Forever and a Day
Page 15
When she first moved in with Kiy, Brielle was really aggravated. But after a couple of days his house basically felt like home. It was closer to her job and it was big enough so if she didn’t want to be in Kiy’s face she didn’t have to be. Kiyan would do his own thing and she would do her thing. But at night they always came together to make love or simply sleep.
Brielle started to feel home sick after a while and that’s when the begging began. Kiyan was tired of hearing it so he paid the contractors extra so that they would complete a job that normally took a month in two weeks. Then he took her out to dinner to announce that if she wanted to she could move back home. Brielle wasted no time going home. After spending the night with Kiyan one last night, she took the day off to move back into her house the next day. It wasn’t that she didn’t like living with Kiyan, she just didn’t want to get use to being at his house and then one day he woke up and asked her when she was going home. She didn’t want her worse fear to come true, so instead she wanted to leave before she got to comfortable.
Kiyan had called her and told her that they were going to have a night in. So she began cleaning up before he came over. She was deep into her cleaning when the mail lady rang the bell. She opened the door to get her mail and then dropped the mail on the table to go upstairs and get in the shower to wash all of the accumulated sweat off of her. After getting out of the shower, Brielle put on a pair of black leggings with a blue and white Victor Cruz Giants shirt, and a pair of blue footies before going back downstairs to wait on Kiyan.
Brielle plopped on the couch when she decided to read her mail. She noticed she had quite a few bills that needed to be paid. She had Sports Illustrated, Jet, and Essence magazines. Then she decided to open the enveloped that her name and address on it but had no return address. When she opened up the envelope she began reading the letter.
You can try to run and hide but remember I will always find you. If you thought for one second the car incident was something, wait until you see what I have in store for you next! I’m going to cause you as much pain as you caused me. Oh by the way, tell your mother her living room set is beautiful and it’s comfortable. Hahaha see you soon.
Brielle read the letter and began crying. She didn’t know who was playing these cruel jokes on her but she just wanted it to stop. Before she could do anything her house phone rang.
“Hello.” She answered without looking at the caller id.
“I’m about to pull up, open the door.” Kiyan spoke.
“Okay. I will.”
Brielle knew that if Kiyan saw the letter she just got he would make her move back in with him and she didn’t want to do that. So she went and unlocked the door for Kiyan and ran upstairs in her closet and put the letter in the keepsake box underneath the first note she received.
As she went downstairs, Kiyan was walking in taking off his coat.
“You had the door open already?” Kiyan asked.
“No, when you called I opened it. But then I had to run upstairs to put on socks.” Brielle lied.
“Look at you.” Kiyan smiled at her Giants clothing.
“Giants fan until I die.”
“Yeah iight until they play the Eagles. Then we are going to crack y’all asses.” Kiyan joked.
“Yeah alright. We’ll see who’ll be going to the super bowl this year.” Brielle said walking over to the couch.
“So are we watching movies or what?” Brielle asked.
“Yeah, I didn’t bring any though.” Kiyan said.
“It’s cool. I just got new copies of ATL and Love & Basketball. I’ll even be nice enough to let you choose which one comes first.” Brielle snuggled against him.
“Oh boy man, put in ATL first then.”
Brielle jumped up and put the movie in and then cuddled on the couch with her boyfriend and her Giants blanket. She loved when they stayed in, it gave them the opportunity to get to know each other better on different levels.
Chapter 28
“I told your ass you weren’t my type. You thought I was playing?" -Kiyan
The crew decided to meet up with each other at Friday’s. They still hadn’t made a move towards Kris. Cam thought that if they decided to let Kris walk around normal, he would think that no one was on to him. Then when he felt like they had forgotten what he did to Brielle, then they would make him pay for his mistakes. It was the best way to catch your enemy slipping.
“Wassup with you and Bri?” Zo asked.
“We are doing good man. Couple weeks strong. No problems.” Kiy said.
“Is she still living at your crib?” Ty asked.
“Nawh, like a week later she basically cried to go home and I definitely wasn’t gone force her to stay.”
“The hell she rushing out your house for?” Zo asked.
“Because this fool ain’t hitting it right, obviously,” Cam made everyone at the table laugh.
“You bugging. Even though she doesn’t live with me doesn’t mean she doesn’t come to my house. Trust and believe I keep her satisfied.” Kiyan said schooling his boys on his relationship.
“How are you and Sha?” Kiyan asked.
“We are good yo. She definitely runs our house. She even dress me sometimes, can you see?”
“Yeah you can. How are your birthday party plans going?” Kiy asked.
“Man listen, she hasn’t told me nothing about that party. A couple months back I told her she could have creative control over the party.”
“Damn, what you do that for,” Ty laughed.
“Trying to get Kiy and Bri together, I made a dumb ass promise,” Zo started.
“Don’t blame that shit on me,” Kiy laughed.
“So for all you know you can be having a circus themed party,” teased Ty.
“Yeah iight. Shorty wouldn’t do that to me,” Zo laughed with Kiy and Ty.
“No, you hope!” Kiy pointed out.
“I trust her. It should be hot. You know it’s only a couple days away.”
“I know my nigga. We each get the bill at the end of the night.”
“Happy Birthday to Zo!” They all cracked a smiled.
“Yeah you know it.”
“I actually can’t wait for the party. You know this my first birthday in 24 years that I ever let somebody throw me a party,” Zo reminded his boys.
“Don’t I know it. That’s why it wasn’t a problem when we volunteered to pay for it because you don’t ever ask for shit.” Cam blurted out walking into the booth.
“Word. Good looking out on that. You know I could of paid for it tho.” Zo said.
“I know but you don’t have to. We brothers and we got you.” Ty stated.
“Sayless.” Zo smiled.
“Iight let me get out of here before I have to hear this girl mouth.” Kiy laughed.
“Word. Call me when you touch down.” Zo said.
“Sayless. Food is on me,” Kiyan said throwing money on the table
The day had finally come for all of Shanice’s hard work to be shown. She had been working all day for the past six to seven months to make sure Zo’s birthday party was one to remember. She had surprise guest coming, surprise performances, and she also had a couple special gifts for him. The theme for Alonzo’s party was all black and platinum party. The party was being held at Allure’s nightclub.
Brielle was excited to see all of the thoughts Shanice had come to life. There was an iced out 24 in the middle of the table and a three tier birthday cake with diamonds spelling out his name, surrounded by white frosted cupcakes with his name spelled out. The club was filled with iced out columns and on the stage; the deejay post was made out of white, and platinum decorations. They had one of the tri-state areas best deejays spinning for the night.
Alonzo was wearing a pair of True Religion jeans with a white True Religion polo shirt, a pair of black Prada sneakers. An iced out chain with his name spelled out that Shanice bought him for his CD accomplishments. When Zo stepped in the club h
e was speechless. Being in the industry, he had been to plenty clubs and parties but he had not seen such an elaborately planned party.
“Wow.” Zo said. He was truly speechless.
“You did great. This party is poppin.” Zo smiled.
“Yay! I’m happy that you’re happy.
"No doubt ma. You did your thing."
Thanks, I'm not going to lie I was nervous as hell about if you'll like it or not."
"You were nervous? Shit I was."
"Nervous? Which one of your boys had you feeling like I was going to play you? I know it was Cam." Shanice laughed.
"It wasn't Cam. But he condoned it," Zo laughed along with his girlfriend.
"Who was it then, Kiy?”
"You got it. But ma thanks for putting your all into this party. This is definitely going to be a night to remember."
"No thanks needed babe, you know I got you. I'm just happy you like it so now I can relax."
"Yeah you can. Lets go celebrate your boys birthday." Zo smiled walking towards the VIP section with his friends.
The party was in full effect; the only people missing from the immediate crew were Brielle and Kiyan. Neither of them had arrived yet, but Zo knew that it wouldn’t be long before they made their entrance.
Chloe and the girls were on one side of the VIP couch when Sabriya noticed a girl walking into the club looking a mess.
"Look what the hood done let out." Sabriya leaned over and laughed with Chloe.
"Girl who the hell invited her?"
"I don't know. She looked like a chick who aint got shit."
"She looks terrible. I can't believe she really would show herself looking like that." Sabriya shook her head.
"I'm about to go over there and find out who she is. And who the hell invited her."
"Noooooooo Wait! Lets all go to the bar and get drinks. She's over there and we'll see who she is."
"Okay let's go because girl it should be a crime for her to be looking like that in public."
"Lets go get Danni and Sha. Bri and Kiy haven't got here yet."
"Alright, but you sure about getting Danni because you know she quick to say whatever the hell she thinking and by the looks of this chick, Danni will have a lot to say," laughed Chloe.
“That’s actually why we going to get Danni.”
“Leave it up to our girls to start shit.” Hakeem laughed with Ty, Zo, and Cam.
As the girls approached the bar, they began making conversation with the girl that they were talking about in the VIP section.
“Cute shoes.” Shanice said to Keyshia.
“Thank you. I just got them.”
“Nice investment.” Sabriya smiled.
“I know y’all. Your Shanice, Sabriya and Danielle, right?” Keyshia asked.
“Yeah, how did you know?” Shanice asked.
“I’ve seen your picture in my bosses office.”
“Your boss? Who’s your boss?” Shanice asked.
Before Keyshia had a chance to tell them who she worked for Brielle walked over to them.
“Hey ladies!” Brielle said to her girls.
“Look who’s fashionably late.” Sabriya said.
“I wonder what kept you!” Chloe laughed.
“Don’t be nosey.” Brielle laughed.
“What are ya’ll doing at the bar?” Brielle questioned.
“We were having a conversation with this girl over here?”
“Oh my God. Keyshia!” Brielle said hugging her assistant.
“Hey girl! I was looking for you!” Keyshia said hugging Brielle back.
“How long have you been here? Have you met the girls?” Brielle asked.
“I was just talking to them about the pictures in your office.” Keyshia smiled.
“Y’all this is Keyshia. Keyshia is my assistant at work and my friend every other day.” Brielle smiled.
"Your friend? How come we never heard about your friend Keyshia?" Danielle asked.
“Girl I told y’all. Y’all just don’t listen when I talk,” Brielle joked.
“Yeah okay Brielle. So Keyshia, what brings you by?” Chloe asked.
“I came because I knew Kiyan was going to be here. I was going to try my chances again.”
“Um, Keysh it’s something I need to tell you,” Brielle started.
“No Brielle let Keyshia try her chances with Kiyan.” Danielle encouraged knowing the outcome of the interaction.
"Yeah Bri I think she should try her chances with him again, everyone deserves a second chance at love" Chloe encouraged.
"Come on. Lets all go see Kiyan. He definitely wasn't over there when we left." Sabriya smiled.
"Alright let's go, I'm sure he over there now." Danielle stood up from the bar and began walking.
"Come on Keyshia! Let us introduce you to the other guys." Shanice said.
The girls walked over towards the guys. They knew that this would be a funny interaction. Kiy didn’t know what was going on so he would be brutally honest when he they came up to him.
“Wassup Kiy.” Danni said lightly punching him in the chest.
“Wassup Danni,” Kiyan stood to give each of the girls a hug.
“Aye. Wassup Keyshia. Where you come from?” Kiyan asked when he got to her.
“I was told that if I didn’t have anything to do I could stop by. Nothing came to mind so here I am.” Keyshia smiled.
“Yeah here you are,” Kiy mumbled and sat back down.
"Don't be rude Kiy, introduce her to everyone.” Chloe said.
“Keyshia these are my brothers Cam, Ty, Keem and this is the birthday boy Zo.” Kiy said pointing to each one of his friends.
“Wassup,” all the men gave her a nod.
"Aye Kiy, how do you know her?" Cam asked.
"She works at Bri job." Kiyan shrugged.
"Oh so that's the only connection ya'll have?" smiled Chloe, she was waiting to see if Keyshia was going to try her luck with Kiy again.
"I've been trying to get with him, but I know I'm going to have work extra hard." Keyshia winked.
Everyone at the table looked from Bri to Kiy and Keyshia. "Girl you know men play hard to get just as much as women do. But how long you been trying to get with him?" asked Sabriya as if Kiyan wasn't even at the table.
"I've noticed him since the first time he came into the office. But I've been feeling him on another level for like 2 months."
“You figured it wasn't serious, is that what he said? Oh, I know your type, don't care if he in a relationship you still going to try and get with him huh? I tell you about these females these days."
"What is your problem? You’re acting like he's your man!" Keyshia barked.
Stepping closer to her Chloe said, "No he isn't my man and from the looks of it he isn't yours either. And he will never be yours, so how about you find a man that DON'T already have a woman!"
"I'm going to need you to step out of my face because I am not a punk and I will get Kiyan. There is nothing getting in the way of me. Definitely not a booty ass chick like you." Keyshia yelled.
"Woahhhhh, Pause. I'm going to need you to take it down a notch. I don't play about that one." Danni said pointing at Chloe.
"It's okay Danni she really itching for an ass whooping. So if she feeling like she wanna jump stupid let her dumbass."
"You're not about to be fighting in no club ma. Basic chicks do that and you're far from basic." Ty said pulling Chloe on his lap.
"You’re right babe, plus this is Zo's birthday party and I don't wanna cause a scene and ruin his night. Zo I apologize for that"
"It's alright. I'm cool." Zo said sitting Shanice on his lap.
"And by the way, Kiyan has a girlfriend. So there's no need to keep pursuing something that is NEVER going to happen." Cam said.
"Yeah so basically you wasted your damn time coming out here tonight. But I'm sure it's some nigga up in here that would love your company, just not one over here in this area," said Danni pointing around the table
the guys was sitting at.
"Whatever. Kiyan can I talk to you for a minute?" Keyshia said rolling her eyes at Danielle.
By the time she turned around, Kiyan had his arms around Brielle’s waist about to kiss her.
"I'm kind of busy at the moment." Kiyan said kissing Brielle.
"Well there you have it, he's busy with his WOMAN! Maybe you should try getting with a single man next time and not someone who's taken already." Chloe smirked.
“When did this happen because last time I checked he wasn’t with anyone! Especially not Brielle.” Keyshia frowned.
“Yo ma! Please move on. You’re blowing my damn mood. He’s taken, so go find somebody else. What the hell!” Zo yelled.
"Keyshia that's what I was trying to tell you earlier, that me and Kiyan are together now" Brielle said while looking at Keyshia, she could tell that she was pissed.
"You’re such a bitch yo. I swear I asked you if you wanted to be with him and you said NO." Keyshia yelled.
"First of all, don’t ever in your life come at her like that. You acting like I gave you hope or something. I told your ass you weren’t my type. You thought I was playing?" Kiyan said to Keyshia.
"You didn't say you was dating her either. But that's okay I'm sure her stuck up, confused ass will be dumping you soon," Keyshia said starting to walk away but she turned around and looked at Brielle. "This isn't over you're going to learn not to play with people feelings," with that she headed out the club.
"Damn yo did you do a background check on her ass? She don't look like she got it all," Ty laughed.
Everyone at the table laughed as Brielle said, "Yes I did but apparently it was missing the part where it says that the bitch is crazy."
Chapter 29
“That girl’s elevator definitely doesn’t go all the way up to the top floor.” -Danielle
Brielle knew that something would have to give with Keyshia. The way she acted at Zo’s birthday party was unacceptable and consequences would have to be given out. She obviously felt the way she felt for a while now or it wouldn’t have come out the way that it did. Brielle walked inside her office building and was greeted by a smiling and happy Keyshia.