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Page 3

by Abigail Myst

  Zenik took a piece of the salami and brought it to her lips. Rather than take a bite, she pulled her head back and took the meat out of his hands.

  “Thanks.” Jane popped it into her own mouth. Perhaps he should start with liquid instead. He popped the lid off lemonade and before he could get it close to her mouth, she took it out of his hand.So much for ceremony.

  She took a sip and then nodded her head. “That’s good. You know what would make it better? Vodka. Maybe tequila.”

  “Alcohol is forbidden here. Though I might be able to find something if you give me some time.”

  “Forbidden, eh? Too many drunken raves, huh?”

  “Something like that. The men were getting fat.”

  Jane spluttered out a laugh. Zenik had to shift because his position had become uncomfortable. He wanted her so badly.

  “So are we going to get it on, or what?”

  Zenik blinked at her.

  “Have sex?” she said slowly, just in case the translator was bungling again. It wasn’t. It was generally rather complete when it came to sexual idioms.

  “It is generally frowned upon to press a new mate for conjugation on the first night.”

  “I’m not a usual mate. I’m not some shrinking violet. I’ve had lots of, let’s say, practice.” She smiled at him. She leaned over and started to unfasten his uniform shirt. Again, Zenik panicked.

  He bolted straight up and began piling the rest of the picnic back into the carrier. “We should head back.”

  “Like I said, I can handle roughing it. And a little rough stuff.”

  “Perhaps I cannot. I am fond of my comforts.”

  He sounded like an ancient warrior who should have died in battle years ago and ended himself. But the swirling fear in his stomach would not calm itself.

  “So you want a bed? Because I’m serious. We could screw right here. Get rid of that little hard on problem of yours.”

  “I am not without enough self control to need relief at the inconvenience of my mate.”


  Jane stood and headed back into the jungle, disappointed. Though the light was beginning to fail, she moved swiftly back down the path to the camp.

  Zenik followed meekly behind.

  Chapter Three


  Of all the mates that Jane expected to end up with, she didn’t expect a shy one. He had the hard on the size of a large cucumber. She could only guess at the color, but the minute she’d made a move, he’d backed down.

  Jane had meant what she’d said. Free time in the barracks often resulted in sharing a bunk for a quick fuck for the ones lucky enough to catch her in the right mood. She ignored the ones that came on to her like a macho sleaze bag. She also didn’t do married guys or ones that had ever mentioned a girlfriend. She refused to be one of those women. But when training to a fight an enemy that could lead to a quick death, you took the opportunities you were given for a little stress relief.

  But Zenik wanted to slow roll. It was frustrating to say the least, because her brain couldn’t stop pondering all the possibilities. After all, talk of the Mahdfel being huge seemed to be accepted as fact, but there were also rumors that some had spines, or nubs or glowing tattoos along their lengths. A former squad mate had sent her a letter swearing up and down that her new husband had two cocks. That he would fuck her with one and then the other. She’d wake up sore and exhausted and he’d be ready for round two. It sounded like a horrible problem to have.

  Maybe if Jane took Zenik directly to their bed, where he would have his comforts, he would loosen up. Or maybe she could suggest he find some of that alcohol he hinted might be around.

  She rounded the force fence and found the camp to be in utter chaos. Women were crying and weeping and the warriors were walking on the edges with adrenaline highs, looking ready to punch someone in the face, but not having anyone to sock.

  Kave saw her enter the compound, and apparently her earlier actions made her the go to girl for solving everyone’s problems. He made a beeline to her.

  “Charlette,” he said, still pronouncing the initial syllable with a ‘ch’ sound, “decided she liked one of the other warriors better. And then there was a fight.”

  Which of course, had spooked the other girls and sent the warriors into attack mode. Jane knew that rich bitch was going to be trouble. There was only one way to deal with a bully.

  Jane paced over to Charlette who stood a few feet away from the group of frightened ladies.

  “They all look alike. How was I supposed to know that wasn’t my mate? They’re all green, and bald,” Charlette complained.

  “Defensive much?”

  “I thought I was just being friendly, and then they exploded.” Jane didn’t buy it for a second. She wasn’t angry. Just sexually keyed up enough to give the bitch a piece of her mind.

  “The Mahdfel only have two goals in life: killing as many Suhlik as they possibly can, and protecting their mates with their very life, if necessary. That man will die for you.” Jane pointed to Haxet, who was quite distinguishable from the other males in the crowd.

  “And you lot,” Jane said, turning to the crowd of wailing women. “Any of you have big brothers that go a little wonky when it comes to fighting with each other? Because the Mahdfel are like that. Times ten. They heal fast and won’t even feel the bruises tomorrow, so you don’t have to worry. They’d rather slit their own throats than hurt a female.”

  Jane knew this as a fact. During mixed self defense training, the Mahdfel warriors had always been thrown for a loop when put against her as an opponent. They thought humans were so puny to begin with, that to risk fighting and injuring a female was unthinkable. She was tempted to stab or slice one of the Mahdfel in the arm to prove a point, but was worried that blood was the last thing the ladies needed to see. She was also worried that they’d take away her knife.

  She had several packed away in her duffel and she knew enough to hack a replicator if she had to, but the one she carried was her favorite. She had nicknamed it Harry.

  There was a better way to solve the problem. Jane looked directly at Kave. “Drills. Now, please.”

  Kave nodded and let out a holler. The women and the warriors jumped. The women jumped out of fright and watched the warriors jumping into action. In moments, they had paired off and were sparring in a green ballet of movement that seemed rehearsed down to the Nth degree. There was something so controlled and organized about the whole thing that after a few minutes of watching. The women calmed down and the warriors were able to work off a little of the excess energy.

  Jane grabbed clapped her hand over Rich Bitch’s mouth and yanked her by the large pendant chain around her neck. She pulled her out behind one of the buildings out of sight of the other ladies. Jane didn’t realize Meadow had followed until she had shoved Charlette up against wall and saw the extra shadow.

  “Now, you see here!” Charlette announced the minute she realized she wasn’t alone with Jane.

  “No, you see here,” Meadow said quietly but forcefully. “We’re on a strange planet with strange men and the stunt you pulled today could have gotten somebody killed. We won’t stand for it.”

  “You can’t force me!”

  “No, we can’t. But here’s what we can do. We can organize. We can ostracize. We can make you the most unpopular thing since the space lizards landed on our planet. And if that doesn’t work, Jane here,” Meadow said, pointing to Jane, “she’s been trained on how to get rid of someone quietly. You’ll never see her coming.”

  There was something very ominous about the short, pudgy sweet talker promising that Jane would whack her ass if she stepped out of line. Charlette bought the whole thing, hook, line and sinker. There was a new respect and a healthy dose of fear in her eyes. Jane maintained her stoic face.

  “I’m not big on second chances,” Jane said. “Idiots tend to continue to fuck up.”

  “It’s her first day,” Meadow replied, as if she
were talking Jane down from slitting Charlette throat right here. “But now she knows what will happen if she fucks up again. There won’t be a second warning.”

  Jane let go of Charlette who slunk off back through the shadows toward the main group of women.

  “It’s her first day,” Meadow repeated, a sound of amusement in her voice. “Does she not realize it’s our first day too?”

  “It’s because you are a badass, Meadow.”

  “I’m a librarian.”

  “A mother fucking badass librarian,” Jane said.

  “I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”

  Chapter Four


  Zenik’s heart was bursting with pride for his new mate. She had single handedly brought order to the camp, and then with the aid of Goru’s new mate, had disciplined the female that had been the cause of all the problems. Neither had known that he had snuck in behind them. He had been tempted to step in. Trouble maker or not, Charlette could not be harmed. But he held back and watched as they let her go and were now on their way to becoming fast friends. He liked Goru, a friendly chunk of a warrior who had a talent for replicator programing. It would suit him if Meadow and Jane were friends.

  He let the women return to camp without making his presence known. The warriors began to peel away, one by one. The lucky eight or so would escort their mates to their quarters and try their luck. Most of the mates were nowhere near ready for bonding. It scared him how ready Jane was. Zenik was unsure if she understood the importance or gravity of the mating bond. She tried to reassure him, but her words of “past experience” did not soothe him. She had given up all those “bonds” after a few hours. The bond between them would be for a lifetime.

  He approached Jane, careful not to get too close or breathe in her scent too deeply. Perhaps she took the natural attraction of a Mahdfel to his mate too seriously and erroneously believed that a warrior could not control himself and needed immediate relief when his cock stood. Any warrior worth his mettle could, would wait until his mate was comfortable and ready for the bond.

  “I hope you will find our quarters to your liking,” Zenik said as they approached the module. One of the other warriors had already placed her bag inside. Jane stepped in and looked around.

  “I’m used to sleeping on bunks, so anything is an upgrade,” Jane said. Her gaze went from the walk in closet to the double desk to the table set for two. He’d even followed the Terran custom of putting a jar of dead vegetation in the center of the table even though he could not understand the purpose. “This is nice, though,” she added.

  “If there is anything else you desire, I will try my utmost to provide.”

  “I’m a simple girl and easy to please.”

  “Then shall I leave you for the night?” Her scent was getting to him, and trying to distract himself by thinking of warm Suhlik blood was doing nothing to lessen his desire to feel Jane’s blood pulsing under her skin.

  “I thought you said these were our quarters.”

  “They are. Warriors often are requested to sleep away from their quarters on the first night, while a new mate acclimates herself.” He had already picked the spot where he would go and with a few quick strokes relieve some of the mounting pressure in order to find sleep tonight.

  Jane crossed her arms over her chest and gave him a skeptical once over. “If you sleep in that bed, are you going to molest or grope me in the middle of the night?”

  “A warrior would not do such a thing if his mate has not-”

  “Then I’m not kicking you out of your own bed. What side do you want?”

  Zenik looked at the bed. He had not pondered this question before. Normally, he slept closer to the door, but would his mate be more comfortable there, or would he be in the way if she needed to use the toilet in the middle of the night?

  “This is not a difficult question,” she said.

  “Which would you prefer?”

  “The side you aren’t on?”

  Zenik took a deep breath and laid down on the bed in his normal position on his back. His mate raised an eyebrow.

  “You sleep like that? In your uniform? On top of the sheets?”

  “I do,” he lied. It was not honorable to lie, but to remove clothing would be to reveal his shortcomings, and he was not ready to do that. His mate was perfect. It was not fair that he was not.

  “Sure. Just be warned - I don’t.” That was all the warning he got before Jane began to peel off her uniform. He wanted to look up at the ceiling, or anywhere, really, rather than watch her reveal all of her perfect skin, but he couldn’t force his eyes away. She was a dark cream, a bit lighter where the Terran sun had not touched her skin. Despite the gender neutralizing uniform, Jane had beautiful curves that begged for a full range of kisses. He wanted to taste her nipples, to see how they responded to his tongue.

  She stripped down until she only wore a pair of pink underwear. They were clearly not military issue. He wanted to tear off the bits of lace and bury his face in her scent.

  Jane crossed over to the other side of the bed. She pulled the sheet up and slid underneath.

  “Goodnight,” she said. “Sleep tight.”

  Zenik could not respond. He simply turned off the lights.

  “By the way,” Jane said in the dark, “if you do feel like getting frisky, holler.”

  “I shall not.”


  Zenik awoke with his mating glands burning and Jane’s hand wrapped around his cock. She spooned up against him, and he was fairly certain she was asleep. Exactly how his cock had been freed from his uniform was a mystery, but unless he removed her hand soon, Zenik was going to spill his seed all over the both of them.

  Zenik tried with a little gentle encouragement to get her hand to move, but instead of moving it off of his cock, she simply began to stroke him.

  He could not contain the moan that erupted from his lips.

  “Well, good morning to you,” she said in a gravelly sleep heavy voice. Her grip on his cock became more determined and sure.


  “Yes? Do you want to cum?”

  Once again, Zenik was at a loss for words. He simply let Jane lie there and stroke her hand over his desperate member.

  “It’s green like the rest of you, I see. Similar to Terran men, except you are huge. Are you going to explode for me? I want to see how much cum you have.”

  She increased the pace, and Zenik could no longer pretend that he was indifferent to the hand that was trying to milk him of his seed. His hips flexed up to meet her.

  “Yeah, that’s it, sweetie. Fuck my hand.”

  A few more strokes and he was done for. He threw back his head, arched his hips and shot his seed. When his orgasm subsided, he lifted his head to survey the damage. It had landed all over his uniform. One rope of his cum even lay across Jane’s breast. She examined it curiously.

  “Blue. Now that is unexpected.” Jane grinned at him. “You do realize that you’re going to have to take off your uniform now.”

  Had she done that on purpose? He was beginning to think that she had. Her hand wrapped itself back around his cock.

  “You are still hard,” she said, giving his cock a squeeze. “Does that mean the rumors I’ve heard are true? That you really can fuck a woman multiple times in a night?”

  “It is true that the Mahdfel have that ability.”

  He wanted to add a ‘but’, but before he could, he was distracted by Jane lifting her hips off the bed and pulling down her pink lace. She kicked it off the bed and was fully naked beside him. She put her hand back on his cock.

  “So I get it’s bad form for a warrior to press a mate on the first night, but what about if the mate presses him?“

  “I have not read anything about that in the manual.”

  “Good. Because I don’t usually fit into the standard guidelines of behavior.” Jane let go of Zenik’s cock, but his sigh of relief was short lived. A moment later, she
was on top of him, legs straddling him. She reached down and grabbed his cock. Jane rubbed the head of it against her entrance.

  “You feel that? You feel how wet watching you cum has made me?”

  He could indeed. Her scent clouded everything but the feel of her. His cock desperately wanted to be sheathed in her wetness. Zenik reached for her hips and pulled her down on top of him. Jane was hot and wet and tight. Had his cum not already been dripping from the tip of her breast, he would have shot inside her immediately.

  Instead, the need was not desperation. It was simply inevitability.

  “Oh God, yes,” Jane shouted. Zenik began thrusting into her as Jane rode him from above. He felt her tighten around him and the pleasure on her face brought him closer to completion. He continued thrusting, waiting for her to crest a second time. When she tightened around him again, Zenik pulled her down to him, sunk his teeth into her neck and let nature take its course. His glands poured the bonding into her bloodstream. He felt Jane convulse with pleasure above him as his cock twitched deep inside her and emptied his seed into her.

  He released her neck, his saliva already healing and sealing the bond mark into her skin. Jane collapsed on top of him as the pair quickly fell asleep in a sticky, delicious, bonded mess.

  Chapter Five


  When Jane awoke, she was alone in bed, but she heard the noise of a shower in the next room. A water shower - now that was a luxury. Most of the bases had moved to sonic. They were faster, cheaper, and didn’t waste such a precious commodity as water. Her mother always complained that she took at least a half hour in the shower. Jane had seen the shower here, and it was definitely big enough for two people. And she needed a shower.


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