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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

Page 39

by Richardson, James

  “I know but I can not make another stone you know that. However he made it seems he had taken it with him to his grave.”

  “How long can you hold off the curse be

  fore it consumes you,” Shadow Fang asked

  resting on the bank of the stream.

  “Days, months who knows but when you

  think its time then I want you to whisk me

  away. To a land where there is no hop gate.

  That way I know no other can be affected by

  me. Then you shall leave me and never return.” “No never I thought I had lost you in that

  crash. I will not go though life knowing that

  you are out there and yet I can do nothing for


  “I know my dear but it’s for the best at least that’s all I can come up with. Before any of this can take place, I need to know he is ready to take my place.” Cominus could not believe his ears he knew of the progression of the cruse. Yet he did not bother to tell him.

  “Maybe he exhausted all possible options, and this is the only choice he had left,” Cominus said to himself as he slid down the tree. Resting in the hollow of its trunks Cominus wondered if he had what it took to fill his brother’s shoes.

  “You know eavesdropping is a bad habit brother.” Coming out from the woods, Draco was dressed in his silk tunic and leather pants. All the blood and grim that covered his body floated down the river.

  “Sorry brother I awoken and you and Shadow Fang were no were to be seen.”

  “Oh such a mother hen he is,” Darjin's

  voice echoing though the tress. Not one to dwell on the moment ready to return to the castle. After his little ride on Shadow Fang, the two brothers headed for home.

  Chapter Fourteen

  As the festivities were under way for their wedding, Ishtar awaited the arrival of her soon to be husband. Nervousness spread throughout her body as the seamstress made the last of her additions to her wedding gown. Herya the weapon master of the star elves had arrived. Earlier that morning Ishtar was at a loss to see the star elf so far from home. Yet Aryl, and Brenda seemed overjoyed at the sight of the star elf. Ishtar could only shake her head at the distraction. Soon it would be a day joyous reunion for her and Draco. The pounding on her door brought here out of her daydream.

  “What is it I am busy at the moment if it could wait another five or so minutes.” Bursting into the room Aryl bowed to the Queen for her boldness “Claim yourself sister and tell me why you have charged into mine and Draco's chambers.”

  “Forgive me your Highness but Maya has been taken.” As the cloth fell from her hands, Ishtar could not bring herself to speak. “As we speak my lady we have men searching for her.” Fear laced though her there were only a few people that knew of Maya's heritage. Rage and anger replaced the fear that flooded her heart.

  “Where’s my daughter bring her to me now!” Ishtar could not call Balo for he was still out hunting his morning meal.

  “Yes my lady I will have word sent to Leel.” Steeping out of her gown Ishtar dismissed the woman. Opening the chest that housed her armor the rose color scales glimmered in the morning light. “How could she do this to her own sister and me,” she said to herself as the armor slide over her golden skin. She looked down at the sword she had not deemed worthy to carry for three years. For it brought too many painful memories, that she herself had brought upon her own shoulders. In her foolish notion of honor, and duty to a people to set in their ways, belting on the sword waiting for Aryl's return. The look on her face should have told her that her daughter was no where to be found.

  “I sorry my Queen no one has seen your daughter for two days.”

  “How can that be Draco has had an eye on her since our arrival here? Find the boy Zead and bring him here. See if you can get word to my husband if he is not too far out.” The sounds of the landing on the castles roof brought a smile to the two elves faces. “Never mind I shall tell his lordship myself better it come from me.” As the two raced through the halls she hoped that they could reach the roof before Shadow Fang had left. Hearing their footfalls on the stone steps, his vampirc smell picked up her fear mixed with anger. Cocking an eyebrow as his love came rushing onto the roof.

  “I know we have been gone for only four days but it warms my heart to know I'm loved so.” Ishtar cut him off with a cold stare. “If you did not come to wish us welcome home then why the urgency.”

  “Maya’s gone, kidnapped.” Ishtar said though gasp. Cominus could fill the magic pulsate from his brothers body. He wondered if this might push his brother over the edge. Ishtar looked at Draco as if he was a stranger.

  “By whom,” it was the only words that he could form without cursing in front of his wife.

  “I believe it to be the work of my daughter.” Before any, one could see Draco had taken his place upon Shadow Fangs back. Offering his wife a hand Draco looked to his brother.

  “I’m with you let’s find this elven bitch, no offense Ishtar but I had it with that daughter of yours.”

  “In this I’m in agreement with you Lord Cominus, she will wish that she had never left Shadleel!” With Aryl nestled behind his back the four took to the skies. Separating Draco flew north to the forest of Glena. Lanshina sat on a fallen tree while the bound and gag Maya. Stared at the sister that she had once known, tears streamed down her face. Before Lanshina slapped the frightened Maya.

  “Silence you damn half-breed I will not harm you if you stay quite!” Maya tried to make herself smaller to hide from her half-sister. “Now she will have to listen to me.” Shadows played across the ground “How could they find me so soon,” Lanshina said under her breath.

  Throwing Maya over her shoulder Lanshina made her way deeper into the forest. As she pushed deeper into the darkening forest a dragon’s roar reverberated though out the canapé. Sweat ran down her brow as she ducked under low hanging breaches. The smell of her sweat filled his nose, rage boiled in his veins. Releasing the leather straps that bound them to the saddle, Draco took his wife into his arms. “Hold on tight.” Ishtar felt the wind rush pass her, then the thud of his feet hitting tree branches. With Shadow Fang flying overhead it was his hope that Lanshina would think he was still in the air. The sound of his daughter’s muffed cries drove him on. He had hoped not to use his vampirc powers so soon. The anguish of his daughter overruled the need to keep himself sane.

  As the branches flew past them, Ishtar was in awe of her husbands might. As fast as they traveled in the treetops, not one stray branch touched her “How is he doing this I feel no magic pouring into a spell,” she asked herself. Stopping for a moment, Draco sniffed the air. With lighting speed, they were off never leaving a trace of their presence behind. Shadow Fang voiced to Ishtar for his mind was too closed for him to hear her words. Pointing to were Shadow Fang had said Lanshina had stopped to catch her breath. A wicked smile formed on his lips revealing his growing fangs. “You must claim him before it takes con

  trol over him!” Shadow Fang shouted into Ish

  tar’s mind.

  “Draco can you hear me.” The icy stare made her blood run cold. “My love come back to me we need you,” Ishtar said her soft but warming kiss broke though his clouded mind. As the fangs retracted, her soft lips calling him home. “There’s the man I love,” Ishtar whispered looking up to him with her doe eyes. Pressing her against his chest he knew it was her doing that culled the beast.

  “You don't know how lucky I am that I have you.” Her smile seemed to brush away any doubts that lingered in his mind. Draco made his silent way down to the forest floor. As they watched their daughter struggle against her bonds, Ishtar’s eyes narrowed at the treatment of her daughter.

  Leafs’ rustled behind her Lanshina thought it was nothing. Expect the wind that blew through the branches, Lanshina looked to see were the dragon was in the sky. Blowing out a sigh of relief sitting back her plan was working out nicely she thought. Looking to her hostage her eyes wen
t wide when nothing filled the space were Maya once sat. Turning back to the brush, she was met with a sword to her throat. Her mother’s sword pointed at her slender neck. Maya nestled in her fathers arms the last of her sobs fading away. Cold sweat ran down her back as her mother inched her sword into her soft flesh drawing blood.

  “You have committed crimes against the princess of our realm. What do you have to say for yourself?” Ishtar said with cold anger. “Mother let me explain!”

  “The only daughter I have is the one in her

  father’s arms, what you have done in punishable by death. Handed down by the laws governing the treatment of royalty if we were in elven lands. Seeing how we are not in elven lands, it is up to Lord Draco to decide your punishment,” Ishtar said sheathing her sword. Ishtar turned from her daughter tears running freely down her face. Taking Maya from his arms Ishtar left her at the mercy of Draco. Cold fear laced though her body taking a deep breath it filled him with delight.

  “You done your mother and I great harm taking Maya from the castle. For months, I watched out for you when no one cared enough. Who do you think was giving you enough money so you could live a peaceful life? Yet your hatred towards me and my daughter cannot go unpunished.”

  “Do your worst fend I do not fear you!” His smile chilled her to the bone.

  “Oh but you do I can smell it whiffing off

  of you in waves.” She tried to force salvia into

  her mouth to ease the dryness. “I should kill

  you for what you did. Then your mother would

  be displeased with me. Yet as she is now I

  doubt that will matter now. There is another

  possibly that you seem to forget,” Draco said

  evilly. She willed her body to flee from this

  man, or thing yet her body seem to be rooted to

  the earth. “I could turn you, make you like me

  a creature you loath so much.” Her scream pierced the trees and his laughter soon followed. “But, no eternal damnation is not good enough for you. From this day forward, you are banished from my lands and every elven land. For the rest of your natural life, you will be giving no aid in you struggles no food or shelter. If you see another of your kind, they will know of your crimes and shun you. I wonder how long you will live, when the Doncer finds that the ex-princess of Shadleel walks unprotected in their lands.” Placing the spell upon her shoulders once though the hop gates. She would be free from it yet it also would keep her

  from ever stepping foot in her native land. Leaving the fallen princess to her own devices, as the trees thinned Shadow Fang and

  Darjin waited on the dirt road. Maya set in

  front of her mother playing with Shadow Fangs

  scales. As Draco breached the last line of trees,

  Cominus looked at his brother with suspicion.

  They all heard the screams and the laughter

  that chilled even Darjin to the bone. Yet no

  sign of blood stained his garments that did not

  mean that he did not kill her. Placing his hand

  on his wife's thigh ordering Shadow Fang to

  take them home.

  “I will not leave you little one!”

  “I be fine but I must feed and there's a

  band of goblins that are still in the area,” Dra

  co said swinging her head around. So he could see her displeasure, her giant red eye bored into him.

  “You promise that's all that you’re going

  to do.”

  “You have my word I shall not try any

  thing when you are gone,” Draco said reassur

  ing her. Pleased she nudged him with her nose. Raising Ishtar looked to her husband her words hanged in her mouth. As Shadow Fang took off running Darjin followed suit, as they ran on Cominus looked back as his brother reentered the woods.

  As twilight fall upon the land, Shadow Fangs wings filled the sky. Upon her return for him, they had stayed away from the castle long enough. For Draco to wash the pink goblin blood from his clothes, his hunger sated the two rode the sky's as they once done before he became what he is now. As the wind whipped at his garments clawing away. The moisture that clung to his clothes, the stars seemed to welcome them in their ever burning fires.

  Shadow Fang wigged with delight as her rider’s mood seemed. Better now that they had returned home. As the two rode the wind she went into fantastic flying patterns that left the newly joined dragons, and their riders in awe. Calling her children to join her their calls rang throughout the land. As they began to climb into the sky, Darjin landed on the roof of the castle along with Balo.

  “Come on low pokes catch us if you can,”

  Shadow Fang said releasing her own challenge to her daughter and her mate. Racing into the air to catch her, Draco howled in laughter as she dived. With a running landing, Shadow Fang pushed off climbing to meet her children. Searching for her husband, Maya set in front of Ishtar wide eyed at the sight her father’s dragon army. Cominus had to check if his mouth was hanging open. Every hatching young and old filled the night sky.

  It was a breath taking moment for them his pride filled his chest. Darjin released a cone of fire into the cool night as the two flew silently on. Ishtar scanned the night yet her elven eyes could not spot her husband. Slipping silently over her, his pale face filled her vision. Placing a kiss on her forehead her cheeks flush with his touch.

  Coming to her side Ishtar still could not wrap her mind around what happen in the woods. Yet she was all too happy that he was in a better mood. Reaching out her hand Draco slid his hand into hers, placing a kiss on her hand as he once did when they first met. Balo nudge Shadow Fangs lower jaw, her bard tongue flicking his nose. The flight

  commander's calling to form up. With a barrel roll Draco took the lead flight, as the people of Sol looked up cheers went up to those brave souls. As the night went on their laughter brought joy to those who were dishearten.

  Landing on the roof Draco waited for Balo. As the rose dragon flapped its wings, he was buffed by his powerful strokes. Touching down Maya giggled as he took her in to his arms. Ishtar offered her his hand her delicate fingers fitted perfectly into his hand. As her body came into his, his lips embracing hers. Their passionate kiss sent shivers down her spine.

  “My Lord you take liberties with an unwed woman,” Ishtar said biting hr lip.

  “Hmm then I shall just have to see how far my liberties can go,” Draco said wiggling his eyebrows. Placing her arms around his neck, she looked at him with so much love. Her fears about her husband seemed trifle. Wiggling in her fathers arms to be let down, Maya ran over to Darjin, resting her head on the stone. She began to hum, Maya seem to sway as her tune reverberate though the stone. Dismounting Cominus walked over to his brother.

  “What happen to Lanshina?” Hoping that his brothers darkness had not lead to the elves death.

  “I trust in your brother that she received proper punishment,” Ishtar said coming to her husband’s defense. Ishtar was the one that gave Draco the means to punishment to the banished elf.

  “I like to believe that dear lady after what happen when we left the star elf village. I just hope that you did not do anything that you might regret,” Cominus said eyeing his brother wearyingly.

  “What happen my love?” She hated herself that once again she was not there for him in his time of need. Draco had hoped his brother would keep that to himself.

  “She’s alive if that's what you’re worried about. How long she stays alive is up to her,” Draco said shooting his brother annoyed glance. Whispering a muffed thank you into his chest Ishtar saw something that once had not been there. “I placed her under a spell were she can never return here, or the surface elf lands does that satisfied your curiosity brother.” Those silver eyes bored into him it seemed that his soul would leap out of his chest.

  “I meant no harm brother I was just worried about you.” Draco left them standing there as he descende
d into the darkness of the castle. “I shouldn't have said a damn thing,” Cominus said under his breath. Grapping his arm Ishtar whipped him around her emerald green eyes bored into him with the authority of a Queen.

  “Tell me what transpired that you feel the need to question my husband,” Ishtar demanded. Cominus debated whether it was the right idea to tell her everything. The pressure of her grasp tighten around his arm causing him to wince. “Forgive me I forget that your body can not withstand our strength.”

  “What happen to my husband?”

  “He killed the drow and we came home.”

  “Come now rider my people's mastered the art of spinning lies into truths.”

  “I think its best that I end it there,” Cominus said trying to end their conversation. Pulling from her grasp Cominus headed towards his room. As he approached the stairs, he could feel her eyes boring into his back. He falling over for his feet would not heed his call. Picking himself up from the stone her calf high leather boots filled his vision.

  “Now you will finish the tale, or we shall be here all night. My people are a patient race so I suggest that you tell me the whole truth this time,” Ishtar said crossing her arms. He tried to break her hold on him, yet either he was not strong enough. Just did not know the counter spell that would free his feet from her mystical hold. He did not want to but she deserves to know the truth about his brother. “If I tell you, you must promise me that you will not tell him.”

  “No, I will not lie to my husband.” “Fair enough after he had killed the crimson rider, his dragon took off with him still on it. We raced to save him from the dragon's attempt to take him with it in it's own death. We were too late, we thought he was gone from us forever. Even with Shadows Fang's and Darjin's nose, they were unable to find his body. Yet he survived some how, flesh ripped from his skull. Broken bones popped back into place he seemed more monster then man in that moment. He told us that the damage to his body was too great for the stone.”


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