Unified Omegas (Alpha Elite Series Book 7)
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Unified Omegas
Alpha Elite Book 7
V.T. Bonds
Copyright © 2021 by V.T. Bonds
Cover design by V.T. Bonds
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
ISBN: 979-8-5951-0258-2
*This story is not for the faint of heart. It is a dark action-packed Omegaverse story set in a world where violence and sexual situations occur. Scenes are not glossed over. Sensitive readers please abstain. Proceed with caution.*
To all who’ve supported me – Endings may be bittersweet, but I promise you, this story will not be my last. Whether you found me at the beginning of my career, or didn’t hop in until yesterday, thank you. It’s because of you I find the motivation to keep pushing the boundaries.
To the Alpha Elites – Yes, I am writing a dedication to fictional characters. These men started my weird habit of hiding away from the world and creating my own reality. They were so real, even before I wrote them, I knew I would never get over them. So, know this, Vander, Dirk, Jumoke, Kwame, Seeck, and Draukir: You will always hold a special place in my heart. While I will continue to write other Alphas, I’ll never forget that you were the ones to begin it all.
To those like me – You don’t want those fateful last words or the story to end, but you must know what happens. Buckle up. Prepare the tissues. Have a snack before you start.
This one’s a thrilling adventure.
Chapter One
Alpha One
She needs to finish this nonsense.
We’ve been separated for far too long.
I know we both have things we must accomplish before we can drop this ruse, but every second we’re apart, rage builds in my bones.
With a precise movement of my hand, I press the button on the wall and watch through the one-way mirror.
It wouldn’t do to let down my mate. Falling off schedule with this experiment would most certainly make her cross.
When the last traces of thick smoke disappear into the vent, the Omega on the floor rolls onto her back.
After a few deep breaths, she lets out a growl and sits up.
I flick open the case over the yellow button to the left, watching her react as a warning light flashes on the wall beside the door.
She stops growling and lays back down.
I press the intercom and purr into the microphone.
“Good girl. Spread your legs.”
Her ankles part as far as they’ll go.
“Hold still until I give you permission to move.”
She snarls when the door opens and two Betas enter the room, but she follows my order as they inject her with the latest serum.
Two seconds pass before she seizes. The Betas restrain her, one grabbing her head while the other presses her hips to the floor, ensuring she doesn’t snap her own spine with the brutal contortions.
I tap the screen on the console, notating the end of her episode before stepping out of the room.
The cell door’s quiet noise as it opens grates on my nerves, but emotions hold no place here.
This is not for pleasure, even if I enjoy it.
My Alpha instincts demand I shred the Omega lying on the floor. She isn’t the female I yearn for.
My lifemate demands I continue the experiment, even as she tends to other matters.
When she returns, I’ll beg her to never leave my side again.
I hate the limitations set upon me by my biology, but understand the need to manage my desires, not neglect them.
“Strip her. Put her on the bed.”
The Betas scramble to do my bidding, my anger no doubt terrifying them.
They miss their cool and collected leader.
I miss her too.
The moment the experiment’s back touches the mattress, I wave for the Omega standing in the hall to bring in the tray she holds.
I study her hunched shoulders and terrified shivering and let pride flow through me.
With the flick of a finger, I send her scurrying back into the hallway to wait like the useless bitch she is.
She lacks the poise and grace of my mate.
Turning back to the task at hand, I keep my arms at my side despite wanting to dart forward and slap the experiment’s slack face.
Despite her progress, all I want is to crush her skull.
Compared to our biggest success, her results seem paltry.
I motion for the Betas to perform the typical inspection, hiding my sneer behind as blank a mask as I can manage.
They relay their findings to the speech recorder.
Once finished, I grind my teeth together and suck in a disgusted breath.
She doesn’t deserve the honor I’m about to bestow on her, but I dare not skip such a crucial step.
Taking the vial off the tray, I squeeze her cheeks and force her jaw open.
Pouring the contents into her mouth, I seal her lips closed with my palm and wrap my fingers around her slender neck.
She does, even as her mind balks.
Dazed yellow eyes open and reveal her hatred.
Good. I despise this just as much as she does, if not more.
“Spread your legs.”
Her lip lifts in a silent snarl as she parts her thighs.
I unzip my trousers and yank her to the foot of the bed, cramming my thick cock in her with the same motion.
Her brunette locks lay tangled in her upstretched arms, her body still limp as she recovers from the seizures.
As her cells respond to the seed I forced her to swallow, the wet sounds of sex fill the room. Without preamble, I knot her and fill her insides with my release.
She’s disgusting.
I hate this, but order must be maintained.
I would do anything for my Omega.
Chapter Two
“I don’t want to do this.”
The sentiment echoes within me, and even with the comfort Kwame sends through our link and his ropes around my torso, I have to swallow a few times to clear the fear from my throat before I can respond.
“Me neither, but we have to.”
Anastasia sends an extra wave of comfort towards Shya, who soaks it up and gives back as much as she can.
I ache to take their hands, turn around, and dash away as fast as our legs will carry us, but we can’t.
I glimpse golden blonde hair in the crowd a few blocks ahead of us.
Weaving my fingers into Shya’s, I give her a light squeeze and tilt my head to guide her attention.
“We’re okay. Stick to the plan. One foot in front of the other.”
Anastasia stays a few steps ahead of us, her regal bearing stiffer than normal as she walks down the sidewalk.
She’s sticking close to the building, just like Jumoke advised her.
God, she’s terrified, but she doesn’t show it.
I’m scared, and I grew up in this city.
A transporter glides by on the other side of the street, making both Shya and I tense.
Her tiny hand in mine keeps me moving forward, even as we falter together.
Only a few more blocks, then we’ll hit our main checkpoint.
Geeze, I’m starting to sound like one of the Alphas.
Kwame’s influence on me makes my heart swell with pride.
Even though I can’t see him, I know he’s close.
/> Growing up here, I felt safe. My Beta parents gave me the best upbringing. Losing them was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to endure, right up there with being forced back from the afterlife as an Omega.
If it weren’t for Kwame and his brotherhood, I would be in the bowels of hell right now.
Instead, I’m towing Shya down the sidewalks I traversed with my parents as a child.
I’m fearful, yes, but I also have love, devotion, and hope.
Somewhere within the city, Evie and Vander find a few items left stashed away by the eclectic woman, and even though I don’t understand the full extent of what they have to go through to get these things, I do know they’ll be successful.
Despite Baseon being a Beta-led city, one where Alphas are forbidden, somehow my lifemate and the rest of the hulking Alpha Elites blend in.
Besides the one glimpse of Dirk, which I sense was on purpose, I haven’t seen the others.
If the authorities caught them, they’d lock them in prison, or worse, kill them on sight, which is why we couldn’t travel as a group.
Even the three of us—Anastasia, Shya, and myself—could gain too much attention if we aren’t careful.
Only certain Omegas are permitted to live in Baseon, and the common public opinion isn’t very forgiving.
Of course, given my stature, most don’t realize I’m an Omega, unless they get really close and catch a whiff of me, which is why I’m with Shya instead of leading our little pack.
As we turn the corner, I glance behind us and see Nova step onto the street we just walked down.
Through the hidden tangle of support woven between my little family, I send her a ping, reminding her we’re close by.
She sends a message back, thankful through the fear coursing between us.
Shya gives my hand a covert little squeeze, so I turn my head back to the front and walk as casually as I can.
Each person on the busy street feels like a threat. Even those looking down at their communication devices, ignoring the world around them, make me want to shrink away and flee as far as my legs can carry me.
Now that I’ve seen the depths of hell, nothing seems safe anymore, and knowing we have very dangerous enemies makes my skin crawl with fright.
I stay the course, willing my heart to settle down so I don’t have a heart attack before we get to our destination.
As Anastasia pauses, I hold back a growl of worry. She stoops down and for a fraction of a second my hackles raise and adrenaline steals my vision.
Shya stops my forward lunge by wrapping her other hand around my elbow.
I take a steadying breath as I realize Anastasia stopped to help a youngling pick up their doll.
She gives the mother a serene smile before continuing onward.
I breathe a sigh of relief. Shya does the same.
Keeping a close eye on our surroundings, we make our way to the designated building and step through the doors.
Too reminiscent of my childhood home, the lobby makes me choke back tears with its décor. I train my eyes on the door to the stairwell and push away the bittersweet memories rising in my mind, taking a deep breath so the ropes wrapped around my chest tighten like a hug.
The reminder of my lifemate’s patience and adoration as his dark hands crisscrossed the ropes between my breasts causes a happy shudder to roll up my spine.
My body heats with each step up the stairwell, and by the time we get to the second floor, I’m glad we don’t have to walk up all thirty flights.
It would be erotic torture, having his ropes arouse me while climbing beside my friend.
If I don’t get my wild side under control, the stress of the last few hours will be for nothing. Kwame doesn’t need that kind of distraction, and Shya doesn’t need that kind of danger.
No doubt Dirk would whisk her away if he scented my arousal on her.
We open the door on the second-floor landing and head down the hallway before turning down the left corridor and finding the elevators.
Hoping Anastasia had no issues figuring out the elevator controls, we press the button and wait for it to arrive.
The doors open and reveal an empty space, but Anastasia’s scent lingers.
Good, she already made it.
Shya selects the thirty-third floor. We stand in heavy silence as the tiny room shoots upward.
I swallow down my urge to vomit. The building seems to close in on me, and I bat away the comparison of all the metal surrounding us to the miles of dirt pressing down on my head when I was in the facility.
Shya’s hand twitches in mine, and I know she’s fighting the same sense of claustrophobia.
The upward motion ends, yet the well-kept elevator glides to a smooth stop and opens the door with a quiet swish.
I never noticed how quiet the elevators or halls were in these apartment buildings, and now I worry about all the terrible things that could have gone on behind closed doors during my youth with me completely unaware.
Shrugging my shoulder to make the rope dig into my ribs, I drop the line of thought, not willing to go down that rabbit hole, and lead Shya to the stairwell on the other side of the building.
We walk as quietly as we can down to level thirty and step into the corridor.
My heart leaps into my throat as we turn down the hall. Through the silence and the constantly circulated purified air, I sense the nearness of my lifemate only through our bond. I fight down the apprehension electrifying my senses.
Logically, I understand why I only catch warped traces of his masculine scent, but my instincts hate the disconnect.
To distract myself from the chaos swirling through my body, I focus on the numbers next to each door and rub my bicep against my chest bindings.
My skin crawls as we make our way further down the corridor. Even with large windows on both ends of the building and wide hallways, I’d rather be on the crowded streets than locked in a metal box.
I train my gaze on the door with the numbers Vander told everyone to find.
Our feet move faster until Shya almost runs to keep up with me. Neither of us can help it. The links in our chest pulse with longing the closer we get, our need to be with our family growing with each step.
I input the code, my finger shaking so badly Shya squeezes my hand in support. Before I reach the handle, Shya’s tiny fist wraps around it and jerks it down.
She slides into the room so quickly the door tries to close on our interlocked hands, but I catch it with my other palm and slip through.
The moment the door closes behind me, Dirk’s hulking frame scoops up Shya and moves to step away, only to be trapped in place by her hand in mine.
Her beautiful light gray eyes meet mine, the flashes of pink becoming more prominent as she shakes in relief.
“Thank you, Britani,” she says, shivering as she releases the emotions she had to hide during our trek.
“No, thank you, Shya. I dare say you helped me more than I did you.”
Her smile holds self-doubt, but Dirk’s purr of reverence makes her eyes shine with happiness. I give her fingers one last squeeze before prying my palm away.
Dirk moves to the other side of the room, putting his back in the corner as he snuggles Shya in the nest of his arms.
My blood pounds in my ears as I meet my lifemate’s rich brown irises. The creases beside his eyes lessen as we take stock of one another.
He offers me his palm. My feet fly across the room until I collide with his massive chest, and I bury my nose into his shirt and fill my nostrils with his heavenly pheromones.
His melodic purr eases the tension in my muscles. I cling to him, needing his comfort for another moment before I can face the world again. He reaches around me and wraps his thick fingers around my nape, making me melt into his arms.
I purr for him, just as he purrs for me, but we keep our volume low so as not to incite the other people in the room.
Dirk and Shya reunite in the corner opposite us, whil
e Jumoke sits with Anastasia in his lap on the couch.
Everyone stiffens as the handle moves, even though our connected hearts tell us it’s Nova.
She slips through the door and walks straight to the kitchen, her spine straight even as her terror clouds the air around her.
All three males in the room shift as though to go to her, but she gives her head a quick shake and presses her back against the pantry door.
Long, tense moments pass as we wait for Seeck, Vander, and Evie to arrive.
Surprise flicks through the room when Evie shows up next. When she sees she isn’t the last one to enter the room, she rolls her eyes and sighs.
“Fancy that, the blokes taking their time. Feckin’ slowcoaches,” she grumbles, sidestepping as Seeck opens the door.
He makes a beeline for the kitchen, wrapping himself around Nova and acting as her living shield.
Kwame slides his finger under my collar and hooks it around the harness he wove for me, making sparks fly between us.
His tasty lips call to me, but before I can raise to the tips of my toes and demand he devour me, the door opens again, stealing our attention.
Vander strides in, raising an eyebrow at Evie as she taps her foot and looks at the band around her wrist.
It doesn’t display the time, but the age-old act of checking a watch showcases her faux annoyance.
“Took you long enough, old man. You ruined my grand entrance, you plothead.”
He steps toward her and weaves his fingers through her dark tresses, surrounding her head with his humongous hand. Her stance softens, but the fire in her purple irises shows the calculation sparking through her mind.
“Focus, Evie. We’ll play after we crush our enemies,” Vander murmurs, running a fingertip down her face.
I rub my cheek against my lifemate’s hard chest, wishing we could magically find a safe place far away and live without the threat of annihilation.
Reality refuses to relent.
Evie sighs again and strokes Vander’s chest before making her way to the coffee table. She drags it to the center of the room and drops to the floor beside it.