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Beautifully Unnatural: A Young Adult Paranormal Boxed Set

Page 73

by Amy Miles

  Sitting alone and thinking about the kiss wasn’t healthy either. We needed to set boundaries, so we knew what to expect. If Zack were allowed to touch me anytime he wanted, it was really going to mess with my head.

  When he appeared in the doorway, I didn’t have to see him to know he was there. My gaze stayed on my computer screen.

  “What time do you want to leave for Ashley’s party?” he asked.

  “Nine?” A moment later, I peeked up at him from under my brows.

  “Sounds good.” He wiped a smudge off the door frame and made a show of inspecting it for flaws. “I think it’s better to go running after, not before. Less chance of running into anyone else the later it gets.”

  “Okay.” I pretended to be fully engrossed in whatever was on my computer screen.

  “We forgot to take your car in,” Zack said. “I called Timothy and he said I can use the garage over the weekend. I have a key.”

  “That was nice of him.” I forced my mouth to curve up.

  Zack’s gaze wandered over to the window, then to my little antique French desk I never used. He scratched his chin and turned to go.


  He spun around. “Yeah?”

  I mustered my courage, erased all emotion from my face and met his gaze. “I don’t want you to kiss me again.”

  He just stared, blinking once. Evidently, he wasn’t expecting me to say that.

  “I like kissing,” I explained. “And you already know I like you. I haven’t exactly kept it a secret.” He took a step forward and my heart pounded. I held up my hand to stop him, because I couldn’t go there again, only to have him pull away. “But it’s all or nothing. If you don’t want to form any ties, because you’re leaving, then don’t.” My blood roared in my ears and I forced myself to breathe, so I could finish. “You can’t kiss me and act like it means nothing. Because it means something to me.”

  He nodded slowly. “Alright.”

  “I’ll come downstairs when it’s time to go. I have some things to do first.”

  He nodded again, but didn’t move.

  The strain in the room was stifling, so I smiled in hopes of easing it. “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.”

  He stood poised and ready bolt. At the same time, he appeared permanently stuck to the floor. Would he take his cue and be thankful I gave him a way out? Or would he stay and whisper in my ear what an idiot he’s been and tell me he can’t imagine being without me. If he walked away without a fight, then he didn’t care enough anyway. In that case, I wasn’t losing anything, right?

  “Well, I’ll be downstairs if you need anything.” Zack’s gaze held mine another second or two before he turned to go.

  As he left my room, my earlier inner pep talk didn’t comfort me at all. Regardless of philosophies, logic or anything else, the bottom line was that any hope I’d had that he’d come to his senses was lost. My eyes stung and my throat ached. I wanted to scream and run after Zack and tell him I loved him. Instead, I leaped off the bed, wiped my eyes and quietly closed the door.

  † † †

  Zack was a total gentleman, locking up the house and escorting me to the passenger side of my car, then putting the Mustang’s top up, so my hair wouldn’t get messy. But he practically went out of his way not to touch me, like when he made a wide circle as he opened the car door for me.

  When we arrived at the party, he spent most of his time with Trevor, but he always positioned himself to include me in his peripheral vision. The distance between us should’ve made things easier on me, but it didn’t. I wanted him just as much as before.

  I surveyed the living room of Ashley’s parents’ house, people spilling out the front door. The other day, she’d said “just some close friends” but this was a lot more than that. Yet she handled new arrivals graciously, immediately introducing them to someone, so they’d feel at ease.

  Ashley’s parents were strict, inspecting the punch and other drinks to make sure no booze had been smuggled in. I thought it was pretty cool of them to allow parties at all. If anyone wanted alcohol, they could wait for Daniel to throw one.

  A pale, plump gothic-dressed girl wailed away on a make-shift stage, strumming her acoustic guitar while a tall guy in skinny-pants plucked at his bass. The music was loud, but I had no problem picking up the other sounds throughout the house. Girls laughing in the hallway, glasses clinking in the kitchen.

  Despite the sheer number of people, it was a good crowd. Why hadn’t I come to more of her gatherings? Now that Gina and Daniel were out of my social circle, I looked forward to spending time with people I enjoyed. Real friends who’d still be there for me, even if I wasn’t popular.

  At least until I went on the lam.

  Zack loitered at the other end of the room with Trevor and a couple other guys, his gaze always coming back to me.

  Maya looped her arm through mine. “Love that dress. Looks like it’s been glued to you. I bet as soon as Zack saw it on you, he immediately started scheming how to get it off,” she giggled into my ear. “Where did you buy it?”

  “It’s Gina’s.” I admitted, then snickered.

  “No!” Maya high-fived me. “Whatever you do, don’t give it back.”

  “I wasn’t planning to since she didn’t return all my stuff.” She could keep the shoes, because seeing them would remind me how she’d betrayed me with Daniel.

  “It’s like there’s a blaze of passion around Zack, festering. You need to satisfy that poor guy soon.”

  I burst out laughing. “Maya.”

  “It’s true. God, I wished Trevor looked at me like that.”

  “He does. You’re just blind to it. And anyway, I think you’re misinterpreting Zack’s expression.”

  “Yeah,” she mocked. “And I’m sure I misunderstood that smoldering kiss by the curb this morning too. Gee, whatever did that mean?”

  It had been foolish of me to deny it in the first place. “Okay, I get it. You’re right. He’s madly in love with me.” I snorted.

  Her face lost all traces of amusement as she discreetly eyed him again. “Actually… I think he really is.”

  I wanted to plug my ears. I did not need her crazy ideas banging around in my brain, giving me false hope. “It doesn’t matter. I have no plans of sleeping with him when I know he’s leaving. He’ll have to carry on unfulfilled.”

  “Good girl,” Maya said, patting my arm. “Don’t settle.”

  I wanted to settle though, since it was the only way I’d ever get Zack. Even as that thought formed in my head, I discarded it. If I didn’t stand my ground, I’d never truly have him in the way that mattered.

  But what if Zack liked me more than he let on? His actions certainly hinted at it.

  Oh, who was I kidding? Zack was not crazy in love with me. The attention he showered over me was temporary while he educated me, like he wished had been done for him. Duty, that was it. With that thought, it was as if my heart was being repeatedly impaled by an ice pick.

  “Uh-oh. I smell trouble.” Maya’s lips tightened.

  I spotted Daniel at the front door scanning the room. I slunk back, hoping Maya might shield me from his line of vision. Ashley and her parents didn’t deserve the kind of scene Daniel might make. My gaze shot to Zack who was already heading my way, Trevor by his side.

  “Excuse us for a moment.” Without missing a beat, Zack gently turned me around. With his fingertips at my waist, he steered me away. His musky scent curled up my nose and tingles spread over my chest.

  I peered over my shoulder to see Daniel staring after us, his face twisted with loathing.

  At the corner of the room, Zack pressed me against the wall, turning so he could keep Daniel in his peripheral vision. Gently, he skimmed my cheek with his knuckles and gazed into my eyes, his thigh brushing against mine.

  “Let them think I had to have you to myself for a minute. Less conspicuous than having an outright war. Do yo
u want to leave or just avoid him all night?” he asked.

  I mentally kick-started my brain, which had stopped as soon as Zack touched me. “He won’t give up. Why don’t I find out what he wants?”

  “Autumn, we’ve already been there. He wants you.”

  “Unlike you,” Even as the words left my mouth, I regretted them. Especially when I saw a strange look flit across his face. But it was gone before I could analyze it.

  You can’t make a scene in front of all these people. Go away, Daniel, Zack said.

  I jolted at his voice in my head. How was it possible to hear his thoughts as he sent them to Daniel?

  Zack’s hand rested at my hip, his thumb at the soft spot on my waist. A blaze began in my belly. Sadly, it was all pretend, unlike the fire he ignited inside me. If I got any more worked up, I’d give up everything for him.

  “I know what you’re thinking. Don’t get any ideas about sneaking off and making any deals with Daniel,” Zack said, keeping his voice low enough that Daniel couldn’t possibly hear over the music. “Do you know how I’d feel if someone negotiated with a guy like him to save my life? I can’t be responsible for that. And it won’t make me leave or stop trying to protect you.”

  I nodded. “Okay.”

  He exhaled and rested his cheek against my temple. I heard his raspy breathing, despite the noise in the room. I repositioned my leg, so I wouldn’t feel his against mine. I could think more clearly without being that close.

  “You spoke to Daniel telepathically. Did he answer you?”

  “No.” He withdrew to look at me. “Why?”

  “I heard what you said. You told him he couldn’t make a scene and to go away.”

  “Interesting. Wonder how you could’ve heard that when I didn’t send it to you. Let’s try it again.” He visually located Daniel who’d moved to the other side of the room. You can’t win this one. You may as well leave.

  Hand over Autumn. Now. Or I’ll mess up some of your pretty little friends. Daniel smiled smugly.

  I don’t respond to threats. But I’m sure William does.

  Daniel’s face flushed, his fists clenching, which made me wonder what William had done to punish Daniel the last time he’d disobeyed.

  William’s not around. It’ll be my word against yours.

  “Did you get that?” Zack asked softly near my ear.

  Goose bumps skittered across my bare skin where his breath had whispered. “Yeah,” I said.

  “Fascinating.” He gave me a crooked grin. “It’s like three-way calling.”

  I gave a nervous laugh.

  Maybe when I’m done here, I’ll stop by your house. Your mom’s dying anyway, isn’t she? Daniel’s lips curved up. I’ll tell William you were so upset when Autumn dumped you that you went on a rampage. Such a pity I couldn’t stop you.

  A blaze ignited behind Zack’s eyes. When I searched for Daniel again, he was gone.


  Adrenaline rocketed through my veins and my heart raced. I took a deep, calming breath and sensed Daniel’s energy. He hadn’t left the party and gone after Zack’s family. Yet.

  Should we call the police? I asked.

  They can’t help us. If he’s that crazy, he’ll tear the cops apart.

  Zack inhaled, but I could feel his muscles tense and alert as he draped an arm over my shoulder, then guided me back to Trevor and Maya. When he released me, she grabbed my hand.

  “When did Daniel get so creepy?” Maya gave a mock shiver.

  Glancing over my shoulder, I saw Zack and Daniel across the room glaring at each other. Were they talking silently? If so, I couldn’t hear anything.

  “I think he’s always been like that,” I said. “He’s just not trying to hide it anymore.”

  The boys separated and Daniel left the room. Zack reached into his pocket for his cell, dialed and held it to his ear. I couldn’t hear him over the roar of the music and I wished I could read lips.

  He shoved the phone back in his pocket and squeezed through the crowd toward me. I don’t know what he’ll do next, but staying here puts everyone else at risk. We need to go.

  But by leaving, we would be the ones in danger. What are we going to do?

  Do you trust me?

  I nodded and he took my hand.

  We said our goodbyes to Ashley, Trevor, Maya and a few of the other guests, then headed for the car. Outside, my eyes raked up and down Ashley’s street for any sign of Daniel. I didn’t sense him or any other werewolf. “What if he’s on his way to your house?”

  “He’s not. Let’s just go,” Zack said, opening the passenger side for me.

  I stopped at my car and faced him. Even as the fear built in me, I knew how important it was to keep my cool and my voice level, for Zack’s sake as much as my own. He had much more to lose than I did. “Daniel threatened to kill your family. How are we going to keep them safe?”

  “I told him I was going to call Charles and tell him about our conversation. Which I did. If Daniel does anything, Charles will be all over William, then Daniel will be dead meat.”

  “Good thinking.” Still, Daniel was more unstable than ever. He wasn’t used to a girl rejecting him and couldn’t seem to accept it. Especially now that it looked like I preferred Zack to him. “How do we know he’s not going to follow us home?”

  “No point in worrying about that, since he already knows where you live.” Zack scanned the vicinity briefly, then motioned me into the car.

  “True. But he could be waiting for us when we get there.” I climbed inside, strapped on my seat belt and leaned against the headrest. Dealing with Daniel had sucked the life right out of me.

  “There’s nothing we can do about that.” He shot me a glance. “Unless we sleep in a motel tonight.”

  I tried not to conjure up images of us in a motel room together. But the pictures snuck in anyway and warmed my cheeks.

  “He’ll find a way to get to us, no matter where we go,” Zack said, starting the car. He sounded way too calm.

  “So that’s it?” Panic crept into my voice. “We just sit around and wait for him to ambush us?”

  “I doubt it’ll be tonight, because he knows we’re expecting him. He’ll want the advantage of surprise.” He pulled away from the curb. “We’ll have to deal with it when it happens. In the meantime, let’s stay alert and not dwell on it.”

  My fists unfolded and I released a breath, knowing I needed to chill. Worrying about it wasn’t going to change the outcome. “So when I walked away, did you guys talk?”

  Zack’s lips tightened. “Yeah.”

  “I couldn’t hear either of you.”

  He signaled to turn. “I wonder why.”

  As we passed houses and street lights, I reconstructed the last few days in my head. “The first time we saw Charles, I heard him ask you about me. I thought it was just me, losing my mind.”

  Thinking back to the exchange at the dealership, I remembered that Zack had been holding my wrist and moved in front of me. At the party, he’d been wrapped around me.

  I gasped. “Zack. Each time that happened, you were touching me. When you let go and I was standing with Maya, I couldn’t hear anymore.”

  “Fascinating. It might come in handy up the road.” He white-knuckled the steering wheel.

  I shook my head, my hopes plummeting. “Except the scouts will already know about any new abilities we discover.”

  “Right.” He blew out a noisy breath. “Daniel’s so new, he might not. He’s the problem right now.”

  “What did you guys talk about?”

  “Nothing important.” Zack lifted a hand off the steering wheel and waved it off. “Just how much he’ll enjoy killing me.”

  “No, Zack. Not because of me. You should stay away.” The pitch of my voice had risen and I made a conscious effort to keep from sounding hysterical. “If he gets William to help him, we’re dead meat.”

  “As far as William knows, you’re human. He has to obey werew
olf law and he knows Charles is keeping an eye on things. I doubt killing me is worth the risk. And I’m Daniel’s vendetta, not William’s. We’ll stay in tonight.”

  “Can you do that?” My eyes cut to his. “I thought it was too hard not to morph.”

  Zack drove the car into the driveway of my house, jumped out and got to my side before I’d even opened the door. “Difficult, yes, but not impossible.”

  “We should go out. You need to.”

  “No. I won’t put you at risk. We’ll figure out another way.”

  I wondered what that other way could be. I wouldn’t let Zack suffer to keep me safe. I couldn’t. I unlocked the front door while Zack kept guard. Inside, we checked for Daniel’s scent, but he definitely hadn’t been in the house.

  Usually by now, we were already back from the woods. A run was overdue and I itched to get out. It must’ve been harder for Zack.

  Dropping the keys on the kitchen table, he paced.

  “Is there anything I can do to help?” I asked, taking off my sweater.

  “You’ll have to watch over me, make sure I don’t shift.”

  “But… so what if you do?” I dashed around making sure there were no places the curtains didn’t cover, then did the same upstairs. When I returned, a black wolf awaited me, restlessly trotting through the living room.

  Go to sleep. I’ll be fine. When I hesitated, he added, If you’re worried about me taking off, it’s not like I can open a door with my paws.

  I giggled. “True, but you might suddenly feel desperate to run. If you turned human, you could open the door. I’ll stay.”

  Suit yourself. He took off and sprinted down the hallway.

  I prayed he didn’t damage anything. To save my cuticles from my worrying teeth, I switched on the TV. It had been forever since I’d relaxed and did something mindless. Normal. While keeping an ear out for Zack, I flipped through the channels until I came across a comedy.

  About a half hour into the movie, Zack plopped onto the other end of the sofa, back in his human form and dressed. “What’s on?”

  “Who cares? It’s got Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson.” I shot him a smile, but he didn’t return it. “Was that not enough? Do you still need to go out?”


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