Body Lock: A Bad Boy Romance

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Body Lock: A Bad Boy Romance Page 17

by Leah Holt

  Did I hear her right?

  She's pregnant?

  A smile swelled up over my face, satisfaction glowing in my cheeks.

  Now she was mine.

  We were going to have a family.

  There was sense of shock that hit my gut, and a heavy weight that broke over my heart. Cadence was pregnant, she was having my child, and that thought sent a whole different rush of emotions through my body.

  This fight had just become more. I wasn't just fighting to keep her safe, I was fighting to keep my family.

  “She knows now I take it?” His hand cupped his cheek, mouth opening and closing to the strike. “Why are you smiling?”

  Smirking at the Macro, I said, “I just found out I'm going to be a father.”

  “That... Yeah, that's irrelevant in the matter. This fight is still happening.”

  I couldn't believe that he went unfazed by that, that his own child was carrying one of their own. And he didn't give a flying shit about it. It meant nothing to him.

  He really has no soul.

  “Why do you think I'm still here?”

  Louis clicked his jaw, rolling his chin around in circles. “I'm glad you could find the time to stop screwing my daughter so you could be here.”

  “After tonight, you won't have a daughter, unless you change.”

  “Yes, well, in all reality you're wrong.” He entered the small area, straightening his suit as if it had just been ruffled by some junkie begging him for money. “We have to go over a few things before you head out there.”

  “What things? I fight, I win, you leave Cadence and me alone. Doesn't seem too complicated.” I shot him a crossed glance, my spine hardening, heart pounding angrily.

  I didn't want to do this for anyone other than her. Now my child was inside her, that thought alone sent a carnal rage through my veins. I was going to win, I was going to step out of that ring and hold my girl.

  The muscles in my arms clenched tight, a veil of raw emotion covered my face. A part of me wanted to just take out her father right there, end this whole thing by taking down the creator.

  I can do it right here. Break his fucking legs and choke the life out of him, then he'd leave her alone. He'd leave us alone.

  Each piece of sinew strained against my flesh trying to lash out, trying to reach the source of all her pain. Folding my arms snug into my chest, I consciously had to hold myself back.

  He strolled carelessly closer to me, tugging on the cuffs of his sleeves. “It's not that easy, Quinn. My bidder, he bet on the other guy, and he bet enough money that if he wins, I'm clear and free.”

  Arching my brow, I chuckled in disbelief. “And? What do you want me to do about that?”

  “You are going to bow out. Let it go for awhile, give the crowd a nice show, then you fall. The other guy, he's a stiff competitor, probably give you a run for your money too.” Louis pulled a handkerchief from his chest pocket. Eyeing the seat in front of me, he dusted it off and sat down.

  “You want me to lose? On purpose?” My jaw jetted out the side.

  What the hell was he thinking? He wants me to just give up and go down so he can get what he wants?

  “Yes, I want you to let your opponent win. His name is Big D, he's a good fighter and fights dirty. Do this and we can talk about what I'll allow for you and my daughter.”

  “Excuse me? What you'll allow? No, you said you'd leave us alone. That's what I agreed to. Nothing less.”

  “Did you read what you signed? You're mine for quite some time, especially if you don't do as I ask.”

  “I don't fucking care what I signed. I'm not having rules put on us, and I'm certainly not going to lose for you either!” My chest lifted rapidly, air spilling from my nose like a raging bull.

  “Alright, I hope my daughter enjoys her new life.” He ran his hand across his chin, lip turning up a hair. “Just keep this in mind when you go out there.” Standing, he nodded to Nico, and the two walked off towards the ring.

  Louis had just held Cadence over my head, taunting me with his sick and twisted mind games, trying to break me.

  I didn't want to lose for his gain. This was supposed to be the fight that freed her, the lock that opened her cage to set her loose. Now, he's talking about what he'll 'allow?'

  Tugging the black tape from my bag, I wrapped my hands. My knuckles were hard and scabbed over, wounds from my battle with the heavy bag still boldly visible.

  Peering through the mass, I searched for Cadence, I didn't want her out of my sight. Her father was crazy, ready to hand her off to some stranger. If I knew where she was and could keep her in my line of sight, at least I would know she was safe.

  The screeching of the microphone crackled through the speakers. The room roared to the sound, bodies stood up, arms pumping high in the air.

  In the center of the ring stood the Macro. “Welcome to the Ground Game!” he yelled. “We have a big match tonight, one I know you all have been eagerly waiting for!” His arm raised up, turning in a circle.

  This was it, this was my time.

  I knew he wanted me to lose, fuck, he expected it. His brazen request for me to just give up went against everything I'd been taught. It wouldn't be a true fight, it was a fucking sham, his way to climb out of the hole he was in.

  It was hard for me to swallow that, I never gave up. Never.

  And what if he was lying?

  How could I be sure he still wouldn't give his daughter away?

  Truth was, I couldn't be.

  That could be his way to keep me here, using her every chance he got to bind me to his world. Idle threats to sell her, trying to keep me fighting for him, turn me into one of his own.

  Stepping over the rope, the crowd opened. Wide-eyed faces watched my every step, they were barking dogs yelping in my ears.

  Walking towards the ring, I looked vigorously around for her face. I needed to see her, see her beauty, her lips, her eyes. I was only here for her.

  My body ached to just catch a glimpse of her crystal blues, my heart beat to keep her safe.

  A soft hand grasped my wrist right before I reached the ring, Cadence emerging from the wall of people.

  “Quinn, I understand why you didn't tell me.” The innocence in her stare sent chills through my bones. “Fuck the Macro, I don't care what happens after this.” Her chest filled with a gust of air. “I'm yours, and that won't change. He doesn't control me anymore.” She stood on her toes, the velvet of her lips forcefully crushing against mine.

  There was only one problem with what she said. She might not care about what happened next, but I did.

  Pulling away, I brought my lips to her ear. “This will be over.” Brushing a loose strand of hair from her face, my palm embraced the flushed apple of her cheek. “I love you, and I love our unborn child, that's why I'm doing this. For both of you.”

  The words flowed out effortlessly, that woman had been meant for me. She made my chest hurt, she sent sparks across my nerves.

  Cadence gave me a reason to exist, and I loved her for it.

  Tugging my shirt over my head, I placed it over her shoulder. “Here, I'll need this later, don't use it like you did the other day,” I said grinning, climbing under the ropes.

  Meeting her gaze from inside the ring, Cadence blushed three shades of pink, her lips parted as she mouthed, 'I love you too.' The voiceless sentence hit my core, fueling my desire to just finish this.

  For the first time in forever, I felt clear. My mind opened up to my surroundings, to the realization that Louis couldn't really own anybody. I signed a fucking piece of paper, that was it. A piece of paper that held no weight.

  He ran an illegal ring, he was taking bets to shed blood. What could he do with my John Hancock?


  And his daughter... He lost her when I came in.

  Kicking my shoes into the corner, I straightened my back, stretching my spine as high as it would go. Wriggling my fingers, I glared at Louis, watching the emp
ty abyss of his eyes take in my stance.

  My arms dangled by my side, body glazed in the dampness of sweat, and a broad smile rested across my face.

  The Macro's lip curled down, a single fist clenched by his hip. I knew he had expected to rock me, shake me up with our conversation, that's how he worked. He tried to dig his nails into your emotions and make you weak.

  That was his secret to success. Tug at the things you found most precious, then once he had you wrapped like a boa constrictor, he squeezed, suffocating you into doing what he wanted.

  The mass of people surrounding the ring began to scream. The deafening yells drew my attention to the other side of the square where Big D was sliding inside.

  I looked him up and down, sizing him up. He was a large man, thick, vascular muscles crawled across his biceps. His shoulders were draped in black tribal tattoos, a small soul patch rested in the center of his chin.

  It was hard for me to tell just yet if he had any real training, or if he was just another dirty bar brawler trying to seem tough.

  Bringing the microphone to his lips, Louis said, “You both know the rules.” He shot me a sideways glance. “Let the blood bath begin!” Screams followed his announcement, a bell chiming off in the background.

  Big D eyed me from across the ring, his meaty hands came up, resting beside his ears. Stepping forward, he swayed side to side, watching my face, waiting for me to come in.

  Here we go, asshole, I thought to myself, stepping to my side as we circled each other.

  I watched his chest, the pace of his breathing, looking for the hint of him coming in to strike. My first teacher had spent a lot of time on the body movements of your opponent. You could read them, see where they were going to go, when they were going to make their move.

  That small lesson, it helped in more ways than one. When it came to women, I could read them like a fucking handbook.

  Now, all I wanted was to fill my library with Cadence. This was going to be the last time I would ever need that trick.

  I watched his eyes and where they went, his fists and where they were placed. I looked for a twitch, a heavy inhale, all of it would help me stay one step ahead.

  Big D shook in his left leg, suddenly he lunged in my direction, his leg coming up in a high kick. On reflex, I ducked and swiped his stable leg out from beneath him. Hitting the mat hard, he grunted in surprise.

  Stepping back, I let him pick himself up. I could have jumped on him, gave him some quick jabs to the head, but I didn't want to lose it like last time.

  Glancing over at Cadence, she watched nervously, arms folded snugly into her ribs. A hand came up and twisted a strand of hair in a spiral, bound so tight, the tornado shaped strip reached her scalp.

  The floor began to vibrate, Big D had started to charge in my direction.

  Well, I guess he hadn't seen that coming.

  He bowed out his elbow, trying to drive it into my head. Dipping to the side, the thick mass crashed into my shoulder. A throbbing pain shot down my arm. His once thin lips curled up in a smile.

  In one swift motion, he spun around, his knee raised high, ready to meet my back. Jumping forward, I avoided the blow. Spinning on my toes, my leg flew up, shin connecting with the muscle of his neck.

  Big D stumbled back, holding his throat. Every muscle in his body firmed, his solid jaw cocking out in anger.

  I wasn't sure how long I was expected to keep this up. Louis wanted me to go down, to give into the beast ready to tear my fucking head off.

  The energy in the room was electric, the screams and hoots filled my ears, every eye was fixed on us in a hungry gaze.

  Turning my attention back to my opponent, his hands jetted up again as he charged me. Gripping my shoulders, he tried to throw me to the ground. Grabbing his wrists, I twisted out and kneed him in the ribs.

  Releasing a gut wrenching growl, Big D landed on his knees. Holding his side, he tried to stand. Quickly I laid into his face, connecting with his jaw. His head whipped towards his shoulder, falling on the mat, he sat dazed.

  Catching the Macro in the corner of my eye, he jumped from his seat, eyes wide, eagerly watching, waiting for him to pick himself back up. That was the first sense of fear I had seen in Cadence's father. His face flooded with worry, hopeful I hadn't just fucked up his plan.

  He was expecting me to give in, take the loss for him, and let his ego grow.

  But I had decided right when I entered that fight, I wasn't giving into him.

  I was going to win.

  Cadence was clutching her chin, a slender finger divided her lips. Her eyes were on me, but her mind was someplace else. She looked terrified.

  Big D pushed himself up, his feet unsteady, eyes spinning in his head as he tried to regain his balance.

  I drew my hand back, fist tightly rounded, fingers tucked in deep. I was going to finish this, knock him the fuck out and be done. It didn't bother me anymore that Louis had tried to use her against me. I had already won Cadence, and now I was going to win this match.

  There was no way he could actually force her into the arms of someone else, not anymore. That brought me comfort, knowing she had tore herself from him.

  The Macro's eyes fixed on mine, his head shaking a slow, barely visible no. Even from where I stood, the white's of his eyes exploded in red veins.

  Smirking in his direction, I did exactly what his silent plea was telling me not to do... I let my fists take control.

  Punch after punch rained down on Big D, his arms hovering over his face, trying to deflect my blows. But it did nothing.

  I felt his face turning soft beneath me, his arms falling soundlessly next to his head. Blood had started to run in small streaks from his nose, his face swollen and puffy, thick breathing loudly seeped out of his lungs.

  But I didn't lose control, I didn't go into white hot rage, and pound him into an unrecognizable pulp.

  No, because that's not who I was.

  When his eyes rolled back, body falling limp, I stopped. Lifting to my feet, the crowd surged in loud screams. Turning to face the Macro, I nodded in his direction, holding out one finger towards him.

  My chest was tight, and sore, but the smile still filled my face. And as I watched his face drift between anger and confusion, I mouthed voiceless words. 'Just for you.'

  I was never his pawn, he had become mine. And I stole his last thread of control.

  Turning to find Cadence, a loud bang rang out through the room, the roar of the crowd was replaced with screams. The words started off muffled, expanding into fear-filled insanity. People began to dart in all directions, the hoard of onlookers bouncing into each other in confusion and eagerness to disappear.

  “This is the police!” A group of cops had stormed in from the entrance, their guns raised up to their ears. Some of the police were dressed in full swat gear, sweeping their weapons around the crowd, others stayed dormant, covering the exit.

  Immediately, I launched out of the ring, and ran to where Cadence had been standing. After a moment of panic, I found her with her head spinning wildly, trying to grasp what was going on. She was getting tossed around like a rag-doll, her small frame jostling forcefully between people shoving and pushing their way through.

  Reaching out, I grabbed her arm, yanking her into my chest. Her eyes were filled with shock and fear. “Are you alright?”

  Shaking her head 'yes', she clenched my waist. “What's going on?”

  “It's the cops.”

  “Come on!” she yelled, pulling me towards the back inlet where the fighters got ready.

  There was so much going on around us. A whirlwind of bodies ran in every direction, screams from the police sliced through the air.

  Making our way through the sea of debris and people, we tucked into the shadows of the back cove. Glancing over her shoulder, she eyed the scene behind us. Ducking into the blackened wall, she tugged on a small latch. “In! Go!” A half-sized door was hidden in the wall.

  A subtle glow e
merged from inside as I bent and ran in. Cadence followed closely, shutting the door behind us, and pulling a thin lock across the top.

  “What the hell is this?” I asked.

  “Go, keep walking.” She pressed her palms into my shoulder blades, guiding me forward.

  We were in a small corridor, the ceiling was high, wood beams ran down the side with small, dull lights that lit the way.

  Brushing the webs from my face, I asked her again, “What is this?”

  “It's our way out.”

  “Okay, where does it go?” I tried to look back over my shoulder at her, but it was useless. We were walking single file, my arms millimeters from brushing each wall.

  “We're in between the walls, it's an old maintenance hallway, it'll lead us out, I hope.”

  “You hope?” Her split second of doubt wafted over my brain. I tried to turn around again, my shoulders scraping the dusty walls.

  Cadence pushed me forward, refusing to stop. “I don't know what's waiting for us at the end, if the cops are all over, then we're screwed.” Her voice reverberated off the narrow hall in an echo-filled whisper.

  Reaching the end, another door of the same small stature outlined the bottom of the wall. Cadence inhaled a deep breath, I could sense uncertainty riding her lungs. “Open it slow, we'll be in the alley on the other side of the building.”

  Sliding the metal latch, I cracked the door. A cool gust of clean air spilled in, the freshness filling my nostrils, climbing over my skin with relief.

  The alley was quiet, no lights filled the darkness, the white noise of walkie talkies crackled in the distance. “It's clear,” I said, opening the door wider and stepping onto the sidewalk.

  Cadence poked her head out and turned it left to right, emerging into the glow of the streetlight. “Well, I didn't see that coming.” Running her fingers through her hair, the long strands slipped back down, teasing her cheeks.

  “We should go, I don't think we want to hang around here.” The sirens enhanced in volume, red and blue streams faintly colored the night sky.


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