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Magenta Mine: An Invertary Novella

Page 4

by Janet Elizabeth Henderson

  He rested his head on the wall behind him and closed his eyes. Resignation came off him in waves.

  “I’m going.” She put her hat back on and flicked the light on. “Last chance.”

  He didn’t say anything. Magenta suspected he was doing calculus in his head. “Fine. Stay here. Enjoy your two days alone.”

  With that, she stormed back into the tunnel she’d come out of. Her anger and frustration made her want to hit out at the walls of her sanctuary. Then she heard it. A whisper on the air. Harry.

  “I wish you’d stay with me, Magenta.”

  Instinct told her that she wasn’t supposed to hear him. The acoustics of the mine had carried the words to her. It was his tone that melted her anger. She couldn’t remember ever hearing such need.

  Mentally kicking herself, she turned around. Back to the one man she’d fought to keep away from.

  Harry wasn’t drunk. He wasn’t even buzzed. At six foot two and two hundred pounds, he knew exactly how much alcohol he needed to drink to get an effect. He was nowhere near it. Sure, he was a little more relaxed than usual. But considering how close he’d been to clawing his way out with his nails, being relaxed was a good thing. One thing he knew for sure: it would take at least another bottle of wine before he got over the ache of Magenta walking away from him. Even though all the official guidelines for being in a situation like this said that alcohol made things worse, he reached for the half-empty bottle of white wine.

  “Don’t even think about it.”

  His heart stilled at the voice as a wave of hope almost knocked him over. His eyes shot to the direction Magenta had disappeared. He could make out her black silhouette against the wall. She threw her pack to the floor beside him.

  “I’m not hanging out in here with a drunk guy.”

  He had to swallow twice before he could talk. “So you’re staying?” He was glad he didn’t sound pathetically grateful.

  She let out an exasperated sigh. “You might be a genius out there, but in here you’re a bloody idiot. It’d be like leaving a baby to play with a box of matches.”

  “You’re forgetting. It’s been eight years since we hung out together. I’m not the kid you knew.” Harry grinned at her. “I’m not completely helpless. I have skills.”

  “Name one that doesn’t involve a computer.”

  “I fight. Mixed martial arts.”

  “That will be handy when the shadows attack. Try again.”

  “I can make a fire.”

  He could almost hear her roll her eyes. “Where would the smoke go, boy genius?”

  He hadn’t said he would make a fire, only that he could.

  “See.” Magenta plopped down beside him. “You’re useless without me.”

  Harry couldn’t have agreed more. He’d known when he was seventeen that he would always be less without Magenta. The years hadn’t changed that belief, and spending time around the adult version of his childhood friend had only reinforced it. She’d grown up into his idea of perfect. From her soft, lean figure, with enough curves to make his mouth water, to that prickly attitude and cutting wit, everything about her delighted the man he’d become.

  Magenta eyed the basket beside him. “You got anything in there apart from wine?”


  “Well, I missed dinner to come rescue an idiot who let an old woman trick him into getting trapped in a mine.”

  Harry ignored that comment. He was beginning to think that Betty’s reputation as an evil genius was well deserved. The woman had promised him time alone with Magenta, and that’s what he’d gotten. Seemed to him that being trapped in the dark, under a hill, was a small price to pay.

  He watched as Magenta strode to a spot near the door. She wasn’t wearing her usual uniform of black mini-dress and black platform boots—although she still had on about a tonne of eyeliner. Instead she was dressed for the mine in a black T-shirt and black jeans. Harry vaguely wondered if she owned anything that wasn’t black. With her sleek Cleopatra-style hair and her golden eyes, she’d look mouth-watering in pale blue silk. He made a mental note to buy her a sleek silk dress. Then, of course, he’d have to figure out a way to get her into it. He grinned. He was more than up to the challenge. He’d taken on the UK government. Magenta would be a breeze.

  “Matt,” Magenta shouted.

  “I’m here.”

  “There’s been a change of plans. Harry won’t leave, so I’m staying until you get the door open. I can’t leave him in here alone. It isn’t safe.”

  It was clear from her tone that she wasn’t pleased about this news.

  “If you knock him out, can you drag his stupid backside out of there?”

  Harry frowned at his cousin’s words. Magenta looked over at him.

  “No can do. He’s a big guy for a nerd.”

  “I work out,” Harry said helpfully. “I rock climb. I like hills. But I prefer to be on the outside of them.” He could just make out Magenta’s frown.

  “What if he drinks a lot more wine?” Matt sounded hopeful.

  Magenta sighed. “You and I both know that there isn’t enough alcohol in the world to stop Harry’s brain.” Harry liked that comment a lot. It meant she felt like she still knew him. Her belief they had a connection was exactly right, and something he could use to his advantage. Harry grinned at the thought. With the puzzle of Magenta to deal with, he didn’t have time to worry about the mine. His brain was full of gorgeous Scottish woman instead.

  “You don’t need to stay with him,” Matt said.

  Harry’s shoulders tensed. If Matt talked her out of spending two whole days alone with him, he’d string his cousin from a tree.

  Magenta sighed and rubbed her temples. “I can’t leave an amateur alone in the mine. Plus, you and I both know how much trouble he can cause when he’s left unsupervised.”

  “Hey, I’m not a kid anymore,” Harry complained. He didn’t like that Magenta saw him as one. He was all man. Her man. He frowned as he planned a way to make her see that.

  “Fine.” Matt sounded annoyed. “What do you need? I’ll have the twins fetch it.”

  “I’ve got everything. I leave supplies in here in case I want to spend the night.” She looked at Harry. “Or in case I have to spend time down here with someone who’s injured or stuck. We’re fine for a couple of days. If you can’t get the door open by then, we’ll have to go to plan B.”

  Harry couldn’t resist. He had to ask. “What’s plan B?”

  Magenta folded her arms. “A tranquiliser shot. Enough to make you comply, but not enough to knock you out.”

  Harry burst out laughing. “Yeah, good luck getting near me with a needle.”

  He could have sworn he heard her growl.

  “There will be someone out here around the clock in case you need anything. Shout if you do,” Matt said.

  “I need my head examined, that’s what I need,” Magenta muttered.

  She walked back over to Harry and plopped to the ground beside him. “Feed me,” she ordered.

  Harry couldn’t contain his grin as he pulled the picnic basket towards them.

  As Harry started emptying the basket, Magenta reached into her pack and retrieved the low-energy lantern. It had the same sort of output as a couple of candles, which was more than enough light to see what they were doing. Unfortunately, it also meant she could see Harry clearly.

  His broad shoulders flexed as he unpacked the picnic. His face held pure delight. The same look she’d seen as a kid every time he’d told her about something else he’d discovered. It sent a pang of longing through her that was so intense it was painful.

  “Sandwiches, salads, meats, fruit, cake, cookies, crackers, cheese…” He grew more excited with each item he unpacked.

  “What are you doing in here with a picnic basket? And how many people were you planning to feed?” Magenta nabbed a chocolate chip cookie.

  “Only us.”

  His big eyes caught hers and her breath stuttered. “Th
e picnic was for me?”

  He nodded without breaking eye contact. “I didn’t plan to eat in here. I thought we’d sit outside under a tree. Betty said you were taking photos and suggested I surprise you with food.”

  The cookie was dry in her mouth. She swallowed hard. She wasn’t sure what surprised her more: the fact he’d brought her food or the fact he’d taken advice from Betty. “Consider me shocked as hell.”

  He gave her that sexy smile that made her mouth water, and Magenta had a hard time returning her attention to the food.

  “You didn’t plan on being in the mine, but you packed an emergency bag?”

  He shrugged. “Always be prepared. Boy Scout motto.”

  “You were kicked out of the Boy Scouts after you blew up their hut.”

  “Yeah, they weren’t prepared for that.” His delighted grin almost made her laugh.

  Magenta chewed the cookie thoughtfully. “Want to tell me why you were bringing me food when I told you clearly that I have no intention of restarting a friendship with you?”

  There was a moment of silence as she became the focus of Harry’s full attention. Part of her wanted to jump up and run. She fought to stay still. To listen to what he had to say to her.

  Slowly, those silver eyes of his turned black. “I totally agree. I don’t think we can be friends.”

  Magenta felt disappointment overwhelm her, even though this was what she wanted.

  “I don’t want to be friends.” Harry’s deep voice rumbled over her. “I want to be more than that. I brought the food in the hope it would appease you. You see”—he leaned towards her—“I needed you in a good mood, because I planned to seduce you.”

  Magenta choked on her cookie.


  Harry could have sworn he heard a muffled cheer. He would have investigated, but he didn’t care about the strange noises in the mine. He cared about Magenta. He grabbed a bottle of water and thrust it at her. He patted her back and hoped he wouldn’t have to perform the Heimlich manoeuvre. At last she had seemed to bring herself under control.

  “That wasn’t funny,” she said.

  “I wasn’t joking.”

  There was silence while Magenta stared at him and Harry tried to figure out what she was thinking. His whole world telescoped to include just her. She was beautiful. With her wide eyes, heart-shaped face and skin as smooth as cream. No. Beautiful wasn’t the right word. Unfortunately, he didn’t know of a better one. She was the walking, talking version of Einstein’s equation for general relativity. That’s how perfect she was.

  At last she put her hand on his arm, licked her full bottom lip and blinked up at him.

  “I’m sorry, but I don’t think about you that way.”

  If he hadn’t been prepared for that response, it would have felt like a punch to the gut.

  “No, you probably don’t consciously think about me like that. But you are attracted to me. That’s why I planned to seduce you. I want to make you think of me that way.”

  Her hand fell away. She stood and paced away from him.

  “Stop messing around, Harry. I’m not attracted to you. I don’t even want to talk to you.” The fact she blushed and couldn’t look him in the eye spoke volumes. She was lying. He just wasn’t sure why.

  “Your pupils dilate with desire when I’m near you.” He stood slowly, his focus on Magenta. “You lick your lips when you talk to me. As though you’re getting ready for me to taste them.” He prowled slowly towards her. In his mind she was prey. His prey. And she wasn’t getting away. Not this time. Not ever. He lowered his voice, making his tone a caress. Watching her shiver in response. “You cross your arms in an attempt to barricade yourself from me, but it never lasts long. Instead you stroke the inside of your wrist, as though you want me to touch you there. You tuck your hair behind your ear when you look at me. It’s an unconscious show of your femininity. An attempt to make yourself more desirable to me.” He kept her in his sights. “You can’t make yourself more desirable to me. It’s impossible. The desire I feel already consumes me.”

  She retreated from him until her back hit the wall behind her. She held out her hand, palm facing him, and all he could think about was kissing it. Or making a circle with his tongue. How would she taste? Sweet? Spicy?

  He moved steadily towards her. “Your cheeks flush when you’re near me. I wonder what other parts of your body flush for me too.” At last he was in her space. They weren’t touching, but he was close enough to feel the heat coming from her much smaller body. Without her usual platform boots the top of her head came to under his chin, and he knew that she would tuck against him perfectly.

  “Your heart beats faster when I’m around.” He ran a finger down her jaw line. A faint sigh of a touch. Her breathing stuttered. “I see it pounding here.” He gently caressed the vein at the curve of her jaw that always betrayed her desire. “Your stomach clenches when you try to dismiss me.” The backs of his fingers brushed her cheek. Skin so smooth it was porcelain under his touch. “Your hand often flattens on your stomach, as though you’re trying to ease the tension.”

  She put a hand on his chest to stop him. It seared.

  “I’m not some body-language test case from a book you read.” Her voice was breathless.

  “Am I wrong, though?”

  She let out a grumpy-sounding sigh. “Okay, you win. I’ll admit, I think you look good. I’d have to be blind not to notice the way you’ve turned out. Half the women in town are drooling over you. Even if I did find you attractive, it doesn’t mean I want to do anything about it. I find Lake attractive, but he’s marrying Kirsty. See? Attraction doesn’t mean anything.”

  As his hand softly, gently moved to clasp the back of her neck, he leaned towards her ear. His voice a whisper against her skin. Her breathing strained now. “You want me as much as I want you. And I want you more than I want my next breath.”

  “I don’t want you.” She didn’t sound convinced.

  “Are you sure? Wouldn’t you like to touch just this once? Kiss one time? If only to see what would happen. I bet it would be explosive. Every time you’re around me I feel the air ionise. I know touching you, being touched by you, will blow my mind. Don’t you want to see if I’m right?”

  “We’re not even friends,” she whispered. Her golden eyes were wide, beseeching him to understand.

  “We’ve always been much more than friends.” His words feathered across her cheek to her lips. “We were meant for each other, Magenta mine. We just lost our way.”

  Her fingers fisted in his T-shirt. “We didn’t lose our way. You went to university. You left me.”

  “I’m here now.”

  Gently, softly, he touched his lips to Magenta’s mouth.


  Time froze for Magenta. She found herself paralysed by Harry’s touch. As his sensual mouth teased her lips, she felt the tightly sealed box within her crack. Teenage memories of wanting Harry seeped through the gap. She’d been thirteen and desperate for him to notice her as a girl. Desperate for him to touch her. But he never did. Instead he’d left Invertary. Left her behind to defend herself at school. Left her alone without him. Aching for him.

  “Stop it.” Harry’s word rumbled against her lips. “The past is gone. This is now.”

  Harry hadn’t lost his knack for reading her mind, and with those words he pulled her back into the present. She felt his large hand span the small of her back, pressing her body flush against him. He was a solid wall of strength, his muscles vibrating with restraint as he held her firmly but gently.

  Her brain had short-circuited. Kissing Harry was a teenage dream come true. A dream she found herself indulging in, even though common sense told her to stop before she got hurt. Her hand curled tighter into his T-shirt. His tongue brushed across the seam of her lips, making her weaken. A gasp escaped. Harry took advantage, angling his mouth so that he could taste all of her. Claim all of her.

  Her body melted against his as she let him take cont
rol. The taste of him was a feast for her senses. She felt the blood rush through her veins and bubble with erotic effervescence. The air swirled around her. Somehow, being in the darkness and stillness of the mine, being in a place she thought of as hers alone, made the intimacy increase tenfold.

  His lips moved from her mouth to her neck, teasing kisses down to the curve of her shoulder. He bit her gently before sucking her skin into his mouth. She heard herself whimper and didn’t care.

  “You are so freaking delicious.” The words were a vibration against her skin.

  He traced his tongue up to her ear before nibbling her earlobe. “I want to eat you all up.” His desire was little more than a low, rumbling breath against her ear that sent shivers rippling through her body.

  His scent overwhelmed her, filling her head with romance-novel images of sun-kissed fields and Harry bare-chested in faded jeans. She was losing her mind. Becoming some weak, girly person who ached for a man—and she didn’t care. In fact, she wanted to float away on the feelings he induced in her. Float away and never return.

  Harry’s huge hand engulfed her breast and made her ache. There was too much material between them. She wanted it gone. Now. His thumb teased her nipple, and Magenta growled into his mouth. More. She wanted more. Needed more. All thoughts of keeping away from Harry were gone from her head. All that was left were the loud, desperate pleas of her body. And all her body wanted was Harry.

  “More,” she ordered.

  Harry complied. His hand swept under her T-shirt and back to her breast. She made a noise of complaint. Her bra was still between them.

  “You feel better than I ever imagined,” he said against her lips. “I want you in my mouth.”

  Yes. She pressed into him. That was what she wanted too. More than she wanted to breathe.


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