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Beautifully Unnatural: A Young Adult Paranormal Boxed Set

Page 21

by Amy Miles

  “You always could read my thoughts,” Fane says softly, cupping her cheek in his hand. “No, I’m here to take you back.”

  “You know what he will do to me. I have a chance here. I have friends, a life…”

  “And what do you think Vladimir will do to those friends when he tracks you here? Do you think he will spare their lives just because he found you? No. He will tear them apart, piece by piece, to make you suffer. You know this, Roseline.”

  Tears sting her eyes as she stifles a sob. He is right. She knows he is. She has always known.

  “I’ve been so selfish,” she whispers, glancing out at the unsuspecting crowd around her. “I just wanted to be free.”

  Fane pulls her into his arms and rests his head atop hers. “I know. Trust me, I know. If there was another way…but there isn’t. If you love these people you have to come home with me.”

  She wipes a fallen tear from her cheek. “Does he know where you are?”

  “No.” He shakes his head. “I covered my tracks. Your friends will be safe.”

  She closes her eyes to the pain she knows awaits her. Even if she survives Vladimir’s brutality, will there be anything left of her soul to carry on?

  Can she really live without Gabriel?

  This question makes her hesitate far more than the certain pain she faces. The memory of her last escape flashes before her eyes. It was nearly a century ago. She made it all the way to London before Vladimir tracked her. He cornered her in a boat bound for Africa. It took nearly a week to get all of the blood out of her hair after her husband’s rampage. There weren’t any survivors on the ship. The lifeless eyes of slaughtered men, women, and children had stared blankly up at her, accusing her.

  She raises her eyes to see Sadie and William peering in their direction. The firm set of Sadie’s lips as she sets down her drink tells Roseline she doesn’t have much time. No matter the price she must pay, she cannot ever let Vladimir know of this place. Of these people. Of Sadie and William. She dries her tears and looks to Fane. “He can’t come here.”

  “Then leave with me.”

  Roseline bristles, sensing the turmoil before she finds him across the room. Gabriel is livid and heading straight for her. His blue eyes pierce through the darkness. “We need to go,” she whispers.

  Fane glances over his shoulder, noticing the direction of her gaze. His face hardens. “So he’s the one that’s got you all hot and bothered?” He eyes up the tall boy; a deep rumble builds in his chest as he notes how handsome and self-assured he is. He bares his teeth in response.

  “Stop it, Fane,” Roseline growls, pulling him away. “That’s none of your business.” She watches as his mossy green eyes flame to life. He is the last person in the world that should meet Gabriel.

  “Not my business?” Fane snarls, pulling her close. “Have you forgotten our time together?” His gaze flits down the curves of her body, the admiring gleam is quickly replaced by something hungrier.

  “Of course I haven’t.” She slaps his hand away. “But that’s in the past. Let it go.”

  She glances back over her shoulder. Gabriel is getting too close. Fury rolls off him in almost visible waves. Roseline’s stomach cramps with fear. She has no idea what Gabriel might do with his newfound abilities but one thing is for sure, if he and Fane throw down there is no way Vladimir won’t hear about this epic fight once it hits the news channels. “We can talk about this later. Let’s go.”

  Fane smirks, planting his feet firmly on the floor. “Why? Because you think I might hurt your little boyfriend?”

  “No.” Roseline locks her gaze on Fane so there will be no mistaking her intent. “Because I will hurt you if you try.”

  Fane flinches, incensed. “You’d fight me over a human?” His fingers dig painfully into her arm when she nods. “What have you been doing while you’ve been gone, Roseline Dragomir? Did you get yourself a new toy to play with?” Speaking her maiden name is the highest insult he can use against her.

  Roseline’s hand blurs as she slaps him across the cheek. “That’s for being rude. Now let me go or I will rip your freaking arm off.”

  “You have a lot of explaining to do,” he snarls as he sweeps her up into his arms and runs for the door. Fane does not pause when Gabriel bellows at him to stop or when Sadie tries to wrench Roseline from his arms. He shoves her aside. Roseline cries out for her friend as the scent of blood wafts toward her.

  Fane races for the exit, past haughty hotel guests, and out through the front door. His fingers close around a pair of keys being tossed through the air to the valet. In one fluid motion, he shoves Roseline into the passenger seat and leaps over the roof of the car, landing next to the open driver’s side door.

  “What the…” the middle-aged man in a pricey tuxedo cries as Fane pushes him to the ground.

  “Fane!” Roseline cries.

  Ignoring her call, he shoves the Mercedes into gear and tears out into the street. Car horns blare and tires screech as he swerves dangerously out into traffic.

  Her piercing scream bounces around the car as Fane yanks the wheel, barely missing the front bumper of an oncoming car. “Are you insane?” she shrieks, gripping the door handle tightly. The thin metal bends into the shape of her hand.

  Fane throws back his head and laughs as he plays chicken with a semi. “Someone has spent too much time around the humans. Did you forget you’re an immortal, Roseline?”

  “Even if we can’t die from a car crash that doesn’t mean we don’t feel the pain, you idiot.”

  His smile fades as he throws the car up onto the sidewalk, sending pedestrians sprawling to the ground. The tires squeal as he rounds the corner, finally exiting the one-way street. He melds into traffic and slows to a more reasonable speed.

  “Where are you taking me?” she asks, trying to sound bolder than she feels. She is furious that he practically kidnapped her in front of the entire school, but fear of being presented to Vladimir has begun to worm its way into her mind.

  “Your house. You need to pack.” He glances over at her to find her watching the buildings pass by. “Are you gonna tell me about him now?”

  “He’s just a guy,” Roseline mutters, pressing her nose against the cold window. Her warm breath creates a fog that she rubs out with her hand. “He doesn’t matter anymore.”

  “Just a guy, huh? I am not buying it, Roseline. You’ve never threatened me before,” he says, keeping watch over her from the corner of his eye as he winds through the heavy city traffic.

  “You never gave me a reason to.”

  Fane growls with frustration. “You call me out of the blue, crying over this guy and his crazy abilities, and now you won’t open up after you’ve just threatened me? Has he done something to you?”

  “No,” she cries, shaking her head. “It’s nothing like that.”

  His sigh is weighty. “I’ve been your best friend for three centuries, Roseline, and sometimes more than that. You know you can tell me anything.”

  “That’s why I can’t tell you about him. You’re too involved.”

  “You got me involved, remember?”

  She runs her finger along the fogged window, drawing random patterns as she feigns indifference. “I really don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Tough.” He clenches the steering wheel so hard Roseline fears he will snap it off the column. “I saw how you were dancing and it wasn’t for that friend of yours. It was for that boy, wasn’t it? You were trying to make him jealous.”

  Roseline pulls the bobby pins from her hair. Her loose curls spill around her shoulders as she sighs. “I was trying to prove a point.”

  “What? That you’re open for business?”

  Her hand flashes out and strikes Fane’s cheek, still red from the last pass. “Don’t ever speak to me that way again.”

  He groans and presses back into his seat. “I’m sorry. You know I didn’t mean….it’s just that I’ve never seen you like that before with a human. It was almo
st sickening to watch.”

  “You never complained before.” She closes her eyes to the memories of stolen moments long ago. A passionate kiss, a stolen touch, a whispered promise.

  “I know, but it’s different now. We’re different.”

  “Exactly. We are not together anymore, Fane. You have to accept that. Just like Gabriel has to accept that he has no place in my life. It’s forbidden.”

  “So you two never…” Fane trails off, taking his eyes off the road to observe her reaction.

  Roseline stuffs down the sob rising in her throat. “No. Never.”

  “Good.” Fane releases his breath. He winces at the fury blazing in Roseline’s eyes and adds to his words. “If Vladimir were to smell him on you he’d be a dead man.”

  She knows all too well the pain Vladimir would inflict on Gabriel if he ever found him. Maybe this is for the best. If she leaves with Fane, she will be the only one punished. Gabriel will be safe. “Take me home.”

  “I am.”

  “No. I mean to him. I’m ready.”

  Fane snarls as he yanks the car to a stop. Horns blare as the car behind swerves to miss their back bumper. Fane’s gaze drills a hole into the side of Roseline’s head, but she refuses to look at him.

  “You are in love with him!” If Fane had been free of the car, Roseline is sure he would have yanked off a mailbox and hurled it like a javelin or maybe he would have settled for a pine tree. Instead, he settles for clamping his fingers over his kneecap until his bones groan in protest.

  When she finally looks up at him, the depth of misery seeping from her tear-dampened eyes shocks him. “Does it really matter now? I’m leaving and will never see him again.”

  Roseline fights back the sob that aches to be released. She dams up the floodgates that threaten to spill over. She can’t lose control in front of Fane, it would only jab the knife in deeper.

  “You’d choose a human over me?” His strangled whisper wrenches at her heart.

  Hurting Fane is the last thing she wants to do. Oh, why didn’t he stay in Romania where he belongs? Roseline slides her hand across the gap, resting it gently on his forearm. “I never had a choice, Fane. It just happened.”

  Enraged, he slams his hand against the steering wheel. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  Roseline pulls back from his anger. Why did he have to ask the one question she is terrified of answering? Fane waits, unrelenting. He wants an answer. Sighing, Roseline glances out of the window, noticing for the first time that it has begun to frost over again. Her warm breath has faded, just like her life here in Chicago. “We’re bound together.”

  Fane sucks in a breath. The bond between immortals is far stronger than any romantic feelings a human can experience. For Roseline to be bound to this boy it would mean…

  “How? You said you’ve never…”

  “I know!” Roseline cries, plunging her hands into her hair as she bends at the waist. “Don’t you think I know that? I can’t explain it. That’s why I called you, but you weren’t exactly much help. And then later I had to save his life and we shared blood…but the bond was already intact before that,” she rambles.

  Immortal bound to a human. Such a thing is unheard of. It is forbidden by the immortal community to even care for a human, let alone be bound to one. It is impossible. Isn’t it?

  “You didn’t tell me you were bound to him,” Fane protests, grinding his teeth at the thought. “If I’d have known…” he trails off.

  Would it have changed anything? No. This is one of those unspoken rules that are passed down through the ages. You never break a bond. She has already proven that you can’t outrun it.

  Her tears well up in the corners of her eyes. “He’s just a boy.”

  “Exactly,” Fane says, his voice softer now. “He doesn’t know what love is. But I do.” He gently pulls her hands into his. “Roseline, we’ve been together through wars, plagues, tortures, and so much more. I know you in and out. That boy could never know you as well as I do. I am the one that should be by your side. You know how much I love you.”

  Turning to look at him, Roseline manages a weak smile. It is true. They have shared several lifetimes together…but it changes nothing. He is her best friend and former lover, but he is not the one meant for her. No matter how hard he fights it, Roseline hopes deep down he knows it too. “I’ve always known, Fane,” she whispers, glittering tears flowing like a moonlit river down her cheeks.

  Fane’s head bows low, his long blond hair falling into his eyes, loosed from the leather thong that held it back. He sighs deeply before straightening his shoulders. With the gentlest of touches, Fane clasps her delicate hands to his chest. “Run away with me.”

  Despair turns every nerve ending into ice. The creeping freeze steals all the way from her toes, locking her heart into a crystallized glacier. “Even if I could, I wouldn’t. Vladimir would kill you.”

  Breaching the invisible barrier between them, Fane leans across the console. He brushes back the hair that curls around her jaw. His thumb glides over the silky smooth curve of her cheek. “I’m willing to take that risk to be with you. We can make it. I know we can.”

  “You’re wrong. It’s just your foolish heart talking right now. We both know that Vladimir would never give up. He’d hunt us to the ends of the earth just to hurt me.”

  “Is that the only reason you won’t go?”

  Roseline glances away, unwilling to look at him as she speaks the words that she knows will crush him. “I can’t, not now that I am bound to Gabriel. You know how it works.”

  “But what if you’re wrong?” he presses, grasping at the tiniest straw of hope. “Maybe it’s just an infatuation.”

  She laughs bitterly. “Do you have any idea how much I wish I were? I know what this means. My life, his life, is forfeit now. We can’t live apart but there is no way for us to be together.”

  A single tear escapes from his eye. “So I really have lost you.”

  He pulls back from her, withdrawing into himself. Roseline can’t bear to look at him, to see the misery that she has caused. Instead, she fixes her gaze on the taillights in front of them as Fane pulls back out into the traffic flow.


  Gabriel prowls like a caged lion in the deserted corridor outside the dance hall. “Are you completely insane?” he rages at William. “How could you leave Rose with a stranger?”

  The longer she goes missing the more panicked he becomes. Why did she act like she knew this guy? He had sensed her turmoil, felt it spilling over into his own veins. She had been angry, very angry, and then it all stopped and he had felt her mood shift. The “why” question is nearly enough to drive him insane.

  “Stop ranting!” Sadie cries. “It’s making my head ache.”

  She holds an ice pack against the large bump forming on her head. The bleeding has stopped but the pounding is getting worse. Gabriel’s shouting is not helping anything.

  William shoves Gabriel back as he rounds on Sadie. “Back off. I get that you are worried, we all are, but attacking my sister is the last thing you should be thinking about right now.”

  Gabriel’s fingers clench into a fist at his side. The idea of smashing William’s face in is a bit too tempting. “Fine,” he says, sinking onto the plush couch. Laughter and music spill down the hall as the double doors open and close. Their classmates’ carefree banter makes him nauseous. Don’t they know Rose is missing? Shouldn’t the dance be stopped to find her?

  Of course not. No one in that room is as intimately aware of Rose as he is. When he went to tell the teachers, they laughed it off as a classic prank. Since Roseline didn’t scream or make a scene, it made his case that much harder to prove. Even the hotel management didn’t seem concerned about a missing girl since one of their hotel guest’s vehicles have been stolen. Gabriel tried to tell them she was probably in the car but they had already turned him away to wait for the police.

  He leans his head back against the cush
ion. “You’re right. I’m sorry, Sadie. I just don’t know what to do. No one will listen to me.”

  “Well, duh. You’re running around like a raving lunatic. I wouldn’t listen to you either,” she snorts. “But he does have a point, Will. Why’d you leave her with that guy?”

  William shrugs. “She said she knew him. They seemed pretty friendly to me so I didn’t think anything of it until I heard Gabriel yell.”

  “But how did she know him?” Sadie asks, settling on the couch next to Gabriel, moaning as she slips her boots off.

  “He said they go way back.”

  Sadie chews on her lower lip. “If he is from Romania too, I wonder if Nicolae might know him. Hang on a second. Where’d he go?”

  Gabriel growls. “Is that really important right now? I thought you didn’t even like the guy.”

  “I don’t,” Sadie snaps. “Well, I mean I guess he has his moments. He was okay tonight, actually, but I think he disappeared around the same time Rose did. He went to the bathroom and never came back. Do you think he went with them? I mean, he is from the same country and all. Maybe he knows the guy.”

  William thinks it over. “I guess it’s possible.”

  “No, it’s not.” Gabriel adamantly shakes his head. “Nicolae wouldn’t go anywhere with Rose unless he had to. You both know how weirded out he gets around her.”

  “I’ve been wondering about that…” William trails off, scratching the back of his head. The styling wax has begun to lose its effect from all of the sweating on the dance floor and his usual scruffiness has returned. “Everyone seems to like Rose, right? I mean, she is the sweetest person I’ve ever met. So why does he always seem so intense around her? There’s definitely a bad vibe between them.”

  Gabriel rubs his jaw. His brain hurts as he fights to remember any clues to explain Nicolae’s strange behavior. “I don’t know. When we find him, we can ask. Right now all I want to do is find Rose.”

  “You mean Roseline,” William mutters.

  “What’s that?” Gabriel asks, sitting up straighter.

  “That guy…he called her Roseline. I’ve never heard anyone call her that before.”


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