Playing the Field (Hot-Lanta Series)

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Playing the Field (Hot-Lanta Series) Page 7

by Quinn, Meghan

  Patty my dearest friend,

  Of course I have a game Saturday that is why I’m meeting you so early and I figured I can get my warm up in before the game. I have a feeling I might be chasing your Frisbee throws around.


  To: Marc

  From: Patty

  Subject: RE:RE:RE: I’m back

  Marc-us Abdomen-us

  I will have you know I majored in Frisbee throwing and will have to take it easy on such an amateur like yourself because you will not be able to handle my speed. I would be too afraid of slicing something off that might be valuable to you.


  To: Patty

  From: Marc

  Subject: RE:RE:RE:RE: I’m back

  Peppermint Patty,

  I will allow you to throw the Frisbee at top notch speed if a limb is sliced off so be it. I just need to see a master like yourself in action. I will make sure to have 911 on speed dial in case anything serious losing an appendage. See you Saturday!



  Molly felt like she was waiting forever for Austin to come over. What was his deal? He sounded weird on the phone this morning. Was he feeling weird after their encounter in San Diego? She knew he wanted to talk about getting serious but instead of having to be a part of that awkward conversation she distracted him with her body. She was not ready to have a serious conversation with Austin.

  There was a knock at her door, finally! She opened the door and Austin was standing in the doorway holding some flowers and a bottle of wine.

  “Sorry babe, there was a huge line at the liquor store apparently everyone wants to get liquored up tonight. Here, these are for you beautiful.”

  She kissed him on the mouth and took the flowers smelling them. “Thank you sexy, these will look perfect on the table. I was starting to think you weren’t coming tonight.”

  Austin stopped in his tracks and asked, “Why did you think that?”

  Why was he being weird? He was jittery and…sweating?

  “Just because you said you would be here a half hour ago. What is going on, why are you acting weird?”

  Austin headed to her kitchen, pulled out two wine glasses and filled them up.

  “Molly I need to talk to you and I will not allow you to distract me with sex this time.”

  Damn, he was serious. She guessed she might as well get this horrid conversation over with.

  “Sure.” She said “Let’s sit on the couch.”

  They both took a seat on the couch not sitting too closely which disappointed Molly, he really was not going to let her distract him.

  “I have something to tell you.”

  Crap, Molly begged in her head that it was not an ‘I love you’ moment. There was no way in hell she could handle one of those moments right now and she wouldn’t put it past Austin. He was extremely clingy. She sat on the couch patiently so he could spit it out.

  “I’m just going to say it. I slept with Lucy last night.”


  Molly didn’t even know what to say. Lucy? The girl with the frumpy clothes and glasses who worked for Jane? The girl who was his best friend? That Lucy? Molly could not control her anger, why was she so mad? Did she actually care about Austin or was she jealous that Lucy got between them?

  “You what?” she finally said.

  “I slept with Lucy last night and when you called this morning I was still at her place.”

  Well that was why he was weird on the phone, he was trying to hide the fact that she called while Lucy was right next to him.

  Interesting that he would answer her phone call while he was still with Sir-Frumps-A-Lot. That had to mean one thing; he still liked Molly and still wanted to be with her. Perfect. She would milk the situation for all it was worth.

  She mustered up some tears. “I can’t believe this.”

  Austin looked heart broken when he saw a stray tear slide down her cheek. Perfect!

  “Molly, I’m sorry but I don’t ever remember saying we were exclusive that is why I’m telling you. I want to know where we stand.”

  Molly pondered that for a second. Well by no means did she want to be in a relationship with him but to hell if she was going to let that four eyed prostitute have her way with him. No Austin was her boy toy and she would keep it that way.

  “Well I’ve been exclusive Austin. I’ve not wanted to do anything with anyone else but you.” Molly said with a sniff.

  “Jesus, Molly I’m so sorry.” Austin ran his hand through his hair as he looked around her place, as if searching for an answer. “I didn’t know. I went over to her place last night because she was upset about a conversation she had with you in a dressing room. I don’t really know what it was all about but I just lost myself. I’ve known her for a very long time and she just looked so different last night. I lost my mind…”

  Molly stopped him. “I don’t need the details, Austin.”

  Molly could not believe that bitch told Austin about the dressing room. She knew she could not trust her. Lucy probably let the whole world know about her and Austin. Molly didn’t need people sticking their noses in her business. She didn’t need people judging her for having sex with another man.

  Austin put their glasses of wine on her coffee table and grabbed her hands making her look at him.

  “Listen Molly, I want to know what is going on with us.”

  “What do you want Austin? Where do you want this to go? Clearly I’m the only one who sees something special between us or else you wouldn’t have slept with someone else.” Molly said playing the guilt trip card.


  Austin didn’t know what to say. He had two very beautiful and wonderful women to choose from. Well…he did.

  He wasn’t sure Lucy would take him back if he asked. He felt bad leaving her this morning but he had to think about his life and what he wanted. Lucy was amazing and so real. She was his best friend and even though he didn’t want to lose her, he did anyway.

  Molly was fun and wild and would do pretty much anything he bed. She brought a thrill to the table that he didn’t think Lucy had in her.

  Although, Lucy was kind and nurturing and always took care of him, Molly never showed those kind of instincts but maybe if they were more committed to each other she would.

  “I was just confused last night Molly. I have been trying to figure things out between us for a while and frankly you have not been giving me many signs as to what you want besides sex.”

  Molly pushed him back into the couch and slid herself on his lap straddling his hips. She placed her hands on his chest and said, “I’m sorry Austin if I have given you the impression that I’m not interested in you but I can tell you right now I’m very much interested in you and I don’t want us seeing other people. I want you all to myself.”

  Her words were music to his ears. She wanted him for herself. He had been waiting forever for her to say that, to make a commitment to him.

  “So does that mean you are my girlfriend?” He asked holding his breath.

  She didn’t answer instead she ripped his button shirt off him and took her dress off exposing her completely naked body. Jesus she was not wearing anything under her cotton garment. He got instantly hard and didn’t care about talking anymore he needed Molly he needed to be inside of her and needed to be wrapping his hands around her perfectly sculpted breasts.

  He picked her up and carried her to her bed. An image of Lucy flashed in the back of his mind, an image of her tossing him on her bed. What was that about? He shook his head and focused on Molly but he was not fully in it like he usually was. There was something niggling the back of his head, something distracting him from fully giving himself into Molly and he knew that something was Lucy.


  Patty wore a pair of spandex workout capris and a sports bra tank. She for some reason still wanted to look cute in her athletic wear as Marc put it. She threw her hair back in a high ponytail and p
ut on her neon running shoes.

  She pulled up to the park just as Marc was getting out of his car. He wore a baseball hat with sunglasses mesh shorts and a Braves shirt. Was he trying to be spotted by every fan in the city? She parked right next to him and got out of her car.

  “If you were trying to be inconspicuous you did a very terrible job at it.” She said while giving him a side hug.

  “Hey it’s the only clothing I own that I can get sweaty and move around in.” He returned the hug but he turned her side hug into a full on frontal embrace. She thought about how nice it felt but quickly shook the thoughts out of her head. She didn’t need her mind wondering into dangerous territory that was off limits. She needed to just focus on herself and not get wrapped up into another relationship.

  “Well, I guess that outfit will have to do then. How have you been? I see that you have been lighting up the old ball park with a couple of homeruns and RBI’s.” She said with a smile.

  Marc laughed. “Wow, I didn’t know you were going to be keeping a tab on my stats.”

  “Not keeping a tab just watching a friend play. It’s actually nerve racking watching you play.”

  “Why?” Marc asked. “It is not like we are dating or anything, just friends.”

  Patty was quiet for a second. Was that a jab at her?

  “Friends can still watch and be nervous.”

  Mac nudged her with his shoulder. “I’m just kidding with you Patty cakes, relax. Thanks for watching. I appreciate the support. Now let’s see that killer Frisbee throw of yours.” He tossed her his green Frisbee that had a logo of a local bank on it.

  “Can’t afford your own Frisbee Sully? Have to take the free one from the bank?”

  Marc shrugged his shoulders. “Why would I buy one when I can get one for free?”

  Patty laughed, “Maybe because you make millions of dollars a season.”

  “Irreverent.” He clapped his hands. “Let’s see it big shot. Show me what you got.”

  Patty really wasn’t good at Frisbee she was all talk in her e-mail and Marc found that out very quickly after the third time he chased her toss down. He walked over to her as she kicked some grass with her toe.

  “It seems to me we have a liar amongst us and I know it’s not me. What happened to the Queen of Frisbee?”

  “I might have exaggerated a little.” Patty said shyly while holding up her fingers to show how little experience she had in tossing Frisbees.

  “A little?” Marc exclaimed. “That is an understatement, here let me show you and don’t swat me away. I’m not trying to be fresh.”

  Marc took her and pulled her into him. Her back was to his chest and he put the Frisbee in her hand. He brought her arm back and forth showing her the motion and taught her how to use the flick of the wrist to propel the Frisbee forward. She practiced a couple of dry throws with him and then he jogged back out to his spot.

  “Alright, just remember what I showed you.” He said while holding out his hands.

  She cocked her arm back and flicked her wrist toward him. The Frisbee flew out of her hand and in a perfect motion took off and landed miraculously in his hands without him having to move an inch.

  “You did it!” He said.

  She did! She jumped up and down in excitement and did what she called her touch down dance. She broke out into the moon walk but wasn’t watching where she was going because she tripped over a rock and fell flat on her ass. Her face turned red in embarrassment and Marc came rushing over to her.

  “Are you ok?”

  No! She was mortified. “Yea, I’m fine.” She said trying to get up.

  Marc lent her his hand and pulled her up laughing. “Well we just need to work on your dancing skills and then we will be all set.”

  Patty punched his arm. “Shut up, I’m sure you’re not much better.”

  “I’m pretty sure I would have seen the massive rock I was playing near and recognized that it was not the optimal area to conduct the moon walk.”

  “Well you are just perfect aren’t you?’

  “I like to think so…come on MJ, let’s go get one of those infamous cupcakes you were talking about. My treat and don’t sass me about it. It is the least I can do after you gave me such a great memory to laugh at for years to come.”

  “I’m so glad I was able to entertain you.” Patty said still embarrassed.

  “Don’t sweat it Patty Cakes only a couple of dozen people saw you fall. I think they were more impressed with your flawless transition of throwing your lawn mower dance move into reverse which led straight to the moon walk. That was quite impressive."

  Patty just shook her head and walked over to the café with Marc after putting the Frisbee in his car. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders while they waited in line and she placed her head on his chest. She didn’t care about the “no touching” rule right now, she just wanted to be comforted for a second.


  Marc knew his plan to win Patty over was starting to work. She didn’t protest his full on embrace earlier and was now leaning against him in the bakery.

  Like hell he wanted to be just friends with Patty. Oh no if anything after these past couple of weeks of being friends with her he wanted to be with her more than anything. He loved her spirit and her company. She was easy to talk to, joke around with and spend time with. Nothing with her was ever awkward. Everything seemed so natural when it came to them. He only wished that she saw it as well.

  Marc was hoping that he would be able to be with her soon in a more than friends type way. He wanted to date her, badly. He wanted to make her his and take her off the dating market. He didn’t like that fact that any guy could take her away and sweep her off her feet. He would not allow that.

  No, he was going to win her over slowly but surely. The current moment was a brief glimpse of what he hoped would be their future, holding each other, treating each other out to a sweet and just spending quality time with each other. He knew they were meant to be.

  They were next in line so he released his arm from her shoulder even though he didn’t want to and he asked her, “What shall I get?”

  “A cupcake of course.” She said with a smile.

  “Duh, but what kind? There are so many flavors I don’t know what to choose.”

  “They are all good, it’s up to you.”

  The worker over the counter asked what they wanted and before Patty could put in her order Marc said, “We will have one of each and two diet cokes.”

  Patty looked up at him in shock. “You know there are about a dozen different flavors.”

  “I know but this way I can try each of them and make an executive decision as to which one is best.”

  “And you plan on playing a game tonight?”

  “Yea noting like a massive sugar rush to get you ready. Come on, I saw a tree in the park that we can sit under and have a taste test.”

  Marc paid at the register grabbed their goodies and led Patty out to the tree stopping at his car first to grab a blanket. He spread the blanket on the ground and helped Patty down. He sat next to her and opened the box of goodies. She was looking at him with a perplexed look.

  “What?” He asked.

  She shook her head and went to grab a napkin.

  “Patty, talk to me.”

  She looked up at him. Her eyes were the palest blue he had ever seen. He wished he could just spend a day in bed wrapped up in her arms just staring into her eyes. She startled his thoughts when she said, “It just seems to me like this is more of a date than a friendly outing.”

  Damn, she was too smart for her own good. He knew putting his arm around her and offering to pay for the cupcakes might be too much but he couldn’t help it. He hated watching her pay for things when they hung out. He felt like such a dick especially since he clearly made so much more money than she did.

  “Patty, I’m sorry if you…”

  He didn’t get to finish, she put her hand on his thigh and said, “Its ok Marc. I don�
��t seem to mind it. Just don’t get any ideas.” Then she grabbed the carrot cake cupcake and took a gigantic bite of the sugary confection.

  He smiled as she chomped down. She didn’t mind? Well, well, well, his plan was working. He grabbed the cupcake in her hand before she ate the whole thing.

  “Hey, I was eating that!” She said in protest.

  “I know and if I didn’t stop you, you would have eaten the whole thing before I could even start to unwrap one.”

  He shoved the rest of the carrot cake in his mouth and then proceeded to lick his icing-coated fingers. The look of shock on her face was hilarious.

  “I cannot believe you just did that!” She said with her hands on her hips. “Marc Sullivan, you are in deep trouble.”

  “Oh yea? What are you going to do about it?” Marc said with a mouthful of the most delicious and moist cupcake he had ever eaten.

  Before he knew it Patty pinned him to the ground straddling his waist with his arms at his side. He quickly swallowed what was left in his mouth before he choked.

  She lowered her head down to his. My god was she going to kiss him? She was mere inches from his face when she bent down even farther. He sucked his breath in. His entire body tingled with anticipation. She ran her hands up his chest and was about to kiss him when he felt a pinch on his right nipple. He flew his arms up to stop her little pinching fingers before they made permanent damage.

  “Jesus Christ woman!”

  She just sat on him laughing hysterically. “Glad you learned your lesson. Don’t take a girls sugar away from her.” She got off of him and reached for her drink. He sat up rubbing his nipple.

  “Damn I don’t think the poor sucker is ever going to recover from such an attack. The left nipple is going to make fun of him.”

  “Sully, you have problems.”

  Marc sat there trying to recover from the almost hard on Patty could have felt if she was sitting just a few inches south of where she was.


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