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Playing the Field (Hot-Lanta Series)

Page 28

by Quinn, Meghan

  He lowered his voice and brought his mouth closer to her ear to make sure she was the only one who could hear him. “Want to know a secret? The truth is, the real reason I want to retire is because when you wake up, I’m not going to let you out of my sight. Unfortunately you’re stuck with me babe and we’re going on a really long vacation, one that requires a lot of alcohol and very little clothing.”

  The image of him and Patty lounging on a pristine white beach made his gut churn. He wanted that image to be true. He wanted to lay in the sand with her laying on top of him, soaking in the sun and just simply enjoying each other. He wanted to swim and play in the ocean with her, maybe even participate in some pleasure activities.

  His thoughts were interrupted by a nurse coming into the room to check on Patty.

  “Well, hello Mr. Sullivan. Don’t you have a game tonight?”

  It was Janice, his favorite nurse. “Yes, I do. I just had to come see my girl before the game though. How is she doing?”

  “Same old, same old. I’m sorry Mr. Sullivan. I wish there was more we could do. It’s just a waiting game now.”

  “I know. What are the chances the doctors would allow me to take her with me to the game tonight?” He asked with a grin.

  “Slim to none buddy.”

  Faking he was punched in the heart he said, “Your words bruise me, Janice.”

  “You know when this girl finally wakes up, I’m going to tell her you flirted with me.” She responded with a sly grin.

  Marc chuckled. “Now, now Janice. Let’s not get hasty.”

  “Just putting you in your place. I will be back in a little bit. If I don’t see you again, good luck tonight. I have a feeling it might be a good night for you.”

  “I hope you’re right Janice.”

  When Janice left Marc looked down at his watch and realized he had to get going. He got up from the chair and leaned over Patty, placing a soft kiss on her lips. He rubbed her forehead with his thumb and told her he loved her. He gave her hand one last squeeze and was shocked when he felt her finger curl around his. His heart completely dropped and he called for a doctor immediately.


  Connor was waiting impatiently at Lucy’s door for her to answer. He had time to think about everything that happened between him and Lucy and he realized he was being a complete dumb-ass. He loved the girl and nothing could stand in the way of that.

  The door opened and Austin stood right in front of him. Austin was the one exception of something that could stand between him and Lucy. Connor felt his blood start to boil with just the look of him. What was he doing at Lucy’s apartment? The bastard had a smug look on his face and it took all of Connor’s energy not to punch it right off his face.

  “What are you doing at Lucy’s apartment?” Connor asked trying to level out his voice.

  “Probably the same reason you’re here. You don’t deserve to be here you piece of crap. Do us a favor and leave her alone.”

  Austin started to shut the door but Connor was not going to let Austin control his future with Lucy, so he wedged himself between the door and the jam, getting squashed by Austin.

  Startled, Austin asked, “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “I’m not going anywhere until I get to talk to Lucy.”

  Connor was about to be shoved by Austin’s hand when he heard Lucy say, “Let him in Austin.”

  Austin stepped aside letting the door fall open, revealing Lucy. Connor’s heart constricted with the sight of her. She was in a pair of yoga pants and a simple white t-shirt. Her hair was thrown on top of her head and she was wearing her glasses that Connor loved. He wanted to instantly gather her in his arms but with his better judgment, decided not to due to the look on her face. She didn’t seem too happy to see him and he didn’t blame her.

  The mood in the apartment was incredibly awkward thanks to Austin’s presence. Connor kind of wished he would get the hint and leave so Connor could have some private time with Lucy.

  Connor started to walk toward her but was stopped abruptly by Austin’s hand to his chest. Looking down at Austin’s hand and then at his face, he could see he was ready to fight. Damn, he was in no mood to start up with Austin.

  “What are you doing?” Connor asked.

  “I was about to ask you the same question.”

  “I was going to go talk with my girlfriend if you don’t mind.” Connor said while pushing Austin’s hand off his chest.

  “Girlfriend? I didn’t know that’s how guys treat their girlfriend’s these days. When things start to get tough they run away with their tail tucked between their legs.”

  “Fuck you, Austin. You were the one who had sex with her and hooked up with a girl the next day.”

  That comment cost him because next thing Connor knew his face was making pleasantries with Austin’s fist. The blow knocked him back, causing him to whack his head against the wall. He heard Lucy wail in the background. Connor felt blood trickling out of his nose. He pressed his hand to check and he was correct, his nose was in fact bleeding. He looked up at Austin and lost all control.

  Connor steadied himself then charged at Austin grabbing him by the waist and throwing him to the ground along with himself. Connor straddled him and cocked his arm back ready to punch Austin in the face when his arm was stopped by Lucy. He turned back to look at her when Austin wrapped both his hands together and hammered them into Connor’s stomach, making him buckle over. Austin sprang free and was just about to kick Connor when Lucy screamed.

  “Enough, stop it.” She was crying. “Get out of here Austin.”

  “I’m not leaving you alone with this loser. He abandoned you, do you really think he’s not going to do it again?”

  Connor could not even chime in because he was so focused on not losing the contents that were in his stomach.

  “You left me Austin, you did the same thing and I was alone with you. Now get out of here.”

  Connor watched Austin lean down and grasp Lucy’s head with his hands. He placed a soft kiss on her lips and whispered something in her ear. He watched Lucy nod and she showed him to the door. Connor was slowly trying to stand up when Lucy shut the door on Austin leaving, the two of them alone together…finally.

  She just stood by the door with her arms crossed and looked at Connor. Not looking good for him right now.

  She went into the kitchen and came back handing him a towel for his nose. Thankful for the semi-kind gesture he dabbed his nose.

  “Can we sit and talk?” He asked after an unbearable amount of silence.

  She nodded and led the way to her couch. She sat down first giving him the opportunity to sit close to her. He missed her terribly. He couldn’t believe he screwed up what they had so badly. He missed the gentle touch of her fingers, her loving smile and intoxicating laugh. He brushed her cheek with the back of his hand but was stopped by her.

  “Don’t Connor.”

  Exhaling he said, “Lucy, I don’t even know where to begin. I’m a giant ass, when Molly made the announcement that you were pregnant, I freaked out and treated you so terribly. The look on your face is something I will never forget, it has haunted my dreams. I’m so incredibly sorry.”

  Lucy didn’t say anything, so he continued.

  “I want to be a part of your life and I want to be a part of the baby’s life. At first I thought I couldn’t handle helping raise another man’s child but when it came down to it, it was nothing compared to the feeling of not having you in my life. I need you Lucy. You are everything to me.”

  Lucy’s head was down so he couldn’t see her eyes but he did see little droplets hit her pants. He lifted her chin with his finger and more tears spilled over her eyes.

  “I love you Lucy, more than anything. Will you please give me another chance?”

  Shaking her head she said, “I love you too Connor but…”

  But…there was a but? Connor didn’t prepare himself to be turned down. He couldn’t let Lucy tell him no, he woul
dn’t accept that as an answer.

  “I don’t know if I can trust you.”

  “But you love me, right? You just said you did. That has to speak for something.” Connor said in a needier tone than he would have wanted.

  “I don’t know if it is enough. You left me Connor during a time I needed you the most.”

  “I know love, I’m so sorry. I wish I could rewind that whole night and change everything about it. I’ve beaten myself up about that night over and over again. I don’t know what came over me, but I know what I want now and that’s you and the baby. No matter who the dad is. I want us to be a family.”

  “It just happened so fast, our relationship.” She said with glistening eyes that cut his heart in half. He hated seeing her so upset. “I don’t know if we’re ready for such a commitment.”

  “We can take things slow. I know that sounds stupid since we’ve only been dating for a short while and there is a baby on the way but honestly, I can’t imagine my life without you and if we need to slow things down then we can do that, as long as I’m with you. Believe me, I want to whisk you away to Vegas now and make you mine officially but I can wait.’

  The shock on her face was endearing. “You want to marry me?”

  He nodded, “I think I’ve known the moment Winnie knocked you in the head with a carrot. You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met, Lucy. You make my life better, you make me laugh and you are by far my best friend and soul mate. I’m so sorry I put you through hell this last week but I promise you if you let me, I will make sure I take care of you for the rest of our lives.”

  “Is that a proposal?”

  “Would you like it to be, love?”

  She thought about the question for a second and then looked up at him. The look on her face was not what he was looking for. His heart started pounding thinking about the rejection she was about to give him.

  “I can’t marry you, Connor.”

  Connor’s heart felt like it smashed into a million pieces. He couldn’t believe she was turning him down. He thought what they had was stronger than that.

  “Is it because of Austin? You’re with him aren’t you?”

  Shock and anger took over her facial features and right at that moment he felt her hand connect with his face making a loud slapping noise and causing his head to jar to the side. Pain radiated through his head thanks to the punch earlier from Austin and now the slap from Lucy.

  “How dare you think I would be with Austin after I told you I love you. Do you think I’m some kind of slut who can’t keep her legs shut?”

  She went to stand up but Connor grabbed her hands and pulled her back down, kissing the backs of her hands, even when she tried to pull them away.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to insult you. I just saw the intimate exchange you two had before he left and I had to question your relationship with him.”

  “Well there is nothing between us besides friendship. Believe me that ship had sailed the day I met you. Damn it! I don’t want to love you Connor. You hurt me so badly.”

  Feeling more confident than he was a couple of minutes ago, he pulled her into his chest. At first she stiffened with refusal but she shortly gave in and buried herself in his chest. He kissed the top of her head and stroked her back, making soothing noises in her ear.

  “I know, love. I can’t express to you how sorry I am. You were so vulnerable and needed someone to hold you and tell you everything was going to be ok and I blew it. I’m so sorry. I promise you I will make it up to you, if you let me.”

  She lifted her head and looked at him, tears filling her eyes. “You know it’s going to be hard right? What if the baby is not yours? Will you still love it? Will you still love me? Will I be able to depend on you?”

  Connor thought about Lucy pregnant, she would be so beautiful. He would love her even more even if the baby was not his. She had such a kind and nurturing spirit. She was born to be a mom, how could he not love her when she was pregnant or finally holding her baby? It wasn’t possible.

  “Love, no matter what, I’m going to love you. Nothing is going to be able to tear me away from you. I will love the baby no matter what. I want a family with you and no matter what, you will be able to depend on me. I want to take care of you.”

  He lifted her chin and closed his mouth on hers. She didn’t kiss him back at first but she finally gave in, wrapped her hands around his neck and kissed him, hard. His entire body relaxed and it felt like an elephant was lifted off his shoulders. He was completely and overly relieved. He had his girl back. Never in his life had he ever felt so strong about a woman before but the moment he laid eyes on Lucy, he knew she was something special. He couldn’t believe he almost screwed it up.

  He broke away from her and looked into her eyes. “Does this mean you forgive me?”

  She just nodded.

  “Oh love, you don’t know how great that makes me feel.” He gave her another hug, holding her as tight as he could. “I love you so much, Lucy. I couldn’t imagine life without you.”

  “I love you too, Connor. I’m sorry this is such a mess. I wish I never even did anything with Austin. If only I met you a little earlier.”

  “Don’t think like that. If the baby is Austin’s we will figure something out, but we don’t have to worry about that now. All we have to worry about is making sure you’re healthy and the baby is as well. Have you called the doctor?”

  “Yea I have an appointment in a couple of days. Think you want to go with me?”

  “I would love to go with you.” He got up from the couch and took her hand leading her to the bedroom. “For now, let’s forget everything that happened.”

  And they did.

  Chapter 19

  Patty was lying in bed, trying to think about everything that happened to her in the past week and a half. Her room was filled with bouquets of fresh flowers and well wishes. She had a massive private room and some of the sweetest nurses she ever met. The last thing she could remember was being taken into the ice room with Gino, after that, her mind was blank. No one would really tell her what happened but what she gathered from everyone’s different stories, she was naked, beaten and stabbed.

  The mere thought of being touched by Gino again made her physically ill.


  He was dead. She couldn’t believe he was dead. They told her he took his life, which everyone was upset about because they said he took the easy way out. She didn’t know if she agreed with that. A part of her, a crazy part, felt bad for Gino. For him to stoop to the level of attacking her and killing himself meant he must have been in a terrible spot in his life and had nowhere to turn but violence. If anything, she pitied the man.

  Marc visited her every day and from what she heard from the nurses he only left her side when it was absolutely necessary. Her parents talked about what a great guy he was and all the amazing things he was doing for her, like paying for the best care, stocking her room full of flowers and even putting her parents up in a hotel so they didn’t have to spend money on accommodations. Patty couldn’t believe he treated her so well especially after the last conversation they had.

  They had not talked about their relationship. Every time she tried to discuss what was going on between them, he changed the subject. It was starting to get on her nerves. They needed to have the conversation. He would be in anytime now and she was determined to have the conversation with him.

  Almost right on time, Marc walked in the room holding another beautiful bouquet of flowers. He was wearing form fitting jeans, another one of his Braves shirts and his baseball hat that had seen better days. He placed the vase on the window sill and strolled up to her, placing a kiss on her head.

  “How you feeling this morning Patty Cakes?”

  “Better each day, thanks for asking. The flowers are beautiful.” She said nodding toward the display.

  “Not as beautiful as you.” He said while sitting down and taking a hold of her hand. “How is physical ther
apy going?”

  “Good, I was getting around on a walker yesterday. The doctor expects me to make a full recovery in no time if I keep up with my progress.”

  “That is great news. I’m glad to hear it.”

  “Listen Marc, I want to talk to you about what you’ve been doing for me and my family.”

  “No need to talk about it. I’m glad to help out. Your parents are great people.”

  She smiled. “They think very highly of you.”

  “They do?” he asked with a grin.

  “Yes they do. You somehow managed to win them over while I was in a coma.”

  He grimaced at her mention of what happened to her. “Well, we just bonded over you, that’s all. So tell me about your physical therapy.”

  “I don’t want to talk about that. I want to talk about us.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Marc said while getting up. He started pacing the room and straightening things.

  “Marc, we need to have this conversation at some point.”

  He stopped busying himself and said, “It’s not necessary.”

  She positioned herself so she was sitting up more in her bed. He rushed to her bed to help her and she pushed him away. He looked a little shocked due to the force she used.

  “Why won’t you talk about it?” she asked.

  He looked down at his hands and studied them for a while. She didn’t think he was going to answer until he said, “Because I don’t want to hear what you’re going to say.”

  “And what do you think I’m going to say?”

  He got up again and started pacing the room. He looked so good in those jeans and the way his shirt draped against his taught muscles would make any girl drool.

  “You’re going to turn me away. That is how it’s been the last two years and I’m not ready to let go just yet. I just got you back and I’ve never felt better helping you out and taking care of you. I’m not ready to say bye.”

  Stunned by his confession she said, “Who said anything about saying bye?”


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