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Tainted Love: The gritty new thriller from the #1 bestseller

Page 9

by Kimberley Chambers

  ‘Nan, we need to talk about my wedding. All this silliness going on is upsetting me and Sammi-Lou. I will be devastated if you don’t attend. It will truly spoil my whole day.’

  ‘I’m not sitting in church with them two traitors, boy. Either you uninvite them or I won’t come. I would hate it to all kick off and your big day be ruined. What would Sammi’s parents think? Be shameful.’

  ‘You’ve got it all wrong about Granddad and Auntie Viv, Nan. They only popped in the boozer for a quick drink because Viv was upset about rowing with you and Granddad wanted to cheer her up. That’s all that happened, honest.’

  ‘How do you know? You weren’t bleedin’ there, were ya? Nosy Hilda swears blind they were holding hands and I for one believe her.’

  ‘Use your loaf. As if they would be sitting in the Grave Maurice, of all places, if they were having some kind of secret affair. You’re not thinking straight, Nan. As for Nosy Hilda, she’s an interfering old bat, and obviously as blind as one. I cannot understand how you believe her explanation over your own sister’s. Vivvy has been there for you through thick and thin. It’s ridiculous – Granddad and Auntie Viv? Don’t make me laugh.’

  Queenie fiercely wiped away the tears. She knew she’d overreacted at the time, especially when she’d marched into the Blind Beggar, aired her dirty washing in public, and chucked a drink all over Albie. Whatever had she been thinking? However, it was a bit late to backtrack now. She knew in her heart that Vivvy would never fancy Albie, so why had she behaved so irrationally? Queenie had no fond feelings towards Albie whatsoever, bar him providing her with three wonderful sons. Shame about the daughter, but with Albie’s sperm she’d been fortunate to be blessed with what she had. The only thing she could put it down to was Vivian’s blossoming friendship with the man they’d both once despised. That grated on Queenie immensely.

  Little Vinny sat next to his grandmother and put an arm around her shoulders. ‘I’ll speak to Granddad and Auntie Viv. I’m sure they’ll forgive you, Nan.’

  Her grandson’s use of the word ‘forgive’ made Queenie see red again. ‘Forgive me! For what? They were the two cosying up in the pub whilst I was sat at home minding me own bleedin’ business. I don’t wanna upset you, lad, but this is how it is. If they go to the wedding, I bastard-well don’t. The choice is yours.’

  Another Butler having a meltdown was Vinny. Bella had sensibly stayed away from his neck of the woods, but every couple of weeks would invite his mum over for dinner at her gaff in Chelsea. Vinny would then have to endure his mother going on for hours on end about what a beautiful, classy girl she was. How wonderful her brat of a son was, and gloating over how fucking wealthy she must be because her apartment was straight out of the TV programme Dallas.

  When Vinny failed to find a phone number he was looking for, and yanked the drawer out of his desk, emptying the contents all over the office, Jay Boy asked, ‘Is something wrong, boss?’

  ‘Yes. Fucking everything! Listen, I need to make a call. It’s private, so leave me to it.’

  On his hands and knees, Vinny searched through all the crap he’d hoarded. He’d gone to his mother’s yesterday, looking forward to one of her legendary roasts, then hadn’t wanted to eat sod-all when she’d driven him mad over her visit the previous day to that bitch’s gaff. Even Daniel and Lee had met Bella now and spoke highly of the slapper.

  Finding the number of her modelling agency, Vinny poured himself a Scotch and downed it in one before dialling it. A camp-sounding bloke answered.

  ‘Can you put me through to Bella, please? I’ve got an urgent message for her.’

  ‘And may I ask who’s calling?’

  ‘Her boyfriend’s brother, Vinny Butler.’

  A moment later Bella came on the line, trying her hardest to sound composed. ‘What can I do for you, Vinny?’

  ‘To put it bluntly, I don’t want you coming to my son’s wedding. I don’t care what you say to Michael, fake an illness if you have to, but I don’t want you there.’

  ‘To be honest there’s nothing I would like better than to avoid your son’s wedding, Vinny. But between me and you, Michael has started to get suspicious about my refusal to visit your mother’s house. I intend to spend the rest of my life with your brother, and I cannot carry on avoiding such things. Not unless you want me to tell him the truth?’

  ‘Of course I don’t want you to tell him the fucking truth. He’s my brother, it would break his heart.’

  Unbeknown to Michael, Bella had no intention of attending the wedding. The thought of being in such close proximity to Vinny made her want to vomit, so she’d already hatched a plan to get herself out of it. ‘Well, in that case, we need to come to a mature arrangement. I will avoid your son’s wedding providing you agree to do the same for me on the odd occasion I visit your mother. There will obviously be other family events in the future, and we can liaise on which one of us will go. Do we have a deal?’

  Vinny was seething. He wasn’t used to being blackmailed, neither was he used to being spoken to like a child. Part of him wanted to call Bella’s bluff, tell her he’d decided to tell Michael after all. That would wipe the patronizing tone straight out of her cocky gob. But much as he’d relish getting one over on her, it wasn’t worth losing his brother for ever. His mother would probably disown him as well. Not over his fling with Bella, just the fact he’d kept schtum about it. She’d see that as treacherous and unforgiveable.

  ‘I’m sorry to rush you, Vinny. But I’m very busy. I have a meeting with a client soon. Are you OK with what I suggested?’

  ‘Ain’t got a lot of choice, have I?’ Vinny hissed. ‘Just stay out my face, or else.’

  Bella breathed a sigh of relief as Vinny cut her off. His idle threat at the end meant nothing. If he was going to tell Michael, he’d have done so long before now.

  Vinny was absolutely furious. ‘Cunt! Whore! Slag!’ he screamed, throwing the phone at the wall. How dare the bitch say she’d let him know when she was visiting his mother, so he could stay away? That was the piss-takes of all piss-takes.

  Katy Spencer took her linen jacket off to reveal the skin-tight white Lycra dress. ‘Well? Can you see it?’ she asked, turning to the side.

  ‘Definitely. It’s a big bump now,’ Lucy Tompkins lied, knowing that’s exactly what her friend wanted to hear. Katy was so tall and slim, even though she was now over four months pregnant, apart from a bit of a pot belly, there was no real sign.

  ‘Come on. Let’s start walking. I know we’re early, but I don’t want to miss them,’ Katy said, linking arms with Lucy.

  Having managed to keep her pregnancy secret from her parents, Katy now felt the time was right for Michael to learn the truth. She’d been very disappointed that he hadn’t contacted her yet, but was sure once he knew about the baby they’d become an item once again. ‘Are you sure Daniel and Lee will notice, Luce? Say they don’t? I want you to hint or do something if they start to walk away without mentioning it.’

  ‘Like what? You said you didn’t want to blurt anything out,’ Lucy reminded her friend.

  ‘I can’t do this on my own any more. My baby needs his daddy and so do I. Michael needs to know, and then we can tell my parents together, like a proper couple. If the boys don’t cotton on, then point to my bloody bump and make a joke about me putting on weight and why. Obviously, don’t mention their father. Michael will want to tell them himself. But Daniel and Lee are bound to tell him my news as soon as they get home. I bet he rings me tonight. Or first thing tomorrow at the latest. I can’t wait to see him again,’ Katy said dreamily.

  ‘I don’t want to burst your bubble, but you did say Michael didn’t want any more kids yet. Say it’s too soon after Adam and he isn’t happy about it, Katy? He probably will be, but I don’t want you to be upset if he isn’t. I don’t mind being there when you tell your parents if need be.’

  ‘Michael will want to be there with me, Luce. He loves me, I know he does. Now he knows I’m pregnant, he won
’t even worry about the age gap. He only let me go because he thought I could do better than him. He told me that to my face.’

  ‘Are you sure Daniel and Lee definitely walk this way?’

  ‘Yes. I often walked with them. I think they fancied me and wanted to show me off to their school mates,’ Katy chuckled. ‘If we hang about on that corner over the road there, that’s where they turn. They always go straight home to play on their pool table and gaming machines. They both thought I was so cool because I was good at Pac-Man. I know it’s bound to be a shock for them at first, but once they get their head around me being with their dad, I reckon they’ll love having me as their new mum.’

  About to remind her friend that the reason Michael had finished with her was because Daniel and Lee had found out about her affair with their father and were unhappy about it, Lucy opened her mouth, then shut it again. Katy was in an extremely positive mood today, and all Lucy could do was be there for her if things didn’t quite go to plan. ‘The kids have started to come out now.’

  Katy craned her neck and being tall had a great view. ‘I can see them, I think. Hang on. Yep! That’s definitely Daniel. Quick, let’s go round the corner, then walk towards it again,’ she said excitedly.

  Daniel and Lee had just sparked up a cigarette when Lee spotted Katy. ‘Shit, put the fags out. It’s Katy. She might tell Dad,’ he hissed.

  Confident that Katy was far too cool to grass them up, Daniel strutted across the road like James Dean, fag in mouth. ‘Long time no see. How you doing, darlin’?’

  ‘Fine, thank you. I miss yous two though.’

  ‘We miss you an’ all, don’t we, Dan?’ Lee grinned.

  ‘We’re sorry we lost you your job. We’d never have bricked Donald and Mary’s café if we knew Dad would sack you,’ Daniel apologized.

  Feeling the first stirrings of unrest, Katy enquired what exactly Daniel meant.

  ‘Dad said it was our fault you couldn’t work for him no more. He said if we’d have behaved ourselves you wouldn’t have lost your job,’ Lee explained.

  Trying to hide her anguish because it was totally obvious the boys did not know about her affair with their father, and Michael had blatantly lied to her, Katy asked, ‘How is your dad?’

  ‘Yeah, OK. Loved up again with Bella, so we don’t see him as much now. She’s OK though, ain’t she, Dan?’ Lee said.

  ‘Not as nice as you though,’ Daniel added, putting an arm around Katy’s back.

  Lucy felt so sorry for her friend as she burst into uncontrollable tears. ‘Come on, mate. Let’s go,’ she urged.

  ‘Bastard! What a lying fucking bastard,’ Katy sobbed.

  ‘Have we said something wrong? Sorry, Katy,’ Lee spluttered.

  Horrified when a group of schoolchildren gathered around, Lucy was the one to dig her friend out of a hole. ‘No, boys. You’ve said nothing wrong. But your dad told Katy she lost her job for another reason, that’s why she’s upset. Oh, and she’s also pregnant which makes her emotional as well.’

  ‘You got a boyfriend now, Katy?’ Lee gawped.

  Instead of answering, an inconsolable Katy fled the scene.

  Vinny Butler was in a random boozer where nobody knew him, knocking back Scotch after Scotch. Jay Boy, Carl, Pete and Paul were all at the club and no way did he want them to know he was on one. Neither would he ever mug himself off in front of his wealthy clients.

  Cocaine had been a problem to Vinny back in the day, which was why he’d given it the elbow. Today, however, he’d felt a strong urge to get off his face and had purchased a couple of grams. Ahmed had introduced him to the crap in the first place, and Vinny was reminiscing how he’d not only paid the Turk back for that, but also every other treacherous thing he’d ever done. Ahmed had died the most horrendous death. Credit where it was due, the Turk had acted like a man even though he knew his fate. But that had all changed when Vinny had sliced his cock off. Ahmed’s screams were priceless, and every now and again Vinny would dream about that memorable night and wake up with a big smile on his face.

  Clocking a bird staring his way, Vinny stared back. She was nowhere near as pretty facially as Bella, but there was something about her that was similar. Long dark hair, olive skin, tall, slim.

  When the bird smiled, Vinny gestured for her to join him. ‘What’s your name?’ he asked.

  ‘Nadia. Yours?’

  Vinny had no idea why he replied in such a way, but he grinned and said, ‘Michael. My name is Michael, sweetheart.’

  Daniel Butler was furious and ranting at Lee: ‘Of course it must be Dad’s baby, you div. Didn’t you see the look on Katy’s face when you told her he was with Bella? That’s when she called Dad a “fucking bastard”. Why would she say that if it weren’t Dad’s baby?’

  ‘Nah. Dad wouldn’t do that. He loved Mum and now he loves Bella. Katy is far too young for Dad to fancy.’

  ‘You are so thick at times, Lee. Dad didn’t love Mum, and she weren’t your mum anyway. I think we should both call her Nancy from now on ’cause I never loved her neither.’

  Lee was about to stick up for himself when he spotted their father’s car pulling up outside. ‘You gonna ask him, Dan?’

  ‘Watch and learn. Leave this to me.’

  Michael poked his head around the door of the lounge. ‘All right, boys? You eaten yet?’

  ‘No. Why? Gonna cook us a nice meal?’ Daniel replied, his voice full of sarcasm. Apart from the odd fry-up at breakfast time, his father never bothered cooking for him and Lee. He bunged them regular money to get takeaways instead.

  Michael slouched in the armchair. ‘I ain’t got time to cook, need to get back to the club by eight. I thought we might have fish and chips. Wanna shoot out and get it?’

  ‘Nah. Don’t fancy it. Me and Lee bumped into Katy today and we told her how much we missed her cooking, didn’t we, Lee?’ Daniel replied, studying his father’s face.

  Michael immediately felt edgy, but tried not to show or sound it. ‘How’s Katy doing? She got another job yet?’

  ‘Nah. She can’t work no more. She’s up the duff. About four or five months gone, we reckon, eh, Lee? Weird, ’cause she never had a boyfriend when she worked ’ere. Do you reckon she’s a slag, Dad?’

  The colour immediately drained from Michael’s face. ‘How would I know? Listen, I need to ring your nan. She’s still refusing to come to Little Vinny’s wedding,’ he said, jumping out of his chair. ‘I won’t be a tick.’

  ‘But what about the fish and chips?’ Daniel taunted, as his father bolted out the lounge.

  Michael Butler’s breathing felt laboured as the fresh air of the back garden hit him. He’d only ever shagged Katy once without a condom. Surely he couldn’t be that unlucky? Or could he? Over his dead body was Katy giving birth to his baby.

  Vinny Butler never invited birds back to his flat. Brothels or hotels were his usual choice for a bit of sordid entertainment. However after storming out of the club earlier, thanks to the effect that whore Bella seemed to have on him, he’d forgotten to take a lump of dosh out the safe.

  Real men didn’t carry credit cards, they walked around with a wad of paper money, and when Nadia had told him her gaff was a no-go, Vinny had suggested they go to his. Jay Boy had now officially moved out, was living with his bird Jilly. And no way could he go back to the club to pick up some wonga as he was totally off his face.

  ‘So, what do you do for a living?’ Nadia asked.

  Vinny didn’t indulge in small talk, especially with strangers. ‘I’m a monk,’ he replied, ramming his member back inside Nadia’s mouth. He was reasonably well endowed, and had learned over the years that a mouthful of cock was the best way to shut a bird up.

  Positioning himself so Nadia could not move, Vinny became extremely excited as her face reddened and she began spluttering and choking. This was what he got off on: power.

  Katy Spencer was in a terrible state. She’d truly believed Michael had loved her, and still did to some extent.
‘Once he knows about the baby, Luce, I know he will tell that Bella to jog on. How can he not when I’m carrying his child?’ Katy wept.

  Lucy Tompkins was no expert on men, especially men like Michael Butler, but she thought it was about time she was honest with her best friend. ‘You have to face the fact that he might have been using you, Katy. I know he probably wasn’t, but he did tell you he’d been in love with Bella before she’d gone to Italy.’

  Mascara running and resembling a panda, Katy sat bolt upright on her pal’s bed. ‘Well in that case, let’s go to his club and confront him.’

  ‘No, Katy. Let’s see if Michael contacts you first. Ring your mum and dad again to see if you’ve had any phone calls. Michael might not have spoken to Daniel or Lee yet. Play it cool.’

  ‘But what if he doesn’t contact me tomorrow?’

  Lucy cuddled her friend. ‘Then we’ll both go to his club together and give him what for.’

  Daniel Butler was furious. So much so, he’d already raided the fridge and necked two cans of his father’s lager. ‘He’s a fucking pervert, Lee. Katy ain’t that much older than us. I told you Dad fancied her, didn’t I?’

  ‘We don’t know for definite that it’s Dad’s baby. Perhaps we should just ask him? Katy never stayed here, did she?’

  Daniel looked at his half-brother in despair. He was so clued up for his age, so why wasn’t Lee? ‘As if Dad would shag her here while we were about! I’m telling you now, we’ve got a half-brother or -sister on the way. Didn’t you clock how guilty he looked earlier? Then he ran out the room. I bet Dad was boning her at the club. Gonna be well funny when Bella finds out, eh?’

  Lee was alarmed. ‘You’re not gonna tell Bella, are you?’

  Daniel Butler smirked. ‘Yeah, probably. At the wedding.’

  Vinny Butler only ever enjoyed shagging birds up the rear. Not only was the hole tighter, it saved him from having to look at their stupid faces.

  Feeling himself nearing that crucial moment, Vinny put his hands around Nadia’s neck. ‘You’re a whore, Bella. Deserve all that’s coming your way, you do,’ he spat, tightening his grasp.


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