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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

Page 50

by Richardson, James

  As Cominus wedge formation shattered the Doncer his scimitars sang with joy of as they bit into the orcan flesh. Those that come under her control soon fell to their death’s taking with them the riders that would seek to control the dragon race. As dragon fought dragon, rider against rider the real battle was just starting.

  Sitting on his massive dragon Tholosh looked at the man that would be his greatest challenge in all of his long years. Well he would have his fun before he took this man before his mother. Secta the black dragon that murdered her mother and her siblings made her challenge known. Shadow Fang would not let this twisted dragon have her way with their race. Though smaller then the Doncer’s black Shadow Fang raced above the Drow. Diving using the sun to shield them from his elven eyes let his ears worked just as good. Tholosh brought up his shield before Draco’s sword could cleave him in half. Using their bulk to gain on the fleeing Shadow Fang, Secta folded her massive wings allowing gravity to take hold of her and her rider.

  As the ground loomed before the two riders, Tholosh had the urge to pull out of the dive. If he did that, he knew Draco would be on him. “What is he thinking,” Tholosh said to himself. As Draco unlaced his leather straps that held him in his saddle, Tholosh could not believe his eyes. Knowing what he meant to do Tholosh urged Secta out of her dive. As he flew over the descending Shadow Fang Draco had jumped in time to catch hold of the passing dragon’s tail. Seeing what was the cause of the weight on her ten-foot thick tail. Her red orb viewed the man as he used her spikes as a means to pull himself on to her back.

  With her warning Tholosh had to hide his smile at the man so daring to fight on a dragon not his own. As quick as any elf Tholosh was on his feet ready to face this man. Drawing his ancient rider blade, the bastard sword was his must trusted friend in battle other then Secta. His shield old as he was had seen much use would it save him as it had done many a time in ages past. As their blades met they stared into each other’s eyes Tholosh saw his own death in those silvery depths. Taking advantage of his hesitation Draco placed three kicks into the half god’s stomach.

  Staggering back his scaled boot hit the quiver filled with the silver arrows his mother had given him. Feign his injuries, Tholosh pluck an arrow from its housing and quickly placed in though the straps of his shield. Arrows flew though the air striking his shield Draco should never have taken his eyes of the Drow. Bring his shield down Tholosh with all his might plunged the arrow into his chest. As the silver, eat away his strength Tholosh stood over him with a confident smile that this rider was now no more then a puppet. Clutching the shaft of the arrow, his undead skin burned from the touch. The pain was nothing compared to the hunger that gnawed at his body.

  As the arrowhead stripped away muscle and flesh from his body, Tholosh could not believe what he was seeing. His mother had told him it would weaken the man. Was one not enough to subdue the undead thing. Draco felt the beast coming to the surface; he felt his body undergoing the changes that came with the damn thing. Tholosh felt the evil rolling off the man in waves, “No wonder she wants him,” he said to himself as he reached for the quiver. His pale hand grapping hold of his upper arm.

  The pressure of his grasp could break even his bones if not for his armor he would have lost the use of his arm. Tholosh could not allow the creature to land a hit on him he knew it would be his end. Tapping into his godly strength his dagger tasted the flesh of the undead. His laughter was his reward he knew it would not stop him he has Tholosh had hoped. However it would slow him down long enough to retrieve the arrows. There it was the blue tint of the silver as it worked its way though his undead body. Pushing the dagger deeper into his body, he could see the pain in those cold dead eyes.

  “So you are not as invisible as you would like to think.” Is that what you think godling ?” Taking back his mother never told him about this. Grabbing hold of the demigods wrist Tholosh knew of his folly the moment he tried to free himself from the creature's grasp. It was true the arrow had weakened him greatly, Draco knew he could not fight the half god as he had wish. He would have to live with subterfuge Draco had no problem with that. As he held the half god in his grasp his dragon sensing its rider distress. Angled its neck to burn the man to a crisp for his attempt to kill Tholosh.

  “What are you,” Tholosh said fighting to free himself from the vampire's grasp. The blood called to him as it coursed through the Drow's veins. His silver eyes narrowed Tholosh grew cold as its power seeped from this pale body.

  “Your death,” was Tholosh answer has Draco’s fangs plunged into his ebony skin. As the blood hit his tongue, Draco could fell the power within the demigod’s blood. As the last of dregs of Tholosh blood flowed into his body. The silver that was eating away his strength grew to nothing more then an itch that he could deal with later. With her rider, dead Secta saw no need to hold back against the man. Those huge red orbs stared at the man that killed the only thing that had kept the years of boredom at bay.

  As her maw open Draco braced himself for her fire, he had to keep the dragon’s attention on him. As Shadow Fang silently flew underneath the massive dragon, as her cone of fire readied to bake the man alive in his armor. The tale tale orange tint of her dragon fire neared the back of her throat. Sensing her rider was ready to deal finally with the dragon that haunted her dreams. Shadow Fang clamping her maw around Secta’s thick scaly serpentine neck, blocking the flow of Secta’s dragon’s fire. Draco holding the dragon’s maw as Shadow Fang’s talons ripped into her soft underbelly. As the flammable gel leaked from the deep wounds along her soft scales, releasing her hold on the dragon, Draco rushed to escape the blast when Secta released her fire.

  As Secta’s fire engulfed Draco flames eat away at the gushes made from Shadow Fangs talons. Cominus and all the others watched as the black dragon was engulfed in the massive ball of fire. The dragon was too big to be Shadow Fang that he knew but what of his brother. Was he still on Shadow Fang or had he faced Tholosh with the same move Draco had shown him during their trip to Sandsabar. Cominus watched as alone figure flew from the flames as the dragon fell to it's earthy embrace. With Secta dead Shadow Fang cast out her influence to those foolish enough not to have escaped when they had the chance.

  As the orc’s and hobgoblins that were left of the Doncer’s invasion force watched as the dragons’ fell from the sky. Their rider’s cries mirror those of their dragons’ unable to pull out from Shadow Fang’s hold upon there minds. Leaving the other riders to help with the rest of the Doncer to stupid, or stubborn to retreat through the Hop gate. With the help of Aryl, the fire golem had wreaked havoc among those still waiting to enter the Hop gate. When it’s fierily form exited the gate. Their red beady eyes grew large at the sight golem. With no enchanted weapons to deal with the beast their forces were quickly cut down.

  With the orc’s and hobgoblins retreat, Aryl sent the golem back to the elemental plain. Cominus rushed Darjin to the smoldering corpse of the black dragon. Cominus searched the remains for the figure that had jumped from the dragons back. “Where is he I know that he is not dead after all that crap he has gone though just to end up a crispy marshmallow?” Fear that his brother had left them to exile himself from the world he had just saved. “Darjin were is your mother if we find her we find Dra


  Projecting her thoughts into the wind Darjin was relieved to find her call was quickly answered. As they flew on coming to a hollow between three hills Shadow Fang sat curled up around what Cominus hoped was his brother. The smell of charred flesh was overwhelming as they landed on that grassy knoll. Jumping from his saddle Cominus had to make sure it was his brother under Shadow Fang’s onyx wing. As her wing lifted there sat his brother well what resembled his brother any way.

  “Well how do I look?”

  “Like a burnt piece of beef jerky,” Not trying to hind his smile. Looking at his hands, he would have to agree with his brother.

  “Well I know now why the undead hate fire so much.”

  “Do tell is it because you all go up in a blaze of glory.” His pearl white teeth were highlighted against his blacken crumbling skin.

  “Well just don’t sit there all day there is still a battle to finish.”

  “And do what scare the shit out of the Doncer lost my sword in the fight.”

  “Well a commander without his weapon just won’t do.” Reaching into the depths of his magic Cominus located his brother’s sword laying ever so peacefully in the grassy meadow. As his spell lifted the enchanted metal from the ground as his eyes opened. Cominus what in awe that his brother’s skin had taken on the pale hue, his blonde hair inched its way back to its normal length. As his sword hovered waiting for its master to clam it once again, as his crumbling skin wrapped around the hilt of his sword. The energy he had stored in the black diamond flowed into his charred body.

  ******* “Tholosh has failed in his attack and our forces or scattered to the winds,” said the winkled old magi as his fist pounded the ancient stone.

  “Then there is only one thing that we can do to assure that our rule remains unchallenged,” said the Orcan dragon rider. Damishtal had set the plan in motion to restore Terra Drago long before his fight with Draco. Having seen what the spell had done to the land long ago, he felt it unwise to use it once again unless there was no other choice. With Damishtal no longer in command of the forces of the Doncer, it was up to the last of the black riders to make the judgment call.

  Orc’s had the intelligence of a man yet they rarely used their brains other then bashing their heads together. Even with the aid of his dragon’s vast knowledge. His dragon limited its contact with her riders mind. As the dark magi gathered around the pit that had formed when the magic of the spell had run amok, the spell called for the second son soul. Yet could the spell be fueled upon the undead thing that had become the hero of the land.

  ******** With his body fully healed, Draco climbed into his saddle ready to rejoin his brave men on the battlefield. Draco’s body was racked with pain not the pain of hunger or the pain of battle. This was from the ancient and long forgotten pain that was once used by the dark magi. As the tremors rocked the landscape those unfortunate to be on land ran for cover. Cominus watched as his brother doubled over in his saddle. Pushing Darjin along side his brother Cominus thought it was cruse eating away at his body.

  Darjin thoughts urged him to scan the edge of the floating land mass of Sol. As the spell continued to eat away at his body, he knew only one thing that could stop this from happing to his world. Pushing Shadow Fang to her limits leaving his brother and his wife far behind. He knew they would only try to stop him from doing what had to be done. Draco had to admit if that he saw her face, Draco did not know how long his resolve would hold out. If Ishtar that in her wondrous beauty stood before him urging him to forgo his decision. Yet Draco could not allow billions of people to die for the evil, that would lay waste to this world if the Doncer completed the spell.

  As her pearl talons brushed the stone roof, Draco pushed himself out of her saddle. Every step was torture for the man as the spell ate at his very soul. Blood began to well into once healed wounds, pushing himself on into his room. Releasing the seal on the void space, he had created to keep its power at bay. The ring of Orion one of ten said to contain the powers of the gods, or to give the bearer the godly powers of the old ones Draco could never understand the translation. However, not a praying man Draco did send a prayer to any god to give him enough time to finish this one last task. Then he would go willingly to his death knowing that his family was safe.

  As the latest quake hit the castle sending him to his knees. Draco knew not if he had the strength to lift his body from that cold stone floor. If he did not then he and all the billions of people left down on Second Earth would die. What would those people that he had fought so hard for think of him if he gave up now. If he had to crawl to the roof then so be it he had not fought for so long to have these fiends win now. As his blood oozed freely from his wounds, Cominus with Ishtar and there extended family entered the castle. The vision he had before the rescue of Chad came flashing back into his mind. He hated himself for even thinking that his brother was the cause of Second Earth’s destruction. He knew where he needed to be the vision had told him that. As he pushed his way though the frantic masses who’s only concern was for their own wellbeing.

  As they reached Draco’s chambers blood was everywhere. His brother was healed the last time he had saw him. The tail of blood lead them to the stairs so much blood they had to be careful not to slip on the pools that had been formed. As they made their gradual way to the roof of his brother’s castle. Cominus had the sickly feeling that his brother was going to do something very foolish or brave probably both. As the six of them reached the roof there stood Draco within a bubble of blue light.

  The crunching sound under his scale boot stopped Cominus. The ebony stone broken into pieces once his brother’s only means to keep his brother’s beast at bay. The tremors growing only more intense as time pasted, Cominus rushed to his brother’s side. Only ending up on his ass for the barrier was to keep them from getting to him, as much as it was for him to get to them.

  “Draco you can’t do this I know what you mean to do.” Cominus pleaded with his brother he wished that he had witnessed the last of the vision.

  “Then you know I must for I am the only one that can.” If the vision held true then who knows what would happen if Darjin had not awaken him on that day. Turning to his wife those eyes held fear for what was to come after this day. Fear for the man she loved, fear of what she would do when he was gone. “It’s my hope that after I am gone I take this thing that lives within me so our unborn child will know peace. I wish that we had more time my love, it seems fate has other plains for us.” Shadow Fang raged against the barrier to stop her rider from separating them. “I am sorry my dear this is one quest not even you can't follow me on.” Turning to the horizon Draco pondered what was to come of his family and those he had help free after these long years. Maya looked upon him as her emerald green eyes filled with moisture for the father that had shown her love. What it took to overcome the hatred of others, and their intolerance of others not like the own The courage to lead the world into a new era.

  “You can’t leave us I just found you after all this time. Who will lead these people in this new era that you have forged with your own hand.” Beating his fist against the barrier tears welling up in his brown eyes. Why must the gods take away his only family in this strange land. Draco turned viewing those that he had come to call friends.

  “You will my brother that is your destiny, mine is to save these two worlds yours is to lead them.” A smile touched those bloodstain lips.

  “And what if I can not,” his voice cracking as he felt the magic well up in his brother’s body.

  “Then relay on those close to you.” Holding out his hand the ring of Orion shone brightly in the afternoon sun. Finishing the last half of the spell that would save the two worlds They watch as his body was engulfed in the brightest of lights they have ever seen. Faint but legible was Draco’s final words for his wife and daughter and his dear friend though his years in this land of magic was “I love you.” Was quickly as the wind carried his words along its sweet caress Draco's whisper faded into nothingness. All that was left of the once great dragon rider was his smoldering rider sword, and the ring of Orion.

  As the seconds passed the quakes lowered in intensity, a magical shock wave raced throughout the land. Striking down those that had call upon the ancient magic to reform the world. There in the darkness of that underground chamber that had stood though countless eons. Walking through those long forgotten pillars of the ancient magical device, that had kept the gods from the land of dragons for countless years. Stood Liltlih the dark snake goddess standing over the cooling bodies of the dead magi. Her wicked smile foretold of things to come for the land of dragons.

  “Fools! Playing with things beyond you knowledge,”
Liltlih said utter glee filled her golden face. Time was at hand to claim her prize it had taken the lost of a son yet she wouldn't be denied what she sought. “Draco,” his name sending trimmers throughout her body, her plan was about to mature. As her godly image evaporated into the darkness to the realm of the gods, this could only mean disaster for the world of Terra Drago.

  To be continued


  Cominus sat quietly upon Darjin’s back as the funeral progressed down the cobblestone streets. The dwarf’s had worked day and night to lay the stone by magic and by hand. Since the attack led by Tholosh, runners had been sent out into the land. After they all had felt the shockwave that came after his brother’s death. Even in his passing he had managed to foil their plans. It brought a smile to his gloomy face. He knew his brother was doing what the world and its people needed of him. Cominus could not help but vent his anger at the gods who seem to take every thing that was good in this world.

  When the runners had returned they told of mass of bodies dead from wounds unknown. Laid out in the baking sun to feed the carrion bird's. Cominus could not be happier if all the evil races were stricken from the land. What disturbed him the most was the lack of Drow bodies intermingled with those of the orc’s, and hobgoblins that made up the armies of the Doncer. This troubled him greatly was his brother’s sacrifice in vain. Aryl’s touch brought him out of his loathing. The dwarf’s had once told his brother he would be buried in the hall’s of Algand. However with no body Ishtar wanted his memorial in sight of the castle.

  The dwarf’s agreed with the Queen for they to had lost a great friend, and dear ally in their struggles against the Doncer. His statue was carved out of black onyx, for all to remember that one rider stood alone against so many. When most choose the easy path he had chosen the right path even if it meant his own death. Ishtar stood upon the steps of the memorial his brother’s sword draped across her hip. Since his death, Shadow Fang had withdrawn into her own mind. Sleeping away the grief and sorrow only awakening to eat then returning to her alcove. Cominus had caught her many times in her child form snuggling up to Ishtar in the bed they had shared. Now she sat nestled against his chest the first time he had seen her outside the castle other then to hunt.


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