies. Her eyes were always on Cominus, she had chosen him to be her mate though she doubted that he knew of the dark elves mating rituals.

  She wanted to strip off her clothes and crawl in bed with the man. She wanted her skin to touch his skin, she wanted to be on top of him showing him the pleasures of a dark elf.

  Chapter Six

  The city of Tysinger a majestic Drow city for within these walls of stone and stalagmite's. Is the home of their dark snake goddess Liltlih who's all seeing eyes has made this city great. For twenty thousand Drow call this place home. However it is not the only city of the Drow but it is the largest of them. Along side the Drow live their slaves that serves between the major houses of the city and Liltlih's dark ways. As either handmaidens or sacrifices to her pet basilisk, that lays coiled around her dais. No one has seen her pet eyes since ages past. If any one was to look into the beast eyes they would forever line the walls of Liltlih's temple as living stone.

  In her anger, Liltlih has turned her beast against her followers; Liltlih enjoyed surveying the terror-stricken statues that lined her wall. Liltlih had decreed that all females were to be the ones that hold the power in this dark society. While the males were mostly used as, cannon fodder against rival houses or offered to Liltlih to gain her favor in times of crisis. Since their arrival in their darken world one god has stood beside her. The Drow has called this dark god Morzan. Morzan has been their god of death for countless eons though not beloved by the Drow he is to be feared. Seating on his pale throne in his shadowy black armor made from the ancient shadow dragon the rests in the depths of his realm. All knew to loss the favor of Liltlih is to reside in his realm for all time, it is said that those to venture there is lose the honor of their family. For if their deaths were from cowardice in battle it is said their soul would be devoured by the shadow dragon. That lives in the rift of the abyss while, female's to lose there way is said to serve as concubines for Morzan.

  Morzan did so enjoy a new female to grace his realm he took great pleasure in their torture. Were he would reinforce the fallen females of who they serve. If they still clam Liltlih as their goddess Morzan would throw the drow females into the deepest pit in the underworld were they would face horrors no one has ever experience. It may take years or eons before they would relent but it did not matter to Morzan. He would enjoy the scrams of the fallen females to the end of time.

  Tholosh the black rider son of Liltlih, for nearly five thousand years he had ruled these skies. As the black citadel neared the entrance to the dark world of the Drow elves. Tholosh had not stepped foot in his homeland in over sixty years. How he loathed to walk the ground of his homeland. For all his strength his skills in magic he was always belittled by the females of his race. If Tholosh had his chose of person to put a dagger though the heart of any female. It would be his mother’s current high priestess cruel and coning as any female Drow. Tholosh has never understand why his mother would up with the female.

  Tholosh would not have come to this place if he could help it. Liltlih had commanded that he retrieve an orb of seeing from their spy in Shadleel. He knew better then to disobey his mother’s request. Last time he dared such an act he felt the enchanted braided snakeskin whip. His flesh still remembered the barbed fangs of the whip as it sliced through his skin. Every female in his mothers service was given one as their rights of passage. For every length of braided skin that grace their hip increased their standing with his mother.

  Tholosh walked into the city with his mighty dragon by his side. As his heat sensing eyes viewed the city of his birth. Reds, pinks, whites and many other colors emanated from the surrounding walls and streets. As Tholosh began his journey to
his mothers temple the crowds froze in their tracks. As the demigod passed with a smug smile “This is how it is suppose to be,” Tholosh said to himself. Salves rushed from his presence many have found their death waiting for them at his hands. Females shot wicked glances at him, some wanting him as a mate for powerful females, others wanted him dead for his shear arrogance. For a male to walk in streets of Tysinger and look a female in the eye had ended many males’ life. Foolish enough to attempt such an act this had saved Tholosh life many of a time.

  Standing in front of his mothers temple Tholosh contemplated if it was a wise in coming here. “What could my mother have any use for a failed attack on our cousins,” Tholosh said to himself. Rubbing his ebony skinned hand over the orb Tholosh turn to his partner. Seeing his dragon boosted his confidence placing his hands on the double doors. With little ease, the forty foot doors swung easily on their huge brass metal hinges. All eyes were on Tholosh as he entered the temple along side of his dragon.

  As he approached the steps leading to his mother’s throne, draped in a black lace robe sitting on her black onyx throne. Her gold hue eyes studied her son how she loved him. For five thousand years, he has proven repeatedly that he is loyal to her and her alone. Her golden skin shone in the dark as if she was a fallen star, that come to earth forever to shine brightly for those who look for guidance. Those foolish enough to think she cared about the on goings of the mortal realm they would be sadly mistaken. Her beautiful face had fooled many men to their deaths, evil and cruelty lies just beneath those golden eyes. Brizital the ever present high priestess by his mothers side.

  “You dare enter this holy place unannounced,” roared Brizital. Tholosh flashed her cold stare that pleased his mother to no end. Reaching for her whip on her side Brizital wanted ever so badly to teach this male his place. Morzan could only smile at the display of these lesser beings. Though Morzan detested the half god for Liltlih had chosen to lay with another man. If Morzan had his way, he would have put a knife to the throat of the child in his crib. However Liltlih would allow no harm to come to her favorite son. Morzan even doubted that he could best this would be god now. Not only was he the son of his wife, he also had the power of his dragon behind him.

  Tholosh looked over to see the god of death with a scowl on his face. Tholosh could not help but laugh at the god for he had no love of Morzan as much he Morzan had for him. Liltlih stood from her onyx throne embracing her son in a warming embrace. Tholosh could hear the huff come from the god of death. Tholosh looked to Morzan and with a smile gloated silently at the fallen god. Since his birth Liltlih had not seen fit to lay with her husband, Tholosh knew he was the cause. That just made it all the better that he travailed to his homeland.

  “My son how you have grown,” Liltlih said with a smirk towards the dark god. Growing even more infuriated Morzan could not bottle his anger any longer.

  “Why does this half breed receive such an embrace when he has not graced your halls in many years,” Morzan shouted slamming his golden fist onto the arms of his pale throne.

  “Because he does not need to my husband for all your weakness Tholosh has prevailed time and time again in my name,” Liltlih said giving her husband an evil glare. Morzan felt his blood going cold by the second as Liltlih gazed at him. Morzan knew better then to argue with her in such a mood.

  “Leave us I shall not allow your foul mood to interrupt this reunion,” Liltlih said with a wave of her hand.

  “No, I shall not be commanded like a dog,” Morzan roared fires appeared in the depths of those forest green eyes.

  “Oh, has your pride swelled so much in the face of my son,” Liltlih said teasing the god of death.

  “No, one talks to the god of death in such a manner not even you Liltlih,” Morzan yelled rising from throne to strike at the half god. Even before he took a step, Tholosh knew his mother had grown tired of her husband.

  “Oh just how should I talk to you fallen god of time,” Liltlih said mockingly. Morzan shuttered at the name of his once grand position he would not allow her to insult him any longer. Turning his gaze towards the one thing he knew would hurt the goddess. Was to watch the death of her beloved son, with a wicked smile on his face, Morzan charged Tholosh before he could get five feet from Tholosh a hand shot into Morzan's chest. Sending him back down to his dais struggling to regain his footing Liltlih stood over the fallen god.

  “You should watch your back half godling for your mother will not protect you forever. When she no longer cares for you I shall be there,” Morzan said blood running from his mouth.

  “Before that day comes I would either be dead fallen to a more powerful being then you, or you would long since be dead rotting in your own vile underworld,” Tholosh said mockingly. Morzan jumped to his feet ready to strike again before he heard the laughter. For it was Liltlih laughing he had never heard her laugh before. A chill creep into his bones for that laugh meant Tholosh knew his words rang true.

  Still if he could kill her beloved son then his death would be all the happier. Nevertheless, his mother would allow no harm to him Morzan knew a frontal attack would only lead to his death, which he was not ready to face. Storming out of the temple to the rippling door to the underworld returning to his plane as the doorway to the underworld stilled. Morzan froze the passage for fear Liltlih would come a calling in his slumber.

  “Mother why bother with that man,” Tholosh asked even thinking about the god of death left a bad taste on his tongue.

  “He still is a god my son gods do not die as easy as you think even a fallen god,” Lilith said mocking her husbands fall from grace by her hands. “Do you have what I asked for my son,” Lilith said eager to she the man that was within the orb.

  “I do but I don't see why you want see it for it was a failed attack,” Tholosh said questioning his mother. Liltlih shot her son the glance that stopped Morzan cold in his tracks. Taking the orb from the leather pouch Tholosh placed the orb in her slender but powerful hands. Feeling that he maybe would be on the receiving end of her fury if he did not relinquish the orb. Tholosh stepped back as the orb fell in to her hands, taking a position at the far edge of her dais.

  Taken the orb from her son Liltlih walked towards the dark stone pillar that stood alone ten feet from her throne. Gently placing the orb into the center of the pillar, rays of light shot though the crystal orb until every ray filtered into the normal spectrum of light. As the images came into focus all could see the inside of the abandon city of Shadleel. After several minutes of nothingness, the orb turned skywards. As the image went to burly to clear, there was the rider the bane in Tholosh rule.

  “Him!” growled Tholosh. Turning to her son, Liltlih placed her hand on his shoulder to steady him.

  “Marvelous isn't he my son,” Liltlih cooed. Tholosh turned to his mother, anger in his eyes for he knew not what she meant. When Tholosh saw that this man had captivated his mother yet he could not fathom why this lone dragon rider held her enthralled. Tholosh knew better then to question his mother. Holding his anger in check and returned to watch the remainder of the orb. As the battle neared the end, the orb remained on the black rider battling his mother's creature. As Liltlih watched as the dragon rider slay her mighty creature with little ease. She knew she must have this man for herself a wicked smile began to from on her ageless face.

  “What are you planning mother,” Tholosh said knowing that smile meant trouble for him.

  “I want that man and his dragon alive and unharmed if you can help it, he most be whole my son,” Liltlih said striking her hands and feet against her throne in giddiness. Perplex by his mothers reaction and to her orders.

  “May I ask why mother, no disrespect mother I don't think this man will come willingly,” Tholosh said keeping his anger from his voice.

  “Why else my son the rule of the Doncer is at an end that man will see to it. Second I have grown tried of that weakling of a fallen god, he shall replace him. If you give the man the right motivation I think h
e will come willingly,” Liltlih said the eagerness echoing though her words. Tholosh could not help but dream of the death his mother will gave to that husband of hers. Doubt clouded his fond dream of the charge that his mother had placed on his shoulders.

  “What if I can not defeat this man he is powerful no doubt about it, I don't know if even I could perform such an act,” Tholosh said studying the man. This would test all his abilities for this man was not to be taken lightly. He may be walking into his death.

  “Fear not my son if you fall to his sword then I know he is the man I want by my side. Know that you shall not grace the dark underworld of Morzan. I have set a plan into motion if you fail your death will not go to waste my son,” Liltlih said soothing her sons woes.

  “If the Doncer are to fall what of our people mother?"

  “As we speak my son word has been sent to our people to return,” Liltlih said evilly. Tholosh knew she had something stirring behind the scenes but his mother would not divulge to him such information. However if this is what his mother wanted he would see to it that he would not fail her.

  Chapter Seven

  Three weeks had pasted since the high elves exodus to the land of Sol. There had been some trouble with the high elves remarks with the land that they were given to settle on. The arguments were minor in nature however they grew as the days went on. The high elves still had the smug of arrogance on their shoulders yet Draco never let it get to him. Draco continently checked on Lanshina to see how she was handling her new life among her people. The people had shunned the fallen princess taking up the life of a street urchin.

  Living in rags and begging for food each time Draco went to the high elf city of Dragon of Leel. Draco made sure to check on her. He made sure that she would never notice him, or it was he that was the one caring for her. Draco always gave a passer by some coins to give to the fallen princess. Since their return her mother had remained depressed about the choice she had given her daughter. Lanshina was covered in dirt, the rags she was wearing looked as if rats had eaten most of the clothes that she wore. Draco walked to a vender to purchases some new clothes for his stepdaughter.


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