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Secret Gifts_Steamy Version

Page 7

by Elena Aitken

  “Hi,” the guy said. “Good morning, Mr.—“

  “Call me Gage.”

  “Okay.” The guy glanced around at his friends. “What can I help you with this morning? You’re not lost, are you? This is the staff quarters and—“

  Gage laughed. “Seriously, I know. I’m looking for someone.”

  “Oh.” The girl who’d giggled spoke up. “Are you looking for Lisa? She has a day off today, so she’s—“

  Gage tried not to shudder at what Lisa had likely told her friends about them. Especially after he’d shut down her advances the night before. He’d been angry. At his sister, at Megan, and mostly at his life, and he’d definitely been in a mindset to make stupid decisions. Lisa had been in the right place at the right time but at least he’d been smart enough not to make a stupid decision.

  He made sure his emotions didn’t show—he was an actor, after all—and smiled at the girl. “I’m sure I’ll see Lisa later. But right now I’m actually looking for Bo.”

  “Bo doesn’t live here, man,” the blond man said. “He and Morgan live in the caretaker’s house.”

  “Where’s that?”

  “Just down that path.” Gage looked to where he was pointing. “But you won’t find him there now. He was heading out for an expedition trek with a group. He’ll be back tomorrow, I think. Is there anything you need? Maybe I can help.”

  Disappointed, Gage kicked at the ground a moment. “No,” he said. “I was just looking for something to do today.”

  “Maybe I can help you with that.”

  Gage spun around at Lisa’s voice. How she’d heard he was there, he had no idea, and while he definitely wasn’t seeking her out, maybe she could be a distraction.

  “I have the day off,” she said. “And I know some fun things to do around here. As long as your…what did you call her again? Yes, your babysitter,” she said the word with a grin that Gage recognized as trouble, “won’t mind.”

  Megan’s face flashed through his mind. Yesterday, there was nothing more he’d like than to spend another day with Megan; hell, even after this morning in the kitchen. Oh yes, he’d like to spend a lot more time with her. But that had been a mistake. He couldn’t even say why he’d done it, except seeing her in the kitchen, talking about his career as if she gave a damn, turned him on and he couldn’t stop himself. He’d needed to touch her.

  But it wasn’t real. Megan only cared because her career was on the line. It would serve her right if she couldn’t find him for a bit. After all, hadn’t she just been talking with her agency about what a train wreck he was? It might be good to give her something to worry about for a little while.

  “You know what?” He reached out and ran a finger down Lisa’s arm, causing her face to light up in expectation. “I think that sounds like a great idea. Where are we headed?”

  Lisa glanced at her friends and grinned before looping her arm through Gage’s. She led him away, headed towards the forest, and yet another trail. “It’s a surprise,” she said. “But I think you’re going to like it.”

  After a quick stop in the kitchen to grab water bottles and snacks from the head chef, Bruno, Lisa took them on a trail that led away from the main pathways, and after only a few minutes became even less traveled. Gage wasn’t used to hiking, let alone on a rocky path with roots sticking up and he tripped a few times, catching himself before falling on his face. Lisa laughed every time, and after the third time, it started to irritate him.

  “You know,” he said to her back as they hiked up. “I’m not used to this type of thing, but I’m glad you find it so funny.”

  She stopped, and he almost smacked into her since he was looking down. “I’m sorry,” she said. He scanned her face, and decided her apology was genuine. “I’ve been up here so long, I sometimes forget not everyone gets to hike as much as I do.”

  He shrugged. “It’s okay, honestly. I’m just not used to struggling with something.”

  She laughed. “Oh, you’re not struggling. You should see some of the people who come up here. You actually look like a pro.” She winked at him, and leaned in for a kiss but at the last minute, Gage bent down.

  “Maybe that’s why I keep tripping,” he said. “My lace is untied.” He heard her sigh while he took his time double knotting his laces. When he stood up, he dusted off his hands and said, “Let’s go. I can’t wait to see what the surprise is.”

  She gave him a look, but didn’t say anything.

  Gage followed behind, taking in the scenery and it wasn’t long before Lisa started chatting again. “This is the most beautiful place on earth, don’t you think?”

  “I honestly don’t know,” Gage said. “I haven’t been many places.”

  “What?” She flipped her blond hair around and looked at him for a second, but didn’t quit walking. “I can’t believe that a big movie star like you hasn’t traveled. Isn’t that one of the perks of being rich and famous?”

  Gage laughed but it came out bitter. “I guess it should be a perk,” he said. Truthfully, he hadn’t stopped to consider the perks of fame, at least, not past the money he’d be able to earn. That was his only focus, and the real reason he accepted the role in Extinction. The fact that there might be drawbacks definitely hadn’t been a consideration. Although, in hindsight, it probably should have been. “But there hasn’t been any time to travel. This is my first vacation since Extinction started filming. It’s been pretty wild. I didn’t even go to the UK premiere because Tumbleweed started filming that week.”

  “That’s crazy. But at least you find some time to have a little fun in the middle of all that working, right?” She tossed the words back over her shoulder, and added an extra sway to her hips that Gage certainly didn’t miss.

  He knew exactly the fun she was referring to—hell, the whole world knew. It’d been well chronicled, that was for sure. Gage hadn’t been totally naive; he knew there’d be media attention and reporters. But what he hadn’t counted on was the paparazzi following his every move, reporting on who he was with and what they were doing. Even going so far as to report on what he was eating and drinking. And he certainly gave them a lot to report on. The familiar wave of shame rose up in him, but he pushed it down, unwilling to mar his day with regret.

  “I’m not complaining,” he said after awhile, no longer sure what he was responding to. But it was true; he wouldn’t complain. Fame had given him exactly what he’d needed; money to pay for his mom’s treatments. Fame had saved her life, and wrecked his.

  “Of course you’re not,” Lisa said, totally oblivious of his internal turmoil. “Except I’m sure there are drawbacks, like that woman who follows you around. That would totally suck.”

  He thought of Megan and the fun they’d had the day before, the feel of her hand in his. The taste of her kiss. “It doesn’t totally suck,” he said.

  “Whatever.” Lisa snorted. “I can’t see how it wouldn’t, but I guess you get used to things, right?”

  Gage was saved from answering, because right then they stepped out of the forest and into a clearing. The smell of rotten eggs was overpowering and he pulled the hem of his t-shirt up and over his face.

  Lisa laughed. “You get used to the smell,” she said. “But you feel free to take that shirt all the way off.” She winked and gazed openly at his exposed abs.

  He smiled and dropped his shirt.

  “It doesn’t matter,” she said. “You’ll take it off in a minute. Come here.” Lisa grabbed his hand and tugged him up a small grassy hill. They stopped in front of a pond. And by the amount of steam in the air, it was a very hot pond.

  “What is this place?”

  “We call them King’s Springs.” Lisa knelt down and trailed her fingers through the water.

  Gage followed her lead, and tested the water. “It’s like a hot tub.” He looked up in amazement. “Incredible. How does it…how can it…”

  Lisa laughed again, but the sound was sweet. “It’s a natural hot spring,” she explai
ned. “The mountains are full of them, but they’re usually pretty hidden. Either that or they become mass developed tourist traps.” She rolled her eyes and her smile faded. “That’s why we keep this one a secret. We don’t want it becoming all commercialized. No one knows, Gage. You can’t say anything.” Her face was lined with worry, likely as she realized she’d just brought a mega-star who was almost constantly followed by reporters up to her secret place. “Some developers found out about a set of hot springs not too far from here and the word is they’re turning them into a major spa with a big hotel and—“

  “I swear,” Gage said. He tilted her chin up with two fingers. “I won’t tell a soul. I promise.”

  Satisfied, Lisa smiled again and stood up. “So,” she said. “What do you say we go for a swim?”

  Gage looked up at her. “You mean, now?”

  “When else, silly?” Lisa tugged her t-shirt off and started walking away. “Come on. There’s another pool over here.”

  Despite the fact that he knew nothing good could possibly come out of skinny-dipping with Lisa, and the last thing he wanted was anything at all to come of it, Gage stood and followed her, pulling his own t-shirt off as he went.

  “See?” Lisa said when she turned around and saw him. “Didn’t I say you’d be taking your shirt off in a minute?” She grabbed the loops of his jeans and pulled him close.

  “Lisa, I don’t think—“

  “You don’t want to swim?” Her voice was husky, and Gage would have to be deaf not to hear the desire laced in her words. “We can leave.”

  Indecision raced through him and he hated himself for it. Only a week ago, Gage wouldn’t have thought twice about getting naked in hot water with a gorgeous woman. But a lot had happened in a week. His thoughts flashed to Megan’s smile when they were climbing the rocks, the softness of her hand, the way her body had melted and come undone with his touch, the hardness in her face when she told him her interest in him was professional only. Period.

  “We’re not leaving.” He tossed his shirt to the side and slipping away from Lisa, he made short work of his shoes and jeans as well before sliding into the hot water.


  Megan was going to kill Gage. She’d only been gone for forty minutes. Forty minutes that she needed to clear her head and calm down. And when she’d returned to the suite, he was gone. Surely she should be able to leave him alone for a few minutes without him sneaking off and getting into trouble. It really didn’t seem too much to ask. But after what had happened between them…and worse, the words they’d exchanged, all bets were off.

  After calling his cell phone and getting voicemail, Megan called Carmen at the front desk, because she had no idea who else to call.

  “He’s probably just gone for a walk, Megan,” she’d assured her. “I’ll tell everyone to keep an eye out but we’ll call you as soon as we hear anything. Don’t worry, he’s a grown man. He’s not going to get into any trouble.”

  But that’s exactly what Megan was worried about. And hadn’t that been exactly why she was there? All day, while she waited for Gage to walk in the door or Carmen to call, she replayed Ryan’s phone call in her head for the umpteenth time.

  A suicide mission. A train wreck.

  Was it really impossible to keep Gage Mitchell away from scandal? Was Lois really angry enough at her to take it out on her career?

  When the phone rang shortly after lunchtime, Megan answered it without checking the caller ID.

  “Gage? Where the—“

  “Megan,” the voice on the other end of the line was very female and definitely not Gage. “Are you missing someone?” Lois asked, although when her boss said it, it sounded more like a statement rather than a question.

  “No,” Megan answered quickly, forcing herself to sound much calmer than she felt. “Not at all.”

  “Really? Because it sounded like you were asking where he was.” Her boss’ voice was cool and slid over Megan like ice. “You do know where your client is, don’t you, Megan? Because I would—“

  “Of course I know where he is.” Megan definitely didn’t imagine the satisfaction she heard in Lois’ voice. “I was just asking him where the remote is. He ran over to the main lodge to pick up some lunch.”

  “They don’t have room service in the mountains?”

  “Not today,” Megan lied easily. “Besides, Gage likes the fresh air. He says he’s never felt better and has totally lost his desire for partying.” Okay, she knew she was pushing it with that last bit, but she couldn’t help herself. She shook her head and forced herself to take a deep breath. She couldn’t afford anymore slip-ups.

  “Well,” Lois said. “That’s a good thing because the production company has decided instead of waiting for the premiere party, they’d like to have a special launch party for Tumbleweed early. It’ll be a small affair, only cast and crew and a few select industry professionals. No media at all.”

  “How early?” Something in the other woman’s voice wasn’t right.

  “This weekend.”

  “This weekend? That’s only two days away.”

  “Is that a problem?”

  Megan wanted to laugh. Of course it wasn’t a problem. She could keep Gage out of trouble for only two more days. She glanced around the empty room and a shadow of doubt crossed her mind. If she could find him, anyway.

  “No problem at all,” she said. “Should I book us some flights to LA?”

  “The party won’t be in LA, Megan.”

  A chill ran down Megan’s spine. “Where will it be?”

  “At Castle Mountain Lodge.” If Megan could have stuffed the cheeriness in Lois’ voice back down her throat, she would have. “Ryan actually suggested it to the producers as a perfect location for the launch.”

  “Ryan did?” Despite the sudden chill, Megan needed air. She went to the sliding patio door and stood facing out.

  “He did,” Lois continued. “After all, the mountains are the backdrop for the show, and Gage is already there and—“

  “It’ll be lovely,” Megan choked out the words.

  “Oh, I knew you’d think so,” Lois said. “And since the Grace Agency suggested the location, we’ll be taking on the party prep, and naturally, since you’re already there…”

  “Naturally.” Megan sagged onto the couch and let her head flop back so she was staring up at the vaulted ceiling. “I’ll take care of it,” she said.

  “Perfect. Oh, and Megan?”

  Megan sat up, instantly alert at the shift in Lois’ voice.

  “Don’t screw this up,” Lois said. “I don’t think I have to tell you, it’s a very important party and just as it’s crucial that we avoid scandal,” she emphasized the word, “it’s crucial this party is fabulous. Do you understand?”

  “I do,” Megan said, and with a bolt of courage, added, “Lois, can we talk about what happened with Ryan and—“

  “Megan,” she interrupted. “You know I don’t mix business with personal.”

  She didn’t know that.

  “I know, Lois, it’s just that this job…me being here, it’s—“

  “It’s important, Megan. Now, is there anything else? I’m very busy.”

  “No.” She rubbed her eyes and stared, unseeing, out the window.

  “Good. We’ll touch base with regards to the party details later.”

  And with a click, Lois was gone and Megan was left to wrap her head around the change of plans. Plans that seemed more and more like they’d been designed for her to fail.

  She took a deep breath and walked back inside to call Carmen again. She had a lot of work to do; there was no point in dwelling on it.

  The plus side of being tasked with planning a last-minute Hollywood-style event was that Megan had something else to do besides obsess about where Gage was and what he was doing. After a very productive chat with Carmen, who gave her the name of the party planners that the Lodge liked to use, Megan spent the next few hours sketching out some idea
s and chatting with the owners of Party Hearty, Andi and Eva. It was decided that Eva would be the one who would be in charge of the party since her boyfriend, Jeff, actually worked on the set of Tumbleweed, and they’d be attending the party anyway.

  It was almost four o’clock when the door burst open and Gage sauntered in, completely unaware of her anxiety level that had only been magnified in the passing hours. Or maybe he was. Either way, he walked in and headed directly for the kitchen, where he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

  Megan’s anger grew as she waited for him to say something to her, to acknowledge her at all. Finally, she couldn’t wait any longer.

  “Well, I hope you had a good day,” she said, sarcasm dripping from her words.

  Gage turned around and smiled his slow, infuriatingly sexy smile. “As a matter of fact,” he said, “I had a great day.” He took another long pull on the water bottle.

  At least he didn’t look like he’d been drinking and she wasn’t close enough to smell it on him. Her body responded with a shiver at even the slightest thought of being close to Gage, and she immediately cursed herself, refocusing on her anger.

  “You’re kidding me, right?” She put her hands on her hips. “You’re really going to stand there and be an ass without one word about where you’ve been or what you were doing? Don’t you care about how worried I was?” She only briefly considered the fact that she sounded like a stressed-out mother of a teenager instead of a PR rep to a major celebrity.

  “Did you call me an ass?”

  She shook her head, but said, “Yes. I did. But that’s not the point.”

  “What is the point?” He put the bottle down and took a few steps closer to her.

  Megan forced herself not to back away as he approached. His physical presence unnerved her, and the last thing she needed was for him to see that he affected her the same way he affected every other woman on earth.

  “The point is it’s my job to make sure you—“


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