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Body Lock: A Bad Boy Romance

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by Leah Holt



  Leah Holt

  Copyright © 2016 Leah Holt

  All rights reserved. BODY LOCK: A BAD BOY MMA ROMANCE is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Note: This book was originally titled, Slam. It has been completely revised and edited, to tell a much fuller, richer story.

  Table of Contents

  Copyright Page

  Body Lock: A Bad Boy MMA Romance

  Connect with Leah!

  Also from Leah Holt:

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Thanks for reading!

  About Leah Holt

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  Also from Leah Holt:

  CHAINED: A Bad Boy Romance

  HIS PRICE: A Billionaire Romance

  THIRD DATE: A Romantic Comedy

  MY SOLDIER: A Military Romance

  BARE SKIN: A Billionaire Romance

  COME HOME BAD BOY: A Military Romance Novella

  Chapter One

  This is a revised/edited version of the novel originally titled: SLAM


  The music blared in my ears where a headache had already started to wrench its thin fingers. Tipping back my shot glass filled with whiskey, the heat coated my throat in a wave of liquid fire.

  A light gasp escaped my mouth, but I didn't mind the harshness; bourbon was the best way to forget your problems.

  And lately, I've had plenty to forget.

  I shifted in my seat, letting the dark corner conceal my presence. I liked not being seen anymore, just a fixture in a crowded space, instead of the fixture bringing in the crowd.

  The waitress, a small, petite girl, glanced my way as I lifted the empty glass, shaking it to convey I needed another. She looked young, maybe twenty-two, tops. I didn't know her name and honestly, I didn't care, as long she kept my buzz at a constant pace.

  Her light blonde hair was pulled back tight, the form fitting red shirt hugged her tits to perfection. My eyes drifted up and down as she bounced back in my direction, her round platter held high to avoid the drunken dancers between us.

  “Here you go,” she said, setting the single swallow before me.

  Glancing up at her, I tossed the bills onto the table, and watched her eyes follow the sleeve of tattoos dressing my arm. “Here, keep the change.” I leaned back in my chair, placing my hand around the glass, letting the coolness hit my skin like ice.

  Her eyes broke away, looking down at her tray as she spoke,“Th...thanks, you need anything else?” Swiftly, she swiped the money off the table, shoving it into her apron as her eyes darted around the other patrons.

  Man, she grabbed that shit quick. What, is she intimidated by me?

  Am I making her nervous?

  The thought made me chuckle and my cock swell. I loved the idea of causing a woman's nerves to go wild.

  I bet I could get this pretty little thing to beg me to fuck her.

  I'd tease her inexperienced pussy with my cock, waiting till her juices dripped down her thigh, and the only words able to form on her tongue would be- “Fuck me.”

  It wouldn't be the first—or last—time I'd make a woman grovel to feel my dick.

  My lips remained tightly closed as a smirk pulled from one corner. “I could always use something else, Sweetheart.” Running my tongue across my bottom lip, I tipped the glass and inhaled the shot. “For now, I'll just have another.” My stare burned deep into the brown abyss of her eyes.

  A rush of excitement filled my pants as her cheeks blushed red, her hand coming up nervously to brush back a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

  Speechless, She's fucking speechless. God I love that.

  Gracing me with a smile, she kicked her hip out, and turned towards the crowd.

  I watched her ass glide through the sea of people in front of me till it became lost in the swarm around the bar; certain she exaggerated the sway of her ass for my enjoyment.

  The things I would do to an ass like that, she has no idea how much I would love to break her.

  And I would, I would break her in two.

  I'd lived in New York for almost two years and, needless to say, the bar scene around here was endless; so it wasn't a surprise I hadn't seen this one tucked away.

  The small sign above the door had read 'Whiskey Sour' when I'd entered. It had barely caught my eye while I was walking by.

  Moving in my chair, the legs rocked unevenly beneath me. I attempted to scoot the seat around to see if maybe it was just the floor that wasn't level, but it didn't help. My body wobbled side to side on the weak legs, rocking to the natural beat of my muscles.

  Typical dive bar, too cheap to fix shit.

  Setting my hand down on the table, the stickiness of an unknown substance fixed to my palm. Peeling my hand away, it released with a slurping sound.

  Nasty. What the hell is that?

  Grabbing the tiny napkin from under my glass, I made the attempt to clean away the table jizz from my palm. But it didn't help, instead I was left with small white paper shavings stuck to random spots of skin.

  Luckily, my buzz had started to set in, and the headache I'd come in with had finally started to fade. So I didn't really give a shit, not like I normally might.

  Where did that cute waitress go?

  Now that I'm feeling a little better, I'd like to really give her something to smile about. Glancing around the room, I hoped she would come into view.

  Fuck, I need to get laid. That would really make me feel better. It always does.

  Shit hadn't exactly been going my way, I'd gotten let go from work two weeks ago and rent was due. Not to mention all the other necessities life had claimed I needed.

  New York wasn't a cheap place to live.

  A little pussy could take my mind off things. At the very least, it'd help me relax.

  I tried to peer through the clusters of people, the dim lighting making it difficult to make out any features. Every face seemed to blur into the next. Bringing my hands up, I rubbed my eyes, hoping it wasn't the alcohol already.

  Whiskey was a tough liquor, too much could make a man snap.

  If you wanted to get answers, fill a guy to the brim with all the whiskey he
could tolerate. Bring him just to the brink of insanity, and he'd be putty in your hands.

  But it had a darker side; anger and rage.

  Maybe, that's why it's my favorite? I thought, as my eyes searched the room for my next taste of the Devil's brew.

  A bright light from behind the bar caught my eye, so I lifted my head to get a better look. And what I saw was more than I expected. The bartender was gorgeous. Her hair was black as the darkest night, the light gleaming across the silky strands that flowed over her shoulders.

  Despite my blurry vision, her form took shape and emerged in a halo of white. Clear as day, her bronze skin sparkled under the glow.

  The voices around me muffled into silence, each image melting into one giant haze. My eyes peered at her through a looking glass, seeing her and only her.

  I watched her shoulder arch back, reaching into the dip of her spine. The bright blue shirt adorning her body was unbuttoned down to the crest of her breasts; the small taste of skin brought on a rush of excitement.

  And instantly I knew...

  This woman is going to be mine for the evening.

  I'm going to have her, all of her.

  My cock stiffened in my jeans, a warmth crept in and swept over my body. Tonight she was going to scream and yell for me to dig deep into her pussy.

  She would never forget the name Quinn Delligatti.

  Just like the sweet liquor she poured, my name would roll from her seraphical tongue.

  A soft voice started to pull me from my daze. “Hello? I said here's your shot.”

  It took me a moment to realize the blonde waitress was standing right beside me. Reaching up, I grabbed the shot off her plate, letting the money fall to the table as my eyes remained on the woman at the bar.

  Cocking my head back, I downed the drink, and that time it didn't burn; it was as smooth as water. Letting the glass drop freely onto the table, it hit hard like dead weight from my hands.

  From the corner of my eye, I saw the waitress jump with surprise as the glass crashed down on the wood. Her brows raised high, confusion and fear sat in her wide stare.

  “Thanks,” I forced out, bringing my wrist to my lips to wipe the remnants away. I pushed back from the table, standing tall, still fixed on what I wanted. “Change is yours, Doll.”

  I have one purpose for tonight.


  Pushing through the mass of drunken people, I made my way to the bar. I had a hard time knowing if I was swaying into them, or if they were bumping into me.

  Normally, I would have laid out a few of these guys by now. I hated people getting in my space, getting too close. Especially when I didn't know them.

  But tonight it was different, I had a goal. All I wanted to do was get to her.

  As much as I loved a good fight, fucking was always better.

  Closing the distance between myself and the bar, her features started to stand out. A small beauty mark rested just below her cheekbone, a sheen of sweat highlighted her skin. She was glistening in liquid temptation, and I wanted to lick her. Taste the sweetness of her flavor against my lips.

  My delicious treat for the evening.

  Reaching the edge of the counter, I stood, just observing her. Her movements were quick, turning from customer to customer. Hands flying in all directions, grabbing a glass, filling, mixing, then on to the next.

  Her body danced around the interior of the bar. She was entrancing to watch, moving naturally like an artist's brush against the canvas. Her figure became the muse of my vision.

  She looked like a goddess.

  Then, her eyes were set on mine. “What can I get you?” she asked, both hands firmly resting on the trim of her waist. Her large blue eyes peered at me, waiting for my request.

  And I knew if I stared any longer, I would get lost in her eyes. I'd never seen that color of blue before, it was a mix of aqua and silver, with light splashes of crystal white.

  My cock thickened in my jeans with her beauty. I wanted to jump the bar, fuck her right there.

  I'll just take you. That's all I need for now.

  Her lips partially opened, gleaming a deep red. “Well?” she asked, her voice slightly annoyed, but keeping level.

  “How about I buy you a drink, Beautiful.” My lips tapered up towards my eyes, a hand falling to glide across the smooth surface before me.

  “Really? Look I don't have time for this, there are others waiting. Do you want a drink or not?” Impatience set in her face as she tapped the bar with one finger, rolling her eyes.

  Running my hand through my hair, I kept my glare right on hers. “A shot of your best bourbon,” I said, my smirk never wavering.

  Turning with a snap, she reached for a glass, shirt rising slightly to reveal the two dimples perched between her back and ass. Temptation to run my fingertips across her soft flesh shot through my body. But I stayed steady, thumbing a beat on the bar-top instead.

  She has no idea what's coming her way tonight.

  Right now I was just another bar fly, but later she would be begging me for more.

  With her back turned to me, I imagined her bent over, the two mounds of her perfect ass perched up towards my face. Her slippery pussy would be peeking out from beneath, the gentle spread her lips would take as she rocked back and forth, aching for my cock.

  I could see it all, the image flashed through my brain, heating me to the core.

  Because that's exactly what I was going to make her do; beg for my fucking cock.

  The glass slammed down in front of me, splatters of the rich burgundy liquid hit the surface, knocking me out of my sex filled daze. “Eleven dollars.” Her hand came up and tossed the thick, pull-able hair over her shoulder, returning to her hip with a snap.

  Pulling the money from my wallet, I asked, “Alright, Doll. So, you have a name?” Though I wasn't really giving her a choice, she was going to answer me one way or another. Either right here right now, or later while I teased her eager lips with the tip of my dick.

  “Yup, I do. Don't we all?” Her sharp tone filled my ears as she grabbed the cash. Twisting her body before I could utter another word, she was gone, onto the next customer.

  This woman was not going to be as easy as I had thought. I wasn't used to that, women tended to melt when I just breathed in their direction.

  To have her stand there, seemingly unfazed by me...

  A surge of electricity raced through my lungs, trapping the air inside.

  Now, I needed her more.

  Pounding down my drink, my body heated from head to toe. Once you passed the first three, the rest flowed without a blink or shudder.

  Eventually, she'll have to come back. That I knew.

  My eyes followed her body with every move. I felt like a cat being teased with a toy. Her hourglass shape mesmerized my mind, and I couldn't look away, couldn't shake my head from its position.

  She was so goddamn sexy.

  Several minutes had passed, watching her, aching to feel her. I gripped my cock and adjusted it in my pants. Her body sent waves radiating towards me, and I couldn't stop the blood from flowing south.

  Lifting my hand up, I gestured her over with the empty glass. “Ready for another?” she asked, pulling a yellow towel from her apron, and wiping her hands.

  “Not exactly. I'm still curious, what's your name?” Leaning forward, I rested my arms on the bar, and twirled my thumbs together.

  The anticipation was killing me. I needed a name for the face, a name for the ass, and a name to make her mine.

  Her eyes widened, the lights hitting her irises turning the blue to sparkling glass as she looked over the ink cascading down my flesh. “Cadence, happy now? Can I get back to work?”

  Cadence, that's pretty.

  “Don't you want to know my name?” I asked. I couldn't lower the grin painted on my face, for some reason this girl made me smile.

  And I liked it.

  “No, but I'm sure you're going to tell me.” Fire shot off her tongue
with gusto. She was tough. Then again, she had to be.

  The woman worked around a bunch of drunk assholes. That type of environment could cause even the sweetest old lady to grow skin as strong as lead.

  Leaning back on my stool, I said, “Well, for that, no. Now I won't tell you. And you can't make me.” My smirk widened, exposing my teeth. Lifting my hand to scratch my chin, I ran it smoothly over my jaw. “But, I could be swayed.”

  Her stare was blank, but curiosity had glazed her face. “Alright, then. So, you want me to play your game, fine. What would sway you?” Her head tilted to the side as she spoke, brows furrowing.

  She expected me to blurt it out, or maybe fill her with cheesy pick up lines. But she's not that type of girl. I realized that quickly.

  And I'm not that kind of guy.

  Cadence was a woman, a real woman. My approach had to be different with her. This was a situation where less was more.

  My lips puckered with thought as my eyes searched her face. “Just ask,” I said.

  Narrowing her eyes, she plucked at her lower lip. “Just ask? What, your name?” Light crinkles rested on her forehead as she tried to figure out my method.

  “Quinn, the name is Quinn. I'm glad you asked. It's nice to meet you Cadence.” A soft laugh escaped my mouth, winking at her playfully.

  Her eyes rolled, teasing me with a smile. “Really? I have to give you some credit, that was slick. You want another drink, Quinn?” she asked, her mouth jerking at the corner, trying to raise up.

  But I could see it, her lip lifting towards her ear, the muscles trying to keep it in place.

  Shrugging my shoulders up, I smiled big. “What can I say, I have a way with words... and other things.” My eyes gleamed beneath slit lids. “Hit me with one more.”

  Cadence's face flushed red, the apples of her cheeks bubbling up to smirk. I wanted to run my hands across them, feel the warmth that just rippled through her flesh. Painfully, my cock pressed against my zipper, ready to bust through the material.

  Quickly her body turned, eyes darting around the bar, avoiding contact with mine.

  There it is, I'm finding my way in. She'll be screaming my name in no time.

  I was entranced by her, she was one of the most beautiful women I'd ever seen.


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