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Body Lock: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 4

by Leah Holt

He's an old, drunk bastard. Just ignore him.

  A cackle filtered through his dried lips, one tooth hung crooked in the front of his mouth. “Watch the feet, they'll be quick. You seen it. Go low.” His drunken smile rose to his ears as his head tilted back and his laugh ensued.

  Who is this guy? He's fucking crazy!

  Pressing against the bench, I stood and crossed the room. I had to move away, if he kept up with that shit, I couldn't promise myself I wouldn't pop him in the jaw just to shut him up.

  This wasn't the place to lose control, especially on an old fuck like him.

  A lot of time had passed since I was in a real fight. Nico, in a way, had popped my cherry all over again. Electricity charged my body when my hands met his raw, unexpected flesh.

  It was comforting, similar to throwing on an old pair of shoes.

  That felt great. Next to good pussy, fighting always gets my blood pumping.

  Cadence, now she really got my body going. I wanted to get the hell out of here, go see her again and get what was rightfully mine.

  I wanted her, not this. Ending up in jail for the night had not been on my list for the evening.

  All I wanted was to get wasted and get laid. She was gorgeous, mine for the taking.

  Then that piece of shit Nico had to go and screw it up.

  Stupid motherfucker.

  She was coming around, a hairline crack had split the porcelain, and I was ready to shatter it wide open.

  Hooking my thumbs into my pockets, I leaned against the bars. When the hell are they letting me out of here? It can't be much longer.

  Watching the cops, one stood bullshitting with another, holding their mugs of coffee as chatter filled the space.

  Come on! I'm not drunk anymore, it was just a stupid fight. They've got to let me go soon.

  Looking over my shoulder, the old drunk still gleamed at me with his toothless grin, motioning empty punches into the air. The insane laughter rolled from his gut as he muttered to himself.

  People around here are messed up. What the hell is he on?

  “Delligatti!” The words rippled through my ears.

  Finally! I thought, lifting my hand. I felt like I was back in school, showing my attendance.

  The officer nodded his head, signaling me to the cage door. “Alright, your holding time's up. Let's go,” he said.

  The front doors couldn't come fast enough. I wanted to run at them, let them explode open, just so I could inhale fresh air. This place was making my stomach churn.

  It took twenty minutes to fill out the paperwork. One hefty fine later and I'm free as a bird.

  Fuck... I've been living off my savings, the last thing I needed was a fine. I have to make some money quick or I'm screwed.

  The sun had just started to crest the horizon. The orange glare hit my face, lids turning razor thin in the blinding glow. The cool breeze woke me slightly as it curled across my skin.

  Ugh, and now the long walk home.

  My sneakers hit the steps, moving down each one swiftly. I wanted to get as far from the station as possible. I didn't need to stand around fiddling my dick any longer.

  Shoving my hands into my green army jacket, I nestled my chin into my chest and headed towards home.

  I wanted to be pissed, enraged even at how things had played out, but Cadence bubbled to the surface every time my mind started to wander. Her sexy curves, full meaty hips. Shit, the woman had a figure I would give a kidney to enjoy for one night.

  The mere idea of her made my cock stiffen. The growing hard-on scuffing against the cloth made it difficult to walk straight.

  Ha! These people probably think I'm a drunken asshole just released from the tank, I thought chuckling to myself. My strides elongated and sideways as I walked, shoulders brushing against strangers.

  A hand fell over my shoulder from behind, and startled me slightly. Snapping my head to the side, my body followed fluently in one motion. To my surprise I was met by a face, one I hadn't expected to see until I went in search for it.


  Her bright blue eyes shined with a hint of green from the sun's radiating glow, the crimson of her lips were now a subtle pink.

  “Hey,” she said softly. Her tone filled with a delicate innocence as her head fell to look at the ground, slender fingers intertwining each other uncomfortably.

  What a surprise. Maybe she's here to give me a thank you present, or let me give her a big present of my own.

  Bringing my hand up, I ran it through my thick dark hair. “Hello, beautiful. I didn't expect to see you so soon.” My grin split wide, biting my lower lip, I teased, “Are you here to show me your thanks for last night?”

  Tossing the rich black silk from her eyes, she looked up at me playfully. “You wish.” Her laughter purged my body, my cock jumping rigid again. “But, I do owe you a thank you. Nico is a prick, but next time just let me do my job.” Her head tilted to her shoulder, lashes fluttering. Each one reminiscent of a tiny butterfly dancing across sapphire. “To be honest, I'm actually here for my father. He wants to thank you.”

  “That's not exactly how I swing, doll.” The edge of my mouth curled flirtatiously, eyes peering into hers.

  Her lips parted into the sexiest smile, teeth shimmering in the sunrise. “Seriously, he wants to thank you for what you did. You know... helping me and all.” The orange purse twined through her fingertips, pulling against the small strap hanging off the end.

  She looks so nervous. Why?

  I shouldn't really care why, all I want is to feel her cunt draped over my thick cock.

  Raising my hand to her cheek, I glided it over her cool blushed apples. Her face was chilled from the brisk morning air. “I don't really give a shit if your daddy wants to thank me. I would rather you just show me your thanks.”

  Cadence writhed with uncertainty. A single brow lifted, the corner of her mouth twitching.

  She took a step back, creating more distance than I wanted between us. Holding her hand up, she said, “Whoa! Look, you helped me and I appreciate that. I especially loved that it was Nico you took out. But, slow down, I don't even know you.”

  She knows she wants me, her lips may say no, but the fire in her voice says otherwise. She can't even look me straight in the eyes! Oh, this is going to be a fucking ride.

  Bridging the gap, I pushed closer. “No, you're right, you don't know me. But, you want to. Otherwise, you wouldn't be standing here right now, would you?”

  Her eyes darted around wildly, a plume of air exhaled from her lips, the translucent mist rising up between us. “Look, I'm here because my father wants to show you his gratitude for what you did. He wants to meet you and...” Her voice trailed off briefly, hand dragging over her scalp. “Will you come meet him or not?”

  What's she not saying? Obviously she had another thought.

  She wanted to say more, I could see it, hear it in her voice. But then it vanished, fizzling out with the blink of her eyes.

  I could go meet him, let him thank me for my generous act of kindness. Her father could also have come here himself, so why didn't he?

  Did she offer to come for me?

  Needed to see me again like I needed to see her?

  Scratching my chin, my stomach grumbled beneath my shirt. “Yeah, I'll go see your dad. On one condition.” My tongue slid across my lower lip, smile shining wildly like a child in a candy store.

  Cadence rolled her eyes. “Of course there is, and what's that?” her head pitched to the side as she spoke.

  “Let me take you out to breakfast first. I know a pretty decent place not far from here.” My hands fell open, arms out wide. “Come on... I'm hungry. I don't know about you, but I can't function right without a good meal. What do you say?” Pouting my lips, I said, “I'm not too proud to beg. I'll get on my knees, right here, I don't care.”

  Starting to lower myself, Cadence threw her hand out and grabbed my arm. “No, you don't need to beg.” Pulling air into her lungs like she just
expelled herself from beneath water, she said, “We can get breakfast, but then right to the bar. Alright?”

  “Deal, no Tom foolery, I promise.”

  There was a small diner about two blocks from the police station, it was a quick walk, not even ten minutes. She was silent for most of our stroll, asking me a few basic questions about how long I'd lived in the city, and where I had moved from.

  I didn't want to get into too many details. My past wasn't something I typically liked talking about. Now, I didn't grow up in a shitty home, I wasn't abused...

  It's just, we all have demons in our closets, and mine are better left behind closed doors. I didn't spend years burying every memory I wanted to forget, only to rehash them during small talk.

  I'm not the same man I had been, things changed, I changed.

  Life changed.

  There was no need to reopen healed wounds, New York was my fresh start.

  Grabbing the door to 'Bell's Dine N Dash,' I courted Cadence in with a swoop of my arm. “After you, Love.”

  “Thanks,” she said, grinning up at me. Her eyes streamed my body, pausing at where my cock was stowed away, its form outlined beneath the thick jean covering.

  The thread of air between us wasn't enough to mask my desire. Every piece of my body ached to smell her, feel her, and taste her.

  I've never wanted one person so intensely. She drives me fucking crazy! I'm not sure how long I can hold back, I'm ready to explode and I haven't even started.

  Pressing my hand into the small of her back, my fingers slipped between the small opening of fabric, lightly brushing her skin. I felt her shiver with my touch as we stepped inside, and I couldn't stop the smile from pinning across my face.

  The restaurant was typical for the city; small, family owned, and delicious.

  Just like Cadence.

  I would love to have her for dessert.

  Making our way to an empty booth, I watched her perfect round ass as she slid in. My cock bulged, hardening with the view.

  The cheap, black patent leather squeaked as we glided across it. Cadence shifted awkwardly, trying to put as much space between us that she could.

  Luckily, these booths were small and I'm not exactly a petite guy. Standing at six foot two, with shoulders like a linebacker, in any close quarters I was hard to avoid.

  Cadence sat staring out the window, fiddling with her hair. Running her fingers between the strands, her body jittered with the rapid pulsation of her heel against the floor.

  She won't even look at me. Where's the confidence from last night?

  Her snappy tongue was quick to whip a smart ass remark and now she's mute.

  A shuffle against the floor caused my head to shift up, turning my gaze away from the beauty beside me.

  “Hello, welcome to Bell's. Can I start you with a cup of coffee?” the waitress asked. Her name tag read Jackie. Holding a small notebook, she eyed us both, a tone of 'I hate my job,' sat behind her voice.

  Cadence giggled under her breath. “Well, Jackie, I would love a cup of your finest Joe.” Sarcasm peppered her request, her cheeks puffing up with air. Pulling the menu up to cover her mouth, the smile could be read in the slender squint of her eyes.

  I couldn't stop myself, weird grunts flowed, my chest hesitated between breaths while I tried to contain my laughter. “Me too,” I was able to muster out. “But, I don't want Joe, I'll take Colombian.”

  Shooting us a sideways glance, she mumbled, “Alright.” Turning, she walked off to retrieve our drinks.

  “Well, she seemed happy to be here, don't you think?” Cadence asked.

  Alright, a hint of her. She has a sense of humor. I liked that, a lot.

  I think I'd fuck you right here. Bend you over this table and pound you into submission.

  The image doused my brain, pounding my head with electric sparks. Her head arching up as I spread her open with my cock, moans spilling from her lips as I thrust against her swollen clit.

  Cadence's deep blue eyes sat still, peering into me, watching me eat her up from inside. Tugging on her bottom lip, she pressed her face back into the menu.

  Sliding my hand smoothly across the surface of the table, my thumb drew small circles in the white velour covering her elbow.

  Jerking away, the words spat off her tongue. “Quinn, what are you doing?” Her face flushed the prettiest shade of cherry, head cocking up.

  “What?” I asked, raising my shoulders. “I can see the excitement on your face. I could see it last night too.” Leaning back, my arm spread out across the top of the seat.

  Narrowing her eyes, she peered down her nose. “If you think what you saw was excitement, then you're delusional. Do I give off the impression of an easy fuck?” Rolling her eyes, she tossed the laminated paper onto the table.

  The fire she heaved at me only pulled on me stronger. I didn't want to cool the furnace she hid behind, I wanted to fuel it.

  Cadence's shoulders twitched as the ceramic cups chimed off the table. She caught the smirk painted on my face, and huffed under her breath loudly. “Thank you.”

  “Mm hm,” Jackie said close-lipped. “You guys ready to order?” A snap of her gum rang out loudly, pen twirling between her fingers.

  “I'm all set, thanks,” Cadence said. Both women then turned their attention to me.

  Lifting the menu up, I was starving. “Nah, coffee is good.”

  Could I really sit here and stuff my face with this gorgeous woman beside me?

  Hunger ran through my stomach, shaking me to the core.

  But, it wasn't for food.

  I was hungry for Cadence.

  Jackie flipped the gum over her tongue, an blank stare fixed down at us. “Well, let me know if I can get you anything else.” Stuffing the pad into her apron, she turned and walked away.

  Pushing myself closer, Cadence tried to scoot further away. There wasn't much room left, if she moved anymore, she'd hit the floor.

  Running my hand back and forth against the cracked material, my head tilted. “To answer your question, I know you're not easy. We would have fucked already if you were.” Winking at her, my tongue glided across my teeth. “What I do think, is that I got into your head. Why else would you be here? You didn't have to come if you didn't want to.”

  Her head snapped in my direction, brows dipping angrily. “I didn't have a choice. My father needs to speak with you—don't go getting a big head.”

  A long bellowed laugh escaped my lungs. “A big head? I can show you a big head, Sweetheart, you just say the word.” Reaching my hand down to my cock, I shifted my hips.

  Her eyes drifted down to the throbbing hard-on ready to break through my pants, her skin changing five different shades of crimson. Gripping the edge of the seat, her nails dug into the foam as her thighs squeezed together tightly.

  Draping one finger over her shoulder, I softly brushed the loose strands of hair behind her ear. I waited for her to squirm and throw my hand away. But she didn't.

  Wrenching her head up to meet my eyes, her lips parted slightly, a slow exhale rolled across my chin.

  Fuck. This woman is making me hot.

  “I... I'll be right back. Excuse me,” she hissed beneath her breath. Standing briskly, her white sneakers patted against the tile floor toward the bathroom.

  Baring my teeth, I grinned wildly. The reaction she had rushed through my veins. My mind had already been made up, I was going to fuck her.

  And she was going to love it.

  Teasing my cock, I stroked down the protruding shaft.

  I can't wait anymore. I need her.

  Right now.

  Glancing around the room, everyone was occupied. Other customers were reading the paper, some talking among themselves. I knew standing with a full hard-on was risky, but it was now or never.

  Pushing up from the seat, I made my way over to the small corridor. A sign hung above, indicating the bathrooms beyond the entryway. Reaching the door, with a silhouette of a woman, I knocked li

  “One minute!” Her voice floated out nervously.

  I stood half a foot away, watching and listening for her footsteps. The long metal handle shifted down, door swinging open, and her shocked gasp broke the stale air.

  Her eyes popped out to their limit as her face met me standing there. “Quinn, What the hell?” Surprise filtered through her voice as she took a quick step back.

  “Cadence, I need you. And I know you feel it too.” Stepping closer, my erection pushed into her hip.

  She stood speechless, hands limp by her sides. Trailing a finger down her arm and over her wrist, I pulled her closer to me. Wrapping an arm around her waist, I pressed our bodies together, and there was no resistance.

  Cadence's body melted perfectly into mine, curving at the spine to press against my chest.

  My eyes searched hers for a sign of agreement. A sparkle, twinkle, a fucking twitch. I didn't care, just something to let me know she felt it too.

  The language her body spoke; the goosebumps protruding off her skin, the weight she pushed against my chest, all screamed yes.

  But I needed to hear it from her. I Needed to hear her tongue speak the words, “Fuck me, Quinn.”

  Parting my lips, I began to whisper, “I was drawn to—” My words stopped short as her plump lips crushed against mine.

  My tongue intertwined with hers, dancing across the ridges of her mouth. Her sweet taste filled and warmed my belly.

  Gripping the side of her face, I forced her back into the bathroom, closing the door behind us.


  Cadence had reached out and turned the lock.

  Scooping my hands behind her nape, my fingers dug into the roots of her hair. Her head fell back, releasing a long moan of pleasure.

  Drawing kisses down her throat, her breathing intensified. Forcefully she grabbed at the bulge between my legs, her hips swaying erotically, rolling against my thigh. The intense heat of her pussy radiated through her jeans, the ripple flowing like lava.

  Pressing my body tight against her, she hit the back wall. A heavy exhale descended across my face. The sweet breath rolled over my flesh as twinges of electricity sparked in my skull.

  Her chest rose heavily, tits lifting towards my face. Pressing my hardened shaft into her thigh, my hand wrapped around her breast, squeezing tightly.


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