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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

Page 46

by Richardson, James

  Fire blazed into the night sky, herb laced liquid roared to a boil suspended over the roaring flames. Red smoke billowed from its surface “Soon all will be ready” he said into the night as he watched the brewing potion. Red gradually turned into deep purple, the sign that it was time to add in the dragon scales. Shielding his eyes as each scale hit the liquid, the flash from the dragon’s scales being absorbed by the potion. Would blind any one for days, no he need his eyesight for this? As the last of the scales hit the hot liquid, a few moments and the potion would be ready for his consumption.

  Pouring the steaming liquid into a silver cup the magic laced liquid called out to him. His hands began to tremble with anticipation, taking a deep breath to steady his hands. It would no be wise for him to spill the elixir. The elixir called to his old weary cells. Taking a small slip of his potion, he had not lived throughout the ages. Without learning how to be cautious, as he waited to feel the affects of the potion. He was not disappointed as he watched as his wispy white beard shrunk a few inches. Unable to control himself gulping down the last drops of the elixir, Marcus pilled out his polished tin mirror looking for signs of any change.

  As the hot liquid hit his stomach, Marcus twitched with impatience. His stomach heaved trimmers laced through his body. Pain, unbearable pain racked his body, muscles contracted forcing his head to shoot backwards. Saliva ran freely down his cheek as he clutched his chair to keep himself from falling into the fire. Marcus did not know how long he could keep himself from losing consciousness.

  Regaining his senses, he calculated the position of the stars. Oh, how vivid those gems in the night sky shined so brightly. Marcus stared in awe as those diamonds on their black velvet surface twinkled in his ruby colored eyes. Searching for his tin mirror, he found it had fallen from its seat during his fit of pain. There it laid in front of the rocks that lined the fire pit. As he reached for it, the fires light shone on his youthful skin. His youthful hands that hand long since left him with the claw like appendages, no longer would he have to suffer the aches of his hands. Snatching the mirror from the ground, closing his eyes afraid that his potion failed to restore all of him, as those ruby orbs looked into that tin mirror. In that polished surface a face that he had long forgotten stared back at him.

  If any one had heard his laughter as it floated throughout the forest. They would have thought the woods had gone mad. Collecting the empty bottles from his home Marcus began to pour the elixir into its empty space. “A deal is a deal I shall make the strongest ebony stones in all of creation,” he said into the empty bottle.

  The trek though the eastward tail was uneventful compare to the westward tail. It only took the company two days to transverse that wooded path. Cominus was all too happy to leave those suffocating trees, Darjin was in full agreement with her rider. For the better part of the third day, they had spent amongst the clouds. With Aryl at his back her warmth keeping the chill from his bones. What else could any one want at that moment, to be free to soar the skies with no one or thing to impede ones path.

  It was the second day on there trek northward per Marcus's directions. The days were getting colder the closer they grew to the mountains’. Cominus had asked once if any of his three traveling companions’ knew the names of those majestic pecks. Whether its name had been lost to the sands of time or by the ravages of war no one could tell. It was clear that none of the good races of Terra Drago had lived within the mountains walls for some time. As the tail continued to wind its way into mountains their nerves were always at the ready.

  Darjin with Cominus on her back had once tried to climb over those stony pecks. The air had grown to thin to support her massive bulk. As the ground loomed before them, Cominus began to consider what it was like for his brother on the back of that crimson dragon. As the air rushed into her lungs, Darjin quickly opened her wings as the wind filled their translucent membranes. Making himself bigger to allow the fiction of the air to slow them. Cominus could not help but howl in the wind. As Darjin pulled out of the uncontrolled dive, she resonate her own pleasure with a mighty roar that rattled the mountain walls.

  As the night cooled, Darjin curled her body around the company to keep the wind off their backs. Waking him Cominus took over Ergan’s watch nestled between Darjin’s neck and left foreleg to keep the cold at bay. Yellow eyes appeared within the darkness of the trees that surrounded them. Reaching for his swords that laid by his side Darjin eased his worries. Telling him that they were only wolves curious about our scent. Breathing a sigh of relief as the remaining hours pasted Darjin stayed awaked to keep Cominus company on that uneventful night.

  As dawn arrived, frost covered the ground he was glad to have Darjin's warmth that night. After eating a quick morning meal, the companions continued down the mountain path. As the midday sun rose yet its warmth never touched the land. Coming upon a sealed archway lined in runes that he could not discern.

  “What is it my good man,” Redbird asked coming to stand beside his friend. His eyes flew wide at the sight if the craved runes.

  “What is it can you read these runes?” Cominus asked seeing the look on the dwarfs face. Redbird could not believe his eyes could it be real. Running his fingers over the craved stone, this cannot be real for the city was destroyed in the catastrophe. That ripped the world apart yet there stands its sealed gates. Could the ancestral home of the stone dwarfs lay behind this stone seal, nudging his friend out of his silent world.

  “Forgive me,” rubbing the back of his neck in his embarrassment. “Yes they're dwarfen runes.”

  “So don't keep us in suspense man out with it,” Ergan said eager to hear what held the dwarf's tongue at bay.

  Clearing his throat, “It says here rests the ancient halls of Nagaren the once great clan of the stone dwarfs. Enter at your own peril.” How many races had the destruction of Terra Drago torn apart. How much was lost do to Aacole’s greed and lust for power and immortality. These questions ran though every ones mind on Terra Drago. Yet some hoped that the gods would grant them that answer, others hoped that it was never answered. For if, they truly knew the price of blood on that day it would drive their minds insane.

  How the passage of time has a way weakening ones memories’ of that fateful night. I will say this it is the only good the gods have done for the two worlds. However my opinion of the gods is basis yet us return to our tale. As the stone seal, crumble under Aryls magic the intake of fresh air rushed into the sealed vacuum of the ancient city. Nearly sweeping them off their feet. Yet could a ruin city lay undisturbed for thousands, upon thousands of years without some creature claiming it as their own.

  “Let us hope there is nothing within these hallowed halls,” Redbird said hefting his battleaxe to his chest taking point. For if any one was to die here he would be the first and only one to have their blood shed on these long forgotten stones. They would have no light to guide their way though the dark corridors of Nagaren. Cominus left his sight to Darjin to lead him yet he was not foolish to think that nothing would call this place home. With his right hand, grasping his scimitar and the other wrapped around one of Darjin's neck spikes. The companions made there slow but steady pace through the ruin city. Cominus envied his friends for as soon as the darkness grew to great for the eyes of light, the red glow of their infrared eyes searched for the best course.

  Ergan taking the trailing end of the group his head was a swivel. Anything can lurk in the dark that would devour them alive; their time in the twilight forest had thought them that. Minutes turned to an hour then two. They hoped that they could transverse the ruined city before they had to set camp. No one wished to stay within those eerie walls. As they neared the center of the ancient city, Redbird brought them to a halt. As he eyed the empty space, something did not sit right with him. Ergan felt his discomfort as well, leaving the four in that alley. Ergan bound off into the darkness of the city.

  As Cominus sat between Aryl and Redbird “I'm going have to get an amulet so I would be
a burden to my friends.” he said to himself. No one moved a muscle as they listen to the silence of the darkness. Sweat ran down his spine as the minutes’ passed and no word let of Ergan. Dread pooled in his chest at the thought of losing his dear friend. Darjin head spin around at the sound of soft footfalls behind them. As his scent carried upon what little wind there was in that ruined city. His scent was caught within her nose relieving his fears.

  “We must move now!” Removing his shield from his back, His tone was not that of what they hope that their trek would be quick.

  “What did you see Ergan?” Redbird gripping the elves forearm.

  “Troll's, a great many of those vile creatures’ to many for us to fight this day,” Ergan said griping the hilt of his sword. If the legends of his world hold, true then they could only be killed by fire. Good thing he had fire-breathing dragon on his side. “They watch the courtyard so we must find another way pass those things.”

  “Tell me is fire the only thing that can kill these monsters.” Cominus asked keeping his voice low not to give their position away, to the fiends that called the once proud city home.

  “Fire yes but it’s unyielding, a point of the sword will do a fine job,” Dipping his sword to the stone pavement. That was all he need he hated not seeing, but to die without seeing your own damn attacker was just wrong. Drawing his other scimitar he would have to use Darjin's eyes to slay anything that dared to enter their path. Retreating further down the small street, to allow their movements to be drown within the closed in area. Taking the first street along their path the companions relied on Darjin's sense of smell to lead them, and to tell when the troll's were to close for comfort.

  In the eerie silence of the dark, one could begin to hear things that are not there. Yet with so many dwellers that need no light to see, one cannot be sure if it is just the silence. As the slow aguish minutes ticked by Darjin picked up what could be considered speech. Their clicks and pops of the troll's language could be heard echoing off the stonewalls. It stopped our intrepid adventures in their tracks. Taking a prone position to blend their body heat in with the stone floor. Cursing themselves for there seated around a small fire. Three troll's sat enjoying their afternoon meal. “Let’s hope that's all there hungry for.” Cominus said to himself.

  As they drew, closer to the ring of light he was shocked the appearance of the trolls. Tusk protruded from there lower jaws, their leathery skin was a shade deep purple. “They must travel to the surface, their hair has not lost its color from their time under the tons of stone,” Cominus said to himself. As their small cooking fire crackled, the roasting mutton sizzled as it neared its readiness. Drool sided down their purple faces as the smell of the meat filled their bulbous noses. The clicks and pops told the companions that they held no fear of intruders in their darken home.

  The smell of the meat could not keep Darjin from licking her scaly lips. The call of the meat was strong in her mind, if Cominus had not stopped her hunger from controlling her rational mind. There would have been in a fight for their very lives. As the group crept silently around the troll party none took their eyes off them. For fear their own hungry stomachs would give them away. As the smell of the sweeten scented wind filled their elven noses. Smiles formed on their fine faces at the prospect of leaving that god forsaken city. In his mind Cominus could not help but voice that their trek had been too easy. Voicing his concerns to his friends, they too had come to the same conclusion.

  Less then a tenth of a mile from the exit from the subterranean city, fifty armed troll warriors moved through the dim light of the opening. The odds were not in their favor for trolls could see perfectly in light or darkness. Though the prospect of ten to one was not to any man’s or woman’s liking. Cominus had come this far on this quest. He be damned if they were just going to turn tail run back to his brother’s castle. As they debated on their plan to sneak pass the patrolling trolls. Redbird was in full agreement with Cominus. Though he wanted the fight for other reasons then the completion of the task at hand.

  His anger towards the troll's for defiling his ancient homeland was too much for the proud dwarf. As their plan come into fruition Cominus and Darjin would act as decoys. While Aryl, Ergan, and Redbird would come up from behind the wretched trolls cutting them off from any means of reinforcements. Moving into the light of the dying sun their lime green eyes flew wide at the sight of the might white dragon. Lifting their weapons at the prospect of a fine meal of dragon flesh. No one ever said trolls were known for their intelligence. Opening her great maw, Darjin released a cone of fire at the charging trolls.

  As the charging trolls’ succumbed to her dragon fire, in his dragon scale armor Cominus drove into the group of trolls. His swords singing as they cut though the flesh of every troll that dared to harm their master. As the three watched from the shadows, they were in awe of the man that they had come to know and trust. Had somehow grown into a fine warrior as he held his own against the trolls forces. Cominus danced in the flames as troll after troll found their death at the ends of his enchanted blades. The two fought with such fluid motion as Cominus and Darjin danced their fatal dance weaving in and out from one another. No one could tell if they where two individuals as they moved with such grace that mirrored each other’s movements. Hearing the sounded of battle reinforcements’ appeared in the alcove of the horn's call. Seeing it was time for their own blades to taste the hot spicy blood of the trolls. The three rushed out to confront the incoming trolls.

  Caught off guard Redbird, and Ergan easily cut through the troll ranks, as Aryl gave support with her many magical spells. With no witchdoctor to combat the mage their lives would be short lived. Flaming arrows streaked across the courtyards impaling themselves into their purple skin. Her silver eyes contently darting back to her betrothed ever ready to give any support he may have need of. Redbird’s song of the trek of his people from this land rang throughout the air. As clashes of metal echoed in session with the tale. Cominus danced through the fire as Darjin’s claws, and fangs tore into to those foolish enough to challenge her and her rider. As fifteen dead troll bodies lay at his feet, Cominus knew more would come. If their fight had not already brought their might down upon their heads. “More are coming Cominus we must leave

  now!” Darjin swinging her serpentine neck to

  wards him as his bloodstained sword withdrew from dead trolls flesh. With a nod, Cominus ran over to his friends who were holding the enraged Redbird back. Telling them their time was up the five ran as swiftly as they could out of the subterranean city. Spinning around magical blots shoot from his hand, striking the roof of the exit send tons of stone to block any pursuit. Stepping out of the way Darjin's dragon fire poured over the stones. Growing white hot as the seconds went by, the stones began to liquefy from the intense heat. Closing her maw, the stone hissed angrily at the companions. As the stones cooled forming a solid structure that would allow them time to escape from the troll's grasp. As pounding on the now, cooling fused stone vibrated through the air. They were not out of harms way yet. Cominus knew if they were all caught their quest, and his brother’s plans whatever they were would be put in disarray.

  “Darjin take Redbird, and Aryl and go ten miles north. While I and Ergan will lead any troll's that break through away from your trail.” Darjin would not hear any of this it was his will that forced her to take to the air. He could hear her anguish over their shared mental link. He knew it was for the best, not waiting around for whatever was behind those stonewalls to break through. Cominus and Ergan took flight into the woodland forest as twilight descended around them. As they ran through the trees, Cominus silently sent a thank you to his brother. If it was not for this enchanted armor, he could not have kept apace with the agile elf.

  The sounds of pursuit echoed off in the distance no doubt they had picked up their trail. The sounds of running water caught his attention. As the cool water ran over his scaled armor boots, heading up river Cominus hoped this would throw their
pursuers off their trail. Cutting back into the woods a half a mile upstream they still had six miles left to go before meeting up with Darjin and the others. As night took hold of the forest Cominus slowly made his way though the forest. With no light to guild his way through the low branches and the knotted roots. His face and armor were quickly covered in dirt, and dead leafs’ from many falls and tumbles.

  Ergan’s strong hands were always there to pick up his dear friend. Ergan’s interred eyes searching for the fastest route through the forest to their appointed destination. His elven ears picking up no sound of pursuit Ergan blew a sigh of relief. With Ergan to guild him through the forest their trek was quick but silent as possible. Glowworms hung suspended from tree branches, firefly’s filled the night air. As they stopped for a short rest Cominus watched their dance in the air. In their search for a mate, his mind could not help but consider the similarly of their two worlds.

  “How much is my world apart of their’s, and how much of this world is apart of mine.” Cominus pondered. Ergan’s tap on his shoulder told him that their time was up. Pushing his weary body from the ground Cominus wondered how far they had to go. If Ergan had read his mind, Ergan lifted two fingers signaling the miles left to go. Fearful that his voice would travel easily through the cool night air, nodding they started off into the darkness of the forest.

  It was around midnight when the two entered the camp that Aryl had set for them. Slumping to the ground Cominus began to rub his sore leg muscles. Leaning against Darjin’s warm scales Cominus looked over to the raged filled Redbird. He knew his friend wished to stay and purged the evil from that fallen city. If time was on their side he would have gladly stayed and fought with his friend. If it was not for Lanshina’s betrayal they needed every second they had to pull off this rescue mission.


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