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Augusta’s Delicious Bodyguards

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by Eileen Green


  Men of Montana 16

  Augusta’s Delicious Bodyguards

  Starting up and running a bakery is hard work, which Augusta Manning has paid her dues. On a chance meeting, Trent Blake and Hunter Simpson have become enamored by Augusta.

  Hunter and Trent know about the ménage relationships that have sprung up in the area, so they decide they want to share the beauty. Getting her on the same page is a bit difficult since she believes the shop needs her every minute they are open.

  The opportunity to spend time with her also lends itself to the fact that Augusta’s ex has been harassing her for money. Unfortunately, he’s not alone when it comes to people wanting money from her. Her ex’s loan shark has come to Kalispell to get restitution for what he owes.

  Can the trio start up a relationship with what is hanging over Augusta’s head? Will they be able to keep her safe so they can have their cake and eat it, too?

  Genres: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 45,074

  Augusta’s Delicious Bodyguards

  Men of Montana 16

  Eileen Green


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  Augusta’s Delicious Bodyguards

  Copyright © 2018 by Eileen Green

  ISBN: 978-1-64243-257-2

  First Publication: June 2018

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2018 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  When I wrote my first erotic romance novel, Lyndee’s Saviors, I didn’t think I’d get as far as what I have in the writing world. Augusta’s Delicious Bodyguards is my 25th erotic romance in a little under 5 years.

  There are many people who have helped and supported me along the way, and I’d like to thank them all. Ideas, support, research, and critiques are what everyone has provided me. Thank you all.

  One person from my past had given me inspiration way back in the late ‘80’s, and I have carried with me through the years. Thank you to Paris Afton Bonds. I have thought about you often over time and you are one of the reasons I am at where I am today.

  And the one who dared me to step out of my comfort zone of mainstream historical romances and write an erotic romance novel was Susan Winovich Burruel. I didn’t think I had it in me, but Susan had faith in me. Thank you so much Susan! You are the main reason I am celebrating my 25th erotic novel.

  Thank you to all my readers who have continued to support me by reading my stories. I write them for you. If you have any story lines or wish to see reoccurring characters have their own stories, please don’t hesitate to contact me at: I would love to hear from you all.


  Eileen Green, writes erotic romance novels interlaced with intrigue, and occasionally, shape-shifters. Cowboys, Law Enforcement, and now, Military, are some of her favorites to write about.

  When asked how long she has been writing, Eileen answers, since the 7th grade, a long time ago. Her English teacher, Mrs. Weekes saw potential in the student who began to dabble in writing. Eventually, marriage, kids, and then single motherhood came along, and her writing took a backseat as life does when faced with obstacles.

  The writing continued even though page after page sat in boxes or on the computer, waiting for the day they would be allowed to be free to tell their stories.

  Life dealt a cruel twist to her family and friends in 2010. The lesson learned was to not live with regrets. She began to write again looking for the right path to go down.

  Her first erotic romance novel came from a dare and Lyndee’s Saviors was written. Now, under Eileen Green, there are two series, Men of Montana and The Tundra Protectors, and the beginning of a third, Tiger’s Lair, which is a spin-off of Men of Montana. A couple of stand-alone books are included in her menagerie of books.

  Romance stories with happily-ever-after endings are her favorite, making sure she writes them because every romance needs to end with all characters being forever in love.

  Eileen divides her time between Washington and California, although she really loves Washington. The beauty there providing a welcome backdrop to write.

  For a full list of her books, please check out her website,

  For all titles by Eileen Green, please visit


  Augusta’s Delicious Bodyguards

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Augusta’s Delicious Bodyguards

  Men of Montana 16


  Copyright © 2018

  Chapter One

  “Hell no, Josh! I’m not giving you a dime!” Augusta was shocked that he had called for the second time this week asking for money.

  “Come on, babe.” His whine came over the connection all the way from New Jersey.

  It had been seven years since their divorce was final, and six years, eleven months, three weeks, and six days since Josh had moved back to New Jersey. She didn’t regret it at all. Well, she regretted that she had married the man in the first place, but she had been in love with him, up until the night she found him in their bed with another woman.

  The entire debacle had been blamed on her. Her work ethic was strong then because she was just getting the bakery up and running. Twelve- to sixteen-hour days was what was needed when she couldn’t afford to hire very many people to work for her. In at four in the morning and leave after eight at night most days. If it wasn’t for her being closed on Sundays, she never would have seen Josh. It was her fault, but he didn’t have to sleep with someone in their bed.

  Now, he was constantly calling looking for money. He was always looking for the next get-rich-quick scheme that would make him rich. There was an issue he had, one that she had bailed him out of several times. Gambling was going to be the death of him. Literally. He borrowed money from the wrong people and had problems paying it back. One day, he was going to be found in an alley, dead.

  Augusta didn’t want that for him, but she couldn’t continue to enable him. That’s what she had learned in counseling. Also, she didn’t want to be broke all the time. She had employees and vendors she had to pay. She had a lease to take care of, along with a mortgage on her home. There were responsibilities that she needed to handle, unlike Josh who expected everyone else to take care of him.

“Don’t call here again, Josh. This is my place of business, and I have customers and orders to deal with. Good-bye.”

  The man was still talking as she hit the end button on her cell phone. There was no time for him in her life.

  “That didn’t sound good,” Margo said from the coffee area. She was putting together ingredients for an iced beverage.

  Margo had been with Augusta since the beginning of Augusta’s Cakery. She also put in long hours, insisting Augusta couldn’t handle it all on her own.

  “Nope. Just his normal monthly call saying he didn’t have any money to pay the loan sharks.”

  “Auggie, change your phone number,” Margo suggested.

  Augusta chuckled. “You know he would just call the store. And I don’t want him to bother you guys.”

  “I’ll tell him where to go.” Both women laughed at Margo’s joke.

  “I prefer to ignore him.” Augusta spoke as she grabbed the bowl of icing that needed to go on the cookies that she had cooling on the counter in the kitchen. “I need to get these cookies for Mrs. Allison’s party. She’ll be here in a couple hours to pick them up.”

  The cupcakes were already decorated, arranged together to look like a fairy. Pink and white icing for the dress, and thin white fondant made up the wings. It was a great creation even if Augusta said so herself.

  Five dozen cookies in various shapes of flowers were going to accessorize the cupcake fairy. Filling the plastic cone with a decorating tip on the end, Augusta began to pipe the royal icing on the cookies.

  Her back ached as she finished the decorating an hour later. Standing, she stretched out her back before she went out front. She was pouring a cup of coffee when the door opened from the street, letting in a tall dark-haired man that she recognized. A gasp escaped her as her girly parts came alive.

  * * * *

  Warmth and a sweet spicy aroma greeted Trent Blake as he opened the door to the bakery, or as the sign said, cakery. The smell of coffee assailed his senses, especially since he hadn’t had his this morning. He was intrigued by the name, for he had only met one Augusta before, about three weeks ago.

  The front part of the store had the typical display case with a curved glass partition showing off the donuts, cookies, breads, pies, and other baked goods the bakery sold. There was a wall behind the sales area that had a display area with shelves that holds more breads, and a coffee station on the counter.

  Bistro tables and chairs were sitting in the open area between the display case and the plate glass windows. Some were filled with people enjoying the goodies sold here.

  Along one wall, further away from the door opening, sat a larger table with several chairs around it. Several books were piled on a corner of the table, otherwise, there was no indication of what it was used for.

  A feminine gasp sounded from the coffee area, drawing his attention to a woman with short blonde hair. She was openly staring at him, a coffee pot in one hand and a cup in the other.

  His cock twitched in his uniform slacks at the sight of her, just as it had when he had first seen her.

  Pink icing was smeared on her forehead and her nose, while flour decorated her black apron. Her hair was slightly messy, but she looked beautiful.

  Taking a deep breath, he walked over to the counter, eyeing the many delectable goodies behind the glass. There was a treasure trove of different sweets that a child would love to get their hands on. It was a delight for children, and most likely a disastrous headache for their parents.

  Clearing his throat, he hoped to get the familiar woman’s attention, but she hadn’t moved. The dark-haired woman beside her finally reached out and touched her friend. “Auggie. What’s wrong?” she asked in a whisper. When Auggie didn’t respond right away, the other woman spoke louder. “Auggie!”

  “Wh-what?” the blonde asked, confusion written on her lovely features.

  The dark-haired woman took the coffee pot from the other woman. “What is wrong with you?”

  “I’m sorry,” the blonde woman said quickly as she looked at the other woman. “I…um…”

  Deciding he needed to take some control of the situation, Trent stepped over to the coffee area. “Hello, again,” he said to the blonde woman. “I hope you are doing well.”

  “Um…I-I’m sorry.” A vivid blush crept up from the woman’s chest to her face. Crimson tinged her neck and cheeks. She was beautiful.

  She cleared her throat and then took a deep breath. “I’m sorry. What did you ask?”

  He couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. “I said, I hope you are doing well.”

  Her blush deepened. “I’m doing well. How are you?”

  “Quite well, thank you,” he said. “It’s Augusta. Correct?” Nodding, she looked as if she was thinking. “I’m Trent Blake. We met at the party in Polson.”

  Clearing her throat again, she finally smiled. “Yes. I remember. How is your partner? Hunter, wasn’t it?”

  Trent was glad she remembered who he and Hunter were. It had been three weeks, but he had hoped they had left a good impression on her.

  They had noticed her once all the police business had been taken care of. She was sitting at the end of the long table next to another blonde woman who had called out to them that there were empty seats next to Augusta. When they had gotten down to that end of the table, the woman who had called out moved one seat over so that he and Hunter could sit on either side of the intriguing woman.

  Small talk abounded around the table that night, but Augusta was a bit on the quiet side. She squirmed in her seat often as they asked her questions. It was as if she was nervous in their presence.

  Trent had been fighting his dick all the while. It was throbbing as it tried to escape the confines of his briefs and slacks. He was afraid to go back for seconds although he was hungry for more. It wasn’t just the fear of Augusta seeing the bulge in his crotch, but all the others also.

  Continuing with their shift after dinner, Hunter admitted he had been aroused the entire time they sat next to Augusta. Trent had told him he had one also. As they drove, they discussed if it was possible to pursue the woman. If they were so enamored by her, they had to wonder if she was taken by them.

  Now, as he had observed Augusta get flustered over his arrival, he was certain she had thought about them also.

  “Hunter is well, thank you,” Trent said. “It’s actually about Hunter that I am here.”

  “Oh?” she asked as she moved up to the counter. “What is it we can help you with?”

  “His birthday is in a few days, and we’re throwing him a surprise party. I was wondering if I can order a cake from you. I’ve heard great things about your baking.”

  The blush that had faded was now back again. “Thank you. Can I get you a cup of coffee while we discuss a design?” she asked, a smile appearing finally.

  “Sure. I’d like that.”

  “Margo, can you get Officer Blake a cup of coffee while I clean up right quick?” Augusta asked quickly.

  “Certainly.” Margo was cheerful as she grabbed a cup. Augusta disappeared behind through the door behind the counter. A cup appeared in front of him as Margo nodded her head toward the table with the books piled on it. “Have a seat over there, and Auggie will be out in a minute or two.”

  “Thank you,” he said as he accepted the cup. He stepped over to the area where he could doctor the strong brew, a residual effect of living in New York. Many people out here liked their coffee black, but he had gotten used to having a more flavorful drink. After pouring some flavored creamer and sugar in the cup, he picked up a spoon and stirred the contents as he sat at the table.

  As he waited, he looked around the bakery. Several businessmen were having coffee, probably discussing a deal or something to that effect. A couple of women sat at a table, laughing as they spoke. There was a teenage girl drinking a frozen concoction as she read a book.

  “Sorry it took so long,” Augusta said, appearing next to the table. H
er hair was straightened out. Her face was clean, and her apron was missing.

  A pair of blue pants along with a loose pink tunic was what she was wearing. Sneakers clad her feet, most likely for the comfort they would provide someone who was on their feet all day.

  Trent stood. “It wasn’t long. Please, join me,” he offered sincerely.

  Augusta sat beside him and pulled over a couple of the books and opened them. There were pictures of cakes in them.

  A notepad was near one of the books by the wall along with a pencil. She pulled it over also. “Now, what are Officer Simpson’s interests?”

  “Well,” Trent began as his thoughts went to his friend. “He’s from Texas. He moved here about a year and a half ago. His daughter moved to Missoula to go to the university there, and he followed her up here. He likes to fly fish. Oh, and he loves football.”

  She had been writing down notes, and then she quickly began turning pages of one of the books. She finally stopped on a page and she turned the picture toward Trent.

  “That’s perfect,” Trent praised. “He’ll love it.”

  “Good. Now, how many people will be at the party?” she asked, her pencil ready to write again.

  “I’m going to say at least fifty. We have the men from the department. His daughter will be there. That should be all.”

  Her blonde head nodded. “Okay. When do you need it?”

  “The party will be Saturday night, at the headquarters. We want to include the men who will be working. Is it possible to have it delivered?” he asked hopefully.

  “Of course. I can have it there by five or six.”

  “Six would be best if possible. That way he doesn’t get an inkling about what’s going on.” Hunter had become Trent’s best friend when he had moved to Kalispell. Since the two were the latest hires, they bonded and became quick friends. This was something he really wanted to do for his partner.


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